On the Road to Ramsgate

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On the Road to Ramsgate Page 7

by Melanie Schertz

  After a few moments of being silly with his young cousin, Richard turned his attention towards her new nanny. “I owe you an apology for my actions a little over a year ago. I know now what you did for my cousin.”

  “It does not matter. There is no need for apologies.” Elizabeth continued collecting the dirty clothing to place in the basket for the maids to take for laundering.

  “Allow me to correct you. I made a mistake. You were assisting my cousin, at the risk of your own health. I was a fool to behave so, and am pleased to have a chance to correct my behavior.”

  “Your cousin was injured and you were afraid. It is understandable. There is nothing further to discuss.”

  “Well, I am pleased to know you will be taking care of my little cousins. William told me how you took to the girls. That is what they need, since they will never know their mother. They are sweet little babes, and deserve love.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head. “Just as some people would assume I was compromised and ruined because I tended your cousin while he was injured, many will believe these girls to be ruined just by being born. They did nothing wrong, just as I did not. But the taint is still on them. I will never see them as anything other than beautiful little girls who are my responsibility to care for and protect.”

  Richard handed Edith to Elizabeth. “I must break my fast before I leave for a meeting.” He began to leave the room, stopping at the doorframe. “I am the only one in my family who supports William’s decision to raise the girls as he is. My parents, my brother, our aunt, none of them approve of the situation. Just so you know that even family needs to be watched carefully when they are near the girls.”

  “Thank you for your words of wisdom. I will keep close watch over Emmy and Edith.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  Jane arrived home at the Bingley townhouse to find her husband was out. She was frustrated, so she went to her private sitting room, which was connected to her bedchamber.

  After her father’s death, Jane was forced to accept much of the responsibility for her family. She was angry with her mother for blaming Lizzy and their uncle for the accident, to Jane, it was utter foolishness. Mr Bennet had decided on his own to make the trip. But day in and day out, Jane was forced to endure her mother’s bitterness. Bitterness over the loss of their home, bitterness over the loss of income, bitterness over everything that changed. And Mrs Bennet took her foul mood out on Jane, knowing Jane’s even temperament would keep the eldest Bennet sister from ignoring her mother.

  During that time, Jane was worried about her beloved sister, Elizabeth. The pair had been the best of friends, only to have Lizzy ripped from her due to their mother’s refusal to acknowledge her second born daughter. Knowing her sister was injured and receiving treatment was painful for Jane, as she wished to be at her sister’s side. Each day that went by with no word, not even knowing if her sister was still living, was pure agony.

  This went on for many weeks. When her Uncle Phillips had news from the Gardiner household, he would do what he could to share the news with Jane. But one time, Mrs Bennet overheard them and became irate. She demanded that Mr Phillips speak only with her, not Jane or any of the younger sisters. This set off another wave of Mrs Bennet’s fury, which was mostly aimed at Jane.

  By the time Charles Bingley arrived at Netherfield, Jane was determined to find a husband, and preferably one who was wealthy enough to improve her family’s situation. She wished to escape from the torment she was enduring.

  Not only was Mrs Bennet making her life a misery, so were her younger two sisters. Katherine, known to all as Kitty, and Lydia had been pampered by their mother. Lydia was her mother’s favorite, and all the silly girl need do is complain to Mrs Bennet to get what she wished. This often meant Jane and Mary, and sometimes even Kitty, did without for Lydia to have whatever pleased her. Mrs Bennet would constantly make excuses that Lydia was distraught at losing her father, or that since Lydia was the youngest, she had not had as much time with him, therefore Mrs Bennet had to make amends to the spoiled girl.

  Upon meeting Mr Bingley at an assembly in Meryton, Jane realized that the man was amiable and kind, and his easy going nature would be what she wished for in a marriage. So she accepted all of his attention, and eventually convinced him of her love. Their marriage was one of mutual consideration, and she allowed him to take her to bed, though she was repulsed by having to submit.

  Jane had talked her husband into purchasing a house on the outskirts of Meryton for her mother and younger sisters, only to have her mother undermine her. Mrs Bennet would not stand for a small house in the village when she could have the grand house at Netherfield Park. Bingley was far too amiable to forbid Mrs Bennet’s request to live with them, so he allowed his wife’s family to move in with Jane and him. And rather than give her daughter her rightful place as Mistress of the house, Mrs Bennet took over bossing the servants about, making them answer to her rather than the new Mrs Bingley.

  “Jane, you are young and have never been the Mistress of your own house, especially one this large. You need my advice or you will embarrass our family to our neighbors.”

  “But Mamma, Mrs Fenton has already informed me that three of the maids are leaving to take positions elsewhere due to your demands. And the maid you insisted my husband hire just for Lydia is costing far more than you first claimed.”

  “She is from France, and knows all the styles to make Lydia’s hair perfect. And her taste in gowns and fashions is superb. You wish for your sister to find a wealthy man to marry, do you not?”

  ~~ ** ~~

  Finally, Jane was able to see and speak with her beloved sister and the Gardiners, as Bingley took Jane to Town for a holiday. She could not believe the freedom Elizabeth had living with the Gardiners, the loving and kind relationship which was obvious. This caused Jane pangs of jealousy. Why was her sister able to find comfort away from their mother and sisters, leaving Jane to have all the suffering? It was not fair in Jane’s eyes.

  She had ignored the fact that Elizabeth had suffered, between the accident, losing their father, who was dear to Elizabeth, and her injury which continued to bring her pain. All Jane could see was their aunt and uncle being kind, not making demands on her next eldest sister, comforting Elizabeth when Jane longed for such kindness.

  Now, to learn that Elizabeth was planning to take a position which was certain to cause their family disgrace, after all Jane had done to protect the family, Jane saw red.

  ~~ ** ~~

  The butler knocked on Darcy’s study, knowing the person he was about to announce would only bring his master more pain. When called to enter, he opened the door and stepped inside the room. “Mr Darcy, your aunt, Lady Matlock, is requesting to see you.”

  Darcy shook his head as he sighed. “Where have you put her?”

  “I am here, Fitzwilliam, and am not going anywhere until you have heard me out.” Lady Matlock pushed her way past the butler.

  Mockingly, Darcy declared. “Please, Aunt Rebecca, come in and make yourself at home.”

  “There is no need to be rude, young man. Where is my son? I understand he is residing here at the moment.”

  “Richard is meeting with his general. He will return later, as he does whenever he is staying in Town.” Darcy answered his aunt’s question. “And you are well aware of that fact.

  “I received a letter from Catherine today and she is furious.” Lady Matlock took off her gloves and laid them on the chair next to the one on which she was sitting.

  “When is the great Lady Catherine de Bourgh not furious?”

  “Be respectful, Fitzwilliam, she was your mother’s sister. And she is to be your mother in law. As to Catherine’s anger at the moment, she informed me that you have refused to send the babies to her to find homes for them.”

  “First, Aunt Rebecca, I am not marrying my cousin Anne, so her mother will never be my mother in law. And Aunt Catherine has no control over my nieces, nor does she have any love for the girls, so
why would I allow her to take the girls?”

  Lady Matlock glared at her nephew. “The family has all supported your marriage to Anne. I know she is not what you would wish for, but it will rebuild your standing in society. With what has happened in the last year, you require all of us to save you from ruin.”

  “I do not care for society, as you well know. Nor do I care what others think of my situation. It was my decision to make, and I will not go back on it. Georgiana did not ask to be ruined, she did not wish for Wickham to defile her. Nor did she wish to become with child, out of wedlock. This was forced upon her, her freedom taken from her. And she paid dearly for what happened. My sister was never even able to hold her children, never saw them. Her mind was stolen from her, along with her virtue. What could the babies have done wrong to deserve such disdain from everyone? They are innocent. They have done nothing wrong, only being born into the wrong situation.”

  “You know how society looks on the situation. Those children were born from a sinful act, therefore their very lives are sins. It would have been a blessing if they had died with their mother. But as they have not, you will continue to be rejected by all of our station if you do not do the proper thing and send the offspring away. If you desire to visit them, send them to somewhere like Scotland or Ireland. You have estates there which you could visit, using that as your excuse to be in the neighborhood of those children.”

  “I will not send them away. I have made myself clear, and will hear no more on the matter. If you cannot tolerate my insistence to keep my nieces with me, then you will have to cut ties with me. My parents are gone, Georgiana is gone. Her daughters are all that I have left of my family. They are a part of Georgiana, even look like her. How can I turn off the love I have had for my sister? How can I not give her children the love that she cannot give them?”

  “They were born of sin. They will always be sinful. You know that their father was evil, and may have passed his evil ways on to them.” Lady Matlock was appalled.

  “Their mother was one of the sweetest girls I have ever known. How can children who grew inside her be evil? They are just as sweet natured as Georgiana was as a baby, so I have no doubt that they will be like her.” Darcy was furious at his aunt. They had had this discussion for months, ever since it was discovered that Georgiana was increasing.

  “I will speak with Richard when he returns.” Lady Matlock stated, her nose held up in the air as if she were smelling something terrible. “I will not have our family tainted by his support of your decision. He will refrain from staying here and return to Matlock House, or he will be cut from the family. He cannot afford to live as he does on his income from the army, so he had best realize what he is throwing away. And no decent lady will ever wish to marry him, or you, with those children in your lives.”

  “Well, Mother, I will give you my reply right now.” Richard said as he entered the door without knocking. “Forgive me William, but I was told that my mother was in here with you. As I was certain I knew her topic of discussion, I thought I would join you.”

  “Richard, go up and pack your belongings. You will be returning to Matlock House with me, and you will cut all contact with this house and the Darcy family.” Lady Matlock stood and looked at her son, expecting him to do as she demanded.

  “Mother, I will tell you the same as I told you last time. I will not be cutting ties with William and the twins. Edith and Emmy need the love of their family, and, it appears, that will only be William and myself. I am ashamed to hear you speak of those sweet babies in such a manner. They are the flesh and blood children of your niece. And I share their guardianship as I did over their mother. William asked me to share the responsibility and I accepted.”

  “You cannot go against me.” Lady Matlock stomped her foot. “I demand you do as I say, immediately. This is not to be borne. Well, I know how to act now. You will regret your decision.”

  “No, Mother, I will not. If you think I will miss the foolishness of the ton, you are sadly mistaken. And this frees me to marry anyone I deem fit to marry, not with whomever you demand to make a match for financial gain.” Richard said, giving his mother a polite smile. “This allows me to avoid the sort of marriage my brother was forced to accept. One where he lives in Town while his wife lives in Bath, each of them having their lovers, while their children are at the family estate, ignored by both of their parents. They were married because Father’s gambling and your lavish remodel of the townhouse caused a financial problem for the estate, requiring my sister in law’s dowry to keep the family from poverty.”

  “How dare you speak to me in such a manner? I am your mother, you had best show me respect.”

  “No, you are the lady who carried me in your womb and gave birth to me. Nothing more. You have never loved me, I was not the heir. You have never approved of me or what I do, so this is the perfect solution for you. As of this day, I am no longer your child. You only have your first born, your heir. I am my own man. And I am one of the guardians of Miss Emelia and Miss Edith Darcy. Good day, Lady Matlock.”

  Richard turned his attention to his cousin. “Might I bother you for a glass of your fine port?”

  “Of course, Richard. And, for the record, you will always be welcome in my homes. You have no need to fear for your finances, for that is settled as well.”

  This was news to Richard, but he was not shocked. Fitzwilliam Darcy had been more like a brother to Richard than Albert Fitzwilliam, heir to the Matlock estate and title.

  Darcy looked at his aunt, who was still standing before his desk. “Is there anything else you need, Aunt?”

  With a furious grunt, Lady Matlock turned and stormed from the room. But she was not finished with the matter. Rather than leaving the house, she hurried up the stairs and towards the nursery.

  Entering the room, she saw the two nursemaids, each holding a babe. “Give me that child.” She demanded of Sally. Afraid of what to do, Sally began to hold Emmy out to the grand lady.

  Elizabeth knew what Colonel Fitzwilliam had said of his family and their opinion of the babies. Seeing that the lady before her was angered, Elizabeth determined it was not safe to allow her to handle the infants. “I am afraid that it would not be proper for you to take Miss Emmy. Mr Darcy is particular as to whom handles the infants. He has not informed me that you are someone who is allowed to take them from us.”

  Lady Matlock’s fury grew. She pulled back her hand, bringing it down sharply across Elizabeth’s cheek. “How dare you speak to me in such a manner? Do you know who I am? I am the Countess of Matlock, Mr Darcy’s aunt. As I am a member of the highest circle of society, and you are a lowly servant of low birth, it is my right to make the decision as to my taking hold of this infant.”

  “I beg to differ, Ma’am. I was hired to care for these babes, and that includes protecting them from those of the first circle who would cause them harm.” Elizabeth held tight to Edith.

  Lady Matlock pulled her hand back again, striking Elizabeth yet again. Dazed, Elizabeth struggled with Lady Matlock as the lady attempted to take Edith from the young nursemaid’s hands. All the while, Edith was crying. Hearing the sound of footsteps quickly approaching, Lady Matlock made one final attempt to pull the wailing infant from Elizabeth, pushing Elizabeth backwards, forcing her to fall to the ground.

  Darcy and Richard entered the room, finding Sally attempting to flee with Emmy in her arms, and Lady Matlock leaning over a prone Elizabeth, attempting to remove Edith from the iron grasp that Elizabeth held on the child.

  Richard took hold of his mother’s arms from behind her, pulling her from the room. “What on earth do you think you are doing?”

  “I was taking matters into my own hands, only to have that chit refuse to allow me to hold one of the babes. She even laid her hands on me. I demand the constable be called and that little nobody be arrested for her behavior. She assaulted me, and I insist she be prosecuted.”

  “I will not call for a constable, Aunt, as it would be y
ou who would be arrested if I did. You had no right to come up to the nursery. I thought it was clear that you were to leave this house and not return. Instead, you come up here, assault the nursemaids taking care of the infants, causing potential harm to my nieces. This surprises me, since you wish to avoid having any contact with my sister’s babies.” Darcy was furious, his face red with anger. Turning his attention to Elizabeth, who was attempting to sit up and comfort Edith’s tears, Darcy noticed there was blood running from a cut on the side of Elizabeth’s face, near her eyebrow.

  “Mrs Duncan, please send for the physician. Miss Elizabeth has been injured. And send for the constable.” Darcy called out to his housekeeper. He assisted Elizabeth and Edith into a nearby rocking chair, then returned to stand face to face with his aunt. “As you have assaulted my employee, in an attempt to harm my niece, you have forced the situation to become public. You will face charges against you for the injury you did to Miss Elizabeth, and for attempting to abduct my niece.”

  “I was not abducting the child, I was planning to take her to be cared for by someone more appropriate. And why are you referring to a nursemaid as Miss Elizabeth? She is no one of importance.” Lady Matlock stared daggers at her nephew.

  “She is the daughter of a gentleman, the gentleman who died in the other carriage which was involved in the accident with me last year. Miss Elizabeth was gently born and bred, and has already shown great devotion to my nieces, which deserves my respect.”

  “Obviously she was not the daughter of a gentleman of any worth. If she had been, she would not be working for anyone.”

  “You will come with me, Lady Matlock.” Richard said, pulling his mother from the room. “We will wait for the constable to arrive.”

  “You will do no such thing to your own mother.” Lady Matlock gasped. “I demand you release me immediately, or I will send for your father.”

  “As this is Darcy House, you have no authority over anyone here. I will be happy to send for your husband, as soon as the constable decides what is to be done with you. Most likely the magistrate will be called, and you might even be taken into custody. What will the gossips in the neighborhood think when they see you taken out of the home of your nephew, for assaulting his infant nieces and attempting to steal the infants?”


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