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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 8

by Erin Osborne

  Chapter Five


  I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER AFTER TALKING WITH THE GUYS. Even though I was upset at learning about my grandma’s secret life, I know that she would’ve told me if she thought my parents wouldn’t keep me from her. I like knowing that she had someone to be with after my grandpa passed away years before her. It was just after my father decided that he didn’t want to be involved with his family. They didn’t like how Anna and I were being raised and never stayed quiet about it. So, my dad got away with letting me visit when they asked about it and tried to put a stop to that as well. It didn’t go over very well, and I do believe there were threats made about calling child protection services against my parents. That’s all in the past though. And I don’t want to think about my parents or sister, so I push the dark memories aside.

  We had the first dinner with the guys and quite a few showed up. Bishop and Psycho grilled while I had a chance to get to know the guys that my grandma seemed so fond of. Bear never left my side as I wandered around the back yard, amongst the men and the tables that they set up. They pulled them out of the shed in the back along with chairs and the grill. I never knew my grandma had all this stuff here. I guess she did what she had to in order to make sure I could continue to visit with her and spend time away from my ‘family’.

  The entire day was a success in my opinion. I made a few desserts that my grandma used to make for me, some pasta and potato salads, along with chips, dip, and beer for the guys. Since I’ve never had a drink in my life, I didn’t want to start that day. Not when I don’t know how I’ll be if I get drunk. There’s no point in making a fool out of myself when I’m trying to get to know the men my grandma surrounded herself with. Renegade and Psycho kept telling me that I was family and it feels nice to hear that from someone that means it in a way that they’ll take care of me.

  It’s been a few days since that happened. I’m sitting on my porch, drinking some hot cocoa on this chilly morning and eating my bagel. The same thing that I’ve been doing since I moved here. One of the club’s prospects are sitting at the end of the porch. They don’t have to hide now that Renegade finally told me that he’s had guys on the place since before I moved in here. No matter what happened, they were going to make sure that I had a home to come to when I arrived in town. No one was going to take that away from me. At least not on their watch.

  Looking at my phone, I realize that it’s about time to get ready to go to work. By the second day, the entire office was organized and cleaned up. The guys still have their half-naked women on the walls and Harley Davidson memorabilia placed over the office, but there’s a few women’s touches so that the female clients feel a little more comfortable if they have to wait inside for their car to be worked on. Bear didn’t complain about a single thing I did. He’s been great about anything I suggest. Including new programs for keeping everything straight. When I got home from work the first few days, I was researching programs to make everything easier. Especially for billing and keeping track of customers. There are a few things that can be used to create lists of return customers and the work they’ve had done on their vehicles. And, it can still be printed out so that there’s a hard file. Don’t want to lose anything if the system crashes or anything else happens.

  While I’m gone, the prospect from the club will stay here for some reason. I’m not sure if I’m in any danger, but I don’t have the guts to ask either. So, I go about my day like no one else is here. But I do make sure that he’s got food and drinks while I’m gone. If he’s going to be watching over my house, then the least I could do is feed him and make sure that he doesn’t die of dehydration. So, I quickly get ready for work and wave to the prospect before leaving the house for the day.

  Bear gave me a key, so I don’t have to wait outside for anyone to get there. Personally, I just think he wants coffee made by the time he gets here, but I don’t mind. I love making everything easier in the shop for the guys. Especially Bear. He gave me a chance when I didn’t think anyone else would after the disaster at the diner. But I feel like I’m excelling here in the shop. I’ve even looked at some classes for office management at the nearby college. There’s no way I can thank Bear for what he’s done for me.

  Not to mention that I still get that weird feeling whenever I’m around him. Who the hell am I kidding? It’s whenever I think about the man. And he’s invaded my thoughts since I met him. Since I’ve never had this feeling before, I’m not sure what it means. Without having any female friends, I don’t have anyone to ask either. So, I just go with the flow and enjoy whatever time I get to spend with him. Which is always lunch. No matter what’s going on in the shop, he always comes in and has lunch with me. He also always has Carson go pick our lunch up from the diner. We’ve had so much amazing food from there. My favorite things are the fries and milkshakes though. So, I have more of those than I probably should.

  I turn the lights on in the office before making the coffee. As soon as that’s all going, I turn on the lights in the shop. Bear made me promise to never unlock the bay doors if it’s just me here, and I won’t do that. There’s a reason for the things he does and the way he acts, so I just follow along right now. It’s his garage after all. Just as I go to sit down at the desk, I realize that I left the notebook I’ve used to write down all the information about the different programs in the car.

  Just as I get to the door and open it, I’m thrown. My mind is swirling and there’s a ringing in my ears as I try to figure out what’s going on. Before I can even begin to contemplate what’s happening around me, the blackness pulls me under and swallows me whole. I don’t feel any pain or hear any of the destruction happening behind me and further back in the yard.


  I’m about halfway between my house and the garage when I hear an explosion. Before my very eyes I watch as flames engulf the garage and the back and side of the building tumble to the ground. Just as I go to take off behind me, I hear another explosion. Turning my head, I watch as my house bursts into flames. My thoughts go to the garage though and the fact that I can guarantee that Callie is already there. Fuck! I take off at a run and make my way toward the building.

  As I round the bend in my yard, I can see that her car is parked where it is every single day. The thought that I just lost the girl that means more to me than I ever truly realized hits me hard. I almost falter and hit the ground until I see a prone form laying on the ground a few feet from the black Charger. My speed picks up and I run faster than I’ve ever run in my entire life. I slide to the ground as I get to her, trying to move the debris that’s on fire away from her. She’s laying on her stomach and not moving at all. As much as I want to move her and make sure that she’s okay, I know that’s the last thing I can do. If she’s hurt her neck or anything else, I’ll just make it worse. I’m not taking that chance with her.

  There’s a pain in my chest as I begin to hear commotion around me. Bishop almost jumps off his bike as he pulls in and sees me kneeling on the ground next to Callie. I’ve already got my phone out and am talking with a nine-one-one operator so that I can get an ambulance here immediately. Once I’m done giving all the information, I hang the phone up and turn my attention back to Callie.

  “Boss, what the fuck happened?” Bishop asks, kneeling down on the opposite side of Callie.

  “I was on my way here this mornin’ when I saw the garage explode. Within seconds, the house exploded. What the fuck is goin’ on?” I yell out, never once taking my eyes off the woman lying on the ground between us.

  Bishop pulls his phone out and I have a feeling he’s calling the clubhouse. Or one of the guys. I couldn’t give two flying fucks as I hear the beginning of sirens wailing in the distance. I lean down and begin to whisper in Callie’s ear once again. I’ve got no clue whether she can hear me or not, but I have to do something. This is the first time in my life that I’ve felt so helpless and I don’t like it at all.

  Before I know it, EMTs are pushing th
eir way in to Callie’s side and forcing me to take a few steps back so they can work on her. Her life is the only reason I leave her side. Nothing will get in the way of them making sure that she’s okay and will make it through this. Something that I put her in the middle of since it’s my garage and house that just blew the fuck up. I’m ready to go fuck someone up and that beating will only get worse depending on what the doctors say about the woman in front of me.

  Just as the ambulance is getting ready to leave, I hear the familiar rumble of pipes flying toward the scene. Cops have already set up a perimeter and I know that I’m not getting away without talking to them and that the guys aren’t getting anywhere close to me right now. They’ll be kept behind the line and away from contaminating the scene any further than what’s already happening.

  “Go let the guys know that Callie’s on her way to the hospital. I want someone there with her. Please Bishop, make sure someone is there with her,” I say, pleading with the man in front of me. I’ve never pleaded for anything in my life, but Callie needs someone with her. I’ll be there as soon as I can, but right now, I’m going to be held back.

  “Got it boss. I’ll make sure she’s safe,” he responds, taking off toward the guys as they stand and argue with the cops about being let in.

  I watch helplessly as the cops move people out of the way even further so that the ambulance can leave what once used to be the garage. That vehicle has someone important to me in it and my only thought is that nothing happens to it on the way to the hospital. I don’t even know what one they’ll be taking her too. Fuck! Before I can think too much on that, I hear the rumble of pipes roar to life as some of the guys follow the ambulance. Within seconds, I watch as Chief Hammond walks up to me. He’s the chief of police here and has been a friend to the club and me since we were in school.

  “Bear I need to know any information you can give me,” he says, looking at the devastation written plainly on my face. “I’ll let you know anything I hear about the woman that was just taken away.”

  “I don’t know what I can tell you. I was on my way to work and the next thing I know the garage is blowin’ up seconds before the house did,” I tell him, looking around at all the activity. There’re firemen at the garage and at the house trying to put the fires out. “I haven’t pissed anyone off or had any complaints that aren’t out of the norm.”

  “What about the woman that works for you?” he asks, trying to see if I’m lying to him or not.

  “She’s been here for a few weeks. I gave her a key so that she wouldn’t have to wait for one of us to get here and open the doors for her. I’m not sure what time she got here today, but I can tell you that she hasn’t pissed anyone the fuck off for them to do this. Callie is Silvia’s granddaughter,” I tell him, watching as his face pales at the new piece of information I just dropped on him.

  “Are you fucking shitting me? I heard she was in town, but I haven’t seen her yet. Now she’s involved in whatever is going on here? Silvia would have all our fucking asses if she were still here,” Chief Hammond says, shaking his head and looking at the ground.

  “You ain’t tellin’ me nothin’ I don’t already know. How long are you gonna need me here?” I ask, wanting to get to the hospital so that I can see Callie as soon as possible.

  “You can go. We’ll get this shit sorted and I’ll be in touch. I’ll be around to see Callie as soon as I hear that she’s out of the woods and they know what’s gonna happen with her,” he answers, walking over toward his men and the fire chief so that he can get more information from them.

  I’m not lying to anyone about what I know about today’s events. Last night, I went home, and everything was fine. There wasn’t a single thing out of place. Hell, there wasn’t anything wrong with my house when I left for the tow that got called in around three this morning. That must be when whoever decided to fuck with me set everything up. I don’t know who did this, but when I find out, they’re going to pay with their fucking lives for putting Callie at risk. Maybe I need to rethink my decision about being in the club. They’ll always have my back, I know this, but maybe with being in the club, I’ll get a better idea of why this happened.

  There’s no way that I’m placing blame on my friends, and whatever they have going on. The fucker that blew my life up is the only one I’m blaming. Hell, I blame myself for being so close to the club and not realizing sooner that there was a chance that someone could come after me. Now, they’ve not only put my life in danger, but they’ve endangered Callie who is innocent in all of this. I want revenge and the best way to do that is to become a part of the club. I’ll have to talk to the guys when everything calms down. The first thing that I need to do is go see about Callie.

  So, I make my way over to my bike that I left in the very front corner of the parking lot for the garage. Hammond motions to one of his guys to make sure that I can get out as I kick the bike to life and make my way out of the parking lot. I can see Psycho and Smokey waiting for me to stop and talk to them, but they can wait. Getting to the hospital is my only priority at the moment. Roaring past all of the bystanders that only want to be nosy, I ignore everyone and tear off down the road. I don’t give a fuck that the place is swarming with cops and other emergency workers. They can give me a fucking ticket when I get to the hospital and know that Callie is okay.

  By the time I fly into the parking lot, I see that my best friends have followed me. I didn’t even notice them as I made my way through town and toward the hospital. Parking my bike, I ignore them calling my name as I run toward the main entrance where I’ll find the rest of the guys that followed the ambulance. Hopefully they can give me an update, or I’ll lie like fuck in order to get to Callie and find out what’s going on with her.

  “Bear! We’re over here,” Renegade calls out, capturing my attention as I watch a doctor make his way into the waiting room.

  “Family for Callie Patton,” he calls out and I change directions and head straight for him.

  “I’m her man. Where is she? How long before I can see her?” I ask, firing the questions at him without taking a breath as I resist the urge to put my hands on him, so he’ll tell me what I want to know right now.

  “She’s getting transported to a room now. We’re keeping her overnight for observation. She sustained a nasty bump on her head when she was thrown. There are several cuts and bruises along her body, but that seems to be the extent of the damage done to her. You can see her in a few minutes, as soon as she gets settled in. As long as nothing else presents overnight, we’ll get her out of here in the morning,” he answers, turning and walking away after telling me that a nurse will be out to get me in a few minutes.

  As I turn around, I see Renegade, Grave, Psycho, and Smokey standing right behind me. There’s a collective look of relief on all their faces. Hell, I can feel the tightness in my chest ease a fraction as I let the reality sink in. Nothing will help until I can finally lay eyes on Callie and see for myself that she’s okay. That’s if she even wants me in her room. For all I know, she won’t want to see any of us again. That will crush me, but I’ll respect her decision.

  “Need to talk before I go in to see her,” I tell the guys, leading them away from everything and everyone.

  Once we get to the opposite side of the waiting room, we all take seats and make sure that no one can overhear our conversation. “What’s goin’ on, Bear?” Renegade asks me, leaning in to get close as I take a deep breath.

  “I’m joinin’ you guys. I want revenge against whoever did this fuckin’ shit and the best way to do that is to join the MC,” I tell them, knowing that my decision is final. Even if they question my motives.

  “Been tryin’ to get you to join for a long time, Bear. This can’t just be about gettin’ revenge, because once we decide you’re in, you’re in for good,” Grave says, trying to make me see reason. “And what about Callie?”

  “Callie will be safe one way or another. If she can’t handle me bein’ in the club,
I’ll do everythin’ in my power to make sure she’s protected, and I’ll walk away. She’s it for me, and I can’t fight it anymore. So, I’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I’ve been on the fence a long fuckin’ time about joinin’ or not. Yeah, I want revenge and I know you guys will help me with that. But we’ll be safer if I’m a part of you,” I answer, sitting up straight in my chair so that they know I’m deadly serious right now.

  Renegade sits there and watches me for a few minutes. I know that he’s going through everything in his mind before he says a word. “You want in, you’re in. We’ll discuss your prospectin’ period when I call church later on today. I know you’re stayin’ here until Callie gets released. What happens when she goes home? You don’t have a home anymore, where are you gonna go?” he asks, bringing up several points in a few words. He’s always direct and to the point.

  Before I can say anything else, I watch as a nurse makes her way to the desk in the waiting room. After a few words, the lady sitting behind it points in our direction. Standing up, I meet her and follow her up to the room they took Callie to. The rest of the guys follow us but stay behind when I walk into her room. Callie looks so small lying in the bed surrounded by machines that are beeping. She’s got an IV in her arm and I know that this is on me. She wouldn’t be hurt and, in this hospital, if it weren’t for me suggesting she work at the garage. I’ll never forget this moment.

  “Hey,” she says, her voice sounding small and weak as I continue to stand there and stare at her. “Bear, come here.”

  I force myself to walk over and take the seat next to her bed. She looks me over from head to toe as I make my way closer to her. Callie’s trying to figure out if I have any injuries. When her eyes finally meet mine, I silently shake my head to let her know that I’m okay. Her entire body seems to relax at the news as she reaches out and takes my hand in hers.


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