by Blue Saffire
“You boys protecting mommy,” LaSalle says to my stomach.
Our son kicks, as if answering, “yes.” I smile and run my hand through LaSalle’s thick hair. He kisses my stomach, where our boy just kicked.
LaSalle splays his hand on my belly and lifts to get face to face with me again. He kisses me passionately. When he breaks the kiss, I’m breathless.
“I mean it, Baby,” LaSalle says with a stern look. “No more.”
“You worry too much,” I say breathlessly. “I love you.”
LaSalle grunts. “I love you too. I love you more, when I know you’re behaving.”
“I’m always behaving, Baby,” I purr.
He just grunts and grumbles to himself. His phone rings effectively killing our talk. I pick up the phone he tossed me earlier, and text Michael Donati to make sure he cleans it before I wipe the pics from my end.
Another chapter closed.
chapter fourty-Six
Baby Shower
They have done such an amazing job on my baby shower. I’ve been weepy since we arrived. All of the little blue decorations and our son’s name carved out of actual wooden blocks, placed around a wicker chair. It’s all so breathtaking.
Elijah, that’s our son’s name. It just feels right, and seeing it in big block letters makes it feel even more so. I can’t wait to hold my son.
The girls and my sister outdid themselves. LaSalle looked as impressed as I was when we walked in. There are so many visual aspects that just make the room pop. Diaper cakes as centerpieces, a table of favors, a tower of little blue and silver cupcakes with a little sleeping caramel baby nestled on top.
It’s all so beautiful. Almost everyone I wanted to have in attendance has come. Kurtrina isn’t here and I was hurt that Misha couldn’t make it. I thought he would move mountains to be here for me.
All in all, I’m still so happy. My face hurts from smiling so hard, which is a good thing because my smile is keeping me from grimacing. I’ve been having little pains all morning, but I wasn’t missing this shower. It’s still too early. We have a whole month to go.
“You look amazing,” Reese says, as she hugs me. Honestly, Reese and Val have become my closest friends out of the group.
“I can’t believe my little sister is finally married and having a baby,” Brenda chirps. “It’s about time. I bet those cobwebs haven’t been in sight since that man got his hands on you.”
“Someone, please, shut her up,” I huff and shake my head.
“You two look so happy together,” Brenda says, wiggling her brows.
“Girl, you’re going to give that man a heart attack,” Pam teases.
I wave her off. LaSalle has been watching me like a hawk since we arrive. I know I’m not hiding anything from him.
“He needs to relax. Everything has been going so well. I don’t know why he’s been so tense,” I say, but knowing full well why.
“Honestly, you do look like your belly dropped some,” Paige lifts a brow.
“I was thinking the same thing,” Camille says and tilts her head.
“Y’all are tripping. This little guy is not ready to come out any time soon,” I laugh.
“Whatever,” Paige grumbles as she eyes me.
I get ready to retort, but I’m interrupted by a little feisty woman that won’t be ignored. Everyone gives her space to get to me. You would think she was a giant, not a tiny little woman.
“You look amazing, Lass,” Cass Black sings, as she pulls me into a hug. “The Lad wasted no time knocking you up, did he? It seems like the lot of you do nothing, but fuck.”
I holler with laughter. Leave it to Cassidy to give it to you straight. I hug her as tightly as my belly will allow. I’m huge and feel like I could pop already.
I pull away from Cassidy with a smile and rush over to Nellie and Bean with their new little bundles of joy. I don’t know which baby I want to hold first. I decide on Nellie’s little boy since he’s wide awake and staring at me.
“What’s his name,” I coo.
“Evan,” Nellie says proudly. “You look amazing, by the way.”
I smile, but roll my eyes. I had such a hard time settling on my dress. I went with a wide neck dress that hangs off one shoulder. It’s the best black dress I could find for this big belly. The gold bangles on my wrist and ankle were a gift from LaSalle. I love them.
“Thank you,” I say before bringing Evan’s sweet little head to my nose. He smells perfect. I smile to myself. I can’t believe I’ll be having a little boy of my own soon.
“My son has great taste. He likes you,” Nellie chuckles.
“He is just so adorable,” I coo down at him. “You’re going to break hearts just like your daddy.”
“Oh, Lord, don’t let my husband hear you say that. He will have a fit,” Nellie groans.
Bean giggles. “It’s a long story.”
“No, it’s not,” Cass butts in. “My oldest didn’t know how to keep his pecker in his pants before hooking up with Nellie.”
I snort and startle the baby in my arms. He blinks at me and starts to whimper. His little chin wobbles a bit.
“Aww, I’m sorry. You’re such a cutie, I didn’t mean to startle you,” I coo as I hand him back to his mother.
“Mo-mo,” I hear from behind and see Sammy barreling towards me.
Sammy wraps around my leg, just as a sharp pain crosses my back. I hunch over and grab my stomach. I try breathing through my nose to let the pain pass.
“Lass, are you alright,” Cass asks.
LaSalle is at my side before I can answer. He lifts my face to his and I can see the concern there. Sammy is still wrapped tightly around my leg.
“I’m fine,” I say once the pain finally passes.
LaSalle scoops me into his arms without another thought. “We’re leaving,” he murmurs against my temple.
“But it’s my baby shower. I haven’t even opened all my gifts,” I pout.
LaSalle narrows his eyes at me. “You have greeted everyone here and I’m sure they’ll understand.”
“It was just a little pain. I’ll be fine,” I huff.
“You’re going to the hospital,” LaSalle says firmly.
I fold my arms over my chest. There’s no need in arguing. I know my husband and his mind is set. I groan as I see all the concerned faces we’re leaving behind.
I smirk to see Sammy keeping in step with his father’s long legs. “You know he’s not going to stay behind,” I say to LaSalle.
He nods. “Yup, Bobby and Paige are on our heels.”
A peek over his shoulder confirms his words. Everyone seems to be on the move to follow us. This is so embarrassing.
“I can walk you know,” I mutter, now that my cheeks are flaming.
“Mmm,” LaSalle murmurs and keeps moving.
“How’s my favorite couple,” the doctor croons, as he walks into the room.
“Hey, Doc,” Tasha sings with a smile on her face.
She still doesn’t think anything is wrong. I’ve watched her all morning. I know our son is trying to make an early appearance.
I’ve been through this too many times not to notice the signs. I place my hand on her belly, causing her to turn her big eyes on me. I give her a reassuring smile and she covers my hand with hers.
“How’s our little guy doing?” Dominic asks, as he flips through her chart.
Dominic has delivered all three of my children, as well as many of my nieces and nephews. He’s also a family friend. Dominic has gotten his hands dirty for me a time or two.
“You tell me,” I reply.
“LaSalle,” Tasha chastens.
Dominic chuckles. “It’s alright. The man has a right to be concerned. You were in labor. We’ve stopped it. I would rather the little guy stay in there for a least another week or two.
“I want to keep you for observation. We’ll see what
’s the best course of action in the morning,” Dominic says, with a reassuring smile.
I cover Tasha’s hand that’s now trembling to comfort her. The smile that was on her lips has slipped free. I will my own strength into her.
I have made sure my wife has had the best care. I know our baby will be fine. We’ve been so excited about his arrival.
“Is he okay?” Tasha asks as a tear spills free.
I shift to sit on the bed where I can wrap my arms around her. I kiss her temple and then the top of her head. I look to Dominic for him to answer her question.
“Elijah is fine, we’re just going to make sure it’s stays that way,” Dominic nods. “I’d be happy to tell that to the gang of folks taking over our waiting room.”
“Oh, my God, they all followed us,” Tasha gasps.
I chuckle. “That’s our family, extended and all,” I wink at her. “Will you be okay while I go let them know they can go home?”
She nods. “Yes.”
I peck her lips and stand, bending to kiss her once more before I leave. I pat Dominic on the back as I pass him. Knowing that Tasha is under care relaxes me just a bit.
I’m not surprised to see all of our guests from the baby shower waiting in the waiting room. The place is packed with adults and children. A few of the nurses are eyeing the large crowd, but the look on Pam and Paige’s faces says they already shut down any protest of them being here.
I do notice a couple of missing faces. I shrug it off. I know two of the missing faces are most likely somewhere fussing at each other.
Everyone snaps to attention as I come into view. I see the relief on my mother’s face as I smile. Sammy runs over and I lift him into my arms and hold him tightly.
“She’s fine, they’ve stopped the labor. Our little guy’s fine. They’ll have to stay for observation, but everything else is fine,” I reassure everyone.
“Well, I’m not leaving until I know the lass and the wee one are home safe, Joe,” Cass Black says to her husband.
“You can stay with me, Aunt Cass,” Logan offers.
Cass snorts. “This one has balls of steel. Inviting me to live in a home that’s not his,” she scoffs.
“It’s fine,” Cam giggles. “You’re more than welcome to stay with me.”
“Wy, I don’t want to head back either,” Nellie looks up at Wyatt to say.
“I have room for more than a few at the house,” I offer.
“We could stay with you to help with the kids,” Nellie suggestions.
“Sure,” I shrug. “But you don’t have to.”
“It’s no problem. I’m sure you want to be here with your wife,” Nellie smiles.
“Thanks,” I nod.
“No problem,” Wyatt nods. “Let us know what you need.”
With his words, several of our phones start to ring. I knit my brows, taking note of who’s answering their phones—Uri, Logan, Wyatt, Nate, and Luca. I look down at my screen and get a sour taste in my mouth—Czar. One of the missing faces.
“What,” Logan roars. “I’m on my way.”
“Hello,” I say into my phone.
“LaSalle, DJ’s is being burned down,” Czar says. “DJ is inside. We can’t get to her. They have the place surrounded.”
“Fuck,” I hiss.
“Roll out,” Wyatt barks out, as he hangs up his phone, and all the Black men start to move. I assume he has just received the same information.
I’m already in motion, as I listen to Czar give details. I hand Sammy to Val, as I see Uri, Luca, and Nate are in motion as well. My heart pounds with the thought of one of my friends knowing the pain I’ve been through.
We have to get DJ out of that building. We pile into cars and peel off for the bar Brooklyn gave to DJ. My mind races, as I think of what we could find when we arrive.
I’m grateful we aren’t that far away. We are in a race against time, we arrive to gunfire. We all snap into action. The Blacks move in hard and fast with heavy machinery.
We’ve all been on alert lately, so I’m not surprised to see them locked and loaded. Uri, Michael, and Sim move around the building. I take note that the place is surrounded, but what stands out is the raw voice of Brooklyn bellowing, trying to get into the building.
“Get the fuck off me,” he hollers.
Czar has him pinned to the ground, which is no easy task, they’re both large men. I refocus to see what needs to be done to get in that building. Flames are licking from every angle.
I duck behind the nearest car and start to make my way closer to the entrance of the bar. I hear sirens in the distance. We are running out of time. We need to clear a path, so someone can get inside.
I throw caution to the wind and come out blazing. I take down the first three guys that come into view. We need to end this now. Bullets are flying, but I see that my men are still standing. However, I can’t say the same for the other men.
“Deejay,” Brooklyn’s voice comes out raw and heavily accented, as Sim comes through the smoke of the front door with her arm wrapped around DJ’s waist. Brooklyn pushes Czar off of him.
DJ seems to be conscious, just barely. Her head is bleeding, but I don’t see any other wounds upon a quick glance. She’s limping along beside Sim.
They just make it clear of the building when it starts to explode in the night. Sim and DJ fly forward, Brooklyn just managing to wrap his big body around them to shield them from the blast.
Even from this distance you can feel the heat from the flames. Braxton and Logan rush over to help with DJ. Brooklyn and Sim both stagger to their own feet. Brooklyn pries DJ’s seemingly lifeless body from Braxton’s arms.
Johnathan brings a SUV to a halt beside them. In a flash of movement, Brooklyn climbs in with DJ. His brother, Logan, and cousin, Braxton follow. The sirens are upon us, causing everyone else to move into action.
Michael is already on his phone and laptop, making sure this all goes away. We move like a well-oiled machine to escape, all heading in different directions. I have one thing on my mind and one thing only.
This means war.
chapter Fourty-Seven
It’s Time
“She knew you would figure it out when you were ready,” Salvador Romaine says, as I walk into his office.
“You’re the only one in the family she trusted. Phoebe didn’t call many, friend, either. Your mother did everything with intention. It had to be you,” I shrug and take a seat in front of his desk.
“Yes, well the last call would have been to you if you hadn’t come soon. You know my niece loved to play with fire. I may not have the gift of sight, but I know enough.
“I warned her about that ex-husband of hers. Then she came to me to say she would be marrying you. I warned her she didn’t want to tell the family. It wasn’t going to change anything.
“They still weren’t going to accept her. I knew who you were; I knew their greed would know no bounds. I respect you for not placing my sister and brother-in-law’s heads on a stick. Although, shutting down their connections was just the same,” Salvador laughs.
“Longest two years of their life,” I smirk in memory. “It wasn’t wise to come for me. I don’t take kindly to blackmail.”
“Yes, this is true,” Salvador nods. “Well, I have the recording here. Are you ready?”
“Not yet,” I hold my hand up. I sit back and think about what I’m about to reveal. “Jessica and Sammy are showing signs of having a gift.”
Salvador smiles broadly and nods. “Yes, this I know. Mom said Megan will just be a late bloomer to her gift. Jessica will be unique, when your son steps into his calling, Jessica will come into the fullness of her gift. She will be to Sammy what Bobby is to you, but with a little gift to guide her.
“But Sammy…oh, Sammy will be the most unique of all. He sees on a level that is beyond us all. His sight would crumble a lesser man. Do not underestimate him. He will be a force in life. What you start, Sammy will finish. Mom
was adamant that you keep them away from my family.
“Your children will grow into their gifts together. It will bond them in life. Don’t concern yourself with the how. It will right itself in time. Now, are you ready,” he says holding his finger over the play button on the device on his desk.
I nod and a few seconds later, Phoebe Romaine’s voice fills the room. I lean forward, placing my elbows on my knees. I have a new level of respect for this woman’s gift.
“Hello, LaSalle. How does it feel to be king?” She chuckles. “Ah, you still haven’t realized that’s who you are. A king of kings. Your sons will follow in your footsteps. They will only know greatness.
“This has always been your path. Hiding doesn’t suit you. I’ve done everything within my power to right my granddaughter’s selfish wrong. If she would have listened, would have let me teach her, she would have known the difference between things you see for yourself and things you impose yourself into.
“You were an imposition. Your energy fed her sight and she allowed herself to step into your world. It was not hers for the taking.
“So, what now you ask? Time waits for no man. You have been dancing away from your destiny long enough. Now, it’s coming for you. The Russian is one of your strongest allies, but he also has the strongest enemies. Pavel hasn’t died without repercussion.
“The piper will come calling on you for that bounty. It is his blood that pulls the strings that are causing you pressure now. Make no mistake, the Krupin women are devious and resourceful.
“Which leads me to your queen. She is one of a kind. She will watch your front and guard your back better than any other. You both have your own armies and will lead them with wisdom and grace. You are the mark of a new era, LaSalle. Mafioso Supreme, but she is the head of La Bella Mafia. Don’t fight it. Allow it and see what happens.
“This is my end. Kiss my grands for me. If you follow what you now know. They will all take the world by storm. Every one of the Locatelli children. Watch my words,” with that the recording ends.
I sit for a few minutes lost in thought. Phoebe’s words make sense. From the information, I received from Loretta Jennings, I knew this problem was coming from Russia. However, Misha’s aunts have been covering their tracks very well.