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Student Body - Taking One for the Team

Page 4

by A. M. Hess

  “Here you are”, she waved a hand at an elaborately decorated table. “The buffet is open as well as the bar. The coach has taken care of everything and these gifts are for you. My name is Melissa, please let me know if there is anything I can get while here in the club.” She turned and left them at the table.

  There were two seats at the table of four with place holders labeled ‘Professor Shaw & Guest’. At each place was a sweatshirt, ball cap, scarf, and pom-poms all adorned in the school colors and logos. Donna said, “And you’re just teaching his payers, imagine if you had something going with the guy.” She giggled.

  “Don’t even go there”, Kelly replied

  The two ladies filed through the buffet and ordered champagne from the bar. Rather than eat at the table, they went to an outdoor balcony to enjoy their food and watch the pre-game warm up. It was a sunny crisp autumn day. The field was perfectly manicured and lined for the event and the maximum capacity crowd was filling the stadium. School colors for both squads could be seen throughout and the stage was set for another annual rivalry battle.

  Thirty minutes before kick-off, Coach Norris entered the All-Star Club to a cheerful round of applause. It was tradition for the coach to stop by the club prior to the home games and do a little glad handing with the boosters and alumni. Bigger than life, he moved through the crowd promising a good game and praying for a win. He saw Professor Shaw and immediately excused himself to visit her table.

  Throwing his arms open he hugged her upon reaching the tableside. “Kelly, I’m so glad that you’re here today. I want to thank you once again for working a miracle with another of our student athletes.”

  She returned the hug saying, “It’s good to see you too coach. I really haven’t done anything. They are all good kids and just need the right encouragement.”

  He smiled and held her by the shoulders, “Don’t be so modest, ever since Adam has begun private lessons with you he’s a changed man. If he’s not on the field, he’s in the gym. If he’s not in the gym he’s studying films. His grades are up and today he will get some playing time. I can’t thank you enough.”

  A crowd had formed around the two as they spoke. The boosters enjoyed their time with the coach and he could see that game time was upon them. Holding Kelly in one of his massive arms he turned to the crowd. “I promise you that our kids are properly trained and ready for the challenge they face today. God willing we’ll come out with a victory and no injuries. I hope you all enjoy the game. He gave her a squeeze and was gone. The next time she saw him he was on the side lines giving the pregame talk to his players.

  The first half was a battle. Both teams played well but mistakes were defining the game. With two forced turnovers on each squad the defenses were playing well and the offenses were matching almost point for point. The end of the half sounded and the teams went into the locker rooms with State up by three points. It was time for the half time show and fresh cocktails.

  The girls sat, drank and chatted about the game. An attractive women in her late fourties approached and asked very politely, “I’m sorry to interrupt your afternoon.” She had a southern drawl that could have only been created from wealth in the south. “I thought I overheard Coach Norris mention,” she hesitated, “Are either of you Professor Kelly Shaw?”

  Surprised finding someone who knew her outside the walls of the university, Kelly said, “That would be me,” and extended a hand. “Have we met?”

  “No Dear, but I must say that I’ve heard a lot about you. My name is Brenda Cook, my husband is Thomas Cook.” The woman replied as they shook hands. Kelly immediately recognized the family name. The Cook family had three wings and one library named after them on the university. The family had been influential in creating the school and was still very active with fund raising and grants for educational advancements.

  Kelly introduced Donna, “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Are you enjoying the game?” She had no idea what to say to the woman.

  “Indeed, but the offense needs a little spark. I’m sure Coach Norris is starting a fire in the locker room as we speak.” She took a seat. “It has come to our attention that you are responsible for the creative turnaround of many of our young athletes. We have heard about how you take a personal interest in these students and put them back on the right track.”

  Kelly was unsettled to know that there were others, outside the university that knew about her private lessons. “It’s nothing more than taking a personal interest and finding the best way to educate these kids. Any good teacher would do the same.”

  “Modesty becomes you My Dear. Thomas and I have been involved in the student athlete program our entire lives. We have seen many fall by the wayside and even be forced to leave the school. Since your arrival, not one has left who came to you for help. I simply want you to know that it’s appreciated and noticed.” Her husband joined her at their table. “Tom, this is the young professor we were discussing last week.”

  They shook hands with another round of introducing Donna Milton. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Professor. If what I have heard from Coach Norris is even half true, then you may be the most valuable educator in out university system.” He smiled and imitated a toast with his drink.

  Before Kelly could respond, Brenda Cook spoke, “Tom, this is Professor Shaw’s first visit to the club. Could you see to it that her tickets are upgraded from this point forward? I’d like to spend more time getting to know her.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary,” Kelly protested.

  “Think nothing of it. Of course we can. I’ll make the call on Monday, consider it done!” He took his wife’s hand as she stood. “It was a pleasure meeting you and as Brenda said, I look forward to seeing you very soon.” Without another word the two returned to their private table across the club.

  “Wow! It’s like you’re famous or something. How do I get in on the action?” Donna was laughing.

  Kelly wasn’t laughing. It was one thing to be known on campus but having prominent boosters inviting her to return to the club was something all together different. She would have time to reflect later. Half time was over and the teams were out on the field for the last two quarters.

  The third quarter began just like the first two. The teams were taking turns scoring and the defenses were getting exhausted trying to control the game. Kelly and Donna watched from their glassed perch as drive after drive the score remained slanted with State up by three points at the end of the third quarter. After a brief timeout the teams returned for the fourth and last quarter. Several personnel changes were made, one of which included Adam Carlson, #26 taking the field.

  The whistle sounded and with the snap of the ball bodies began crashing into one another grappling to gain control of the beloved football. Kelly recognized the play as an ‘out route’. The receivers run straight down the field with a quick turn to the sidelines catching the ball. The coach was betting on Adam’s speed against a very tired defense. From the snap it was clear that the new recruit was untouchable. He took off like a speeding train and outpaced the defender by two full steps when the ball landed firmly in his hands and he stepped out of bounds.

  Cheers filled the stadium as the play resulted in a 35 yard gain. The referee signaled the first down and play began again. This time the defense sent two defenders to contain Adam Carlson. At the snap, he bolted past both for a fly route. This play sends the receiver straight down the field. Adam Carlson surprised the two defenders by speeding past them both. He was clear and in the open when the pass fell into his hands with 20 yards to the end zone. He easily raced across the goal line.

  The crowd exploded as Adam Carlson scored his first collegiate touchdown. The band played and a cannon sounded. Pandemonium filled the arena as State lost the lead. Kelly watched as Adam handed the ball to the referee and jogged back to the sidelines with his teammates patting him on the helmet. His humility was a stark difference to the s
how-off dancing that most football stars brought to the field. She was proud watching his performance.

  Adam Carlson, #26 scored twice more before the end of the game. In fact, he was the only player who scored for either team in the final quarter. His speed and quickness was unparalleled, he read the defense and exploited weaknesses. His timing was perfect, he ran each play exactly as it had been planned and State had no answer for his scoring. Each trip past the goal line ended with Adam humbly handing off the ball to an official and jogging back to the sidelines.

  The celebration began the moment the final whistle sounded ending the game with State in an 18 point deficit. The students flooded the field enjoying a key win for their university. Inside the All-Star Club was a similar scene with people clapping and cheering, most were on their feet. Drinks were being served continuing the festive atmosphere.

  The televisions in the club changed from the game coverage to a closed circuit feed of the coach who was ready to discuss the game with local reporters. When his image filled the screen, the room began to quite, many brought the room under control with, “Quite down now, Coach Norris is about to speak!”

  Coach Norris began in the fashion of Southern Gentleman. He thanked God for keeping the teams safe, spoke well about the great State football program and claimed he had a great group of coaches that make big wins possible. He answered question for a few minutes and then introduced the schools new star receiver.

  The camera panned to Adam Carlson, still in uniform with sweat beading on his face. Kelly held her breath hoping that his thug persona would be left somewhere else for this particular interview. A reporter could be heard asking, “Adam, can you tell us what it means to you being the highest scorer in your first game and in such a big rivalry.”

  Carlson turned to face the camera and spoke calmly, “It feels wonderful to be part of such a great university and playing for a team with a long history of winning. I was honored when Coach Norris asked me to part of this amazing program and I am honored today to have helped my team bring home a win.” He paused; the reporter encouraged him to continue. “Today’s victory isn’t about me. There’s a whole locker room of guys who work hard every day. We are only a team together. We have the best coaches in the nation and the best professors who support our challenges of being student athletes. You asked me what it means to me, it would mean nothing to me without the team, the coaches and the support of the greatest university in the nation.”

  Coach Norris put an arm around his young player and faced the camera. “That, ladies and gentlemen, is the type of character we look for in our program. I’m proud of all my kids, but Mr. Carlson here is a fine example of why we work so hard in the off season to find the best prospects across the nation.” He turned to Adam, “Thank you, son. You had a great game today, now hit the showers.”

  The reporters fired questions at the coach but the All-Star Club was in deep conversation about the humble interview they had just witnessed. The boosters were extremely happy to have a win but Adam’s interview would be the lead story on the news broadcast. They had a talented, humble, well spoken athlete as they face of their football program. This good looking young man would bring donation pouring in.

  As Kelly and Donna prepared to go, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Brenda Cook stood next to her. She bent and whispered into Kelly’s ear, “You’ve done very well with this one Professor Shaw. He will be the new face of the team. We didn’t expect it and couldn’t be happier. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing you next Saturday.” She patted her shoulder before leaving with her husband.

  On the walk home, Kelly couldn’t decide if she’d created a monster and thereby a problem for herself, or paved the way for a very long career. In either case, the genie was out of the bottle and powerful people would be expecting results from her.

  Chapter Seven

  Tuesday afternoon was another scheduled session with Adam Carlson. He arrived precisely at the prescribed hour of 3:30. There was enough time between classes and his daily lifting and strength training. She greeted him at the door with a smile and less formal attitude. “Come in and take a seat next to the sofa.”

  He sat where he was told to and waited with his hands folded on his lap. She sat on the sofa and said, “As you know, I attended the game against State last weekend. You played very well. I sensed a difference in your attitude and therefore your presence on the field. Tell me what happened and how you were able to defeat the defenses so easily in the fourth quarter.”

  “Well Mistress, I owe most of that to you. Denying the simple daily pleasures of life gave me time to increase my weight training as well as my film studies. I studied every game film we had with State from this year and last. They haven’t changed their style for several years.” He was calm and more confident around her. His conversational skills were back to an intelligent young man from Connecticut.

  “Interesting, what did you learn?” She inquired.

  “Mistress, it seemed to me that State uses their linebackers to stop the run only. Once I saw it, there were only the safeties and the cornerbacks to deal with. Both starting cornerbacks have been the fastest guys on the squad for the past two years. It causes them to be lazy when defending because they could always use their speed to break a play. The films showed that they would allow the offensive receivers to get two or three steps on them before trying to cover them. I have about half a second on either of them so once they gave me three steps it was over, I was in the clear.” He was calm but excited. The efforts had paid off and he was ready to learn more.

  Kelly was impressed by her students turn around. The maturity and demeanor he was showing was that of a much older man. “So, you see how denying yourself can lead to greater pleasure?”

  “Absolutely, Mistress, without question.” He answered immediately.

  She went on, “Have you studied for the A&T game this week?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’ve pulled all the film but have only made it through half of them. I will have them finished by Friday afternoon.” Again he was at ease with the conversation.

  “And what have you gleaned from the films so far?” She was enjoying the conversation and denying herself the pleasure waiting for her.

  “Mistress, A&T uses a lot of zone coverage. The defense leaves large gaps in the field. We will need to find those gaps and exploit them using crossing routes. If they figure it out, we’ll need to change to a few out routes, spread the field and then back again as they go back to zone. I anticipate that they will double team me this week. I’ve told our quarterback to be on the lookout for it. If two guys are on me then somebody else is open for the ball. I’ll know more when I finish reviewing the films.” His natural good looks were increased by his poise and confidence.

  She measured him with her eyes, “The coach is very happy with your performance and I must say that the after game press conference was perfect. I watched from the All-Star Club and you gained the attention of many of the guests. Well, done Mr. Carlson. You are learning quickly.” As if it was an afterthought she added, “Now remove your clothes please.

  With purpose he stood and disrobed as she did the same. He remained standing and watched as she stretched out on the sofa. When she was comfortable she said, “I have greatly enjoyed the conversation, Mr. Carlson, but I would like you to use that mouth for something a little more physical. If you would please...”

  She opened her legs as he knelt between them. Without another word he used all the talents she had instilled in him to please her. Slowly and gently he licked, kissed and sucked until she was writhing in passion and screaming out. The orgasm flowed through her like an electric current. With expert skill he kept up the attention to her most private parts and as the first climax ebbed, another began to build. She held him to her letting him know that he was bringing her to another peak.

  As with the first, the heat in her belly grew. She tried to relax in order to enjoy the sensations longer but her body was having none o
f it. The expert use of his tongue brought her to the edge and quickly over for her second explosive orgasm. Another cry escaped her mouth and with closed eyes she let him guide her through the pulsing waves until at last they resided leaving panting and breathless.

  When she was able to open her eyes again, the world came back into focus with her servant kneeling politely on the floor between her legs. He smiled ever so slightly and she assumed he was proud of himself. He had grown tremendously over the last few weeks and she thought he deserved a small amount of pride. He also deserved a bit of a reward. She sat up and said, “Please lie down on the ottoman face up.”

  He did as instructed. Although the foot stool was large it was not enough to support his entire body. His arms, legs and head hung from the edges. She stood to look him over, pleased with his compliance. Kelly turned the stool so that Adam’s body was between the sofa and a heavy overstuffed chair. She handed him two leather restraints with instructions to secure them to his wrists. While he was busy buckling the devices in place, she worked on strapping two more to his ankles.

  Once they were both finished, Kelly moved to his head and pulled two black nylon tethers from under the chair. She had tied them to the chair legs earlier expecting to use them now. With clips that resemble those on a dog leash, she clasped a wrist to each of the tethers. Them from under the sofa she produced two more binding straps and secured his legs in the same fashion. He now looked as if he was stretched out on an old fashioned rack used as a torture device. His hands were extended above his head and his legs were held straight and slightly spread. The ottoman supported the middle of his body pushing his erection skyward.

  From a small drawer in the end table she retrieved a small foil package. He recognized it immediately as she held it with her teeth and ripped it open. While rolling on the lubricated latex she spoke to him. “Just as before, Mr. Carlson, you must deny yourself certain pleasures in order to get to the really great rewards. In many cases the reward will be the goal you set to achieve.” She stroked him, “Other times you will be rewarded by others receiving praise, money or the good favor of people.” She threw her leg over him and squatted down onto his erection. Lowering herself, she sighed and said, “This is once such reward.”


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