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The Panther's Surrogate: A Paranormal Pregnancy Romance

Page 5

by Foxxe, Angela

  “You act as if this is my secret to keep and to share,” King Ronald declared. “Do you not know that there are enemies among your fellow Clans? Do you not know there are those among you who would gladly see you fall and your child with you?”

  “The Jaguar Clan has never been my friend,” Jose told him. “But they’re as stupid as they are arrogant. They won’t find anything about Kheem and I so long as we all stick to the same story. There's nothing they can do to trace the child to anyone other than myself.”

  “The Jaguar Clan is tenacious,” Jonathan chimed in for the first time, his voice thick with his South African roots. He looked at Josie with a disappointed gaze that seemed to find frustration in the naiveté that she was revealing to them. “But the Jaguar Clan is foolish, yes. They are, however, the least of your concerns.

  Wars have plagued the Shifter Clans for generations and now it is a time where we must replenish our numbers. There are armies on every continent that would pay top dollar for a Shifter child to raise as their own and to fuel their ranks. The Hyena Clan, for all of our warnings and reprimands, keeps working closely with foreign interests. They will attempt to take this child if it is revealed to be a Shifter and they will try to use it to leverage a position somewhere other than on Tarobi. They want off this island as soon as possible.”

  She hadn’t thought much about the Hyena Clan since she’d been on Tarobi. It was true that they were slimy, shifty characters who only really cared about themselves. They liked their profit and they liked the power of having dirt on the other Clans. If there was one thing that the Hyena Clan excelled at, it was being criminal.

  They ran the black market on the island and they were constantly sending things to other Clans looking to help overthrow the Lion Clan or anyone else overseas. They wanted to be powerful, even if that meant leaving the safety of Tarobi behind. Of course she should have thought about them.

  “You did not think of the peril that's surrounding you and your child,” King Ronald said with a stern, disappointed voice. “However, I fear that your actions will not only affect yourself, but will come back to haunt the rest of us. That is why I have agreed with the rest of the Lion Clan to protect you and offer you the peace that our Clan may provide to you.”

  “Thank you,” Kheem spoke up with a grin on his face.

  He looked as relieved as Josie felt, but she knew that it wasn’t going to be easy. There was going to be a price and it probably wasn’t going to be good for either of them. She looked at King Ronald who was reflecting that opinion in the expression on his face as he turned his wrathful gaze toward Kheem for the first time this entire meeting.

  “However,” he said with a darkness in his voice that Josie felt intimidated by. “There are going to be costs associated with the compromising of my honor and my integrity to protect you. You are asking me to do something I would never do under regular circumstances. I would never lie to my people, nor would I ever misdirect them, but here I stand at an impasse.”

  There was something about this that made Josie feel like King Ronald was exaggerating a bit to leverage what he could ask from them. The fact that when she arrived on Tarobi with nothing but five dollars in her pockets. And in order to have a job and a home, King Ronald requiring her to sleep with him as a sign of loyalty meant he probably wasn’t bending the truth for the first time. But either way, Josie knew she wasn’t in a position to question him or to have a disagreement with him.

  “We will do whatever you demand,” Josie assured him.

  “Very well,” King Ronald seemed satisfied with her answer and leaned back in his chair, looking at the two of them with his ponderous gaze. “Josie, you will visit me in my chambers and we will discuss the details of this arrangement at a later date regarding yourself. You will take your old position at the Tiki and you will agree to keep the tenets s and the codes of the treaty without ever questioning or breaking them again.

  I will expect you to be willing and forthcoming in any matters that you hear of that are treacherous to the peace in the future. Also, at Council meetings, I expect your unquestioning support in all matters that are raised against myself or the Lion Clan. The Wolf Clan is from this day forward an extension of my will. Is this understood?”

  “Yes, King Ronald,” Josie nodded.

  She knew when she met him in his chambers later on, she was going to have to sleep with him. If she got away with this just once, she would be lucky. King Ronald could probably stretch this out forever. She could end up being his mistress and that would make her an enemy of every Lion Clan member who had a vagina and wanted a chance to impress their leader and King. Josie was not excited by the prospect of being King Ronald’s fuck toy, but she was once again in a position where arguing wasn’t going to give her any better results.

  “As for you,” King Ronald looked at Kheem with such fire and venom that Josie was actually worried that he would kill him. “You are from this day forward banished from the Council meetings. You have my protection, but you do not have my recognition. You will not show yourself in any Shifter meetings or congregations. You are to never meet with Josie again, either in secret or in public.

  Your job at the Tiki is now forfeit and you will be working maintenance and sanitation for the hotel and that is it. If you are forced to have contact with Josie, you will do so under the supervision of others. Finally, you will never have access to this child, whom you have illegally conceived with a surrogate.”

  “That’s not fair,” Kheem stood up against King Ronald and Wahir took a threatening step forward. “You cannot take my child away from me.”

  “You have broken the law,” Jonathan snapped angrily. “You do not have the authority to decree a surrogate to carry your heir. Only the King and the Council have that authority. Your defiance again only reminds us that the Jaguar and the Panther Clans should never be allowed to conceive of children again. But, as we are merciful, we will only extend your celibacy for an additional ten years.”

  “However,” King Ronald added vehemently. “Your banishment is indefinite. You will not be allowed to return to the meetings or to see your child or your surrogate for as long as I deem fit. Any attempt to sneak around this decree will only worsen the severity of your punishment. Am I understood?”

  Josie looked at Kheem and could feel the tears boiling up in her eyes. She had come so far to be with Kheem and now it was going to be taken away from her. She hadn’t seen him in such a long time and all she wanted was to be with him. Kheem turned and looked at her, his eyes full of sorrow and anguish as well. How could they do this to them? How could they be so cruel and heartless toward their love? Josie knew no matter what King Ronald said, they would only be able to avoid each other for a day or two. It wouldn’t be long until they would be back in each other’s arms. She needed him like she needed the sun. She couldn’t live without Kheem.

  “I love you,” Kheem said to her.

  “Wahir, take him away,” King Ronald roared.

  Wahir approached Kheem who willingly turned from King Ronald and made his way toward the exit. There was nothing they could do about this right now. King Ronald was furious and he was going to let his rage run wild for a while longer. There wasn’t much she could do about it right now, but maybe later. Maybe she would be able to convince him later that Kheem was good and that he didn’t deserve such a harsh treatment. When the door closed, little Ony stirred a little and went back to sleep, ignoring all of this that was transpiring.

  “Now,” King Ronald said with a heavy sigh, like that had taken so much from him. There was something inside of Josie that doubted that he was really heartbroken for sending her lover away into exile. He wanted her for himself and now he had her. Josie felt like she should probably strip down for him right now and let him have her.

  “This price is high, I am aware of that, but this is what you will be acquiring for it. I will address the Council and tell them that this child has been confirmed as your deceased sister’s from Wyoming. J
onathan will confirm I have spoken with the head of the Wolf Clan in Wyoming and that I have validated your claims. The Lion Clan will agree with you as will the Wildebeest Clan. The Panther Clan will agree if they desire to see Ony raised among their own as well. That should be enough to silence any problems that might arise in public.

  However, when the meeting is done, the Lion Clan will make sure no one attempts to move against you or your child. I will also deal with the Hunters, telling them that there is a new Shifter, but that it has been adopted from the mainland. If we are lucky, they will be satisfied with this and they will let the matter drop. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal,” Josie said venomously.

  Chapter Four

  When the meeting was over, the tension that had been thick in the room was gone. Josie sat in the chair on the stage for the first time in months and it felt strangely like home. She looked out through the blinding lights and looked at where Kheem was usually seated during these meetings.

  He was gone. She had found a note from him earlier in the day at the Tiki, saying that he loved her and that they would never be separated. She had it in her pocket right now. Even if it was risky to have the note on her, she couldn’t bring herself to throw it away. It hurt not having him with her. It was like someone had cut her open and scooped everything that was her out and thrown her aside. It was an unimaginable pain.

  As she rose to the applause of the meeting hall, she looked at the Jaguar Clan applauding, but they weren’t happy about it. Clearly, King Ronald had sent someone to speak with them, probably Jonathan and Wahir. There was nothing more intimidating than a man that could rip you in half with his bare hands. Maybe they would be lucky and the Jaguar Clan would get the hint. Something inside of Josie doubted she would be that lucky. Right now, she was all about the bad luck.

  The only luck that she had found was that Karen was more than happy to see her friend return and Karen had volunteered to watch little Ony whenever Josie needed a sitter. Karen’s daughter was infatuated and obsessed with Ony the way only a young girl could be. She was old enough to actually help out and to babysit, something she adored with all of her heart. Josie had been fortunate there, but that was where her luck ran out. She felt like a prisoner.

  As she walked down the stage, she was quickly approached by a familiar face, but one she rarely had the opportunity to speak to. It wasn’t that she kept missing the chances to speak with them, but rather that she didn’t want to talk to them under any circumstances. They were creepy and they were violent. The Hyena Clan was not to be messed with unless you were in serious trouble and you had no other options. Josie thought she always had other options, even if death was the last option.

  “Congratulations on the adoption,” Dubaku said with a smile on his lips. Because of their crimes and their persistence in meddling with the external affairs and wars among the Shifters, the Hyena Clan had been stripped of a seat on the Council. That wasn’t much of a loss in anyone’s opinion, even their own. Dubaku was their leader by reputation and that was all that Josie needed to know.

  “Thank you,” Josie said, sidestepping him to try and move away, but Dubaku kept up with her. She looked at him and she felt for the first time that this was a man that didn’t want to have sex with her. No, this was a man who wanted something infinitely more precious. This was a man who peddled souls and innocence. “Can I help you?” She asked him.

  “How’s the job at the Tiki?” He asked her, avoiding the question. “Paying well? I hear that it’s getting difficult for people to pay for multiple persons on the island. Even at the Torch, we’re finding it hard to pay our ladies who find themselves with an extra mouth to feed. If you’re ever looking for a little extra cash, I’d be more than willing to give you another job.”

  “I’m not stripping at the Torch,” Josie told him firmly.

  “Yeah, but you do intend on keeping this child, right?” Dubaku asked with a smug look on his face that made Josie want to slap him and demand that he simply speak what was on his mind.

  “Of course, I am,” Josie answered.

  “Children are expensive,” Dubaku shrugged. “You just always looked like the kind of girl who enjoyed her independence and didn’t like having to be tied down by anything. Hell, you’re the only person I know on this island who has ever gotten a pass to leave from both King Roland and the Hunters. No one has that kind of luck, but you. No, Josie has the luck of an angel. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t biting off more than you could chew with this whole child thing. I know that it’s a big step from someone who has spent their nights dancing and partying with the tourists. Are you ready for all of that?”

  “I think I’ll manage,” Josie said coldly to him.

  “Whoa, no need to get angry with me,” Dubaku grinned as if he’d done nothing wrong. Maybe he hadn’t, but his tone and the way he was insinuating things to her was really getting on her nerves. “I’m just being frank with you, sweetheart. I know there are a lot of people on this island that support having another Shifter here, but who knows, right? Maybe the Hunters are okay with this now, but may be they’re not a little later, right?

  If you think that you want to have some peace and quiet at home or you’re looking to get back some of that freedom that you lost, I know some families off the island who would be more than happily to take him in and raise him right. I mean, they’ll give him the works. There are rich families in Europe that will put him in the finest schools and make sure that he has an amazing home to live in—the kind you see on those fancy television shows. After all, there isn’t even a school on the island that’s more than one room. That’s not a life for him, right?”

  Josie’s fingers had coiled into fists and she knew that she was dangerously close to striking this bastard where he stood. There was nothing more hideous and horrifying to her than a man who was willing to cheapen the life of a child into something that was nothing more than a bargaining chip for them in their twisted games of wealth and poverty. She knew she had to control herself if she wanted to get out of this without making an enemy and it was the hardest decision that she ever made. All she could do was try and focus on her breathing.

  “You need to get out of my face, Dubaku,” she said to him with the most serious, hateful tone that she could ever find inside of her. She reached deep down inside of her and she pulled the voice out with pleasure. She pulled at it like a magician pulling a scarf rope out of their sleeve. “If you ever talk about that child like that again, I’m going to make sure you never step foot in this room again. Not because you’re banished, not because the King told you to, but because you’re going to be feeding the sharks.

  I don’t mean that in a stereotypical mafia way, but in a legitimate way. I will rent a boat, take you out into the ocean, slit open your foot and dangle it over the side of the boat. When the sharks come after an hour or so, I’ll let them have you. Do you understand me? I let them have you piece by piece until you’re just a head bobbing on the water.”

  Dubaku was smiling but she knew that he was thinking about what she was saying to him. She could see the thoughts turning over and over in his twisted little head and as he took a step back from her, letting her pass on her way, she couldn’t help but see Tendai whispering with Sipho who stood like a golem next to her.

  She knew that rather than keep the peace, she had probably just helped her enemies form an alliance. Thankfully, she knew that Wahir had seen everything from the back of the auditorium. There was nothing that escaped his gaze.

  * * *

  It was strange for her to be called up to a penthouse suite, but it wasn’t the first time Josie had been called to a specific room to have a meeting with someone. There were plenty of times where political actions were discussed in hidden rooms behind closed doors that others didn’t have the right or the privilege to be a part of. This angered a lot of the Clan members who weren’t privy to this sort of thing, but it was how these things worked. She suspected she was going to be meetin
g with the Crocodile Clan who were still eagerly trying to get the Python Clan out of Africa and onto the island, something King Ronald would never go for.

  Slipping the key into the lock, she waited for the click and walked inside of the Penthouse. It looked as if someone had been living here for a while and there was a spilled bottle of champagne on the floor. She stared at the bottle and wondered who could be so careless and reckless with such an expensive drink. It seemed like she had possibly been given the wrong key card to the wrong room.

  “Hello?” Josie called.

  “I’m sorry,” Kheem’s voice drifted from around the corner.

  Without hesitating, she felt her feet carrying her to Kheem who was standing around the corner. She wanted nothing more than to run to him, to grab him and hug him. It had been days since she had seen him and all she could do was see specters of him all around the resort. Every time she saw a reflection in glass or on the surface of a mirror, she thought that it was Kheem. She couldn’t take it.

  She wanted to see him so badly. She wanted to have him in her life and yet, she was denied him. She wanted to rip off whatever it was that maintenance was making him wear and she wanted to ravage him, to remind him that she still loved him more than anything else in the world.

  Taking a deep breath, she paused when she rounded the corner and saw Kheem standing in front of the bathroom with an arm wrapped around his throat. She could see the tribal tattoos on the forearm and she knew whom they belonged to before she even had to say anything.

  It was Faraji.

  Faraji was a bit of a staple in the town of Tarobi. He was the scummy bartender in the Torch who spent more time staring at the strippers than he did actually doing his job. Everyone claimed he was a terrible bartender and that didn’t surprise her a whole lot. He was the kind of man who wore a derby hat and thought that it helped define him as a person. His long, wiry sideburns only helped to accentuate the fact he had no idea what he was doing with his life or who he was.


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