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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 28

by Erin Osborne

  Ten minutes later my daughter makes her way into the world. She doesn’t make quite the scene my son did, but she is perfect as well. I smile as I watch Psycho and Hadliegh watching over my children. Anytime the nurses get close to either one of them, the man goes into protection mode and won’t let them out of his sight. Hell, he’s practically breathing down the nurse’s neck as they try to do their job. The last thing I remember is the doctor yelling at the nurse about me hemorrhaging.


  I hear the doctor yelling about Callie hemorrhaging and that we need to clear the room. Turning away from the babies I try to head to her, but I’m forced from the room with everyone else. I have no option but to follow the children and make sure that they’re okay like Callie wanted me to. On our way to the nursery, we walk by the lounge that Bear and Renegade are waiting in. The nurse pushing the bassinet holding the twins stops in front of my brother so that he can see his son and daughter for the first time. I watch as tears roll down his face and anyone around him can feel his heart breaking. He feels no connection to the two most adorable, albeit disgusting right now, children I’ve ever laid eyes on. And now I get to add to that heartache by filling the two men standing before me in on why we’ve all been rushed from the room.

  “Bear, I have something that you need to know,” I begin, regret filling my voice. “Doctor Pritchard ordered us out of the room because Callie began to hemorrhage after your daughter was born. She said that someone would update us when everythin’ was done. Hadliegh and I are doin’ what Callie asked and stayin’ with the twins. I am so sorry.”

  “Okay,” Bears replies with little to no emotion. “What are we supposed to do? Wait here or do we follow you two?”

  “I guess whichever you want to,” I tell him looking at the nurse for confirmation. When she nods at me, I inform him the nursey is three doors down so that they’ll be able to find us easily no matter what.

  “We’ll follow you for now,” Bear decides with some determination in his voice.

  As we make our way down to the nursey, it seems everyone is lost in thought. Renegade and Hadliegh look like they want to cry, scream, and fight all at once. While Bear looks like he is somewhat lost. Once the twins are taken into the nursery to be cleaned up, a nurse comes out and offers Bear a bracelet. It’s a security measure to ensure that only the parents are the ones visiting the baby’s in the nursery. He looks a little stunned that they would ask him, because he still doesn’t think about the fact that he’s their father.

  We all stand at the window and watch them getting their first bath. Once they’re dry and in a diaper, she takes their footprints and puts it on a certificate. It’s handed to Bear and I watch as he hesitantly takes the papers handed to him. After about thirty minutes or so of watching the twins lay in their little cots, a nurse comes out to ask if we would like to hold the twins. We quickly agree and are soon suited up and heading into the nursery.

  Bear is hesitant when the nurse asks him to remove his t-shirt so that the twins can have skin-to-skin contact with him. His son is placed on his chest and quickly snuggles into his daddy. The nurse asks if Callie and he have decided on names. There is a flash of pain on Bear’s face as it sinks in that he has no idea what Callie has decided. Even though she has tried to share with him everything that’s been going on during the pregnancy since his accident, he hasn’t wanted to have any part of it. I could see it in his eyes as she talked. He would go in his head and tune her completely out. Callie never got discouraged or gave up though. She pressed on every single day and tried to pretend that it wasn’t slowly killing her inside or tearing her to pieces when he’d look at her with a blank look in his eyes.

  After spending about fifteen minutes with his son, the nurse takes him back and places his daughter in his arms. She looks up at her daddy, looking at him with huge eyes and completely pulling him in with a small smile. While we know it’s only gas, or so they say, it’s like a thunderbolt hits him. He stares down at her angelic face that looks exactly like her mothers. Without warning he passes the baby to Hadleigh and asks Renegade to get him out of there. Once he gets to the hallway, it seems like a lightbulb goes off and he lets out the most horrific anguished howl I have ever heard. The tears are pouring down his face and his sobs are racking his whole body. The only thing that is intelligible in his pain filled rambling is her name; Callie.


  I answer my phone when I see that Renegade is calling. I hate being in this rehab and only want to go home. He is telling me that Callie is in labor and that he is coming to get me so that I can go to the hospital and be there when the twins are born. It is so frustrating everyone just expects that I want to be there. I have tried to show support for Callie without really giving her false hope, but I know that she is still convinced that my memories will come back, and everything will be fine. Hanging up the phone I hit my call button so that a nurse or aid will come to see what I need.

  “Hey Bear,” I hear the nurse that thinks she’s a stripper call out. This chick is always doing whatever she can to catch my eye. Even if I wasn’t married to someone, I didn’t remember she would not have a chance with me. “What can I do for you? You need a sponge bath?” she giggles.

  “I need to get dressed and get ready to leave for the hospital,” I growl at her, trying to make her understand without words that she is not wanted in any other way. “Renegade is on his way to get me so I can see my babies being born.”

  “Wow, ok,” she stammers in shock that I am going to be with Callie when I don’t remember her. “I need to let the staff know so that one of us can go with you. It’s our policy that a staff member is with you to make sure there are no problems while you’re out.”

  “I don’t really give a fuck who you need to tell,” I spit out at her, seeing right through her attempt to weasel her way into this event. “Just get me dressed and ready to go before he gets here, or he will have your ass canned.”

  It takes a few minutes for her to move towards the closet to get my clothes out. Shorts and a t-shirt are all I can wear over this stupid cast, but I don’t really care at the moment. I’m not in a huge rush to get to the hospital, but any reason to get out of this rehab is a win in my book. While I’m waiting to get dressed and for my friend to get here, I try once again to pull up any memories of Callie and our life together. And like every other single fucking time, I come up blank. Over the last day or so it seems like bits and pieces want to break through and reach out to me, let me know about the life I was living but they always fade back into the darkness and out of my reach. I’ve never been so frustrated in all my life.

  We arrive at the hospital and head to Callie’s room. She really is a beautiful woman and pregnancy looks amazing on her. We’re all talking when I hear Hadliegh telling the shadow I had to bring with me to wait in the lounge. When the bitch goes to refuse, further making Callie uncomfortable, I lose it a bit. Her concern as a nurse in any setting should be to make the patient as comfortable as possible. This one is only concerned about trying to get a cock to fill her pussy. So, I tell her to get out and that seems to make everyone happy until Callie is hit with a severe pain. Wheeling myself over to her bedside, I grab her hand. I don’t even think about it until the pain is gone and then I need to get out of the room that is suddenly stifling and closing in around me.

  Renegade and I head to the lounge to wait for the news that the babies are born and we do our best to ignore the bitch that can’t seem to stay away. We talk about the upcoming toy drive and I have a flash of something. I am unable to tell exactly what I saw in my memory, but the doctor has told me this could happen and that I may get pieces back a bit at a time or be flooded with everything at once. I ask Renegade how my shop and house are, and he gives me a funny look. He tells me that I decided to move the shop and expand the business. This makes me feel like something more is going on, but I can’t put my finger on it.

  After a bit we see Psycho and Hadliegh following a nurse down the hal
l. They stop for a minute so that I can see the babies that everyone keeps telling me are my children. These two little people are the most beautiful kids I have ever seen, but there is no connection. I wish that I felt something, and this makes my heart break. I have to fix this so that I can love my kids and give them everything that they need and want, but how? The nurse nods at Psycho saying we can follow them, after he tells me that Callie is hemorrhaging. This makes me feel awful for the babies and for her, but only like any normal human being would.

  We’re watching from the window when the nurse returns and places the security bracelet on my wrist. I feel kinda funny that it was given to me because I’m the parent instead of Psycho who is doing everything to help Callie. She returns to the nursery for a few minutes but comes back to see if we want to come in to hold the twins. They allow us all to go. Psycho and Hadliegh because Callie asked them to stay with the kids. Renegade is allowed in to assist me and my damn chair because the space is tight and I’ll need help maneuvering around. I’ll be damned if that fucking nurse from the rehab will be in here regardless of what I do, or don’t, remember. They ask me to remove my t-shirt, which I do with some hesitation, and my son is placed on my chest. He snuggles into me and I feel the first inkling of a connection with him. Until a nurse asks if I know what his name will be. It was like she threw cold water on me. I mumble something dumb like we are waiting until his mother and I are together to decide, and it seems to work for the nurses, but I know that Psycho and Renegade know the truth. When my daughter is placed in my arms, she looks at me and smiles. I don’t know why it happens, but it’s like I was struck by lightning. A shock runs through my veins and I am hit with a tidal wave of memories, and feelings that overwhelm me. I quickly hand my daughter to Hadliegh and beg Renegade to get me out of the room before I lose it. Once we hit the hall, I let out a howl of anguish and pain that I hear echo off the walls. I’m sobbing over and over how sorry I am and begging to see Callie, but my brothers just look at me; the pain and relief etched in their faces. I have been horrible to the love of my life and she is lying in bed possibly bleeding to death without knowing that I love her and remember everything.

  “Mr. Jones?” I vaguely hear someone call my name. as I turn to see who it is, I realize its Dr. Pritchard, and my heart almost stops beating. Psycho and Renegade each put a hand on my shoulder while Hadliegh grabs my hand.

  “How is she Dr. Pritchard? Where’s Callie?” I ask her, my voice quaking with fear and so many emotions.

  “She’s doing okay,” the doctor tells me as she registers that I knew her name and that at least some of my memories are back. “I’m willing to bet that you are going to make her even better,” she says with a grin.

  “Can we see her?” Hadliegh questions, the relief clear in her voice.

  “For a few minutes,” the doctor says happily. “She has had a rough day and needs to rest, but she wants to see y’all first.”

  We all rush down the hall to where my life is waiting for us. As we go in everyone is smiling and filled with the relief that finally something is going right. The people surrounding me know that my memory is back and I remember Callie, but she has no clue. I’m glad that she wasn’t with me when it happened because I don’t know that I could’ve handled seeing her reaction, but she’ll know soon enough.

  “I thought we agreed that you would get a midwife to be here, Callie? I see that you changed your mind about that without me,” I begin as I roll through the door. This was a joke we had between us that no one else knew about and I know it would let her know I was back.

  “I never agreed to that Bear,” She tells me, her words trailing off as it hits her what I actually said. Tears fall from her face as she screams “YOU REMEMBER!”

  “Everythin’ baby girl!” I tell her as the tears roll down my face. “I don’t know how I ever forgot you, it kills me baby. I’m so sorry for hurtin’ you and leavin’ you to face things alone.”

  “Shut up and kiss me!” she giggles as everyone joins in her laughter.

  Gladly, I lean in and kiss my wife. When she pulls back, I see how tired and pale that she is. I also see how amazing and strong she is. She’s been by my side every day, trying to be there for me in any capacity I’d let her, while going through the last of her pregnancy alone. Yeah, she had Hadliegh and the club, but it’s not the same as me being there for her. The worst part of it all is that I wasn’t by her side when our son and daughter were born. Psycho and Hadliegh were with her while I was out in the hallway like an asshole.

  “It’s over Bear. Don’t let it eat away at you. I don’t blame you and I know that you’ll be by our sides for the rest of our lives. That’s the only thing that matters,” Callie says, pulling me out of my head and into the moment.

  “I don’t deserve you,” I mutter, pressing my lips against hers once more.

  “Where are the babies? We haven’t named them or anything else. I haven’t even had a chance to see them,” she asks, letting us know that she wants our children in here with us.

  “Are you feelin’ up to that right now Callie?” Psycho asks, sitting up straighter in his chair.

  “I’m good. I’m tired, but I want to see the babies. Please, can someone get them in here with us. They’re family and don’t need to be kept separate,” she says, leaning back against the bed but never once letting go of my hand.

  Renegade and Hadliegh leave to get a nurse help them bring the cots on wheels in so that my wife can see our son and daughter. In the meantime, I hold her hand and soak up the light shining from her and take in our family members that fill the room beyond capacity. We’ll be kicked out soon, and I’ll have to leave to go back to the rehab center. For now, though, we’re all together and I couldn’t be happier. My club is at my back and my wife is at my side. Always.

  Two nurses come in the room wheeling the twins in before turning to leave. At the same time, the slutty nurse from the rehab center tries to enter the room. I see red when I realize that she’s trying to insert herself into a family matter and interrupt time with my family. Not to mention the fact that she’s purposefully trying to hurt Callie. Not gonna fucking happen!

  “Excuse me,” I speak up, getting the nurses from here attention. “Can I have the supervisor of this hospital please?”

  “Sure. Is everything okay?” one of them ask, stopping in her tracks while the other one leaves the room.

  “With the staff here? Yes. The nurse that came with me from the rehab center, not so much,” I say, letting her know that I don’t appreciate the way that she’s been acting since I got to rehab.

  “I-I…” the slut begins to stammer.

  “Guys don’t let her leave. This bitch is goin’ to get what she deserves. I’m done with her tryin’ to fuck with Callie and me,” I say as Grave stands in front of the door so she can’t get away.

  It doesn’t take any time at all for the supervisor of the hospital to make an appearance in my wife’s room. She’s an older woman that is short and looks like a complete push over. However, I think she has a backbone and doesn’t take anyone’s shit. She’d have to in order to be in charge of an entire hospital.

  “Hello, I’m Regina Plate. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, what seems to be the problem?” she asks, looking at everyone in the room while the cots sit between Callie and me.

  “This nurse here is from the rehab center I’m at. She insisted that she had to come with me today and has done nothin’ but try to insert herself into the situation. She’s inappropriate as fuck and I want somethin’ done about it,” I say, never once taking my eyes off the dumb bitch. “I had an accident and lost my short-term memory and didn’t remember my wife. Still, I came here today and this woman has been actin’ like we’re together. I just got my memory back and I don’t want her around me. She needs to lose her damn job.”

  “I see. Cassandra, this isn’t the first complaint against you. In fact, it’s why you lost your job here,” Regina says, pressing a button for the walkie talkie and calli
ng security.

  “I don’t know what he’s talking about,” Cassandra says, trying to put the blame on me. “I’ve done nothing wrong here.”

  “Bitch, please. We’ve all seen it at the rehab center and now here today. You’re nothing but a dirty fucking slut. Your time is up and nothing will save your ass. We’ll all back Bear up,” Hadliegh says, standing up and putting her hands on her hips. If fire could shoot from her eyes, I’m sure that’s what would be happening right now.

  Security enters the room and we all watch as Cassandra screams and fights them. She’s not getting away and I have to stifle the laughter that wants to burst free. This bitch is crazy and I’m glad that she’s gone. I won’t ever have to deal with her at rehab again. She’ll never be there to try to hurt anyone else.

  “Baby girl, we need to take care of somethin’,” I say, turning my attention from the scene to my wife.

  “What’s that?” she asks, leaning over to look at the babies who are beginning to stir.

  “We need to name our son and daughter,” I answer her, watching as Hadliegh picks my daughter up and hands her over to Callie while Psycho hands our son to me.


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