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In Defense of Love (Carmen Sisters Book 2)

Page 20

by Pat Simmons

  Garrett had stood as she walked toward him. He’d taken a different seat and pulled her down next to him as the court cleared out. “Hello, husband,” she’d greeted him. “What are you doing here? I thought you were going to spend the day with Ted.”

  The brothers-in-law had planned to meet in order to go over some construction plans for the home she and Garrett were building and wanted Ted’s advice since he was an architectural engineer.

  “I forgot something.” He’d leaned down and kissed her nose.

  She’d closed her eyes, allowing the love vibes to run their course, until she shivered from his touch and the scent of his cologne. “What?”


  She had frowned at the piece of paper until she realized it was a love note. She smiled before hugging him. “I definitely can’t leave home without it. Thanks, babe.”

  “Now that my mission is accomplished, I’m heading out to meet with Ted. Just in case you couldn’t get out, I gave your secretary a boxed lunch for you, so eat, Mrs. Nash.” He’d stood, and so had Shari. “I’ll see you at home.” Garrett’s swagger had caused her to shiver.

  Thank God for memories. Grinning, Shari closed her souvenir book and put it away. As the hours dragged on, she decided to take a nap. When she stirred again, all she remembered were strong arms carrying her into the bedroom, then tucking her under the covers. In the background, his soft prayers were like a love song.

  Later that week, Shari stood at the stove stirring a pot of spaghetti for dinner when the kitchen went black.

  Turning around, she was surprised to see Garrett lighting two long taper candles. “What’s this for?”

  He grinned. “Happy five-month anniversary, Mrs. Nash.”

  “I thought only we women keep track of that.” Touched by his gesture, Shari’s eyes misted.

  Once they finished their simple Italian meal, the night ended early when they retired to bed.

  Chapter 35

  What happened? Shari silently asked sometime later when the marital bliss she’d been enjoying with her husband seemed to come to a shrieking halt. Suddenly, Shari wasn’t as eager for Garrett’s touches and kisses.

  “Lord, should there be a cause for alarm?” she asked, scrutinizing her reflection in the mirror as she prepared to apply her makeup. Garrett had left for work hours earlier, and she had slept late since she didn’t have any pressing court cases that morning.

  Then it dawned on her. Could she be pregnant? She didn’t look pregnant. Shari went through the motions of eating, dressing, and leaving for work, but en route, she decided to take a detour to her sister’s house.

  Stacy opened the door with her four-month-old son, TJ, in her arms. “What a surprise! C’mon in. I was just about to feed him. See Auntie came to visit?” She tried to coax the baby to grin. When TJ did, he revealed his first tooth.

  Shari followed her into the kitchen. Toys were scattered all over the adjacent family room, as if her sister were operating a day care out of the home.

  During breakfast, TJ put on a show. He spat, blew bubbles, and refused the pureed bananas Stacy tried to feed him. Occasionally, she managed to get him to swallow some baby food.

  “What a workout.” Stacy stood and worked her son out of his high chair. “Let me wash him up and lay him down for a nap. Oh, and you have to see the latest baby gadget Ted bought.”

  Shari chuckled. “Nothing will surprise me anymore.” Since her last visit, Ted had moved his son out of the nursery into a large bedroom filled with even more stuffed animals and toys. In addition to the crib, there was a playpen and a juvenile set of bedroom furniture.

  “Okay, spill it,” Stacy said. “You’re too quiet. I know you, Mrs. Nash, and I should have heard Garrett’s name mentioned at least three times by now.” Folding her arms, Stacy tilted her head, waiting a second, before rambling on. “Did you two have your first fight? You know, Ted and I have spats all the time, but I always win.” She grinned, then eyed Shari. “Well?”

  “Well…I’m pregnant! At least, I think I am.” Shari danced like a cheerleader, and her big sister joined her, but both of them quieted when they realized TJ had fallen asleep.

  “Way to go, Garrett!” Stacy whispered excitedly. “Now TJ will have a playmate.”

  “I had something to do with it, too.” Shari grinned, then followed Stacy downstairs and flopped on the sofa. Her smile faded as she confessed, “I’m happy and scared, and I’ve even gotten mad at him a couple of times.” She gnawed on her bottom lip. “I’ve never been annoyed at my husband before—never. Am I supposed to become crazy like this?” Shari frowned. “Even the smell of his cologne makes me want to gag sometimes.”

  “It’s just your hormones,” Stacy assured her. “Ted got on my last nerve, too, especially when he would prepare a snack for me and then eat it before I could take my first bite. Sis, I put him on a hunger strike, cooking only for me. After two days, he knew I was serious. Ted made sure I’d eaten before he even added pepper to his food.”

  Shari wasn’t amused. She checked her watch. She had to head to the office soon.

  “Does Garrett know? Scratch that. You need to know for certain first.”

  “You’ve got a point. I’ll stop at the store and get one of those home pregnancy kits.” Shari grinned. “This is so exciting!”

  That evening, Shari purchased a test, as planned. The next morning after Garrett left for work, she called Stacy to help calm her nerves as she followed the directions provided in the package. They both screamed with excitement as Shari read “pregnant” on the digital display.

  “Welcome to the Mommy Club,” Stacy cheered.

  “I can’t wait to tell Garrett, and don’t you say anything to your bigmouthed husband,” Shari fussed at Stacy. Ted had never been good at keeping secrets, especially when it was major news.

  Two days later, when Stacy called to check up on her, Shari had to admit that she hadn’t mentioned a word about her pregnancy to Garrett, even though she was more than ready to spill the beans.

  Shari sighed. “I want to tell him with a romantic dinner or by showing him the positive pregnancy test and having him guess what it is. But romance and creativity are overrated right now when I don’t feel like myself. I hope this doesn’t affect me in the courtroom, or my clients will have me thrown in jail,” she joked.

  “Don’t start worrying. I’m sure you’ll figure out how to tell him. In the meantime, Carmen sisters’ pledge, I won’t say a word to Ted until you give me the okay. Then I’ll tell my ‘bigmouthed husband.’” Stacy disconnected when her son began to cry.

  A week later, Shari still hadn’t told Garrett, and he seemed clueless about her perpetual sleepiness and her slight weight loss. Humph. Well, I’ll tell him when I tell him, she thought, studying her complexion in the mirror. Her mood swings were starting to get on her own nerves. Forget the romance. She would just come right out and tell him tonight at dinner.


  Garrett rubbed his hand over his face. He was tired, and he and his partner still had one fugitive to pick up before they could call it a day. Shari had been restless at night lately with the result that he hadn’t been sleeping well, either. Yawning, all Garrett wanted was to do was go home and crawl in bed with his wife and sleep.

  His wife. He smiled and lifted the framed picture of his favorite wedding moment—their first kiss as husband and wife—from his desk. “I love you,” he whispered, as if the photo could answer him back. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

  During their honeymoon, Garrett and Shari had been like junkies feasting on their love. Then, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and quick phone calls during the day were like snacks; waking up each morning wrapped in each other’s arms was dessert.

  Even in public, he sometimes struggled to restrain his affections. In the bandstand at church, when they were supposed to be watching the director, his eyes were on his wife. Whenever Shari looked his way, he would wink.

  They often indulged in fo
od-fight-style tussles in the shower, with soap and shower gel as their weapons. Then they would emerge, only to play tag with Shari’s perfume spritzer. Thank God for ordaining marriage. Then, wrapped in their robes, they would collapse on the carpet, continuing their kisses before composing themselves for their morning ritual of prayer. Sweet.

  Shari would snuggle at his feet while he knelt at their bedside. With her head bowed and eyes closed, she would wait for him to lead them in prayer. He loved when she did that.

  The more Garrett prayed, the more he poured out his heart. “Lord, Your mercies are new every morning. You’re magnificent. Jesus, it’s because of Your blood that I’m washed. God, help us never to questions the trials You set before us, because we know You are faithful to bless us. Your will is perfect….”

  Shari always ended their prayers by saying, “Thank You, Lord, and thank You for giving me a strong and loving husband, in Jesus’ name.” Together, they always said, “Amen.”

  But lately, something had been going on with her—with them—and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Garrett didn’t want to make a big deal out of it, in case it was a normal case of marital “growing pains.” He definitely didn’t want to call his parents or his grandfather for advice. They would panic and put themselves on the next flight to Philly. “Jesus, what am I missing?” he asked during his private prayer time one morning.

  I gave thee a wife to love, honor, cherish, and be fruitful with, the Lord whispered.

  Hadn’t he done all that? Garrett was sure he left no doubt in Shari’s mind that he loved her. As a husband, he had never disrespected her or demanded she side with him in any disagreement. As for cherishing? “Whew, Jesus, You know how much more I treasure Your gift than the one I previously chose.” And be fruitful? Garrett froze. Could his wife be expecting? Excitement warmed the blood in his body. But before he jumped to conclusions, he would feel her out—tonight.

  Chapter 36

  Shari walked through the front door of their condo after work feeling exceptionally hungry and tired. Stacy had told her to expect that. Her olfactory senses were on heightened alert when she sniffed jasmine in the air. For a moment, Shari was trying to register whether her body approved or disapproved of the odor. Where did it come from, anyway?

  Her vision blurred, causing the lamps on the end tables to resemble flickering candles. The pregnancy went in for the kill when a tall bar of dark chocolate walked toward her. The hallucination was worth it.

  “Hi, baby.”

  “Garrett? You’re home early.” She searched his face as he came nearer, closing the space that separated them.

  “Shhh. No words right now.” He relieved her of her briefcase and handbag, set them down, and then turned her around and slipped off her suit jacket.

  Shari wanted to purr at his pampering. When Garrett scooped her up in his arms, she released a sound—was it a sigh or a moan? Regardless, she cuddled closer as he carried her into their bedroom.

  Pillows of all shapes and colors were stacked on their queen-sized bed, which was covered with flower petals in abundance. She saw roses in colors she hadn’t known existed. She sucked in her breath. She realized it was their scent she had smelled as Garrett laid her on top of the bed.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered, tickling her ear.

  A giggle escaped as she followed his instruction. The next thing Shari knew, Garrett had slipped off her four-inch heels. She couldn’t help the “ooh” that slipped out when his large, coarse hands cupped her small feet. The massage was scandalous.

  “Are you relaxed?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Shari was so comfortable, she was about to roll over and take a catnap.


  Oh no, she was not going to sleep on him—not when he had a romantic evening planned for them. But she looked so peaceful and beautiful that Garrett couldn’t bring himself to disturb her. Backing out of their bedroom, he dimmed the lights and closed the door. He would give her thirty minutes—tops—and then he was coming in.

  In the kitchen, Garrett hummed an unknown tune as he loaded a plate with roast beef, pasta, a steamed vegetable medley, and rolls. Of course, his wife probably wouldn’t eat it all, but that’s what Hubby was there for—to be the cleanup man.

  Glancing at the clock, Garrett smiled. He had given her twelve extra minutes of slumber. After arranging everything on the tray, he headed back to the bedroom. When he opened the French doors, Shari stretched, her eyelids fluttering. She scooted up against the pillows when she saw him.

  “Hungry, Mrs. Nash?”

  She nodded quickly.

  His eyes never left hers as he slowly approached the bed. Her dark satin skin melted into the white sheets like creamy milk chocolate, and the vibrant rose petals added an explosion of color. Loose tendrils were the remnants of the tight curls that had greeted him at the door. And she was glowing.

  Garrett set the tray on her lap. “I know I piled on the food. Don’t worry—I’ll eat most of it.” He grinned sheepishly.

  She arched an eyebrow, then lifted the fork. After a whispered grace, she dug in. “Don’t count on it. Your baby and I need to eat.” She stuffed her mouth and chewed.

  Garrett dropped his own fork, spilling the vegetables he had just speared. He held his breath as his heart pounded. The innocent look on his wife’s face was a tease.

  Standing, Garrett moved the tray before Shari could reach for a roll. “We’ll eat later.” He set it on the bedside table and climbed in bed with her. He took her hands in his. “How far along?”

  “Eight weeks.” Her eyes watered. “Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was waiting for the right moment.”

  “You’ve got it. This is it, baby. I’m sorry I didn’t notice anything before.” He closed his eyes. His family would be thrilled. Jamal would have a first cousin, his sister would have a niece or nephew, and his grandparents would get another grandbaby to add to their tree.

  Briefly, he thought about the other babies recently added to the Miller family. At Shari’s suggestion, the Millers had sought counsel for visitation rights to see Brittani’s twins. The case could very well be in litigation until the babies turned one. Plus, Brittani was not adjusting well to the single-parent lifestyle. Hopefully, Garrett’s seed would restore some of his grandfather’s happiness.

  “Thank you for being my queen, and for all the little princesses you’ll give me.”

  She rubbed his jaw. “Princes, too, and you’re welcome.” Shari smacked a kiss on his lips.

  Before the night was over, Garrett had to warm up their food three times, because the only thing they focused on was each other.

  Chapter 37

  Shari was still pouting after her latest obstetrician appointment. Dr. Johnson had placed her on a restricted diet.

  “Your baby is doing well,” she’d said. “Strong heartbeat, but watch your weight and your blood pressure.”

  After exchanging a worried look with Garrett, Shari had asked, “Should we be concerned?”

  “Oh, no. Women who are pregnant sometimes develop conditions that they didn’t suffer from prior to the pregnancy, such as diabetes, migraines, and high blood pressure. I’ll monitor you, but you and your baby are very healthy.”

  Shari had given an audible sigh of relief. “What about my frequent headaches?” As she’d rubbed her stomach, Garrett had rested his hand on top of hers.

  “More rest. Rest and diet are key to any pregnancy,” the doctor had emphasized.

  Garrett had interpreted that advice to mean bed rest, no cooking or cleaning, and cutting back on her cases. At first, Shari had been resistant to idea of losing her independence; but with every tender look from her husband, he’d managed to make her comply to his requests with little effort.

  Six months later, Shari and Garrett moved into a new five-bedroom house in Salford Township. They threw a grand celebration that was a dual housewarming party/baby shower.

  Stacy and Ted, as well as Shae and her baseball player husband, Rahn Max
well—now the newlyweds in the Carmen family—flew to Philly for the occasion. Brecee, the solo single Carmen sister, was also in attendance, as were Shari’s in-laws in large numbers.

  Shari felt the baby kick, and she rubbed her stomach. According to the ultrasound, it was a boy. Garrett and the other men in the family couldn’t have been happier.

  “I can’t believe Garrett hired a nutritionist to prepare my meals.” Shari feigned annoyance, but she knew her sisters and mother saw right through her.

  “You got that right, Mrs. Nash.” Garrett strolled in the room and smacked a juicy kiss on her lips, generating a round of oohs and aahs from family members.

  Garrett’s mother gave her a wide grin. “You’re my daughter-in-law, and I expect nothing less from the son we reared. He adores you, and we do, too. So, try to enjoy being pampered.”

  “Don’t get mad at your hubby,” her mother told her, wearing a whimsical expression. “It’s that precious baby boy who is taking over your body.”

  “Sis, I feel ya.” Stacy tightened her told on TJ, who had his eye set on the discarded gift wrap and bows. “Remember, I developed gestational diabetes, and no one in our family has a history of that disease.”

  Shari nodded. “My doctor said that stuff happens, but it should go away after the baby comes.”

  “Every pregnancy is different,” Queen added. “I had seven of them, all girls, and I suffered migraines with five of them.”

  “I’m not liking those odds.” Shari grimaced, feeling a little uneasy about what future pregnancies might bring.

  Her mother must have picked up on her deteriorating mood, for she put in, “But nothing takes away from, or can compare with, the joy of the new life that God gives you, growing and developing inside of you. Concentrate on your excitement over finding out who your son will look like, whose personality he will inherit, and so forth.” Her smile made Shari grin. “At thirty weeks, your baby is packing on the ounces, and his eyelashes are filling in.”


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