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Kalazaron Ankon: A Sci-Fi Alien Warrior Abduction Invasion Romance (Blue Planet Warriors)

Page 33

by Maia Starr

  "Oh, do we have to? She is so ugly and will ruin our looks," Maris pouted.

  "I guess we will have to put her in something accommodating. I know! What if we put her in a blue dress, and paint her skin blue?" Soko shouted.

  "That is perfect! This way she will be an accessory. She will be a party favor and complete our look."

  "What?! You will do no such thing!" I shouted without even thinking about it. Both sisters turned to look at me with their mouths wide open. They had never heard me talk back before, because I never had. This was a first. I did not know that I had done it until it was already done. I only partially regretted my outburst; I was fed up with them.

  "What did you say?" Soko said as she got closer to me. She was towering over me and looked down with hate in her eyes.

  "Nothing," I said holding my hate in.

  "That is better, slave. For that outburst, we will in fact be painting you blue. Dressmaker, do you have a blue dress for this ungrateful human female?" Soko said.

  The dressmaker moved to the back and pulled out several blue dresses.

  "Strip," Maris said.

  "Right here?" I said. They wanted me to strip right in the middle of the dressmakers shop, in front of other patrons—who were mostly female, but it was still humiliating.

  "Yes, you heard my sister," Soko said.

  I gave them both looks and then I began to slip the muslin dress knotted behind my neck over my head. I swept it down my body until it was on the floor. I crossed one arm over my breasts and my other hand over my center.

  "It is even more hideous undressed," Maris said.

  "Put this on," Soko said, pointing to a blue dress. I quickly put it on while fighting back tears. I could feel the stares of every Kalazaron in the room. It was very demeaning. I wanted to run away. I wanted to be rescued. I knew that none of that would ever happen.

  When I was done trying on dresses for the awful Loki sisters, they finally decided on one. But they were not done with their cruelty.

  "Now go into the market and find blue paint for your body. It must match this dress. Do not come back to the living quarters until you have found it. Enough to cover your ugly body, and ugly, brown hair," Soko ordered me.

  I put my head down and walked out of the dressmaker’s shop. I walked fast so that they could not call me back in. I ran into the market, but not to any particular table to look for paint. I was just running because I needed to cry. I ran between tables and passed the busy crowds until I was on the edge of the market. I leaned against a wall and tears flowed from my eyes. I hated them. I hated this life that had been thrown at me without any choice of my own. It was very unfair. I had been a bride on a ship that was taking me to find a husband, to find love. Now I was here, and I had no control.

  "Why are you crying? Has someone hurt you?" a voice said.

  I looked up to see a tall figure in front of me. It was him. It was the attractive Kalazaron warrior that I had spoken to in the market.

  My breath caught in my throat at the sight of him. He was still as gorgeous as I remembered. Only this time he was not giving me that attractive grin. This time his eyebrows were furrowed into a worrisome look. I wiped the tears and felt embarrassed that he had found me in such a state. I had daydreamed about running into him again, and none of those dreams where like this. I felt weak, and I knew that I was not a weak female. I was strong, but after so much abuse, I finally had to let it go.

  "It's you?" I whispered.

  “Yes, it's me," he said as he leaned in closer and put his hand on my face. His thumb swiped away a tear. I felt my heart beating faster at his touch.

  "Are you hurt?" he asked.

  "No, not really. I am just… sad."

  "Why are you sad?"

  "I am a slave. Is that not enough to be sad about?" I said in anger.

  His look softened. He looked sorry for me. Then he said, "Yes, that is enough. I do not like seeing you this way. Come with me," he said moving away from me and expecting me to follow him.

  "What? Where?" I asked confused.

  "I am going to make you happy," he said with a smile. I knew that I should not follow him. I did not know what he could have in mind. Yet I was intrigued. After waiting so long to run into him again, I did not want to leave his sight so quickly. I followed him around the corner of the building. But I was not expecting what I saw. He was walking toward a speed racer pod. I had seen many, but I had never been inside one.

  "Get in," he said as the doors lifted.

  "Where we going?"

  "Nowhere; just for a ride and then back here to this very spot. That is, if you would like?"

  I stood there trying to make a decision. My heart was saying yes, go. My mind was saying no; I was going to get in a lot of trouble with the Loki family. Then I remembered the awful things that the Loki sisters made me do. I remembered standing there naked in front of a bunch of Kalazaron. Out of anger, I marched to the speed racer and got in.

  "This is going to be a lot of fun, I promise," he said.

  I strapped in and the doors closed. The pod shot straight up into the air. It caught me off guard and I braced myself, holding onto the walls. The Kalazaron warrior laughed. Then I laughed. He was right: I was already feeling better and exhilarated.

  "Hold on," he said as he pushed a lever forward and we started fast into the distance and out of the capital city.

  "Watch this!" he shouted as he began to do barrel rolls in the pod racer. Around and around it spiraled, and I was laughing and giggling nonstop. It was the most fun I had had since I’d arrived on this planet. I looked over at him, with his dark, blue-black hair and stubble beard. It was exhilarating to be this close to him and alone. He was a stranger to me; I didn't even know his name, yet I still felt safe with him. I watched him as he thoroughly enjoyed driving the big contraption. He was like a youngling, full of excitement and joy for the thrill of the ride.

  The sky had turned a subtle pink as the silver sun was setting on the horizon. It made the flight that much more magical as we were surrounded by pink clouds. It was exciting. The pod banked as the side wings dipped toward the ground and then evened out again. We were heading straight toward the silver disk of the sun. He was flying in a risky and dangerous way, and I was having so much fun. Every time he did a risky maneuver, he would laugh and I would join him. It was thrilling. I had never experienced anything like it. I had been cooped up in the Loki living quarters since I was eighteen. This was the first real adventure I had been on since I left earth. For an hour, I forgot that I was a captain slave, and that felt very good.

  "We should be getting back. Do you feel better?" He asked me.

  "Yes, I do," I answered. I really did. I had forgot that I had been crying, and the awful sisters that had made me cry. The joyride worked.

  "Good. I'm glad to have been of service," he said to me.

  The stranger had treated me more kindly than any other Kalazaron I had met since I arrived on the planet. That was when I was reminded that I did not know his name. I did not know anything about him.

  "What are you called?" I asked him.

  He turned to me and gave me a confused look. Then he said, "You mean, you do not know who I am?"

  "No. Do you know who I am?" I asked him.

  "Yes, I do. I saw you once with the Loki family, and I assumed that you must be their captive. So I looked up the records. You are Ella Capricio."

  My mouth fell open that he knew all this information about me. It was very uncomfortable. He knew everything about me, and yet I knew nothing of him. I felt a little embarrassed that he knew my history and how I came to be a captive. I wondered if he knew how badly I was treated at the Loki living quarters.

  "Yes, that is all true."

  "Do you really not know my name?" he said again.

  "No, I have said as much."

  "My name is Thaedon."

  "Well thank you, Thaedon. You have truly made me forget my troubles," I said as the speed racer pod came to a
stop in the exact location where he had picked me up. He had kept his word.

  "I would like to see you again," he said to me.

  "I would like that as well, but it is just not possible. I have no free will."

  The door lifted and I got out. He walked around the racer to my side and towered over me as he said, "Ella, I will see you again. Be well." He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he walked away. I was left breathless by his dominant declaration. I smiled. I smiled all the way home.

  When I walked into the Loki living quarters, I had completely forgot why I was out on my own anyway.

  "Well, where is it?" Maris asked.

  "What?" I said to her. Maris looked over at Soko with a confused look.

  "The blue paint for your skin. Where is it?" Soko asked stepping toward me in a menacing manner.

  "Oh, the merchant did not have any so he ordered some and I am to pick it up tomorrow," I lied.

  "Very well; go to bed, slave," Soko said as she dismissed me. I gladly went to bed and out of their sight so that I could replay every single moment that I had with the Kalazaron warrior known as Thaedon in my mind.


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  About The Author

  Thank You for reading! I truly hope you enjoyed my book. I am a passionate writer that is OBESSED with Sci Fi Alien Romance. I have been writing since I was a little kid and never looked back! I look forward to interacting with all of you and bringing you new hot and steamy Sci Fi Alien Romance books.


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  Thank You !

  Maia Starr


  Your Exclusive Prequel Bonus:

  Kalazaron Blue Planet Warriors


  P.S. Checkout the Book Preview on Next Page

  * * *

  [SBM1]Why are they only investigating the capturing of human females? They also take the males, and they never release them either.

  [SBM2]I keep going back and forth on this. Part of me thinks this should be possessive. It is the association that belongs to the united planets. But then I think, no, it is just another way of saying the association of (as in consisting of, not belonging to) united planets. I am leaving it as is, but maybe think it over and see if you feel differently.

  [SBM3]Treating this the same way I have human female.

  [SBM4]This makes no sense to me.

  [SBM5]Is this spelled differently than his father’s name was earlier? I had told Word to ignore it but it was underlined here.

  [SBM6]Between the two paragraphs, I feel that things are too heavy on description. I find this a lot in romance novels and short stories—the authors front load the physical description rather than spreading it throughout the manuscript. Frontloading makes it feel forced, not natural.

  [SBM7]The author should be mindful of repeating words too close to each other. Just a tip for the future.

  [SBM8]Should this be plural? The lounge in more than one room?

  [SBM9]I am changing this to lowercase except when used with a name or as an address, as that is standard and follows the rules set out by the Chicago Manual of Style. I figured I should explain since it might be more of a style choice to portray the culture of the ship.

  [SBM10]Too many references to leather-like but not sure what to replace it with.

  [SBM11]How is her hair still this long if they cut the knots that were around her face?

  [SBM12]In this case, the heavy description makes sense. I would remove their earlier description and allow this to serve as our introduction to her looks. Aside from the knots and hair color, those I would keep mention of earlier.

  [SBM13]The description of his body in relation to hers is wrong. He is at least two feet taller than her, so their bodies would not be lining up this way. I am guessing this is going to continue to be an issue.

  [SBM14]I would say armory instead. Not sure if this is a different usage because it is a different culture or if it should be changed.

  [SBM15]I would change this to another sound, as this is too similar to a goofy way to say vagina.

  [SBM16]Deleted some description because it was getting too heavy, becoming a description dump.

  [SBM17]Is this wrong or just to reflect their unusual speech?

  [SBM18]Again. I won’t point it out anymore, though, because I am not sure if it is wrong, or if it is just the language they use. Science Fiction can be difficult with these things.

  [SBM19]I wanted to note that in most cases, I am not using a comma with adjective + human female or females. They seem to use human female or human female slave like it is a noun made up of multiple words, so it would not need the comma.

  [SBM20]I capitalize Blue Mountain Base because it is a title. I am assuming based on the capitalization here that Village is also the formal name of their little town. However, that seems strange. They give real names to other locations. Why would this just be Village?

  [SBM21]I feel like too much time has been spent explaining the base. I am starting to feel bored with it.

  [SBM22]I feel confused as I read on. Is this a place or a person, or both?

  [SBM23]Now it isn’t capitalized. So I am not sure if it is the formal title of their town or not.

  [SBM24]The quotation marks change.

  [SBM25]See, I am noticing as I get further in, things that were mentioned earlier are being mentioned again. The buildings, the things they wear, the way they look. It would be best to handle it this way, mentioning it throughout, rather than dumping it all at once.

  [SBM26]Too heavy on physical description.


  [SBM28]I am using lowercase except when it is used as a title or address.

  [SBM29]The author switches between singular and plural for test. I don’t know if there is one test but many trials, or multiple tests and multiple trials.

  [SBM30]Author doesn’t always capitalize trials. Might want to double check me on this.




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