Legally Bound 5.5: Legally Unbounded (Legally Bound Series)

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Legally Bound 5.5: Legally Unbounded (Legally Bound Series) Page 28

by Blue Saffire

  They have been throwing all this on low lives that don’t add up to much. I know they don’t have the power for this, but this. This makes sense.

  I stand and start for the door, calling over my shoulder. “Thank you, Salvador.”

  I need to think. I text Paige to check on my pregnant wife. When her reply comes back that Tasha is sleeping, I text back that I’m headed to my office.



  It’s been a week since I’ve been here in the hospital. Elijah is hanging in there, but Dr. Dominic wanted me to stay here, on bed rest, to be monitored. If you ask me, I think Dr. Dominic might be a little afraid of my husband.

  Speaking of my husband, he won’t tell me what, but I know something is going on with him. Actually, everyone has been acting a bit strange. I can’t wait to get out of here.

  On second thought, I grimace as I feel a tiny pain in my back. Nothing like what brought me here, but enough to cause discomfort. It’s happened a time or two this morning.

  I look over at Paige, who’s my babysitter this afternoon. LaSalle had to rush into the office for something and hasn’t made it back yet. I watch her, Paige isn’t exactly the one to slip up.

  I’ve noticed they haven’t left anyone alone with me that I could crack. I chew on my lip, thinking of how I can pry just the right way. Paige is no fool, if I’m not careful, she’ll see right through me.

  “Not going to happen,” she mutters as she highlights something in the documents before her.

  I huff and punch the bed. I haven’t even opened my mouth. Paige is no joke, but I need answers.

  “Listen, I just want to know why everyone is acting all strange. Did the doctor tell LaSalle something he hasn’t told me?” I pout.

  “Nope, you and my nephew are just fine,” Paige says and turns the page.

  I blow out a breath and try another tactic. Clearly, she isn’t falling for my BS. I tap a finger on my belly. If I wasn’t so pregnant, I’d kick her ass and make her tell me. I giggle to myself at the thought.

  “You and I both know what you’re thinking. You can try it after you drop that baby if you like,” Paige laughs.

  “Heifer,” I grumble.

  “Love you too,” Paige chuckles.

  “Just tell me if my husband is in danger, wench,” I snap.

  “Girl, you lucky I know that’s that baby talking,” Paige puts down her pages.

  I sigh and rub my forehead. “Paige, it’s not good for me to be stressing.”

  “Then, stop,” Paige says, as she narrows her eyes at me.

  “I’ll stop when I know what’s going on. I know my husband. He has that look. What’s going on out there,” I snap.

  “Mo, you need to be in here relaxing and focused on that baby,” Paige says soothingly.

  “Things have changed, haven’t they? Something happened,” I push.

  “Whatever is going on, trust that your man is taking care of it and your girls got you,” Paige says, giving me a pointed look.

  I go to try again, but the sharpest pain ever cuts me off as the sheets beneath me become drenched. I look at Paige with wide eyes. I try my best not to panic.

  “Where is LaSalle? He needs to be here. It’s too soon,” I choke out.

  “Relax, Sweetie,” Paige says as she presses the button for the nurse to come. “Everything is going to be fine. I’ll call for him and he will be right here.”

  I whimper out in pain, before grinding my teeth. I can do this. I can do anything. My son is coming.



  “Come on, Baby, you can do this,” I coach my wife.

  I got here as fast as I could. Good thing I text Paige that I was going into the office. With all the heavy thoughts of Ellen, Phoebe’s message, and the shit storm brewing in my world, I hadn’t noticed the call come in on my phone, which is unlike me.

  “Baby, I can’t,” Tasha whimpers.

  “Yes, you can. You’re the strongest woman I know. Come on, Baby,” I reply and kiss her forehead.

  I know she’s tired. We’re sixteen hours in at this point, but he’s almost here. Even all sweaty with tears swimming in her eyes, Tasha is the most beautiful I’ve ever seen her.

  “I just need you to give me one more good push. He’s right here,” Dominic coaches. “Tasha, he needs your help. We need to get him out now.”

  Tasha looks up at me and presses her lips. She nods, squeezing my hand. I watch this woman in awe, as she goes somewhere, right before my eyes. I watch her dig deep to do this for our son. With a power I will never have, nor understand, she roars out a push.

  My soul quakes, the roar she gives shifts something in my heart. I can feel that this woman is capable of anything. When I hear our son’s cry in response to his mother’s roar, my knees grow weak.

  Yes, I’ve had three other children, and each of their births have been miraculous to me. However, as I stand here and look into my wife’s eyes, I know.

  This is the queen of my soul. If I’m to be king, it is only right she be at my side. The war is already won, because we are a force within ourselves and we are a force as one.

  “Here he is, Little Mr. Elijah,” the nurse says to Tasha.

  “Oh, my God,” Tasha sobs. “He is so gorgeous. Look at him.”

  I smile proudly. My son is handsome, with a full head of hair and his mother’s lips. His nose is more like mine, but I can see us both, as I stare at him.

  “Our little prince,” I smile down at my wife and son.

  “He’s perfect,” Tasha says as she runs a finger down his cheek.

  “He is,” I smile. For being three weeks early, Elijah is a healthy size boy.

  My chest swells. I make some beautiful children. We’re going to have more. Two more, at least, I smile to myself.

  chapter Fourty-EIght

  Daddy’s Home


  Four months later…

  I feel a little guilty. It’s the first time I’ve been away from my son. I take him everywhere with me, even with the nanny LaSalle insisted on bringing in.

  With Sammy being such a hand full, LaSalle wanted me to have full time help. I still manage everything day to day, pretty much on my own. Macy is sweet, but I like taking care of my family.

  My family. I never thought I’d get to say those words in this lifetime. I have to laugh now, when I think about all the questions Ellen used to ask about my love life and my desire to be a mother. I understand.

  I’ve been away from my son for two hours and I want to rush home to him. No one can care for him like I can. So, I can only imagine how Ellen felt about her three little ones.

  “You’re lost in your thoughts again,” LaSalle interrupts my reverie.

  My eyes meet his lust filled eyes. He has been giving me that look all night. When I came downstairs, in the car ride here, when he pulled my seat for me to sit, not once has he hidden his desire this evening.

  We haven’t made love in so long. When I got the all clear to, LaSalle was in Ireland with Logan. He is just returning home. I’ve missed my husband something awful, but I know he is handling what needs to be done.

  I was pissed to find out what happened to DJ. Desha is the sweetest person ever, until you piss her off. Brooklyn won’t let her out of his sight now, and he was overprotective of her before the bar attack.

  LaSalle has been busy since the baby and I returned home. We needed this time. I feel like we need to reconnect. I’d be a straight liar if I said my panties haven’t been moist since coming down the stairs in the house to a blue suit, white shirt, grey tie, wearing LaSalle.

  The man is just that damn gorgeous. Even now, I lick my lips, wanting a taste of him. I don’t know if we will make it home without me trying to jump him in the back seat of the car.

  I think it’s sweet that we are here, on the roof of LaSalle’s restaurant, just like what seems like so long ago. We’ve come such a long way since back then. Neither of us tries to hide who we are to eac
h other anymore.

  “I was thinking about Elijah. I miss him,” I say in response to his words.

  “He’s fine. I’m sure he is missing you too, but he will be more than fine. He’s had you all to himself for almost two months. His daddy needs Mommy too,” LaSalle says sexily and winks.

  A smile spreads across my lips. Mm, Mommy has been needing some of Daddy in the worst way. I shift in my seat.

  Our waiter arrives with dessert. LaSalle ordered the chocolate caramel cake. It’s divine. I’m not sure why he asked for a side of the caramel sauce. There is more than enough on the cake.

  “Thank you,” LaSalle says to the waiter, but his heated stare remains on me. “Leave it there on the tray. You can let everyone know they can lock up and go home now.”

  I lift a brow at my husband. He just gives me a crooked smile. Oh, really, I think to myself, squeezing my thighs together.

  LaSalle lifts to his feet and begins to remove his suit jacket. My breasts start to heave within the confines of my strapless bodycon dress. I’ve been working my ass off to get rid of the baby fat. Fitting into this dress was nothing short of a hard won miracle.

  I bite my lip, as I watch my man’s muscles play beneath his shirt. I feel like a giddy teenager. I can’t wait until he gets his hands on me.

  LaSalle unbuttons the top four buttons of his dress shirt, before swiping his hand across the table. Dishes fall to the floor and I’m in his arms in the next motion, taking their place on the table top.

  LaSalle steps in between my legs and pushes my dress up my thighs. I’m panting so heavily it sounds harsh to my own ears. I slide my hands into his shirt.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” LaSalle whispers against my temple as he inhales me. “I want you, but I want to take my time with you.”

  “Please,” I breathe.

  LaSalle cups my jaw tightly, while taking my lips slowly. His kiss says a million words. It is like no time at all has passed between us or I haven’t been aching for him for almost two months.

  I shiver as he pulls down the zipper on the back of my dress. This could never happen at home, with a house full of kids and a revolving door of guests. I’m grateful for this moment.

  My husband peels me out of my dress and panties, leaving me sitting in the middle of the table in my bra and heels. He returns to the task of removing his shirt and shrugs it to the floor.

  His intense gaze never leaves mine. He reaches for the cake, forking a piece and holding it up to my lips. I open my mouth, wrapping my lips around the fork.

  It’s so moist and sweet. I moan as I clean the fork. LaSalle dips his head in to taste the treat from my mouth. He sucks my tongue into his mouth and groans as he takes his fill.

  Pulling back, he feeds me more cake and repeats the process. Allowing me to eat the cake, before he treats himself to the flavor from my mouth. I hold on to his waist, loving and hating this torture.

  “Lie back,” he orders when the cake is all done.

  I do just as he asks. Lying on my back with my legs dangling off the edge of the table. LaSalle gets rid of the plate and fork, before cupping the backs of my knees and lifting my feet to the edge of the table. His hands land on my knees, pushing my legs open wide.

  I look down from my vantage point to see him move for the bowl of caramel. LaSalle pulls up a chair between my legs and sits. He places the bowl of caramel sauce down.

  I watch as he spoons the sauce, then holds it over my mound, letting it drip down onto me. My stomach quivers in anticipation, but my husband is in no rush. His penetrating stare tells me that he is going to move at his own pace.

  LaSalle takes his time, kissing his way down my thigh to my center. He flicks his tongue gently over the sticky sauce, but pulls back before he can really start his feast. Moments later, he is covering me with more sauce, across my belly and down between my weeping lips.

  I cry out and grab the sides of the table, when he finally begins to clean up every last drop. Sucking at my belly, kissing my button, and licking me deep. I’m breathless by the time I come.

  I stare up at the sky, as the stars twinkle back at me. LaSalle kisses his way up my body, until our lips meet. I can taste me and caramel sauce on his lips and tongue. He kisses me deeply as he enters me slowly.

  I’m so dazed I didn’t hear, see, or feel when he removed his pants. It doesn’t matter at this point. I lock my legs around his waist, holding on tightly.

  “Look at me, Baby,” LaSalle rasps.

  I look into his eyes and get lost instantly. His hands, cover mine clinching the table as he pumps into me. I dig my heels into his ass, causing him to growl. Grabbing a breast in one hand, he wraps the other around my back and lifts me into his chest.

  Standing straight, he changes our position and angle. I cry out and reach for his shoulders. This is definitely the way I would love to welcome him home all the time.

  “We come together,” LaSalle breathes in my ear.

  I nod my response. I can’t do anything else. His hand roaming my back is only stirring the feelings I have inside. It’s all I need when his mouth covers my neck and sucks. I explode with pleasure.

  I bury my face in LaSalle’s neck. “Welcome home, Baby,” I whisper.

  chapter Fourty-Nine

  Hot Zone


  I have never been happier to return home in my life. I’ve missed my family. I had my little boy in my arms as soon as I walked into the door this afternoon.

  I feel like I’ve missed so much already. He’s gotten so big. All the kids look like they’ve grown in the last two months I’ve been away. I know Sammy was more than excited to see me. My son is going to be tall. He has shot up in my absence.

  Then there’s my wife. Tasha had this glow about her that I just couldn’t describe. I knew the moment I saw her I wanted to make love to her. I had our dinner plans laid out mentally within seconds.

  When she walked down the stairs ready for dinner, I didn’t think I would make it through the meal. I just wanted to get my hands on her.

  Making love on the rooftop was just the beginning of my plan. I hope to make love to Tasha well into the morning. I smile at the thought and squeeze her waist, as we walk up the steps to our front door.

  “Why are there so many cars here,” Tasha asks with furrowed brows.

  I look up and around the side of the house. She’s right. Our side driveway is packed. I wrinkle my brows and start for the inside of the house. They’re all family cars, but they’re too many for a random visit.

  We walk into the foyer and see it’s filled with family and friends. Sammy and Jessica are standing in the middle of the foyer in front of everyone. My curiosity is peaked even more.

  I look around again. My mother and father, brothers and their families, my sister and her husband, the Donati’s, the Briggs, O’Brien’s and to my surprise, Misha are all here. Hell, even Kelly Briggs and her husband.

  I look again to my children that seem to be the center of attention. Sammy looks me right in the eyes, through his lashes. I swear in the moment, I feel like I’m looking in a mirror.

  “They’re coming,” Sammy says. “You all have to get ready. More help is coming, we called.”

  I look at my son and then my daughter. Jessica nods. “They’re a lot of them. We’re all safer together. You have to get ready, Daddy.”

  “Holy shit,” Tasha gasps.

  Kelly Briggs looks at Val and Rita. “I have harnesses in the truck,” she smirks.

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about,” Val smiles. “Slow.”

  “Burn,” Rita finishes.

  “Oh, hell nah,” Luca shakes his head. “You acrobats are not going to start that again.”

  My jaw drops as I watch the scene before me. Almost every woman in the room reveals a weapon and starts checking their clips, even my wife. I think my mother is the only one that doesn’t. I have to wonder if it’s because she’s holding Elijah.

  “The hell,” Nate booms wh
en Pam cocks one gun then the other.

  “Please, tell me my wife is not holding a gun,” Luca growls.

  “I have sniper rifles in the truck too. Shannon, you work better with those,” Kelly nods.

  “Right,” Shannon says and starts to move for the door with Kelly.

  “Wait a damn minute,” Luca growls.

  Shannon stops, but Kelly waves him off, heading for the door. I note her husband following with the shake of his head. Jasper follows as well, grumbling and glaring at my sister, Marie. I think I’m still processing. Phoebe’s words come back to me. La Bella Mafia.

  “Sammy, Honey, how much time do we have,” Tasha asks, as she kicks off her shoes.

  “Fifteen minutes,” Sammy replies.

  “Shit,” Tasha snaps. “Minnie, take the children down the hallway to the cellar. Sammy will lead you to the safe room. Trust him, he’ll help protect you. Marie, you go with your mom and the kids. You blow away anything that looks funny.

  “Annabella, we need you on tech. Reese, Pam, Paige, you know what to do. You hit ‘em and hit ‘em hard. I don’t care if we bring this whole motherfucker down. No one touches what’s ours,” Tasha barks.

  “This is it girls,” Val calls out. “You don’t come for our men and breathe. They want to come to our home. We’ll welcome them hitter style. You bring that Black Death and you bring it right.”

  “Wait, what,” Marcus says in pure shock.

  “Catch up, mates,” Uri smirks. “This is what they’ve been up to. They know what’s coming. They’re ready.”

  “I figured as much,” Bobby sighs and shakes his head.

  Czar chuckles. “Now, that’s my sister.”

  “My wife and children are in hotel. I need to make call,” Misha grumbles and storms from the room. I blink after him, but my attention is pulled away to Nate.

  “Tink, if you don’t take your ass down to the cellar with the kids,” he growls.

  Pam turns to Nate and glares. I’m conscious of the fact that my wife has disappeared, as Kelly makes her way back in with rifle cases and harnesses. Annabella Donati starts to hand out ear pieces. It sinks in that this shit is happening.


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