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Alien Surrogacy 5: The Alien King's Bride (An Alien Erotica Romance)

Page 3

by Sierra Chambers

  She shivered as she remembered the beams shooting out of his eyes, and the way the man slowly disappeared.

  Jen knocked on the study door.

  There was no response.

  There’s no need to be afraid. He’s your husband, she told herself.

  She took a deep breath as she turned the handle. She walked into the room, her shoulders tensing as she saw the way he was glowering at the document in front of him.

  “Hi, Fez,” she said quietly.

  His head shot up. “Jen! What are you doing in here?”

  “I just wanted to check how you were. You seemed really upset yesterday.”

  “Oh. Thank you. I’m okay.” He gestured to the paperwork in front of him. “I’m just giving away Lord Razdan’s lands.”

  “But he’s dead.”

  “Yes, but the family still has his property. They knew what he was scheming, and said nothing. This is their punishment.”

  “What will they do?” Jen couldn’t help but feel a bit sorry for the family. They had had the perfect lives until she came along, and now it was all in tatters. Lord Razdan was dead, his daughter exiled, and now the family was being stripped of their lands.

  “Nothing terrible. There are no homeless or hungry on Ralia. However, Lady Razdan will have to get a job, and learn how to do her own cleaning.” He chuckled grimly. “That’s something I’d pay to see.”

  Jen put Baby into a bassinet in the corner of the room and sat down in a comfortable armchair. They sat in companionable silence for a few moments. The only sound was the scratch of Fezren’s pen as he signed document after document.

  “Where were you last night?” Jen asked.

  Fezren’s pen froze mid-signature, and his grip on the device tightened. “I slept in one of the spare rooms.”

  “Why? Were you angry at me?”


  Jen waited for him to continue.

  “I guess… I was worried that I’d scared you. I never wanted you to see that side of me.” His voice was quiet.

  “You don’t scare me,” she said quietly.

  He looked up, his eyes searching her own. “I don’t?”

  “No. I love you,” she said simply.

  He stood up and pulled her into a tight, desperate hug.

  “Thank you for coming, Jen,” he said, his face buried in her hair. “I love you too. Forever.”

  “Forever,” Jen agreed.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. Jen, you have a letter.” Fezren passed an envelope to her. She could tell by all the stamps on the front that the envelope had gone through a lot of processing plants. It must have traveled a long distance.

  “A letter? From who?” Jen was puzzled. Her family and friends didn’t know where she was yet, who would send her a letter?

  He shrugged. “Open it.”

  “It’s from Denlan!” Jen said, slapping her head at her own stupidity in not guessing straight away. “I should have known. He’s the only one who knows where I am.”

  “Who’s Denlan?”

  “Oh! I never told you! On my ship from Elendama to here, I met Mali’s brother!”

  “Mali has a brother?” He sounded surprised.

  “Mhmmm. He’s completely different to her though. He’s nice.”

  “So what did he say?” Fezren asked gesturing to the letter still in her hand.

  Jen began to read aloud.


  I hope this letter finds you well.

  How are you settling in on Ralia? Do you like the planet?

  The last couple of weeks have been very… interesting for me. I had lunch my family on Sudliama Day. Imagine my surprise when the main topic of the conversation turned out to be you, the girl I had just met!

  Mali couldn’t stop talking about you, ‘the bitch who ruined everything’. I thought you might like to have an update on what’s been happening since you left Elendama.

  Mali still wants to have a baby, but after what happened with you, she’s decided to have the child herself, so there will be no doubt that the child is related to the couple. She’s had surgery to fix her infertility, but to afford it, she had to sell the house.

  They still live in a mansion, but it’s smaller so Mali hates it. She sees it as embarrassing that they had to downgrade.

  She’s getting desperate to have a child. She’s already started sending off invites to potential fathers, telling them to come to Elendama to have sex with her. Everybody in high society is talking about it - it’s quite the scandal. There’s a rumor going around that she’s already taken part in a gangbang to try and get pregnant.

  Stemp left Mali when he smelled the scent of strangers all over her body, and inside her cunt. He met another woman, one from his own species, and they’re going to live happily (and stupidly) ever after together.

  I’m glad things worked out for you, and for Mali’s slave. Living in the same house as Mali for three years is the kind of stuff my nightmares are made of.

  I hope we can stay in touch. Reply soon?



  “So, Mali’s alone and broke,” Fezren said, a smile coming onto her face. “That’s good. It means we won’t need to worry about her sending anybody to try and sabotage our happiness. Are you going to reply to Denlan?”

  “Yes! He’s my first new friend. Maybe he can even come and visit sometime,” she suggested shyly.

  “He’ll always be welcome to stay at the castle.”

  “Thank you Fezren,” Jen said, touched by how supportive he was being of her endeavor to make friends.

  “I don’t think I’ve asked you yet: what do you want to name the baby?” Fezren asked abruptly.

  Jen didn’t need to stop and think - she’d been putting a lot of thought into this. “I like Lilia. That’s my mother’s name.”

  “Lilia,” Fezren mused, tasting the word on his tongue. “Lilia. I love it.”

  “Should we change it a little bit to make it sound Ralian?” Jen suggested. “I’d hate for her uncommon name to mean she gets bullied growing up.”

  Fezren snorted. “She’s the future ruler of this entire planet. She won’t be bullied.”

  They both looked down at the baby, who lay sleeping in her bassinet. “Lilia. It’s perfect,” Fezren murmured.

  “Do you want to go for a walk around the city with me?” Jen asked. “I haven’t really seen much outside of the castle yet.”

  “Yes! I’ll show you all my favorite spots. There’s one viewpoint that’s incredible… you can see all thirty-seven moons from it. Come! Let me show you.”

  They quickly bundled up Lilia and put her in her walker, and the family made their way out of the castle.

  As they walked through the streets, Jen sneaked a glance at Fezren. With his large, forest-green eyes and pointed ears, it was immediately obvious he was not human. Jen had never dreamed that her life would turn out the way it had - married to an alien?! And an alien king, at that? It was almost beyond belief for the small-town human girl.

  But she had found love, and she had never felt happier.

  She took his hand in her own as they continued walking forward together.

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  This edition of Alien Surrogacy 5 comes with two books for the price of one!

  ***Keep reading for your bonus story!***

  More by Sierra Chambers

  The Queen and the Ogre

  Queen Leira is in a hopeless position - her city is surrounded on three sides, by enemy armies she has no chance of besting. Her only hope is to negotiate with the leader of the strongest army - the Ogre King. He is willing to spare her city, but only if he gets what he wants. To save her city, the innocent young queen must let herself be degraded in ways she had never dreamed of. She would never have guessed that her first time would be with a dirty, savage ogre who wants to take her hard and without protection. Even more, she never would have guessed that she
would actually enjoy it...

  Goldilocks and the Three Weres

  When Kate Goldilocks gets lost in the woods one day, she is relieved to find a house in the middle of nowhere. But when the three rugged, masculine occupants return home, she discovers the dangerous secret that caused them to live in the middle of nowhere in the first place... What starts off as a sizzlingly hot foursome becomes more intimate as the possessive nature of the alpha werebear comes into play. The alpha werebear wants Kate all to himself, so that he can claim her, hard and without protection.

  Seducing Satan

  When Blair finds herself in hell, she will do anything to be safe from the supernatural terrors that await her. She decides that the best way is to become Satan’s mistress. But before she can seduce Lucifer himself, she must make her way past the devil’s monstrous guards... and the beastly gang need some ‘convincing’ to let her past. Fortunately for her, these horny beasts are desperate for her young, beautiful body...

  Bonus Story: Taken by Aliens 1

  By Sierra Chambers

  Talia would never forget the day the Earth exploded. Not that she had been there, of course - her still being alive demonstrated that much. She hadn’t seen its destruction from a distance, or even known about it until several months later.

  But when the Earth had exploded, Talia’s future had exploded too. It was for that reason the date was forever burned into her memory: the fifth day of the twenty-third month, 2537.

  She had been thinking about going home for a while. Spaceship adventures are only as exciting as your crew mates, and the crew of the Fleur Semence were far from interesting.

  The captain, Baruba, was competent enough at his job, though he had the misfortune of being from the planet Loxon. Loxonese people had skin with a texture resembling that of a dish washing sponge, and as much personality as one too.

  Reye, Baruba’s sister, spoke even less than he did.

  Henry, a fellow Earthling, hadn’t talked to her in months. One night, feeling horny, she had crawled into his bed. His cock was large, and his hands were gentle as they caressed every inch of her body. Talia had woken up feeling ecstatic at the prospect of having him time and time again.

  It hadn’t lasted, though - he had taken their encounter to mean more than it had, and publicly confessed his love to her in front of the crew, before asking her to marry him. In complete shock, she had been unable to speak and had just stared at him for a few moments before an uncontrollable nervous laugh bubbled from her lips. He had never forgiven her.

  Zorgax, the fighter, was the only one she was still friends with. A muscular man from the warrior planet of Horgal, his job was to protect the crew and ship should they run into any trouble. All he ever seemed to do was work out, eat, and fuck her. He spent so much time working out and bulking up that he burned off an unbelievable amount of energy. Sometimes Baruba complained that Zorgax ate as much as the rest of the crew put together.

  He had big, strong arms and a steel-hard cock she rode nearly every night. He brought her pleasure in a way nobody else ever had, though Talia was trying to not scream so loud when she orgasmed - Henry’s sullen attitude the morning after was becoming almost too much to bear.

  She had been waiting for her contract to expire so she could return home when she had learned that Earth itself had expired. Unless she wanted to risk her life by settling on an alien planet, she would be stuck on the Fleur Semence forever.

  Talia sighed, looking out the windshield at the planets and stars whizzing past. Watching space go by normally soothed her, but today it just made her feel worse.

  The universe was so big, and she was so small. It’s possible that we will go for months without seeing any sign of life whatsoever, she thought, sighing.

  As soon as the thought crossed her mind, a strange purple light caught her eye. It was distant, but rapidly coming closer. Talia squinted. How strange.

  She called out, and soon the whole crew was watching the object approach, tense and silent. As it moved closer it became evident it was a ship, but no ships had appeared on Captain Baruba’s map. Whoever it was was using advanced technology to ensure they couldn’t be detected by scanners.

  They all knew who was on the ship, though none of them spoke the word.



  The ship came close enough that they could make out the figures moving around on board. The crew of the Fleur Semence was still standing motionless, as if in a trance, until Henry suddenly sprang into action. He grabbed Talia’s arm roughly, ignoring her gasp of surprise as he dragged her into the bowels of the ship.

  They made their way into the storage hull, winding their way through the boxes of undelivered cargo. They’ll probably never make it to their destination now, Talia thought. Zorgax was a good fighter, but no match for an entire pirate crew. It was hopeless. Her footsteps slowed, and in response, Henry’s grip on her arm tightened as he continued to drag her forward.

  He stopped abruptly near one of the shipping crates and rammed his shoulder into it. It made a scraping noise as it moved forward slightly.

  He did it again, and again, grunting as his shoulder collided with the heavy crate. She watched in surprise as a trapdoor became visible on the floor. She had never known it was there.

  Henry lifted open the trapdoor, revealing a small compartment.

  Talia quickly realized its purpose. From the outside, the ship was an oval shape, yet for practical reasons the floor of the ship had to be flat. This had resulted in a small amount of wasted space beneath the floor of the ship, and someone had thought to build a trapdoor there.

  She was so relieved that she could have cried in happiness. They were saved! The pirates would loot the treasure, but it was unlikely they would move such heavy crates when it was so much easier to simply open them up and take the best contents.

  She clambered down into the space, curling up to give Henry the most space possible.

  He made no move to join her.

  “Aren’t you coming down?” she asked.

  He shook his head sadly. “Somebody has to cover up the trapdoor, or we’re both doomed,” he replied. He blew her a kiss, and wordlessly lowered the trapdoor.

  And then Talia was in the dark, all alone.


  Her breathing sounded so loud. It filled the air around her, echoing as it bounced off the walls of the small compartment. She had never felt claustrophobic before, but now the dark felt like it was suffocating her. She was lying on her back, which was growing increasingly uncomfortable. She wished there was enough room to allow her to change positions and lie on her side.

  It had been hours, and she knew it wouldn’t be long until the panic set in. She was trapped.

  In his alarm, Henry had forgotten one important thing - if everybody else on the spaceship was either captured or killed, who would let her out?

  She would starve down here, or simply run out of air.

  She had no way of knowing how long had past. Mere minutes would surely seem like an eternity in the small, dark, cramped hellhole she was in.

  Her breathing was raspy. She swallowed in an attempt to wet her throat, wishing she had a bottle of water.

  Then again, she supposed it was for the best that she didn’t. If she was going to die, she didn’t want to die after wetting her pants.

  She sang songs in her mind until the words lost their meaning, then counted to one thousand. She tried to count to ten thousand, but her focus would never last long enough. Inevitably, she would begin to panic about being trapped, lose count, and have to start at zero again.

  When someone finally opened the trapdoor, letting light into the dark space that was almost her tomb, Talia sobbed in relief.

  The sudden light was startling. Talia blinked rapidly, trying to take stock of her surroundings, but her light-deprived eyes refused to cooperate. There were figures surrounding her, but she couldn’t make out any details apart from their human shape.

  Her hopes
of salvation were dashed when they quickly began mumbling to each other in a strange tongue.

  One of them poked her curiously and began speaking excitedly in the gibberish-sounding language.

  As Talia’s eyes adjusted, she got a good look at the creatures surrounding her. They were humanoid in shape, though definitely on the shorter side, with silvery skin. There were slits where their noses should be, and their eyes seemed to be glowing.

  She shuddered in revulsion as another one of the creatures reached out and pinched her cheek, examining the flesh between his slender, cool fingers. His skin had an almost slimy feel to it.

  “Hello, earthling,” the alien pinching her cheek said in a gravelly tone.

  Talia stared at him wordlessly.

  “You are an earthling, aren’t you?” the alien clarified.

  She hesitated, trying to determine whether these aliens thought it was a good or bad thing to be human, but their bulbous faces gave nothing away. Finally, she nodded.

  The alien bared his teeth at her in what she supposed might have been a grin. “Good, good,” he exclaimed. He grasped her arm. “You will come with us. Don’t worry, no harm will come to you. You are very precious.”

  Talia took a last glance at the Fleur Semence, her home, as they herded her out of the ship and onto their own.


  Her new quarters seemed to back up the claim that she, for whatever reason, was precious. Her new room was larger than her old room, and even had a private sitting room and her own bathroom.

  Three aliens stood guard outside her quarters at all times. She didn’t know whether their purpose was to keep others out, or to keep her in, but she suspected it was both.


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