On the Road to Ramsgate

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On the Road to Ramsgate Page 8

by Melanie Schertz

  “You would not dare.” Screamed Lady Matlock as she struggled against her son’s grasp.

  “You have already disowned me, so what loyalty do I have to you? I agree with William, the girls are innocent and deserve to be loved and treated kindly. Just because they did not begin in the acceptable manner, they are pure and innocent.”

  “You were raised with the expectations of society. And you know full well that society will not accept those children of sin. I was simply going to send them to Catherine, so she can protect her daughter’s future with Darcy.”

  Richard gave up hope in convincing his mother of the truth. He placed her in a chair in a nearby sitting room, then waited for the constable to come.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 8

  “Miss Elizabeth, the physician has arrived to examine your wounds.” Mrs Duncan said as she returned to the nursery. She led an elderly gentleman into the room. Mr Foster had been the Darcy family physician for many years. He had been called to treat Georgiana during her final months, and he delivered the twins.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I was informed that you were assaulted by the Countess of Matlock. To be honest, I must thank you for protecting the girls from that woman. She is so concerned with appearances and what society will say, not one worry for her nephew or the babies. She was that way when Miss Darcy was brought here, in the sad condition in which she was. Lady Matlock could not express sadness for what her niece endured, only how it would reflect on her or the family.”

  “It is a shame, for she is missing the sweet little girls the twins are.” Elizabeth stated. “And fortunately, Colonel Fitzwilliam had already warned me of his parents and his aunt. He was correct in stating not to trust anyone in his family.”

  Sally was standing nearby. “I was so afraid of what she would do if I refused to do as she said. She could have done all sorts of things, as she is an important person.”

  Mr Foster shook his head. “Have no fear, Miss. Mr Darcy would protect you from any harm with which his relations might threaten you. He is powerful and will not take kindly to anyone under his protection being harmed.” He took the cloth away from the cut at Elizabeth’s brow. Blood continued to trickle from it, though it had slowed considerably. “Well, I believe you may need a stitch or two, so the wound closes properly. And it will need to be kept clean and bandaged for a few days. It would be best if you were to remain in bed for a week.”

  “You know I cannot remain in bed, I have duties to perform. I am one of the nursemaids for the twins.” Elizabeth replied.

  Darcy entered the room, hearing the conversation between the physician and Elizabeth. “If Mr Foster says you should remain in bed, you will do as he says. I care about the wellbeing of all who live here and at Pemberley. You are important to me, and I will see that you are provided with the care you need.”

  Scooping up Edith from her cradle, Darcy held her close to his chest as he stepped to Mr Foster’s side. “How is she?” Darcy asked, the look of concern in his eyes.

  “The cut should heal nicely, and the swelling on her lip should go down in a day or two. There will be some bruising, but she will survive. Quite a scrapper, this one.”

  Darcy chuckled. “Fortunately she has strength to battle my aunt. I pray we do not have to discover how she would fair against Aunt Catherine.”

  Mr Foster laughed openly. “Good heavens, I cannot imagine how Lady Catherine de Bourgh would fair against this young lady, though I would wager Miss Elizabeth would be able to stand toe to toe with her. Now, hand me Miss Edith so I may ensure she is well.”

  After handing the infant to the physician, Darcy concentrated on the young lady before him. She was intelligent, which was one of the reasons Darcy had hired her. Elizabeth was also stronger than she looked. The fact that she stood her ground was proof of that.

  When he first witnessed the injuries to her, Darcy’s heart fluttered at an unfamiliar rate. He could feel drawn towards her, but he could not understand why. Was it due to the loss he had suffered during the same time of his own losses? Was it due to the accident, where she had cared for him, though she was in pain herself? He was not sure, but he knew that he would protect her with all he could.

  ~~ ** ~~

  Lord Matlock stormed into the drawing room of Darcy House. “Where is my wife?”

  “And it is a pleasure to see you as well, Uncle Henry.” Darcy replied. “Your wife is in the sitting room, speaking with the constable. He has my statement and Richard’s, not to mention seeing first-hand the injury sustained by my servant. Once he finishes with Aunt Rebecca, he will make his decision on what course to take.”

  “This is utter nonsense. My wife will not be charged for striking a servant. She is the Countess of Matlock. Your servant was obviously out of line.”

  Richard stood up and faced his father. “No, your wife was the one who was out of line. She had just been told that my infant cousins would not be sent to Lady Catherine, and that William has no intentions of ridding himself of the twins. And she was informed that I have no desire to abandon them, so your wife informed me that I was disowned. After that, your wife decided to sneak upstairs to take the infants from their home. She admitted to that, she planned to ship them to Lady Catherine to find homes for the girls. When the nursemaid decided to stand her ground with Lady Matlock, the young lady received a beating from your wife.”

  “See, the servant deserved the beating, refusing to do as she was told by her better.” Lord Matlock declared. “I want charges brought against the chit.”

  “There will be no charges against my servant for doing as she was told to do.” Darcy stepped closer to his uncle. “I will not allow you or anyone else to treat my servants in such a deplorable manner. It matters not to me who you are in society, good manners and behaving like someone who should be respected is far more important in my book.”

  “Your staff is just as foolish as you. My sister has offered you a way to deal with the unfortunate situation in which you are now found, an offer that will free you from the burden and restore your birthright in society. Then you and Anne can marry with nothing weighing heavily on your shoulders.”

  “When will the family finally get it through their heads that I am not going to marry Anne? My mother told me there were no arrangements made, as Lady Catherine spouts. And I have no desire to marry Anne. She is weak and sickly, has never been trained to be the Mistress of her own house, let alone another. She also has her mother’s attitude, making her a know it all who thinks her opinion is the only opinion. Not only could I not tolerate being in a drawing room with her, there is no possibility I could ever tolerate bedding her, therefore there would be no heir. I will marry for love, not for convenience.”

  “Who would put up with you, foisting your sister’s bastard children on everyone as if they were royalty?” Lord Matlock spat the words without thinking.

  The ever darkening redness of Darcy’s face should have been a warning to his uncle, though the pompous man was too arrogant to realize the danger before him. “GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” Darcy demanded. “YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN MY HOME!”

  “Enough of your posturing, I am the head of the family.” Lord Matlock declared, puffing out his chest.

  “You are the head of the Fitzwilliam family. I happen to be a Darcy, which means I am the head of my family. Now GET OUT!”

  Sputtering, Lord Matlock suddenly realized his mistake. “I…I…must stay…my wife…”

  “She will be well without you, now LEAVE!”

  The constable heard the shouting as he was heading towards the door of the drawing room. “Let us have some peace, gentlemen.” He said as he made to step between the two men. “There has been enough hostility in this house today, and it is time to calm down.”

  “Where is my wife?” Lord Matlock asked. “I demand to see her, so I may take her home.”

  “I was coming to tell Mr Darcy that Lady Matlock may return home, though she must remain in Town for the time being. The m
agistrate will wish to speak with her, as I am referring the matter to him. There are sufficient grounds to prosecute Lady Matlock for attempted kidnapping and assault.” The constable announced. “I will also warn you and your wife that your presence is not welcome in Mr Darcy’s home, as he just said to you. Therefore, if you are found on this property, you will be arrested along with your wife. Do you understand me?”

  Lord Matlock glared at the young man. “Just what is your name? Are you reporting to Lord Glenmire?”

  “No, Sir, Lord Glenmire has referred the matter to the Duke of Pennington. Lord Glenmire stated that he could not rule on the matter, being friends of yours. The Duke will be handling the matter.”

  “I will be speaking to Lord Glenmire. This entire matter is being handled inappropriately and I will have it dismissed as soon as I have a discussion with Glenmire.”

  “Lord Glenmire also stated he was leaving Town with his family, as they had planned a holiday in Italy. The ship is to sail tomorrow. As his family is busy with the final arrangements for their trip, he will have no time to speak with you.”

  “We will see about that. Where is my wife?”

  The constable had a difficult time keeping from saying what he really wished to tell Lord Matlock. In his opinion, Darcy was within his rights to rid himself of Lord and Lady Matlock. “Lady Matlock is near the front door, with two of Mr Darcy’s footmen making certain that she does not move from the location until I return.”

  “Then come with me, so I may take my wife home.” Lord Matlock began walking from the room before he finished speaking. Just before he reached the door of the drawing room, he turned his attention on his son and his nephew. “I take no leave of you and give you no further notice. I have only one son and no nephew from this day forward.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  Entering his home, Charles Bingley had no notion as to the storm which was about to explode. As soon as he returned home, he went in search of his wife.

  “Jane, I just had a pleasant visit with your uncle. He informed me that the meeting he had with my friend, Darcy, went extremely well. The increase in business should net us all a fairly large return in the coming years.”

  “Is that all he told you about your dear friend’s meeting with him? Did my uncle neglect to tell you of your dear friend ruining our family?”

  Bingley frowned. “I do not understand your meaning. How is Darcy ruining our family?”

  “I see my uncle has left it to me to inform everyone in our family of the tragic news. It seems your dear friend has offered my sister Lizzy a position in his staff. And if that were not bad enough, the position is to care for his nieces. His bastard nieces. We will be ruined, with Lizzy caring nothing for the reputations of our family. I cannot believe she would agree to such a position, let alone that our uncle, who is supposed be such a wise man, allowing her. I need to go to my sister and explain to her that she cannot remain there, for it will ruin her and our sisters. They will never be able to marry well if we are connected with such people. And it is time you cut ties with Mr Darcy. He is a social outcast due to his sister’s shame and her bastards. We cannot afford to have them ruin us.”

  “But Jane, they are babies. They are the only family Darcy has left. And his sister was raped. The trauma was extensive, which caused her to withdraw inside herself. It was a horrific event, and Darcy was devastated that he had not been able to protect his sister from what she endured.”

  “She allowed herself to be ruined, completely and utterly compromised. No proper family would have allowed her to remain living at home, she should have been sent away immediately. Instead, your friend kept her at his home, and kept the result of her ruin after she gave birth. At least she had the good sense to die, rather than be a burden on her brother.”

  Bingley was shocked and appalled by his wife’s words. “Jane, that is unkind. You would condemn two helpless babies for what was forced upon their mother? You would condemn a young lady, actually a child herself at fifteen, for what was forced upon her by a full grown man who was twice her size? What if it had been your sister, Lydia? She is the same age that Miss Darcy was, would you cast her off and denounce her for being raped?”

  “To save our family, I would. I have had to deal with my mother and responsibility to do so. If one of my sisters were to behave in a way that would bring shame on our family, I would cast her off quickly.”

  “You are not the woman I thought I married. Jane Bennet was sweet and kind. Jane Bingley is turning into a heartless and bitter woman. Please Jane, do not allow this situation to tear apart our lives. No one will know that Lizzy is tending the children if we do not tell anyone. Your mother and sisters need not find out. And I will see Darcy when you are not with me. He will understand.”

  “You will do as I say and cut ties with him. If you do not, I will lock the door to my bedchamber and refuse to permit you inside.” Jane glared at her husband.

  This was shocking, as Jane had never spoken to him in such a manner. What had happened to her to lead her to such behavior? “Dearest, I believe your family living with us has placed too great a burden on you. Perhaps it would be best if we were to find somewhere else for them to live.”

  “That will never do, not now that Mamma has taken charge of Netherfield. You should have followed my advice from the start and found them a house of their own. But you wished to be kind to them, and allowed them to move in with us. Now we will never be rid of Mamma, Mary, Kitty or Lydia. They will always be our burden to bear.”

  “I will tell your mother that we are planning to take a journey to the continent, and are giving up the lease on Netherfield. Then we can find a house near Meryton for your mother and sisters.”

  “Mamma would either demand to come with us to the continent or to stay in this townhouse. No, once you give in to Mamma, there is no going backwards. She will always demand more, not less.” Jane said as she turned and walked to the window. “It is not fair. Lizzy never had to endure Mamma and our younger sisters after Papa died. She was safe and loved in our aunt and uncle’s home, far away from the wailing and ranting. Lizzy never went hungry to make sure the rest of our family was full, she never had to clean the house and cook for everyone else. And Lizzy never had to contend with our mother declaring she would be forced to the hedgerows if one of us girls did not marry well.”

  Shocked, Bingley realized the truth in his wife’s words. She had only married him for financial gains. “Forgive me, Jane, for making your life so terrible. It is obvious that you had no desire to marry me, except for what I could do for you and your family. I have work to do in my study. I will see you at dinner.” Bingley turned and walked from the room, never showing the pain he was feeling until he was in his study, with the door locked behind him.

  ~~ ** ~~

  “Helen, what should we do with Jane?” Mr Gardiner asked his wife that night. “I must say that I was shocked with her behavior when she learned of Lizzy taking care of Mr Darcy’s nieces.”

  “As was I.” Mrs Gardiner said. “I never would have believed it possible of Jane, at least not before Thomas died.”

  “Obviously there was more going on in Hertfordshire than we knew. Our brother Phillips must not have told us all that Fanny put Jane through.”

  “But what do we do now? The truth is that Lizzy working as a nursemaid for the infants will not cause harm to the Bennet family, as they are not her children. She is a servant, and will be looked on as such. But it will affect Mr Bingley’s friendship with his best friend, which could cause problems in his marriage to Jane. If she was so adamant about Lizzy leaving Darcy House, how will she feel about her husband socializing with Mr Darcy?”

  Mr Gardiner nodded. “It will cause much pain if she forces her husband to denounce his friend. Jane is making her marriage more and more like her mother’s, insisting on things being her way or the household will be miserable. My heart goes out to our nephew, he will need all the strength he can muster to survive this situation.”
/>   ~~ ** ~~

  “Miss Elizabeth, what are you doing out of bed?” Darcy asked as he entered the nursery.

  “Sally is sick and Emmy was fussing. I came to bring the twins to my room, so I could tend them while I am in my room.” Elizabeth stated in a matter of fact manner.

  “Mrs Duncan can find someone to assist with the twins, you are supposed to be in bed, resting. That was the order of the physician.”

  “Mr Darcy, there is no need for me to stay in bed. I am fine. The bruising is already beginning to fade, and the stitches come out in two days. There is no need for me to keep to my bed. Emmy and Edith need me and I need to be with them.”

  Darcy was confused. “What do you mean, you need to be with them?”

  “Mr Darcy, the past year has taken so much away from me. For the first time in months I feel needed and as if I can be productive. My aunt and uncle have been kind, but they have never put demands upon me. I need to feel whole, and being able to care for your nieces has made me forget what has happened since the accident and that I am vital. Please do not take that from me.”

  “Miss Elizabeth, you have become a vital member of this household. I must admit that I am pleased to see how quickly you have adapted to the house and the staff, and especially to the girls. It is clear to see that they love you. Edith smiles at you and Emmy becomes excited when she hears your voice. I am grateful to have you here with them.”

  ~~ ** ~~

  There was a sea of red at the dinner party Mrs Bennet held at Netherfield. The militia had arrived and she was wasting no time in introducing them to her youngest two daughters. Lydia was exceedingly pleased with the many men whose attention she captured.

  “Mr Denny, you are quite dashing in your uniform. Are you planning to remain in Meryton for long? We are in great need of protection from such handsome men as yourself.” Lydia stated, leaning far too close to the officer for propriety’s sake.


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