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You Know My Name (BWWM Romance) (The Good Girls and Bad Boys Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Stacy-Deanne

  He sucked in the tears.

  “You were never the victim, Max.” The mole above her lips wiggled. “This isn’t about you and me. It’s about doing the right thing. Think about Osana. If you care about her, then make things right.”

  He looked at her.

  “You can get money from anywhere,” she snapped, rolling her eyes. “You’re brilliant at getting anything you want, but you can’t ruin that woman’s life. You’re running out of time to get another chance at being happy and finding real love.”

  “Without money, I’m nothing.”

  “You’re nothing if you define yourself with money. I loved you, Max. Do you think I’d have married a man and had a child with one who wasn’t worth that? You see value in money and fine things. When are you gonna see value in yourself?”

  “Even if I wanted to walk away, I couldn’t.” He sighed. “Things are already in place.”

  “We’re still married, remember? You can walk away.” She took his hands. “Trust me. All the money won’t end the guilt if you don’t stop this now.” She got her wallet from her purse. “If you have any doubts, then look at this.” She passed him a picture of a handsome fifteen-year-old-boy with braces and Max’s deep facial features.

  “God.” He broke into tears again. “My boy.” He kissed the picture. “He looks just like me.”

  “He reminds me so much of you.”

  “He’s a man now,” Max whispered.

  “And, I’m raising him to be the best man he can be. Right now he wants nothing to do with you, Max. Is money worth that? I beg you.” She shook him to get his attention. “Please don’t hurt Osana like you’ve hurt us.” She let him go as if she didn’t want to. “I have to go.”

  “One question. How come you never divorced me?”

  “Honestly?” She shrugged, securing the purse strap on her shoulder. “I guess I’m hopeful that the Max I fell in love with will find his way back to us one day.”

  He wiped his damp nose with his hand.

  “You hold the cards.” She gestured to the picture in his hand. “How you deal them is up to you.”

  He grew warm, sensing the desire in her eyes. “You still love me, don’t you?”

  “Like I said…” A tear fell from her eye and settled on her top lip. “You left us.”


  After viewing Preston’s security footage in Teddy’s living room, Osana stared at the TV not believing what she’d just seen.

  Teddy’s lips hung open as if he felt the same way she did.

  On the video, Asha beat Preston over the head with the ceramic vase moments after Osana left.

  Teddy caressed his knuckles. “You okay?”

  “Asha?” Osana stared at the still image of the redhead. “How could this be?”

  “I don’t know but it’s right there in front of us.” Teddy rubbed his head. “Asha killed Preston.”

  “Look at how she beat him.” Osana’s bones quaked at the violence spewing from Asha. “She hated him. You couldn’t beat someone like that without hate.”

  “Wonder why she did it though?”

  Osana tightened her fingers around the remote control. “It came out that they were having an affair, and she hid that from the police.”

  “But, what the hell did he do to get beat like this?”

  “And Max…” The remote trembled in Osana’s hands. “He didn’t do it.” She slammed the remote on the table. “That creep. He played me. How could he do something like that? He made me believe he killed Preston and all the time he knew Asha did it. This is worse than him making me marry his ass.”

  “Gotta give it to him though.” Teddy chuckled, eyes wide. “He’s clever.”

  “Do you realize how fucked up Max has to be to do something like this? And, did he think I’d never find out the truth?”

  “Probably figured he’d be long gone with your money by the time you did.”

  “I can’t take any more surprises.” She got the DVD out the player and gathered the copies. “We gotta get to the police.”

  “Not without a lawyer.” Teddy stood.

  “But, the video proves I’m innocent.” She put the DVDs in her purse.

  “You still lied. You might end up facing charges, anyway.”

  “If that’s what happens so be it.” She clasped her clammy hands. “Whatever it is it’ll be way better than going to prison for murder.”


  “Max!” Osana tore through her front door two hours later. “Max, get your ass out here.” She rushed to the stairwell. “Max!”

  Leslie walked up behind her with her hair in a tight ponytail. “He’s not here.”

  “Where the hell is he?” Osana tossed her purse in the hall. “That son of a bitch. You won’t believe what he’s done. He put me through all this shit for nothing.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He didn’t kill Preston. Asha Westbrook did.”

  Leslie gaped. “Preston’s secretary?”

  “Remember it came out awhile back that she’d hidden an affair with him?” Osana walked to the parlor, and Leslie followed. “Looks like she hid this too.” She plopped on the couch. “Max must be one sick person to do something like this. Tricking me is worse than blackmailing me.”

  “I’m confused.” Leslie rocked, holding her hips. “How do you know Asha did it?”

  “Teddy found out Max had a safe deposit box and Preston’s security footage was in there from the night Preston was killed.”

  “Jesus.” Leslie sat, staring in space.

  “It shows plain as day what happened. Asha came in right after I left and killed Preston and ran out.”

  “So that’s when Max came in and took the vase and—”

  “No, Asha took the weapon with her. Max lied about every damn thing. He didn’t kill Preston nor did he have the weapon.” She kicked the table. “God, I’m an idiot! I should’ve demanded to see proof, but I took his word for it. I’m smarter than this.”

  “No one could blame you. Who would’ve thought Max was so twisted he’d be lying? So Asha had the weapon all this time?”

  Osana nodded. “All Max’s ass did was take the footage. Of course, there’s no evidence of him anywhere in the place.” She laid her head back. “Teddy and I just got back from the police. I won’t face any charges because it was self-defense.”

  “Osana, that’s great.” Leslie hugged her. “Then it’s over?”

  “The hell it is. If Max thinks I’m letting him get away with this he’s mistaken.”

  “Did you tell the police about Max blackmailing you?”


  “Why?” Leslie put her hands in her lap. “He deserves to be in jail.”

  “Trust me.” Osana stood. “When I get through with Max, he’s gonna wish he’d gone to jail.”

  They left the room.

  “What are you talking about?” Leslie hurried to the elevator behind Osana. “You’re not gonna get revenge are you?”

  “You damn right I am.”

  They entered the elevator and Osana pushed the up button. “You know me.” She crossed her arms, scoffing. “I don’t let people get away with doing me wrong.”

  “Let the police handle it. Max needs to be in jail.”

  They got off the elevator.

  “Look at what I’ve been through, Leslie.” Osana went into her bedroom. “The man forced me into marrying him, took over my home, and almost ruined my relationship with Shad. People have done a lot less, and I got them back. No way I’m letting Max off the hook.”

  “Then you’ll be worse than he is. Let it go, Osana. Just be happy it’s over.”

  “But, we’re still married.” She batted her eyes. “And he’s gonna wish we’re not.”

  “What’s that?” Leslie got the folded paper off Osana’s bed. “It’s from Max.”

  Osana took it and sat on the bed. “Something else he’s cooked up?”

  “Read it.” Leslie lowered herself bes
ide Osana.

  Osana scanned the note.

  Might be funny to see me say this, but in this situation some things are more important than money. I know there’s nothing I could do to make up for the pain I’ve caused so all I can say is I’m sorry. The best gift I can give you is that we never see each other again. Goodbye, Princess. It was fun while it lasted.

  Sincerely, Max

  “It’s bullshit,” Osana said. “He’s up to something.”

  “I don’t think so.” Leslie read the note. “It seems sincere.”

  “Oh please. Max sincere? This man has lied about everything since he wormed his way into my life. You think Max would leave all this money behind?”

  “He actually has a conscience.” Leslie’s face lit. “It’s kind of sweet.”

  Osana squinted. “Why are you taking up for him?”

  “I’m…” Leslie jerked as if to play it off. “I’m not taking up for him.” She crossed her legs, sighing. “I’m just saying he might be in love with you.”

  “Max only loves money, and this letter is another scam.”

  “Can’t you be happy it’s over?”

  “I could if I believed it were, but you’re forgetting one thing.” She stood. “He’s gone God knows where and we’re still married!”

  Leslie covered her mouth. “Holy shit.”

  “I gotta find his ass and divorce him!” Osana raised her arm. “I could be tied to Max for the rest of my life.” She lay back, groaning. “Kill me, please.” She got her phone from her pants pocket and dialed. “Hell.”

  “Who are you calling?”

  “Shad.” Osana pressed the phone to her ear as it rang. “I gotta tell him the truth. I’m more afraid of telling him than I was Dunleavy.”

  “Hey,” he answered. “I had a feeling I’d hear from you tonight.”

  She wondered what he meant by that. “We need to talk. I hope you keep an open mind. You won’t like what you hear.”

  “This doesn’t sound like a conversation we should have on the phone. Why don’t you come over in about an hour and a half?”

  “I can come right now.” She scooted to the edge of the bed. “The sooner the better so I can get this over with.”

  “An hour and a half, my love,” he whispered.

  “Shad, what are you up to?”

  He blew a kiss into the phone. “See you later.” He hung up.

  “What the…?” Osana lowered the phone to her lap. “Shad is up to something.”

  Leslie stood, stretching. “Who isn’t around here?”


  Osana walked along the walnut and ivory pavement to Shad’s pool area.

  Shad swam through the sky-blue water, glowing under the white lights around the oval pool.

  Beside the pool, set a small table covered in a silk, red tablecloth. Two large plates sat beside red, cloth napkins.

  A centerpiece of red and white roses took up the middle of the table and gold candleholders with vanilla-scented candles sandwiched the bouquet.

  Osana chuckled. “Sly son-of-a-bitch.” She got the bottle of white wine from the container of ice and checked the label.

  A tray of chocolate-covered strawberries bigger than her hands and a platter of cheeses and grapes lay in the mist of the decorations.

  She bit into a strawberry. “God.” She wobbled at the sensation.

  “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” Shad rested his arms on the edge of the pool, shaking water from his gorgeous face.

  Osana shrugged, chomping the strawberry.

  “The strawberries good or you hungry as hell?”

  “Both.” She grabbed a handful of green grapes. “Hungry like I’m pregnant.”

  He gaped.

  “Don’t worry.” She sucked a grape. “I’m not. You think you’re slick being all romantic, huh?”

  “Well it’s my role in life to keep you guessing.” He got out the pool, water caressing his beefy pecks. “I hope I never disappoint.” He sauntered up to her in black swim trunks that cuddled his abs. “God, you always smell so good.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Chocolate stained her lips. “Hand me a napkin.”

  “What for?” He kissed her, licking her lips clean of chocolate. “I don’t know what tastes better…you or the chocolate.”

  “Max is gone.” She sucked on a tiny particle of chocolate between her back teeth.

  “Is he?” He half-smiled. “What happened?”

  “I came home, and he’d left me a note.” She ate a grape. “Apologized for what he’d done and said it’s over and he’s gonna leave me alone. I don’t buy it.”

  He touched her hair. “You’re the most suspicious woman I’ve ever met.”

  “Don’t you find it odd how Max just took off? What would make him do that?”

  Shad bit into a slice of white cheese. “Stranger things have happened. Wine?”

  “What’s going on?”

  He smirked, pouring wine into a glass.

  “Did you have something to do with Max leaving?”

  “Hm. I might’ve had a bit to do with it.”

  “God, what did you do?”

  “I saved you from being robbed by a two-bit crook, that’s what I did.”


  “I found Max’s wife.” He leaned on the table, eating cheese.

  She stuck her neck out, batting eyes. “His wife?”

  Shad munched. “You and Max were never married.”

  She turned left and right. “What the hell did you say?”


  “There you have it.” Shad sat at the table, grabbing a handful of grapes.

  “I…” Osana did a double take. “We weren’t married in the first place? He played me like a goddamn fiddle and I let him do it. Me, someone as smart as I am.”

  “After Marta walked in the door, I knew he’d change his mind.” Shad chewed. “I did that for you.” He leaned into her, boastful. “I made everything better. I was your knight in shining armor.”

  She swelled with rage.

  “Well?” He snickered. “Don’t I get something in return?”

  “Yes.” She pulled her hand back and slapped the hell out him.

  “Jesus!” He grabbed his cheek, floundering in the chair. “What the fuck was that?”

  “I told your ass to stay out of it!” She stood. “How dare you go behind my back like this, Shad?”

  “I went through all that trouble to help you and you hit me?” He stood, clutching his red face. What’s wrong with you, woman?”

  “This was about you having control over me.” She pointed to him. “It was all about you.”

  “My god.” He walked in a circle with his head in the air. “You’re unbelievable. I did this because I love you.”

  “You can’t treat my life like a business deal, Shad. You had no right interfering. Do you realize what could’ve happened if you set Max off?”

  “I didn’t give a damn about Max.” He lunged at her. “Why do I keep wasting my time? I should’ve known you wouldn’t appreciate it.”


  He huffed and puffed, looking at the pavement. “What?”

  “Are you as hot as I am right now?”

  “Hotter than coals on a barbecue bit.”

  “Me too!” She leapt into his arms, kissing him. “Mm. I’m pissed at you.” She gripped his waist. “But, I appreciate it.”

  He laughed. “I don’t understand you.”

  “Yes, you do.” She hugged him. “You understand me more than anyone does.”

  “You can slap me and scream all you want but I won’t stop loving you.” He swayed her from side to side in his arms. “I’ll always be there when you need me.”

  “You mean that? Then let’s put it to the test.” She walked to the table and pulled at the tablecloth. “I guess it’s time I tell you why Max blackmailed me. It has to do with Preston’s murder.”


  She closed her eyes. �
��I was at Preston’s the night he was murdered.”

  “Osana, what the—”

  “In his bedroom.” Her stomach knotted as she struggled with the words. “Where he was killed.”

  “And what…” He inched to her. “Were you doing in Preston’s bedroom, Osana?”

  “I’d gone there to close the deal.” She trembled, zapping back to the fear she had when Preston attacked her. “He told me he’d made amendments to the offer, and he wanted to take me to his office but I didn’t know he was taking me to his bedroom.”

  The muscles in Shad’s face contracted.

  “He was acting strange, and I was uncomfortable, but I really wanted that deal.” She fought tears. “I couldn’t see what was going on.”

  “What was that?” He crossed his arms.

  “Preston was a creep, Shad. He never wanted a deal with Spears Corp. He only wanted to get me into bed.”

  He exhaled, and Osana swore she saw smoke come out his nose.

  “I tried to leave and he…” She sighed. “He wouldn’t let me.”

  “Wouldn’t let you?” he whispered, eyebrows wrinkling. “What do you mean by that?”

  “He grabbed me and wouldn’t let me go.” She caressed her hand out of anxiety. “He pushed me on the bed—” She shivered. “Preston was a big guy. So strong.”

  “Wait, a minute.” He raised his hand. “Are you saying Preston raped—”

  “He tried to, but I fought him off. I fought as hard as I could and I hit him with the vase he had on his end table.”

  Shad rocked, rubbing his hands together as if he’d hit something. “How could Preston do something like that? How could he?” he yelled. “That motherfucker. If he wasn’t dead, then he’d be tonight. I tell you that.”


  “I’d kill any man who put his hands on you like that!” He punched his palm. “Preston had no right to do that to any woman.”

  “He kept saying it was part of the deal.” She hugged herself. “If I’d known he was such a creep I never would’ve gotten involved with that deal.”

  “I’m in shock.” He walked past the table, holding his head. “I’ve known Preston forever. I never would’ve guessed he’d be so sleazy. You had every right to hit his ass. You did nothing wrong.”


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