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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 22

by Erin Osborne

  It doesn’t take us long once we get back to the cabin to pack up and head out for home. I pull Callie’s hand over in mine and hold it the entire way back to Shadowville. Now that she’s agreed to be my wife, I can’t seem to keep my hands off of her. Hell, I want nothing more than to pull over and have my way with her. But, she deserves better than that and I’m going to make sure she gets everything she could ever want or need.

  Chapter Thirteen


  WE GOT BACK FROM THE CABIN TWO DAYS AGO. Everyone from the club was at the house when we pulled in. as soon as we walked through the door, I held up my hand and announced that we were getting married. The guys and Hadliegh rushed us and we were enveloped in hugs and congratulations for so long that I thought I was going to pass out from being squeezed so hard by the guys. Bear never once left my side and I know that I heard him growl more than a few times as the guys hugged on me and kissed me on the side of my head or temple. My laughter was held inside until I escaped to the bedroom with Hadliegh.

  She looks so much better than when we left a week ago. It’s good to see her away from the clubhouse and starting to show her personality instead of being scared of her own shadow. We did talk about seeing Sarah and Hadliegh confided in me that she honestly loves going to see her so that she can work out things that have been going on in her past and what happened when the douche nozzle had us. So, I made a leap of faith and asked her to move in here with Bear and me. It’s not like we don’t have the room. Hadliegh agreed and said that she’d grab her things in the morning so that she could move in. I’m taking the day off so that I can help her.

  Hadliegh also told me that she found out she lost her job back home and now has to look for a new one. Bear overheard that part of our conversation and said that he might have a solution for her. Anarchy Ink needs a receptionist and he would talk to Ink about hiring her. That way he doesn’t have to hire an outsider and Hadliegh can work and make her own money like she desperately wants to do. I’m excited because that means that she’ll be close to me and won’t have a reason to take off and leave in the middle of the night or something. I need her now more than ever as I go through this pregnancy and get ready to have our baby.

  “Hadliegh, are you ready to head to the tattoo shop?” I call out as I leave the bedroom and go in search of my friend.

  “Yeah. I’m nervous as fuck,” she replies, leaving the room she’s been staying in since Psycho and her stayed here while we were gone.

  “Why? It’s just talking to Ink and you’ve already met him,” I ask, knowing that this isn’t like Hadliegh. I’ve never seen her nervous about anything. I’ve only ever seen her as a bad ass that put herself in more danger to try to protect me.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never worked in a tattoo shop before having to deal with all the different paperwork and shit. I don’t want to fuck it up,” she says honestly as we grab our bags off the hall table and make our way out to my car.

  “You’ll do great. I’m sure Ink will walk you through everything and answer any questions that you have. I’ve got all the faith in the world in you,” I say, unlocking the car so we can head out.

  I am the Fire by Halestorm blares from the radio as we make our way across town toward Anarchy Ink. Hadliegh keeps her gaze out the window as we pass by shops, the diner, and see a few of the club girls walking down main street. It looks like they’re shopping while the guys are busy and can’t keep them entertained. Rusty and Legs seem to be the leaders of the pack as usual. I can’t stand those two bitches.

  “Look it’s the slut brigade,” Hadliegh says, flipping them all off as we cruise by.

  “I can tolerate most of them. All except for Rusty and Legs. Those two bitches need a beat down,” I answer, laughing out loud at their new nickname of the slut brigade.

  “Those two were nothing but problems when I was staying at the clubhouse. Always trying to say shit about Bear and Psycho whenever they were near me. I did almost beat Legs ass one day when she was talking about Rusty supposedly fucking Bear while you were in the hospital,” Hadliegh tells me, looking at me for a few seconds as we get closer to the tattoo shop. “The only reason I didn’t was because Psycho pulled me off and Smokey made her leave the clubhouse for the rest of the day.”

  “I wish I had been there to see that,” I tell her, wanting to be witness to the two biggest bitches getting their asses handed to them.

  “I’m sure you’ll be there when it happens. It will happen one of these days. It’s just a matter of time,” Hadliegh responds, turning her attention back out the window as I pull into a parking spot.

  We get out and make our way into complete chaos in Anarchy Ink. Ink is standing at the front counter with a line of customers. He looks frazzled as he tries to patiently see what the young girl wants designed for a tattoo. She’s clearly a walk-in and has no clue what to get. There’s one guy about four people back that’s starting to throw an attitude and I know that Ink will lose his shit sooner rather than later. So, Hadliegh and I rush behind the counter.

  “Ink, what do you need us to do?” Hadliegh asks, setting her bag down under the counter and moving closer to the man.

  “Can you help the next person in line. They have an appointment and need to fill out the paperwork. It’s in the folder in the rack right behind Callie,” he answers, turning his attention back to the young girl in front of him. “I had Chris and Tatum call off this mornin’ so it’s only me.”

  “We got this, you go do what you gotta do and we’ll take care of the line,” Hadliegh says, giving Ink a smile before turning the man that’s next in line.

  “So, um, you need me to prove to you that I’m eighteen?” the girl asks Ink with a dejected look on her face.

  “Yes. We need a picture I.D or you can’t get a tattoo,” Ink calmly says, standing up to his full height and crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m not losin’ my licensin’ because you want to get a tat and you’re underage.”

  Before we know it, the young girl runs from the shop. No one makes a move for a minute while we process the fact that an underage girl just tried to get a tattoo. I bet she thought her looks would mean that Ink wouldn’t check her for one. But, I completely agree with how he handled the situation. It’s not her ass on the line, it’s his and I wouldn’t jeopardize my career and reputation either.

  “Hadliegh, I’m not gonna interview you or anythin’. You want the job, you fuckin’ got it,” Ink says, turning to my friend as he sees that we have everything under control.

  “I want it,” she answers, never once taking her attention from the customer in front of her.

  “I’m goin’ in back. My room is the second door on the left. You can bring him back once he’s filled out all the paperwork. I’ll send him back out when I’m done with a write-up of what he’s bein’ charged and you just take the money from him. The program is already pulled up on the computer and the credit card machine is in the corner next to it. If you need help, yell out for me and I’ll be right there,” Ink says, turning and walking toward his room.

  I step back and watch as Hadliegh handles the three customers that are left in line. The man that was about to throw his attitude has visibly calmed down and schedules an appointment to come in and get a back piece started. He’s already talked to Ink and knows how long it’s going to take. His first session will be three hours for the outline so Hadliegh puts him in the computer and marks it out on the book in front of her on the desk.

  Taking a seat on the couch, I look through Ink’s portfolio. Tatum and Chris have portfolios but I don’t want them to touch me. Once I have the baby, I’m going to be getting a tattoo done so that I can cover the scarring on my chest. Eventually I’ll get my back done too, but I can see my chest and I want that covered up. As I flip through page after page of the book, I see how talented Ink truly is. Yeah, he’s done the tats for every member of the club, but if I pay too much attention to them Bear has issues. So, I’ve admired them from afar with the thou
ght that one day I’d like to get one or two.

  I stop flipping the pages when I land on one containing a Phoenix. The tattoo is so detailed and I instantly fall in love with it. A Phoenix would fit me since I’m rising from the ashes of a life I never wanted and the aftermath with my parents at the same time I’m dealing with the aftermath of a cockbite deciding that it was okay to kidnap me and try to sell me off. In a way, I’ve been reborn as a stronger person, one that knows exactly what I want and where I want to go in life. So, I put the portfolio down and make a note in my new phone to look up different pictures of a Phoenix until I find one that I love and can’t get out of my head.

  As Hadliegh works, I decide that it’s time for me to take off and head to work myself. Bentley is here with us and he’ll follow me to work while letting Psycho know that my girl will be here working. Since Ink is part of the club, I don’t know that they’ll send a prospect over to watch her, but at least my friend will know where she is.

  “Hadliegh, I’ll be back after work to pick you up. If you’re gonna be later, give me a call and we’ll figure it out,” I tell her, stopping at the desk on my way out of the shop.

  “Okay. Thanks, hun. Have a good day,” she answers as a smile I haven’t seen yet lights her face up. She’s genuinely happy to be working again and that she’s working in the shop. I hope she continues to feel that way.

  Making my way out of the shop, I smile at Bentley who’s leaning against his bike. Legs is standing next to him and I watch her get on the back of his bike while I get in my car. Looking around, I try to find Rusty but she’s nowhere to be found. So, I drive to the shop where the prospect and slut follow me and pull in right behind me. Must be he’s not going to the clubhouse to drop her off. And here I thought I was gonna have a good day today.

  I get out of my car, ignoring the duo parked beside me, and make my way into the office. Bear’s standing there waiting for me while I put my bag away and give him a kiss. We break apart when I hear someone enter behind us. It’s Legs. This should be good.

  “Bear, how are you doing sexy?” she asks, pouting her lips so that she looks like a fish out of water.

  “Legs, what are you doin’ here?” he asks her, placing me behind his body as if to shield me from the skank in front of us.

  “I was wanting a ride back to the clubhouse and thought maybe you were the man for the job. You know since I’ve ridden on your bike before and all. And, Rusty wanted to see you so she could thank you for the last time she saw you,” Legs says, trying to make her voice sound sultry and sexy while failing miserably again.

  “The fuck you talkin’ about? You’ve never been on the back of my fuckin’ bike and I haven’t seen Rusty since the grand opening. You need to fuckin’ leave my shop right now and don’t ever step foot back here again. Especially pullin’ this shit with my fiancé here,” Bear roars while I poke my head around his back to see the look on skankarilla’s face.

  “You can say what you want but we both know the truth of the matter,” she replies, coming closer and attempting to run her nails down Bear’s chest.

  “Touch him and I’ll break every single one of your fucking fingers!” I say, placing myself between my man and the bitch in front of us.

  “Look, the kitty finally grew some claws. Bitch, he was ours before you got here and he’ll be back with us the second he grows bored with your used-up pussy,” Legs says, stepping even closer to me.

  I can’t help the laughter that burst free at her words. “You think I’m the one with the loose pussy? Really? You’re the one that spreads her legs for any brother in the club in hopes of becoming an ol’ lady. You’ll never be one, so I suggest you get a clue and realize that you’re nothing more than a slut. Bear won’t ever go back to you or Rusty because he’s never fucked with either one of you. Your lies won’t work here slut,” I say, letting my rage out for the first time regarding the slut brigade.

  “How dare you talk to me that way,” she whines, raising her fist in an attempt to hit me.

  “That’s enough!” Renegade roars out from behind her. I was so focused on her that I didn’t hear the guys pull up. “Legs, you’ve been given chance after chance. Now, you’re attemptin’ to lay your hands on a pregnant woman that will be an ol’ lady the second Bear patches in? You’re out of the club. None of us will talk to you or acknowledge that we know you. And that goes for every club out there.”

  “Renegade, I wasn’t going to do anything, I swear it,” Legs whines, trying to plead her case even though I’m sure the guys saw more than enough to make their judgement call.

  “You’re out, Legs and that’s final. Bentley take her to the clubhouse and make sure she gets her things and only her things. I want the phone and anythin’ else that belongs to the club accounted for before she leaves. Make sure she’s off club property and lock the gates so she can’t weasel her way back in. Tell the rest of the guys that she’s not allowed back,” Renegade says, stepping to the side so that Legs can be removed from the shop’s office.

  “You bitch!” Legs screams out, turning her rage toward me. “You’ll pay for this. One way or another I’ll make sure that you lose everything you want in your life!”

  I stand amongst the men as we listen to Legs scream and cry while she climbs on the back of Bentley’s bike. Her threats honestly mean nothing to me. After the hell I’ve lived through, that bitch can’t do anything to me that I haven’t had done to me before. Living with my parents was bad enough without the shit from Harry the cum guzzler. Legs doesn’t know anything about me and won’t ever be able to make her threats come true. So, I laugh before kissing Bear once more and sitting down to do my work.

  “Oh, Psycho, Hadliegh’s down at Anarchy Ink. We went in to talk to Ink and he was getting slammed. She stepped in and he offered her a job on the spot. I told her I’d pick her up when I leave here. If you want to get her just let me know,” I tell him before they head out into the bay with Bear.

  “Thanks sweetheart. I’ll pick her up and bring her back to your place later on,” he answers, letting the door shut behind him.


  The last few days have been amazing. Ink is a great boss and I love working at the tattoo shop. It wasn’t as hard to learn everything as I thought it was going to be. I’ve fallen into a good routine. Callie brings me to work every morning and one of the prospects follows us in before following her to work at the garage. Then Psycho usually picks me up from work unless he’s busy with something for the club.

  Psycho and I have been spending a lot of time together since I left the hospital. At first, I clung to him because he was the only one I knew at the clubhouse. Then it was because he made me feel comfortable and accepts me for who I am. He likes my smart-ass mouth and the way that I want to get back to being independent. I don’t want to have to rely on him or Callie.

  There were a few times that Psycho and I fucked. I know the type of guy he is though. It’s all about the pump and dump with the bad boys in motorcycle clubs. I’ve always been down for a fun time without any strings attached. There’s just something about Remington ‘Psycho’ Jackson though. He makes me feel beautiful and like I’m good enough; more than good enough actually. There isn’t a problem with my attitude, now that it’s coming back out, or the fact that I know what I want and have no problems going after it. The only thing I refuse to do is whore myself out like my mother used to before the drugs took her life.

  Since I moved into Callie’s, things have been weird between the two of us. He’s distant and acts like I suddenly want more than what we signed up for in the beginning. I don’t. Right now, the only thing I’m worried about is working and making money so that I can make sure I can live the life I want to live. Callie and Bear don’t need me at their home taking up space and time when they’re getting ready to welcome a new baby into the world. I’ll still be here, but I need my own space. If sex continues with Psycho great; he’s fucking fantastic in bed. If things don’t continue, that’s cool t
oo. Like I said, no strings attached.

  “Hadliegh!” I hear Ink call out for me as he finishes up a tattoo.

  “What’s up boss man?” I ask, walking into his room as the guy he’s working on stands up from the chair.

  “He’s not payin’ for the tat today. Killer’s just passin’ through town and stopped by,” he tells me, handing over everything to the tall, dark, and sexy man standing before me with a smirk on his face as I take in his naked upper body.

  “Got it. Anything else?” I ask, knowing that he wouldn’t call me back here just for this.

  “Yeah. Need to do inventory tonight, you gonna stay and help?” he asks, already knowing my answer before I nod my head in response.

  “Yep. I’ll let Callie know so she doesn’t trek all the way over here from the garage?” I respond, leaving the two men alone so I can call my sister from another mister before she leaves the garage. Especially since I know Bear wants to take her shopping for a new car when they’re done for the day.

  Walking out to the desk, I pick my cell phone up off the table top and pull up Callie’s name. I listen to it ring until I’m sure that it’s going to go to voicemail. The slut probably has her man fucking her in the storeroom of the garage instead of working. She’s told me that it’s happened before and I know that she’s horny as fuck being pregnant.

  “What’s up Hadliegh?” she finally answers, out of breath while I hear commotion in the background along with her giggling.

  “Seriously?” I ask on a groan as my suspicions were confirmed that she’s fucking her man.

  “Sorry,” she responds and I imagine that her face is covered in a blush right about now. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Just wanted to let you know that we have inventory here tonight so I’m not gonna need a ride home. I’m sure that Ink will give me a ride home. Or maybe Chris,” I tell her knowing that Chris would do anything for me. He’s got a mild crush and I can’t do anything about it. I don’t feel anything toward him other than brotherly love.


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