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Satan's Revenge (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 1)

Page 30

by Erin Osborne

  “Let’s get to church,” he says, walking through the clubhouse door and into the meeting room.

  As soon as we’re all in our seats, he bangs the gavel on the table. We go over all other business such as financials and more news about the toy drive before getting down to the real reason we’re in church today. The Scavengers MC.

  “Okay. Now, the biggest news of all. Grave and Psycho, I’m gonna turn it over to you so you can let us all know what you found out,” Renegade says, looking at the men on his left.

  “The men that attacked us are part of the Scavengers MC. That’s not the part that’s news. What we’ve found out is that they have a warehouse a few miles outside of town. They’re livin’ there and it’s their base of operations. They want in our town, bad,” Grave says, looking at me while he talks. “What we don’t know is why they want in town so bad and what they’re next move is goin’ to be.”

  “He’s right. Hawk set up cameras on the street lookin’ in. We know that they’re all there at night. Durin’ the day I’m not sure what they do or where they go. But, when they show back up, they unload crates of some sort. I say we roll in around ten tonight and blow their shit to hell. We can capture a man or two and find out what they’re really up to, but blow the rest of those motherfuckers to hell,” Psycho says, leaning back in his chair and taking a deep breath while watching the room.

  “All in favor?” Renegade asks as ‘yes’s’ sound off around the table. “All against?”

  Not a single person makes a sound. We’re all ready to eradicate the earth of these evil bastards. They’ve taken too much from us already and they’re not going to stop until we’re wiped completely out. These fuckers have already taken women, we know they’re in the drug business, and they tried to take us out on a run. I have my own opinion on the matter, but I’ll talk to Renegade, Psycho, Grave, and Ink on my own about it. It’s not something I want to think or even say out loud, but it has to be brought up because it makes sense.

  “I want everyone gettin’ what they need ready. We’ll leave here around eight thirty and make our way there. Once we get there, we’ll decide the best way to surround the warehouse and take these motherfuckers out,” Renegade says, banging down the gavel to dismiss everyone.

  I remain in my seat as Renegade does to. Nodding my head toward Grave and Psycho, they stay where they’re at too. Smokey is the last one out and he closes the door behind him before I look at the three men that have been my friends for longer than I can remember.

  “Got an idea I want to talk about,” I say, making sure I have their attention before I continue. “There’s not a single person besides the men that sit in this room and the Phantom Bastards that knew where we were goin’ the day the attack happened. Just like no one besides the men in this club knew the route that Callie took to and from work. Is there a chance that there’s a mole here?”

  The three men look at one another and take a minute to digest what I just said to them. In my mind it makes sense, but I’m not sure if I’m too close to the situation since Callie and myself were hurt the most in both attacks. Psycho looks at me and I can see the wheels turning in his head.

  “I don’t think you’re wrong at all. It’s a possibility,” Renegade says, leaning back in his chair. “Now we just have to figure out who has the most to gain by betrayin’ the club.”

  “That’s the only part I’m stuck on. I don’t know who to even lean toward,” I tell them, getting up to make my way out of the meeting room.

  We’ve pulled up to the warehouse and have been scoping out the situation for a while now. Just as Psycho said, three vans have pulled in and the men unload crates from the back of them. We’re too far away to tell what’s in them, but I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that it’s going to be women. That seems to be the common thread that we find with these men.

  Finally, Renegade puts up a hand signal that it’s go time. I follow Grave and Smokey to the front of the warehouse. Psycho, Ink, and Hawk are on one side while Renegade, Chains, and Ryder are on the other side. Doc, Tex, Tats, and Snake make their way to the back. We all have ear pieces in so that we can confirm when we’re all in position. Once the last group lets us know they’re set, we bust through every doorway and window that we can to get inside of the warehouse.

  I’m the first one through the front door and what I see takes my breath away and brings the bile rushing up. In the middle of the floor sits almost fifty cages containing women of every race and a wide age range. As I look around I see a girl that can’t be more then fifteen years old. The other two men stop behind me as we stand there and watch in shock as the cages are hit with bats, whips slice through the openings in the bars and hit bare skin, and other various degrees of torture occur.

  “Who the fuck are you?” one man asks when he finally realizes that we’re in here.

  “We’re the men that are gonna kill you fuckin’ slowly,” I answer, pulling the trigger and hitting the man that was just screaming and whipping some little girl in the shoulder.

  That first shot leads to chaos and complete destruction as we try to take as many of the fucker down without hitting the women. The cowards try to hide behind cages before they realize that they’re surrounded. Soon, they’re giving up like the little bitches that they are. Renegade stands in front of the group of men while we tie them up and choose which ones will be going with us tonight. They’ll all meet their maker, but the men we take will have a slow and painful death.

  “Which ones Bear?” my President asks me, as I look around at the men we’re surrounding.

  “That one for sure,” I say pointing to the asshole that opened his mouth first.

  Walking around the group of men, I see the one that was in the passenger side of the truck when I was run off the road. I grab him by the shoulder and throw him toward Grave before moving on to pick one more. There’s a man that’s trying to shrink away while keeping his gaze locked on Tats. This motherfucker right here will be going with us. I think he has more answers that we need than the other two.

  We pull them outside and take them to one of the vans and throw them inside. Ryder starts setting up the explosions as the rest of us get the women out. They’re scared as fuck and shy away from us while we’re trying to help them. I can’t say that I blame them. Snake pulls them away from the building so that Bishop and Chris can bring more vans to load them up in. We’re going to drop them outside the hospital so that they can get the help they need and then find their way back home. It’s the only thing we can do with this many of them.

  By the time everyone is ready to go, Ryder is jogging back toward us and nods his head to let us know everything is set on his end. As we all get on our bikes or in the vans, Ryder pulls out the detonator and hands it to me. He tells me that we can be down the road far enough that we won’t be around for flying debris but still see the explosion through the trees. It works for me as I start my bike and make my way a couple hundred feet down the road with the rest of the club.

  Pulling over, I turn around so that I can watch as the building holding a bunch of vile men explodes. I look at my brothers and see that they’re all waiting for me to press the button. Without further delay, I press it and within seconds we can hear the sounds of the explosives going off one by one around the warehouse. The flames lick at the sky as a dark cloud of smoke billows up toward the sky. I’ve had enough of this. I want to get back to the clubhouse, put these men in the dungeon, and get to work to find out what we need to know.

  We’ve been in the dungeon with these assholes for a while now. Not a single one of them want to give up any information and it doesn’t matter what we do to them. The same man from the warehouse keeps looking at Tats while he leans against the wall and acts nonchalant. I can see the pain in his eyes though. There’s a connection here and I’m about to find out what it is.

  Grave took his turn first. The only thing I requested is that I get the final blow on the man that was in the truck. He’s given me t
hat. My brother has used knives, brass knuckles, and pliers on the guy that wanted to speak up when no one else would. That one’s barely hanging on and I give him five minutes before he bleeds out and dies. Psycho has been working over the man that was in the truck, but he’s still breathing. He’s missing a few fingers and toes; his chest and back are carved up almost to the point of no skin being left on his weak body. Now, it’s my turn.

  Instead of making my way over to the three men that are strung up from a beam, I make my way over to Tats. He stares at me trying to figure out what I’m doing. “See, I talked to Renegade, Grave, and Psycho after church about a mole in the club. It had to be this club because of the attack on Callie too. Couldn’t figure out who it’d be though. All it took was one look at the warehouse and I knew that it was you.”

  Renegade looks between Tats and me waiting for a further explanation. So, I pull him front and center. “Go ahead Tats, tell them what I’m talkin’ about,” I say, standing him right next to the man already hanging from the ceiling.

  “I-I d-d-don’t k-k-know what you want me to say,” Tats stutters out, letting his nervousness show.

  “I want to know why you’re workin’ with the fuckin’ Scavengers to hurt us. Why did you help them cause me to lose so much time with my wife because of their fuckin’ attack,” I say, taking a knife off the table and holding it to his throat.

  “He’s my brother. My blood brother and they found out,” Tats finally says, breaking down in front of him. “They were torturin’ him for information on us so I gave him just a road that you all might be on.”

  “One that led to me almost gettin’ killed and leavin’ Callie!” I yell out, getting in his face before I look at Renegade.

  “Usually I’d have a vote in church. All in favor of Tats bein’ stripped of his cut and meetin’ his maker say yes,” Renegade says, looking at every man in the room with us.

  Every single man in the room says yes. Tats looks so dejected and like he’s lost his place in the world. It won’t matter soon though. I’m going to kill him. I’ll give him a quick death, but I won’t feel any remorse because of it. He fucked us over and he has to pay for that. Taking his cut off his back, I hand it out to Renegade before slicing the knife across his throat. Tats drops to the ground as the blood begins to pool around him. He’s gurgling and choking on his own blood as I step over him and make my way to his brother.

  I’ll make the man that was in the truck give up more information before I kill him. First, it’s time to make this bitch pay for what he did to me and my family. Once again picking up the cheese grater, I work my way from his neck down to his toes. There isn’t an inch of his skin that isn’t marked up by the instrument in my hand. Including his limp dick. Well, what used to be his dick. Now it just looks like something that a meat grinder spewed out. All my brothers are looking at me like I’m crazy as fuck while simultaneously holding their junk.

  When he’s done screaming and puking from the pain and shit, I take the cheese grater to his back. It looks the same as his front by the time I’m done. Taking the salt, I just dump the shit over his head so it will fall into his mutilated skin. As soon as that’s been rubbed into his skin, I pour alcohol over his body and let him settle for a little bit. He knows what’s coming next. Everyone in this room does.

  Now, I can take my pain, anger, and regret out on the motherfucker that deserves to feel pain. The man in the truck. Picking up the sledge hammer on my way over to him, I slam it repeatedly into his knee and leg. His screams pierce the air and I see a few guys covering their ears to stop them from being blown by the loudness bouncing off the walls. My hearing is dulled a little bit by the intensity in this small room.

  I do the same thing to the other leg. While I may only have one fucked up leg, this motherfucker deserves to have every bone in his body broken. His feet are next as I slam the sledge hammer down and ensure that I crush every bone in both feet. Setting that down, I pick up the cigar cutter off the table of tools. It will ensure that there are even cuts when I take down his fingers a knuckle at a fucking time.

  “Someone gag this bitch; I don’t want to hear his scream anymore. Unless you have somethin’ to offer us,” I say, knowing that he’s gonna die one way or another tonight.

  “You’ve killed the entire chapter of the club. But, that’s not all of us. You fuckin’ pussies haven’t met Craze yet. He’ll tear you limb from limb and laugh like crazy while doing it,” the man says, giving us the only piece of information we need. His name will be given to Hawk to find and Renegade will call his ass.

  “Looks like you’re the bitch,” I say, finishing off his last two fingers before moving onto his face.

  This bitch has gauges in his ears. Taking a screw driver, I slide it through the hole in his ear before twisting and turning his ear until it rips. Moving to the other side, I give that ear the same treatment. Next, I pull every single tooth out of his mouth, which isn’t many with the drugs he’s been taking. Then I cut his tongue out. This is the point that he passes out. Since I don’t want to waste any more time on his fucked-up ass, I pour the alcohol over him and set both their asses on fire. The prospects can deal with all four bodies as soon as there’re dead.

  Passing everyone, I make my way up to my room. I’m going to shower and change before heading home. Callie, Knox, and Jazz will never be tainted by the shit that happens here when we have enemies in the clubhouse. That’s not to say they’ll never witness violence from me or the guys, but I’ll shield them as much as I can. For now, I just want to clean up and get home. Callie will be getting up soon and I want to be there when the kids get up for their next feeding.


  The day we sit down with Craze is finally here. Turns out he’s the national President of the Scavengers MC. I’m taking Bear, Grave, Doc, Ryder, and Snake with me. Bear needs to go in case the man doesn’t believe what’s been going on with his club here. So, we’re loading up on our bikes so that we can travel halfway to him. It’s going to be a three-hour trip, but I’ll gladly take it. This way we’re meeting on neutral territory and can hopefully get everything worked out today. We can’t afford to go to war right now, but I’m not gonna fucking bow down to anyone either.

  Bear is riding next to me today. It’s out of formation, but he needs to let this Craze guy know that he’s the one that’s had all the shit happen to his family. I’m just thankful that Callie and he weren’t out on their own when the attack happened. I’d never survive the guilt if that had happened. It’s hard enough to live with the guilt about Bear every single day. If I hadn’t been complacent and stubborn, there would’ve been more guys on the run, and it wouldn’t have happened. Bear doesn’t feel that way and neither does Callie, but it’s burned into my heart and soul.

  We’re finally pulling up to the desolate bar and I take in our surroundings. True to his word, there’s one car in the parking lot and only six bikes. Craze said this place isn’t busy and the owner knows that this is a place that’s often used for business between clubs. I’ll have to take his word for it at this point. The guys and I pull our bikes into the opposite side of the parking lot and back them in. We want to be able to get the fuck out of here in a hurry if it comes down to it.

  As soon as we’ve all stretched our bodies out, we walk as a group to the front door of the bar. Pulling it open, I see the dark, dreary interior is old and in need of serious repairs. That’s not my concern though. Once our eyes adjust to the darkness, I see a group of men sitting at four tables that have been pulled together. There are chairs waiting for us and I walk up to the table, slightly in front of my men.

  “Craze,” I say, holding out my hand to shake before pulling out my chair.

  “Renegade,” he answers, standing up and shaking my hand before we all sit back down.

  Craze is not what I expected. He’s an older man with long, greying hair that’s pulled back. A bandana covers his head with a pair of sunglasses resting on top of his head. He’s got a long bea
rd that’s braided halfway down his chest. It’s his eyes that pull my attention in though. There’s not an ounce of malice or anger shining from them. I see confusion but that’s about it.

  “Care to tell me why I’m meeting with you instead of my guy Harry?” he asks once we’ve all taken our seats.

  “Harry’s dead,” I state matter-of-factly. “He was killed when he kidnapped my brother’s ol’ lady and a woman that was special to every man in this club. She was tortured and threatened to be sold to the highest bidder every day for almost a month before we found them and got her and a few other girls out. Some of them happened to belong to the Phantom Bastards out of Benton Falls.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” he asks, his face turning red as anger finally starts to show.

  “He’s not lyin’. That girl is my ol’ lady. Not only that but we have another girl with us now that was repeatedly raped, tortured, and beat down for longer than that. Then my wife almost lost me when your men attacked us and ran me over a cliff,” Bear says, keeping his cool despite reliving the hell that he’s been through with Callie.

  “I didn’t sanction any of that shit,” Craze says, looking at the men with them who are all staring at us cluelessly. Not a single one of them have an idea about what Harry and his club were up to. “Is everyone in your club whole?”

  “Yes. That chapter of yours has been eradicated though. Not a single member is alive,” I answer, knowing that I could be getting ready to go to war with this man because of my answer.

  “If they were following Harry then I don’t give a fuck. We were about to cut them loose anyway. They were only supposed to be there to have a sit down with you. I want to run through your territory and that’s it. Nothing will be distributed there; our buyers are past you. The only thing we may need is protection or a little help if it’s required,” Craze says, looking at me dead in the face so I can see the truth in his words.


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