Book Read Free


Page 4

by Emma Knight

  “You’re back!” Samantha said.

  “Hi Guys, missed you!” Rachel answered back.

  “Yeah, seriously! What happened to you?” Penny asked.

  “Yeah, we were so worried about you!” Sam said.

  “But why?” Rachel asked, hoping to gain some clarity.

  “You’ve been gone a while!” Dana said. “I was trying to tell you that earlier.”

  “I know, but where did I go?” Rachel asked hoping they would look at her like she was crazy.

  “What do you mean where did you go? You don’t remember?” Penny asked.

  “Weird!” Sam said.

  “It’s been a year and a half!” Dana said. “C’mon you moved away remember?”

  “Yeah! Duh! I knew that. Where did I move to?” Rachel asked.

  “Stop playing games with us!” Amy said.

  “Guys, I’m not playing games with you. Can I tell you guys something, but you have to promise not to tell anyone?” Rachel asked.

  “Yes!” the girls said in unison.

  “Well, I have to be honest with you all. You’re my BFFs and I know I can trust you,” Rachel whispered. “I don’t remember anything. I don’t remember leaving Pennsylvania and I don’t remember not being in school for the last year and a half. I need help putting the pieces back together.”

  “WHAT?” Dana said. “You don’t remember?”

  “OMG!” Amy said.

  “Seriously?” Penny asked.

  “Yeah, I’m not joking around. Please I need your help,” Rachel said. “Please fill me in.”

  “Well, do you remember your big move?” Dana asked.

  “No?” Rachel said.

  “You moved at the start of last year to New York when your father got transferred for his job. You hated it at first and we talked everyday and then you made some new friends and I didn’t hear from you as much,” Dana said.

  “Ok…and?” Rachel asked.

  “And you talked about different boys and then you said you liked some guy named Rob and said you were going on a date with him. Do you remember him?” Amy asked.

  “Really?” Rachel asked with excitement. “You’re joking! I had a boyfriend!”

  The girls all laughed and then Sam said, “You liked him a lot. He was on the football team at your new high school.”

  “Stop it! You’re lying to me,” Rachel said.

  “We’re not lying at all!” Penny said.

  “It’s true!” Sam chimed in. “We swear!”

  “Wow! I was popular?” Rachel asked.

  “Guess so if you were dating the QB of the football team!” Dana answered.

  “So what else do you know?” Rachel asked.

  “Well that’s where it gets unclear,” Dana said. “One day out of the blue you completely stopped texting me. It was like you disappeared or something. Last thing you said to me was that you fell in love with some new buy named Benji. You said he was mysterious and special. Your relationship with him happened really quickly and then you stopped telling me about it and dropped of the face of the earth.”

  “What?” Rachel asked. “Benji?”

  For a moment her mind raced back to the moment in the field with Benji. She wondered if that was the same Benji they were talking about. She wondered if that was her true love.

  “Yeah, you stopped texting me, too!” Penny said.

  “Us too,” Amy and Sam said.

  “I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me!” Rachel said.

  “So where did I go?” Rachel asked.

  “We don’t know and I got so worried about you that I called your parents and they didn’t know what happened to you either. There was talks that you had died in some fight, too,” Dana said.

  “My parents didn’t know either?” Rachel asked.

  “No they were worried sick about you. Your mom was so stressed out that she went into a coma and had to be hospitalized. I think she’s still in the hospital now,” Dana said.

  “My dad mentioned she was in the hospital but it was all so confusing to me. I couldn’t figure it out. He said it was my fault, too!” Rachel said.

  “I’m sorry, Rach. This must be hard for you!” Sam said.

  “Is there anything else you know?” Rachel asked. “My dad wants me to go visit her after school today. Actually he’s making me go. He said I have no choice.”

  “Well, at least you will see your mom!” Dana said. “She loves you very much.”

  “I know, but now I just feel bad and guilty at what I’ve done,” Rachel said.

  “Listen, Rach, once you figure out everything that happened you will feel much better. This is all news to you, so it’s obvi that you’d be feeling a bit off. Don’t stress out about it,” Penny said.

  “I wish it were that easy,” Rachel said. “I’m so worried about going to the hospital to see my mom, you have no idea! I’m really scared.”

  “You will patch things up between you and your mom. Don’t worry. She will get better,” Amy said.

  “How can you be sure?” Rachel asked.

  “Well, I’m not sure, but I have faith,” Amy said.

  “So, what’s been happening here since I left then?” Rachel asked.

  “Well, a lot has happened!” Dana answered.

  “Like what?” Rachel asked.

  “Well, I started dating Dave!” Dana said.

  “WHAT!? No! Dave Johnson?” Rachel asked

  “Yup! He finally asked me out. Can you believe it!” Dana said.

  “How about you girls? Anything I should know about?” Rachel asked hoping that they too would have boyfriend news.

  “Well, Penny, why don’t you tell her!” Amy said.

  “I’m going out with Danny!” Penny said.

  “No, really?” Rachel said. “I can’t believe it. How about you Amy and Sam?”

  “Nah, we’re still single!” they both answered.

  “I can’t believe it! What happened with Gary?” Rachel asked.

  “We broke up,” Sam said. “Don’t really want to get into it now.”

  “It was a tough break up,” Amy whispered to Rachel.

  “So what are you doing after the hospital?” Dana asked.

  “Um..nothing. I guess just going home,” Rachel answered.

  “Want to come out with us. We are going to Monday Madness at the movies tonight. It’s half price tickets and free pop corn!” Dana said.

  “Aw, I’d love to!” Rachel answered. “Actually. I better lay low tonight. I’m kind of on probation with my dad. If I do anything he doesn’t like then I’m out he said.”

  “Yikes!” Amy said.

  “Ok, well think about it. If you change your mind that’s where we will be!” Penny added.


  Lunch was over and Rachel had to get to her sixth period class. She checked her schedule and then headed to the second floor again for her math class. On her way up the stairs her stomach began to rumble and her head began to spin. She grabbed onto the railing and held tightly trying not to fall over. She fell increasingly dizzy as she went up the steps one by one. She was sweating and out of breath, she couldn’t seem to catch her breath either. She didn’t know what was happening to her. She’d never had a panic attack, and figured that’s what was going on. Her stomach made loud rumbling noises as she stood there on the steps. The kids walking by stopped and stared at her as if she were some foreign being. She wished she could pull herself together but she couldn’t. She didn’t know what to do.

  She quickly ran back down the stairs and outside. Her eyes began seeing double as she tried to focus on the trees outside. She hoped the fresh air would help but it wasn’t helping. It was making it worse. She had fleeting images of deer running through her mind. It was all too confusing for her. Then, all of a sudden, out of nowhere, it stopped.

  She looked down at her body, and touched her face. She felt normal again. Her breathing slowed down and she was able to catch her breath. The rumbling of her stomach stopp
ed, too. It was the strangest feeling.

  She turned back around and walked back inside just as the second bell was ringing. She was late for yet another class. She ran back up the stairs and into her math classroom. The teacher stopped the class and said, “Excuse me, you’re late! Who are you anyway?”

  Rachel stopped in her tracks and looked back at the teacher in horror, “I’m Rachel Wood.”

  “Rachel Wood? You’re not in this class,” Mrs. Pepper said.

  “I um..I just started today,” Rachel said.

  “Are you new?” Mrs. Pepper asked.

  “I guess you could say that,” Rachel answered.

  “Well, take a seat in the back and don’t come late again!” Mrs. Pepper yelled.

  She sat down in the only empty seat in the back of the classroom. She looked around to see who was in the class and was happy to see some familiar faces. She turned to her right and was happy to see Brian, sitting next to her. She looked at him and smiled and he smiled back. Her heart began to race with excitement.

  “Hi!” Brian said. “Sorry you got yelled at. She’s a ball buster!”

  “Yeah, apparently,” Rachel whispered back.

  “No talking!” Mrs. Pepper said. “You two in the back be quiet or else I will separate you!”

  Everyone in the class turned their heads and stared at Rachel and Brian. Her face got flush red as she was being reprimanded. She was mortified. She quickly turned to face the front of the classroom and took out her notebook and pencil. She had to at least pretend she was focusing on the class, even though all she could think about for some reason was Brian. She was elated that he spoke to her and smiled at her. It was her dream come true. She’d always liked Brian, but he never paid any attention to her before. She wondered if this would last or if it was a passing thing.

  A few minutes later, Brian reached over and put a note down on her desk. She looked up at him and he motioned for her to open it. She unfolded the piece of paper and read it: Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

  She couldn’t believe her eyes. She blinked and read it again, thinking she was seeing things.

  Do you want to go to the movies tonight?

  She looked over at Brian and shook her head yes. She couldn’t believe it. She was asked out by Brian and couldn’t have been happier. He smiled at her and then Rachel felt a hand come down hard on her desk.

  “WHAT’S THIS?” Mrs. Pepper asked, picking up the note from Rachel’s desk.

  Mrs. Pepper opened the note and read it out loud, “Do you want to go to the movies tonight? Do you want to go to the movies tonight?” she repeated.

  Rachel looked at Brian whose face was bright red with embarrassment. The entire class started oohing and aahing in unison. Rachel’s face turned beat read as well. She couldn’t believe this was happening, and she hoped that Brian wouldn’t take back his invitation. She hoped that his friends wouldn’t make fun of him for asking her out.

  “There’s no note passing in my class,” Mrs. Pepper said. “Both of you go to the principal!”

  “What?” Brian asked. “Are you serious?”

  “Don’t question me, young man. Go!” Mrs. Pepper said.

  The two of them quietly got up from their desks, gathered their belongings and headed out of the classroom towards the principals office. Rachel felt scared. She’d never been sent to the principal before and she knew she’d get in trouble for this, both in school and at home. She knew her father would be pissed to find out she disrupted class and she feared he’d kick her out again. Her heart began to pound as they got to the bottom of the steps and were now on the first floor just steps away from his office. Until now the two hadn’t said a word to each other, but then Brian turned to her and said, “Don’t worry, Rach. It will be OK. I will cover for you.”

  “It’s my first time going to Dr. Rundy’s office. I can’t believe my first day back and I’m already in trouble,” Rachel said.

  “He’s not that bad really. I’ve been sent to his office a few times before and to tell you the truth, he’s not as scary as he appears to be!” Brian said.

  “Really? I find him to be horrifying!” Rachel said, whispering as they got close to his office.

  “Shh…” Brian said as the two stood outside of his office staring quietly at the large wooden door with a small glass window. Rachel began to panic as she stood there, waiting for Dr. Rundy to open the door. She surveyed the door as she stood there, and for some reason couldn’t take her eyes off the gold embossed plaque on his door, which read, Dr. R.W. Rundy. The sight of his name made her heart sink into her chest and her body temperature to rise.

  Then, she heard loud footsteps coming to the door, and a large shadow appeared in the frosted glass window of the door. She knew it was he, coming to yell at them. She took a step back, so as not to be so close to the door or to Dr. Rundy when he opened it. She wanted to hide behind Brian but knew she couldn’t do that.

  The doorknob creaked as she watched it turn, then the door opened slowly and within seconds, she saw Dr. Rundy standing there with a severe look of disappointment on his face.

  “Rachel, Brian, come in,” Dr. Rundy said in a deep, slow voice.

  The two stepped into his office and waited for him to say something.

  “Sit down there,” Dr. Rundy said, pointing to two chairs opposite his desk. “What did you do to be sent to my office?”

  Rachel was silent and waited for Brian to answer, but he didn’t. He waited, too. She couldn’t believe this; she thought he was going to cover for her.

  “Well.” Rachel started talking. “What happened was that…”

  “It was my fault, Dr. Rundy. Rachel shouldn’t be punished for my mistake,” Brian said.

  Rachel looked over at Brian in relief as she listened to him talk.

  “What do you mean it’s all your fault? Mrs. Pepper said it was the both of you who disrupted her class today!” Dr. Rundy said, with the same scary look of disapproval.

  “Well,” Brian said, “What happened was completely my fault and Rachel here was just caught in the middle of it. She does not deserve to be sitting here.”

  “Well, Rachel?” Dr. Rundy asked. “Is this true?”

  Rachel didn’t know what to do or say. Of course she wanted to get out of her punishment, but at the same time she didn’t want to throw Brian under the bus, especially since she kind of had feeling for him.

  “It’s ok Brian,” Rachel said. “It’s as much my fault as it is yours. You don’t have to take all the blame here.”

  “C’mon Rachel, I passed you the note and I was the one starting conversations with you. You didn’t do anything,” Brian said smiling at her.

  “Well, Rachel, it seems like Brian is the one who caused the trouble up in math class. You are free to go, but don’t let it happen again!” Dr. Rundy said.

  “Go?” Rachel asked, confused.

  “Yes, you may leave my office now. But Brian, you will stay here with me. We have more to discuss!” Dr. Rundy said.

  Rachel slowly got up from her chair; feeling like this was all too good to be true. She wasn’t getting in trouble after all, and it’s all because Brian stood up for me and took all the blame. She was so grateful that he’d done that. She couldn’t bear the thought of going home and telling her dad she was sent to the principals office, or even worse, having the principal call home to tell him the news. Still, the thought of the frightened her as she slowly walked out of his office, shutting the door behind her.

  Part of her felt bad that Brian had to take the brunt of this situation, but it was only fair. He was the one who got her in trouble after all, and he was nice to tell the truth to Dr. Rundy. She wished she could have thanked him, but knew it wouldn’t have been an appropriate time to do so.


  The final bell rang of the day and Rachel couldn’t have been happier. She couldn’t wait to go home to process everything that had happened in school. Then, she remembered her dad was picking her up to
go to the hospital. Suddenly, she was feeling depressed about the idea of seeing her mom in a coma in a hospital bed. After all, she didn’t know what she’d say to her when she saw her, especially because this whole thing was her fault.

  Rachel went to her new locker and took out her backpack and books and headed toward the front door of the school. As she was walking down the hall, she heard her friends yelling her name, “Rachel, Rachel! Wait for us!”

  Rachel turned and greeted them, “Hey guys, what’s up?”

  “Nothing much! Just heading out, we’re walking into town, wanna come?” Dana asked.

  “Wish I could, but my dad is picking me up to visit my mom,” Rachel said.

  Dana’s face dropped, “Oh, for the first time?”

  “Yeah, I haven’t seen her there yet,” Rachel said.

  “Oh brother. Well, good luck,” Dana, said. “Text me after and hopefully you will change your mind about the movies later.”

  “Thanks!” Rachel said.

  She stood there, outside the school building, all bundled up in her winter coat and scarf as she waited for her dad. She watched her friends walk away in the distance as they laughed, linked arms and skipped into town. She wished she could have gone with them instead of having to go to the hospital. She dreaded going to the hospital; everything about it was upsetting to her. The fact that her mom was in the hospital, for one, the smell of the hospital, the noises of the hospital, the whole thing.

  As the after school noises quieted down, she looked at her watch. Her dad was already fifteen minutes late to pick her up. She knew that was out of character for him, but continued to wait for him.

  She took out her cell phone and dialed his number. It rang and rang, until his voicemail picked up.

  Hmm. Rachel thought to herself. This is odd.

  She waited another twenty minutes, but he didn’t show up and he didn’t call. She figured he’d forgotten about their plans, so she decided to walk home. It was a rather far walk, especially for such a cold day, but she wanted to do it. She wanted to be outside and she wanted to have time to herself to think about things.


  Rachel was freezing cold by the time she got home and here nose was dripping from the frigid air. Her face felt chapped and her ears raw as she walked up the driveway towards her house. She still didn’t feel like she had any clarity on what had happened to her the past two years since she left Pennsylvania. She didn’t know what to do but she knew she had to do something to give her peace of mind.


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