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In Defense of Love (Carmen Sisters Book 2)

Page 15

by Pat Simmons

  No sooner had they said “Amen” than several people spilled out from a door at the end of the hall. Once they spotted her and Garrett, they raced in their direction.

  Shari’s heart sank as they hugged Garrett and wept. They barely acknowledged her, but she wasn’t offended. She understood. Lord, please tell me Moses hasn’t passed away.

  “I want to see him,” Garrett demanded.

  At that moment, the Holy Ghost stirred within Shari, advising her to proceed with caution. With Garrett’s hand gripping hers, she counted the steps to the double doors of the ICU. Inside the private room, at least ten people were gathered around Moses’s bed. Her heart ached for the family. Queen sat beside her husband, clinging to his hand. Deborah and several other faces she didn’t recognize were clustered on either side, and Jamal and a few other cousins were posted at the foot of the bed.

  One of the family members—a good-looking young man—turned to Shari and gave her an appreciative perusal. He seemed detached from the anxiety in the room. She remembered seeing him at the anniversary celebration. That had to be Landon, Garrett’s unscrupulous cousin—the Judas of this precious family.

  “Ah, just in time for prayer,” said a thin man with a well-groomed mustache and beard standing next to Landon. He wore a white minister’s collar, which contrasted starkly with his pecan skin and piercing dark eyes.

  “With bowed heads, let us call on the Almighty,” the man instructed the group.

  Seconds into the prayer, Shari felt that something wasn’t right. She listened a few moments longer before popping her head up. “Stop the chanting,” she ordered with authority.

  “What?” The word rippled through the group as all heads turned to Shari, their faces showing shock and frowns of displeasure at her untimely outburst.

  Even Garrett gave her a questioning expression. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Do not lay hands on him!” Shari could feel the spiritual tug-of-war between the man’s dark spirit and hers.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Landon demanded. “You have no right to come in here and speak with Minister Bey—”

  “Shut up, Landon,” Garrett practically growled as he balled his hands into fists.

  “Shari, what’s going on?” Queen asked her.

  While she was praying, Shari had sensed the presence of shadows circling the minister, and she’d watched without opening her eyes as dark, formless figures had attempted to attach themselves to Moses. She lifted her chin regally and narrowed her eyes at the minister. “He’s not a man of God. The blood of Jesus is against you, demon.”

  All eyes glared at the man with Landon, whose expression never changed. His hands were still folded in prayer. “I’m a licensed minister.”

  “Who ordained you?” Shari demanded.

  “I received certification online.”

  Gasps echoed around the room. Then chaos exploded, prompting two nurses to show up and hush them.

  “Landon, why would you bring such a man in here?” Garrett’s uncle demanded of his son. “Haven’t you wreaked enough havoc in this family?”

  Landon shrugged. “I didn’t know.”

  “The anointing of the Lord is against you and all the demons that accompanied you here,” Shari told him. “Let the saints begin to pray.” She closed her eyes, but her spiritual vision was vigilant as she stretched forth her hand toward Landon and the decoy minister.

  In full force, their voices rebuked any demonic spirits that lingered. As the prayers grew louder, the children began to scream, “Send him back! Send him back!”

  Shari heard God say to her, You “wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

  Ephesians 6:12 was manifested before their presence as they all witnessed the Lord’s angels pushing the dark forms away from the bed and forcing them out the room. Calmness descended around Shari as she opened her eyes. Landon and his friend were gone—MIA. She placed one hand on Moses’s chest and continued to call on the name of Jesus. Others followed her lead until she whispered, “In Jesus’ name, amen.”

  The prayer was then transformed into praise and worship.

  Several minutes later, Deborah planted her hands on her hips and scowled. “We chase off one devil, and in walks another.” Shari turned to see a tall and very pretty woman who glided into the room with a grand entrance like it was her God-given right. The only clue of her identity was the double stroller she pushed with two identical infants inside. Brittani.

  Shari held her breath. No wonder Garrett had fallen for her. From her innocent look, there was no hint that she could have been the mastermind behind Garrett’s heartache. Shari didn’t know whether she should begin to pray again in defense of the love she had for her man. And for now, God was silent on the matter.

  Paying no mind to the motionless figure in the hospital bed, Brittani scanned the faces of those standing around her until she met Garrett’s gaze. He was watching her but hadn’t said a word. His expression was unreadable as he squeezed Shari’s hand so hard, it nearly cut off circulation. When she gasped, he loosened his grip.

  “Sorry, baby.”

  Brittani glanced at Shari with a sneer before returning her eyes to her ex. “I’m sorry about Papa Moses,” she said softly. “I brought the twins in hopes that their presence would help him mend faster.”

  As if the moment had been staged, a faint moan escaped from Moses’s lips. His groans grew louder as he struggled to lift his eyelids. Squinting, he tried to focus, his eyes moving rapidly.

  “Dad,” “Grandpa,” and other terms of endearment were shouted around the room as everyone clambered closer for a better view.

  Moses gripped the sides of his bed, trying to sit up. Evidently, he was too weak. Several family members tried to assist him, but Queen shooed them away. Then, sniffing, she bowed her head. No one had to guess that she was sending up prayers of thanks. Tears fell from her eyes.

  “You gave us a scare, old man,” Moses’s younger brother mumbled.

  “Honey….” Queen sobbed as she stroked her husband’s hand and arm, both of which were severely bruised from the numerous IVs that had been unmercifully implanted in his veins.

  There was not one face that wasn’t wet with tears. Shari cast a peek at Brittani and saw that even her eyes were misty. Garrett’s shoulders relaxed, and the creases that had marred his forehead vanished. He studied his grandfather and smiled, then glanced over his shoulder at Brittani and scowled.

  Shari cleared her throat. The fireworks had been lit. “I’m going to find the ladies’ room,” she said, wanting to escape before an explosion erupted. But then she had second thoughts.

  As if granting her permission, Garrett released her hand and dismissed her with a nod. His nostrils flared as he jammed fists on his hips. His family members stood motionless, their eyes on Brittani, evidently waiting for her to advance her agenda. Shari silently prayed that the showdown between Garrett and his former fiancée would exorcise his demons and end his heartrending torture.

  So what if women like Brittani graced the covers of glamour magazines? So what if Brittani stood regally, her figure shapely, even after spitting out two sons? So what if short, sassy hair highlighted her exotic features? So what if Garrett had proposed to her? Shari couldn’t stop her heart from pounding, but she could clear her mind. Straightening her shoulders, she quietly excused herself again and focused on finding the ladies’ room, refusing to let the devil suck the joy out of her.

  Chapter 25

  Garrett had to gather his thoughts before speaking. He had already said everything he needed to say to Brittani the night he’d confronted her about the affair—the night she had “explained” her compromising position in the affair.

  “I’m surprised to see you here, considering…” he walked slowly toward Brittani, forcing her into the hallway. “You need to repent on the spot. Refusing to allow
my grandfather the courtesy of seeing his great-grandsons unless they were Millers…how mean-spirited can you be?”

  She looked wounded. “I’m not a bad person, Garrett.”

  “You’re just not faithful.”

  Pouting, Brittani shifted her stance. “You never gave me another chance. It just happened—once. I was never attracted to Landon. I never wanted him. I still don’t, but my sons need a father. And Landon…well, he’s not father material. I’ve already begged you to forgive me and asked you to spare me the shame of my indiscretion.”

  Garrett couldn’t mistake the pleading in her eyes. But all he felt was compassion—none of the attraction or love he’d once had for Brittani. His heart had room for only one woman, and Shari now occupied that space. He lowered his voice. “Brittani, don’t make your sons pay for your sins. I’m not the one to rescue you. Only Jesus can do that.”

  “And you said you would love me no matter what,” she muttered. “Liar.”

  He grunted. The woman was delusional if she thought he was going to allow her to flip the script on him. “Although you were once my choice for a wife, you were never God’s choice for me. The Lord has since sent me a beautiful woman whom I plan to ask to marry me and to have my babies.”

  “Shari,” he heard his grandfather mumble faintly.

  “Excuse me.” As Garrett went in search of Shari, he thanked God again for sending him the right woman. Telling someone that you no longer loved them was hurtful, and he’d felt bad to be the bearer of that news to Brittani, but he no longer had feelings for her. His only prayer was that she would do right by her twins and by the Miller family. Landon was another story.

  Garrett overheard Shari and Landon talking before he turned the corner. He was about to intervene, but the woman who was a spitfire in the courtroom was holding her own with his cousin. So, Garrett folded his arms and stayed on the sidelines.

  “You’re incredible,” Landon said, trying to flirt. “I had no idea that—”

  “Save it.” Shari lifted her hand. “Evidently, when you backslid with Garrett’s fiancée, you didn’t repent, because seven-plus demons now possess you.”

  “Wait a minute—”

  “No, time’s up. In the name of Jesus, I bind the spirits that have overtaken you—lust, sexual perversion, defiling God’s temple with drugs and alcohol….”

  What? Garrett blinked. How did she know the dirt on Landon? Then it dawned on Garrett that his baby was operating under the influence of the Holy Ghost.

  “Repent, Landon,” she ordered him.

  Before his eyes, Landon’s body shook with convulsions as if something from within fought to escape. Suddenly, the trembling stopped. Landon composed himself, and had the nerve to smirk as he relaxed against the wall. He folded his arms as if they had been involved in a pleasant conversation for the last few minutes. “Hmm. So, you have the gift of discernment,” he stated in a mocking tone.

  Shari frowned. “I have the power of the Holy Ghost, and, as you are aware, with that comes many gifts, including the discerning of spirits. Repent, Landon, because those demons want to destroy you. Talk to your pastor and live.”

  As Shari tried to step past Landon, he moved out from the wall and blocked her path.

  She balled her hands into fists. “You do not want to mess with a Carmen. Trust me.”

  “Or with the man who loves her,” Garrett said, making his presence known. He had seen enough. “You and Brittani are a piece of work. God spared you a beat down once before, but I can’t guarantee He’ll help you this time.”

  “Babe,” Shari said softly, touching his shoulder.

  Garrett curved his arm around Shari’s waist and brushed his lips against her hair, all the while keeping an eye on his cousin. This woman belonged to him. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, Cuz,” Landon joked. “Can you believe that guy? I escorted him out—”

  “Not you, Landon. My baby. Speaking of babies, I think Brittani is looking for you.”

  Landon held up both hands. “Oh, no. She seduced me—”

  “Do I look stupid to you? I’m no fool, Landon. But you are a regular whoremonger. Instead of preserving yourself for marriage, you’re making women’s lives miserable with your lust,” Garrett snarled in disgust. This time he was ready for a fight.

  Shari calmed him by rubbing his back. “You won, G. The Lord fought your battle and won. Your cousin is just the remnants. Let God finish the cleanup.”

  Shari was right. Garrett nodded and took his eyes off Landon for the first time in several minutes. “You’re right. C’mon, Grandpa wants to see you.”

  “Cool.” Landon stepped forward. “We’d better—”

  “Wrong again.” Garrett scowled at him. “Not you but Shari.”

  There was a haunting undertone to Landon’s laughter. Despite the Lord’s having called him out using Shari as a mouthpiece, his cockiness had returned, magnified. He acted like he hadn’t a care in the world.

  “You really have no fear of God, do you?” Garrett shook his head. “There’s a chapel somewhere in this hospital, Landon. Find it and stay on your knees until God delivers you.”

  Then he and Shari wrapped their arms around each other, turned their backs on Landon, and started back to his grandfather’s room.

  At the door, Jamal raced to greet Shari as if she was his hero. His face was bright with excitement. “He’s going to be okay.” He dragged her to the bed.

  Moses’s eyes flickered as he appeared to gather strength. “Th…thank you,” he said, pointing to Shari. “I heard you…praying.” His voice faded. The family remained silent, waiting to see if he would speak again. Moses’s speech was slurred, but he struggled to get the words out. “The devil had me bound…. Couldn’t move…. The doctors gave me up, but God’s army battled with the devil’s angels for my soul.”

  “And we won, Grandpa!” Jamal shouted, his wide grin showing his missing tooth. He jumped up and down, pumping his fists in the air.

  Shari patted the family patriarch on the shoulder, then began massaging his arm, careful of the IV tubes. “I’m glad I could be here for you, Grandpa Moses. Now get some rest.”

  “I’ve rested enough. Garrett?” He strained his voice as he squinted, focusing on every face.

  “Yes, sir. I’m right here.” He bent and kissed his grandfather’s forehead.

  “You pro…prose to her yet?”

  Shari blushed as Garrett glanced over his shoulder. “No, sir, but any minute now.”

  “Good,” his grandfather mumbled before drifting back to sleep.

  Chapter 26

  Shari’s heart fluttered, not so much because of what Garrett said but what his grandfather had asked. How had she managed to be so blessed to have found favor with his family?

  She and Garrett followed the others to the family waiting room in order to give Queen some quiet time with her husband. Feeling drained, Shari sat next to Garrett on a sofa and snuggled under his arm. She smiled to herself. “Any minute now,” she would be an engaged woman. How long would that take? She was still wondering to herself as she drifted off.

  Shari stirred when Garrett disentangled himself from her and stood. She blinked, then stretched.

  “Babe, let’s go,” he suggested. “I was going to check you into a hotel, but Deborah has offered her spare bedroom. I would prefer that.”

  It didn’t matter to Shari. All she wanted was a bed. “Okay.”

  After checking on Grandpa Moses, Shari and Deborah walked ahead of Garrett, who carried his sleeping nephew in his arms.

  By the time they arrived at Deborah’s house in Roxbury, Shari was wide awake. Garrett hugged and kissed her good-bye, then left for his parents’ house. Deborah showed Shari to the guest room, which was decorated like a scene from a bed-and-breakfast magazine, with a tall four-poster bed, a mahogany side table and coordinating chair, and an upholstered bench at the foot of the bed.

  Before retiring, Shari left a voice-mail message for h
er law clerk to ask for a continuance on a case she was due to represent in court. When Shari said the words “family emergency,” she paused. Garrett’s family had become hers, even without an engagement ring. “I plan to be back in the office on Monday,” she said before concluding the message.

  After getting ready for bed, she climbed under the downy-soft sheets and grabbed her Bible. The Lord led her to read Matthew 12:29–31.

  Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house. He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

  “Jesus, what are You trying to tell me?” Shari wanted to make sure she had a complete understanding.

  No man can steal from you unless he binds you, God whispered.

  Sliding to her knees, Shari petitioned Jesus on behalf of the Miller family—including Landon, that he would repent. She finished and was about to climb in bed again when Garrett texted her.

  I just wanted to thank you for coming and to remind you how much I love you. Sleep well. Hugs and kisses, G

  Shari grinned. Love you, too. More hugs and more kisses.

  Shari slid under the covers and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. She was dreaming about Garrett when she heard a noise. It sounded like an animal, but Deborah didn’t have any pets.

  The night-light in the corner gave the room a soft glow. She scooted up and looked to the right, where the sound—now a hiss—was coming from. A dark figure was standing over her. It wasn’t an outline of a person but a formless spirit—maybe the same one she had cast out of Grandpa Moses’s hospital room.

  Whatever the thing was, it was powerful as it tried to bind her to the bed, immobilizing her body. Then she remembered the Scripture God had given her earlier. The only thing she could move was her mouth.


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