I Burned Down His House (Love at First Crime Book 3)

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I Burned Down His House (Love at First Crime Book 3) Page 16

by Jessica Frances

  I’m walked straight over to the bar and served immediately, and then Hart checks in with his guys while I glance around, noticing all the security. Everyone is being respectful of the dancers, even if some groups are a little rowdy, and security guards keep a close eye on all the girls and the crowds.

  My eyes land on Zander drinking at the bar. He looks casual, his gaze focused on the club. His eyes never land on me for long, but enough for me to know he caught my eye.

  I’m told he doesn’t usually do this type of thing, but like the night when Sasha, Cynthia, and I crashed this place, he is also working tonight because of me. It’s another all-hands-on-deck situation.

  I’m overdressed in my one and only little black dress. The restaurant was classy, and I needed to hide two listening devices in my bra with easy access to get out. They are both the size of a small coin, and when I peel one side of a thin plastic seal, I will be able to stick it to anything. The plan is, if I can get into Hart’s office, place it somewhere close to an area of high use, like his desk or a chair.

  I only take very small sips of my drink, not wanting to be under any sort of influence. The last thing I need to do is get drunk while I wait for him, and then mess this up.

  What if I don’t get invited up to his office? What if he wants to leave me out here all night? Or take me home instead?

  I rub my head, stress weighing down heavily on me, when a hand suddenly appears on my shoulder.

  “You okay?” Hart asks, leaning in close so I can hear him.

  “Just a headache. It’s noisy out here,” I make up, though I am feeling a headache coming on; it’s just not from the noise.

  “You want to head out? If you give me a few more minutes, I’ll finish up here and we’ll go,” he kindly and annoyingly offers.

  “No,” I rush out, hoping I don’t give myself away from my quick refusal. “You have work to do here. I can appreciate that. I like that you care about your business, that you’re so dedicated to it,” I bullshit while thinking how I managed to get so much better at doing this. Just yesterday, I froze in front of Sasha, and now I’m spurting lies all over the place. Maybe it matters who the lie is being said to. I seriously couldn’t care less what lies I tell Hart.

  “So, what do you want to do, baby?” he asks, his breath so close to my face I feel it tickle my ear.

  What I want is for him to give me some space and get his disgusting paws off me.

  “I’ll be okay. You keep working, and I’ll keep drinking.” I smile sweetly at him, taking a large gulp of the fruity cocktail.

  “I like that idea. Come on, you can drink in my office where it’s a bit quieter. I’ll get done as quickly as I can, and then we’ll head back to mine.”

  I hope it’s dark enough to hide how repulsive I find that last part. However, I’m relieved when he takes me up the stairs.

  While he stands in front of a keypad, doing whatever he needs to do to get his door open, I look back over the club. The place is full to the brim of happy people, all drinking, dancing, or happily chatting away. If Hart wasn’t such a monster, I might actually be impressed at what he has created here.

  “Come on,” he mutters, placing his hand at the small of my back before he leads me inside.

  As the door closes behind us, it completely mutes the sounds from the club.

  Standing in his office feels surreal, yet it looks like a regular, normal office. Looking up into the office from outside, you can’t see a thing, but from inside, the entire club is in view, from the bar below to the VIP section off to the side on this same level, the dance floor off to the other side. You can see everything.

  “You like what you see?”

  “It’s very impressive,” I answer honestly.

  “How about we sit?” he suggests, handing me a new drink as he waves his hand at the large sofa to the side of the room.

  I nod, not sure what else I’m supposed to do in this situation.

  Is it too much to ask that he leaves me in here while he goes off to do whatever it is he needs to do, giving me plenty of time to figure out a creative way around any potential security cameras so I can bug his office?

  I place my small handbag by his desk as I make my way over to his sofa, placing the drink on the ground to make sure I don’t nervously consume any out of habit. His eyes stay on me the entire time.

  I ponder how I’m supposed to do this with him watching me so closely. Will I have a chance to place the listening devices in here, or will this opportunity end up being wasted? I don’t want to take a stupid risk and do something rash, but I also don’t want to go on another date with Hart just to get another chance at this.

  So, no pressure.

  At least I know the others are listening.

  “So, I never asked at dinner, but I wondered what the deal is with Joseph Kim and you.” His tone sounds even, but I sense an underlining of annoyance.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s still living with you.”

  “Well, I did burn down his house. Accidentally!” I quickly throw in.

  Why do I always manage to make that sound so false?

  “And I’m sure he has insurance, part of which would allow him temporary accommodation free of charge. He doesn’t actually need to stay with you. I get that you were being polite at the beginning, but surely he has worn out his welcome.”

  I hadn’t thought about his insurance when I offered to let him stay with me, but now I know he wouldn’t have done, anyway. He wants to live close to Hart. My house is just as convenient as his was.

  “We’re friends,” I admit, though I started reassess that just yesterday.

  “I’m not sure I like a woman I’m dating living with a man like that.”

  “A man like what?” I ask innocently, preferring he keep talking about Joey rather than think of something else we could be doing on this sofa.

  “A womanizer. If it were an Olympic sport, he’d likely win a gold medal for the number of women he beds. And I think it’s pretty clear that the man is overcompensating. I mean, does he not like repeat performances because he’s a dog, or because the women don’t come back?”

  My mouth drops open at the openly insulting way he just spoke of Joey. Declan or Harvey are likely holding him back from charging in here and knocking Hart out.

  “That doesn’t seem like a fair thing to say, especially when Joey isn’t here to defend himself.”

  “I’m not attacking him. At least, I don’t mean to. I’m just stating facts. I see more women moving through his door than I do patrons coming into my club.”

  My own annoyance rears its head, but I swallow down my anger and try to sound as neutral as I can, even if I would rather be spitting the words out at him.

  “I like Joey. He’s been nothing but nice to me. And I’m not a fan of how this chat is going. Are you saying for us to date, I would need to kick Joey out?”

  “I’m saying”—he moves his arm around the back of the sofa, shifting closer to me—“that Joseph isn’t worth your time.”

  “My time is my own to give freely to whomever I choose.”

  “Of course.” He sounds just as patronizing as an adult speaking to a petulant child. “I just mean to point out that your time is important, and it shouldn’t be wasted on the likes of someone like Joseph Kim.”

  “You seem to be making this seriously personal,” I tell him, glancing around his office in the hopes of thinking ahead to somewhere I can hopefully place the bugs. His desk is an obvious one, but where else?

  I want this done so I can get the hell out of here.

  He sighs, shifting his position so he’s even closer to me. For me to look anywhere but at him is super obvious.

  “I almost married once. I found a woman, loved her with my heart and soul. I had the ring and a romantic proposal planned. Turns out, your Joseph doesn’t care too much if the women he beds are in relationships or not. He was with Chloe when I walked in on them. And then he just smirked at me
when he realized what he had done. Do you have any idea how that feels?” His fiery eyes shift to take me in.

  I am rooted to the seat. Did that really happen? Or is he playing me? Joey never said anything like this to me, but then, why would he? He knows my history and must know a story like that would be too much for me to ever ignore.

  “Teagan? Are you okay? I didn’t upset you, did I?”

  “No, I mean, I just never heard that story. I’m sorry that happened to you.” When my voice cracks, I clear it, wishing again I could be anywhere but here.

  “The man is a dog, Teagan. He has no morals, and he’ll lie and say anything if it means bedding his next conquest. I just don’t want you to fall into his trap. You seem like a good woman who deserves much better.”

  I’m not sure how to take this.

  Since I’m still trying to soak in his words and what truth there is to them, I don’t expect his sudden change of subject.

  “May I kiss you?” he asks, his lips already close enough that I feel his warm breath on my face, feel the heat in his eyes.

  Again, I’m frozen, unsure how I’m supposed to respond.

  What was my excuse going to be to get me out of this? What was my plan?

  Before I can recall any of my previously thought-out excuses, he must take my silence for agreement, because he presses his lips against mine, not allowing me to catch up before he shoves his tongue in my mouth. He then presses his hands against my body, molding them over my breasts and pushing the listening devices into my skin. Thankfully, my bra is padded and the devices are small.

  I panic, not sure what I’m supposed to do, or how to get out of this.

  Mercifully, a buzzing from the door saves me.

  “Boss,” a voice hesitantly calls through a speaker.

  With that, I’m released from his kiss.

  As I gasp for breath, I lean away from him, placing as much space as I possibly can between us.

  “This had better be fucking good,” Hart growls, standing then storming his way over to the door, opening it for whoever is on the other side.

  No longer wishing to be anywhere near his office, I quickly shove my hand into my bra and pull out one of the small listening devices that has a small wire attached to the edge of the rounded contraption. I hastily peel off the seal then lean down to grab my drink on the floor, sticking the device against the inside of the wooden leg there.

  Neither man is any the wiser, and hopefully, if there are any cameras in here, Hart’s stance in front of me blocks what I just did from view.

  I was told the signal for these bugs only reaches three-hundred yards, but the guys were able to place something on the roof today that gives them a wider range, meaning they can monitor the recordings from a much safer distance.

  “Someone has set fire to several cars in the parking lot. I got Hal going over the security footage, but the police have already been alerted and are on their way. Got a couple guys trying to put it out. Firefighters are en route, as well.”

  “Fuck!” Hart growls, his voice so heavy with fury that the room immediately thickens it.

  “Hart,” I call out, watching his angry gaze swing to me before he can mask some of his fury. “I think it’s time for me to call it a night. You’re going to have your hands full, and my headache isn’t getting better. I need to sleep it off.”

  “No, I …” He shakes his head. Then, while I hold my breath, he must realize me staying here is a waste of both our times. “Fuck, you’re right. Can I get one of my boys to give you a lift home?”

  “That would be nice,” I take him up on the offer since he drove us here, and it isn’t like I can tell him I have a bunch of people milling around outside who can take me home.

  I walk over to my handbag, listening as Hart and his man converse, their voices low enough that I don’t catch what is being said.

  As I reach down for my handbag, I take out the other device, peel the plastic off and stick it to the bottom of his desk just as I drop the plastic seal into my open bag and lift the straps up over my arm.

  By the time I’m standing, I realize both men have eyes on me. I panic for a moment, fearing they saw me, but their eyes appear to have shifted from being glued to my ass to my chest as I stand up.

  “Ready?” I ask, which jolts them both into action.

  “Soren here will get you home safely,” he promises, stepping forward to give me another kiss on the lips. Thankfully, it’s soft and quick. No mauling involved.

  “Thanks,” I say, trying not to look too eager as I pass him, heading back out into the noisy club.

  “I’ll call you tomorrow,” he calls out.

  I keep walking, hoping I can legitimately pass for not having heard him over the music.

  I don’t glance toward the bar to see if Zander is still there; I just follow Soren to a dark SUV and belt myself in.

  He doesn’t ask for my address. Then again, he likely knows I’m Hart’s neighbor.

  When he parks in my driveway, I give him a quick thank you then rush to my door. I don’t care what he reads into that. I just want to be inside my house and away from prying eyes.

  As soon as I have the door shut, I collapse against it, my heart racing as I slide down the door until I land flat on my ass.

  Karma rushes toward me, sliding along the floorboards as she tries to stop before her body crashes into mine. Seconds later, she is licking my ear in her form of greeting.

  I ward her off, getting most of the licks over my arms and hands before she rushes over to the living room window, where she barks excitedly.

  I glance in that direction, wondering what has her so excited. Then I hear a key going into the lock at the front door, one I didn’t even lock yet. I don’t move fast enough before Joey barges in.

  “Shit, are you okay?” he gasps, stopping the forceful way he’s pushing at the door and poking his head in to look down at me.

  “Yeah, just relieved that’s over,” I say on a heavy sigh.

  “Think you could be relieved a little farther from the door?”

  I laugh, even though it isn’t very funny, and push myself to my knees before I stand. I’m a little shaky, but I keep upright, and Joey gets in the door without further abusing me.

  “That was intense,” he says, looking me over carefully in the soft hallway light I always leave switched on at night.

  I usually love the way the light reflects off my walls and brightens up this end of the house, so I never feel lonely or scared. But now it feels exposing.

  “I don’t think I can do that again.”

  “And you won’t have to,” he assures me, cupping my face so I see how genuine he is. “We have ears in his office, and that’s incredible. You did great, Teags.”

  It’s the nickname that does me in.

  I crumble against him, tears slowly leaking and my body shakes, finally giving in to how scared I have been for most of the night. I was on edge, trying not to show it, which has been exhausting, both physically and emotionally. I have no idea how people go undercover long-term. I wasn’t even in a volatile situation.

  Joey wraps his arms tightly around me. “It’s okay. You’re safe. I won’t let him get close to you again.”

  “H-he kissed me,” I whisper, hating that his lips touched mine. I hate that my first kiss since my ex-husband was with Hart Clayton.

  Joey’s body tenses around me, his heart a raging beat against my ear, but when he speaks, his voice is calm and soft.

  “I’m sorry you went through that. You never have to be near him again,” he reassures.

  “Will you …?” I trail off, almost chickening out, but I have to ask. I have to. “Will you do me a favor?”

  “Anything,” he promises without hesitation.

  “Will you kiss me? I don’t want the last person to have kissed be him.”

  Joey doesn’t verbally answer me, but he does lean down until his lips brush against mine. I expect him to go for it, the door finally open for him to s
tep a foot inside, but he doesn’t rush like I assumed.

  He peeks his tongue out, caressing mine as his warm breath tickles my face. Then he nips my bottom lip before soothing the pinch by sucking it. Then he seals his lips over mine and pulls my tongue into his mouth.

  I’m so wrapped up in his touch, his movements, that I’m consumed by it. I give in to the kiss and simply enjoy it, feeling his touch all over my heated body as he makes love to my mouth, his stubble lightly rubbing against my face.

  This kiss is nothing like Hart’s.

  It’s passionate, it’s sweet, and it is hot.

  Joseph Kim knows how to kiss a woman senseless.

  By the time he releases my lips, I am gasping for breath and my eyes are heavy with desire.

  When he kisses and nips his way down my jaw, I shiver in excitement before almost crying out in disappointment when he moves his lips away and stares down at me, his own expression dazed, longing flashing in his eyes.

  I’m flat against his front, his erection digging through both our clothes to poke my belly.

  That kiss obviously felt as good to him as it did me.

  “Wow,” I murmur.

  He gives me an incredible smile. “Wow, indeed. Did that kiss work for you? Or should we try this again?” he asks with a cheeky grin.

  I laugh at how eager and hopeful he looks.

  “Definitely again,” I quickly agree. “But maybe not with Karma licking my feet?”

  He glances down at his dog and laughs when he notices Karma licking my toes through my heels.

  “How about you go ahead and shower, then change into your sexy onesie? I’ll let Karma out for a quick walk to do her business then join you later?”

  I almost offer to wait so he can join me in the shower, but that’s too much too soon. If I want things to work with Joey, there needs to be trust, and the best way for trust to happen naturally is to not rush things.

  “Okay,” I agree, loving when he gives me another quick peck, almost like he’s as reluctant to unwrap his arms from around me as I am.

  “Clayton was talking complete bullshit back there. He was never almost married, he never walked in on me doing anything with someone he was with, and I would never sleep with a woman if I knew she was dating someone else. I don’t break up relationships, and I definitely wouldn’t smirk if I realized I had been a part of someone cheating.”


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