Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance

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Mustang_A Mountain Man Romance Page 49

by S. Cook

  She seemed to struggle with keeping back a smile. Then suddenly she beamed and I felt that shaft of lightning strike me right through the chest. I’d never have imagined a simple smile could hold such power in its beauty and radiance.

  “It’s becoming clear you actually do know my tastes, more than I realized. I love roses. Especially pink and white ones,” she said with the smile that clenched a fist of longing tighter and tighter around my heart.

  I hadn’t seen this coming. I wasn’t even sure I was ready for it but it was heading straight for me all the same and I had a choice of leaping out of its way or letting it ram right into me.

  “I see you didn’t mention my little note,” I said, my smile slightly wry. “Was it really that nonsensical?”

  “I wouldn’t call it that,” Lydia said, then waved her hand airily. “Not that I actually recollect its contents.”

  “Liar,” I returned with a good-natured grin. I lifted my eyes skyward. “The day’s just right for some sightseeing. Unless you’d prefer to spend this gorgeous weather reading at the poolside.”

  “Well...” Lydia looked doubtfully at me.

  “I know the area really well. I could show you around a few great spots – the ones you wouldn’t find listed in the tour guide.”

  “Oh really? Sounds dangerous,” she sniffed, looking away almost primly yet not before I caught a hint of a smile.

  I chuckled deeply. “I can tell you don’t trust me, so the solution’s simple. We could ask Brandi along. I’m sure she’d enjoy the outing.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she would,” murmured Lydia and this time she didn’t conceal her small smile. Then she turned back to me with a speculative look. “You’re not busy today?”

  “You know what they say, all work and no play.” I shrugged. “Luckily, I’ve got some time off. And I want to devote it all to you.”

  My teasing smile sobered moments and I sought her eyes with a steady gaze. “I meant everything I said in my note.”

  She tossed her book aside in a gesture of impatience. “Look Brian, I’m sure we’ve been over this before...”

  Lydia’s head would have turned away but my hand beneath her chin gently guided her to face me again.

  “I don’t mind laying myself bare,” I told her calmly. “I’m not afraid to say how I feel.”

  “And if I don’t feel the same way?” she replied, jerking back from my touch.

  My hand fell. For a few moments there was silence and then I began speaking again.

  “I wish this was something I could control. I really don’t want to fall in love. Not with you...or anyone,” I said thoughtfully. “I’ve always prided myself for going this far in life without jeopardizing myself emotionally. Never really got my heart broken. If I’m not careful you’ll be the woman who ruins that record.”

  She seemed to stare at me like she couldn’t decide if she should take me seriously or not.

  “Is that some sort of challenge?” she asked with another one of those disarming smiles. “Because I’m not sure it’s much fun being a heartbreaker. I haven’t got the opportunity to be on the giving or receiving end. Like you I think I’ll work on keeping my record intact. Which means your heart’s perfectly safe from my evil clutches.”

  Suddenly, she leaned forward and laid her hand on my forearm. The soft warmth of her fingers almost felt like I was being branded by her touch. I wanted to grab that slender, prettily manicured hand and kiss the smooth knuckles.

  But she squeezed briefly before withdrawing as she said, “I like you, Brian. I really do. So I’ll forget all the stuff you’ve been saying especially since last night. I just want to enjoy my vacation. You’ll have to promise to do your best to help me. Won’t you?” Her smile teased me.

  My deep sigh of resignation followed the conviction that she meant what she said. What could I do but back off, or risk losing what friendship we had? And that’s what she was undoubtedly offering; friendship. I’d be a fool to give up any little chance of being close to her, even though always at arm’s length.

  “Of course. You know I will,” I said, my answering smile tilting my lips while I ignored the throb of regret in my chest. “Now, about that tour – what time can you be ready for?”

  Lydia wagged a warning finger at me. “Well first I have to make sure Brandi can make it. I need a chaperone and she’s the best bet. I feel compelled to warn you though that she may have set her sights on you.” Her beautiful brown eyes twinkled.

  My eyebrows arched in genuine surprise. “Really? Would never have guessed,” I said while chuckling. Then we exchanged phone numbers and I agreed to wait to hear from her.

  Chapter 11: Lydia

  He left me to my book minutes later but I found I’d lost interest in the steamy historical. Not too long after I rose to leave and headed straight to Brandi’s room. I found my friend enjoying a late breakfast in bed.

  “Hey lazybones, I’ve got great news. Your sweet crush Brian has offered to take us both sightseeing on the island,” I announced, bouncing on the edge of the bed. I reached out and pinched a piece of fruit from the bowl. “It promises to be enjoyable.”

  I wanted to laugh out loud at Brandi’s comical reaction as she almost threw the tray aside at the mention of ‘Brian’.

  “Good grief you just said the only thing that would have got me out of bed this morning. I was simply going to laze the day away in this sinfully comfy bed. Did you really just say Brian offered to take us?” She was already flinging off the covers.

  I rolled my eyes. Brandi could be such a clown. “Ooh yes,” I duly gushed, then chuckled. “And I know you’re going to kill me but I sort of warned him you’re somewhat taken with him.”

  “You’re right, I am going to kill you. For scaring him away!” Brandi growled and threw a pillow at me. I ducked as we both laughed.

  “I guess I better call him and tell him we’re on?” I asked, as Brandi stepped out of her robe and headed for the bathroom.

  “Hell, yes!” she called over her shoulder before disappearing into the shower.

  I was shaking my head and smiling as I drew out my phone. Looked like Brandi had it back for the blue-eyed hunk. I couldn’t help thinking I could have been in the same boat myself, infatuated with the gorgeousness that was Brian.

  Thankfully I’d been spared that fate because I couldn’t ever see it being anything more than that: an infatuation. Brian had said it himself; he didn’t want to fall in love and well, neither did I.

  Once again Brian arranged to pick us up from the front of the hotel, but this time he was in the driving seat of a four-wheel drive with the crest of the Serene Resorts and Towers emblazoned on the sides. We jumped in gaily, Brandi grabbing the front seat next to Brian.

  The first thing he did was drive us through the picturesque town which looked far different in daytime. There were many historic landmarks and scenic homes along the way and Brian happened to know much of the background of the sights we caught sight of.

  I was amazed by the breathtaking scenery and views while driving along the rocky coast. Everything looked simply stunning. Not long after, Brian drove us back towards the resort, along towering limestone cliffs to a private enclave of lush, spreading vegetation where he parked the jeep. We stepped out and followed the quaint stone pathways which looked out over the Caribbean Sea.

  “Ready to see the secret cave?” Brian said, his grin flashing white as he glanced our way.

  Of course we wanted to, especially when we heard it was recently acquired as part of the resort and was about to be open to the public.

  “As it happens I pulled some strings and so we have the chance to check it out before it officially is part of the advertised tours. I’ve already been here a few times and trust me, it’s spectacular.”

  Well, now both of us definitely wanted to see it, and we carefully walked up the bluff, the path wrapped around a natural elevation jutting out over the crystal Caribbean. There was enough sea and sky for miles to take one�
��s breath away.

  On we went, springing from boulder to boulder where the path broke up as we got closer and closer to the opening down at the edge of the rocks. I felt slightly breathless thinking about entering a real-life cave. There was certainly a magical attraction to it all, having to explore what could be hidden in cold rock and dark, possibly ancient formations projecting from above or below.

  We now stood before the cave opening beneath a steep slope.

  “Careful, ladies,” warned Brian, moments before a shrieking Brandi slipped on her tennis shoes and practically fell into Brian. He caught and steadied her easily.

  “Thanks,” she breathed, holding tight to his shoulders.

  He released her waist and nodded. “No problem, but watch your step.”

  Brian turned to face the cave again and didn’t see Brandi look back at me, winking conspiratorially while I mutely shook my head and rolled my eyes at Brandi’s antics just to get Brian’s strong, capable hands on her.

  My humor faded though as I looked into the darkness Brian was leading us into. Already there was a chill emanating from within and it sent a shiver down my spine. Careful not to lose my balance I followed with far less enthusiasm than before.

  “Uh guys...are we sure about this? I mean considering the possibility there might be some wild beast hiding, just waiting to grab us.”

  “Oh come on, it’s got to be safe,” Brandi said. “Don’t be so chicken. Besides why worry, Brian’s here.”

  I could have kicked her then.

  Brian suddenly switched on a high-powered torch to show it was simply just a cave, barely high enough for us to walk upright, and winding slightly toward a yet unseen outlet.

  “See? Totally harmless,” Brian said, turning to give me a gentle smile. My slight dread had eased and I nodded, smiling back at him.

  “Though it isn’t really the cave I wanted you both to see. It’s beautiful in here but there’s somewhere more special just ahead.”

  “I can’t wait,” I said softly, our eyes meeting in a fleeting gaze.

  When I moved with them this time my steps were far less cautious. It really was beautiful; a veritable grotto. I looked around eagerly, feeling like a kid on an adventure.

  “Hear that?” Brandi suddenly whispered.

  “What?” I breathed, my trepidation trickling back as I strained my ears.

  A moment later I could discern a roiling noise, just as we turned the winding corner of the cave. There was light glistening from below, causing the cave floor and now smooth walls to shimmer. Brian switched off the torch as the damp walls of the cave grew brighter.

  Eyes shining with excitement, I was once again moving more confidently as we half-scrambled down, out and beyond, into the daylight again.

  I stared at the sight before us, almost not sure if I was dreaming or not. Brandi stood dead still beside me. The cave had opened up into the base of a mountain, where the most amazingly clear water gathered in a pool fed by a spouting rock high above us.

  The area was enclosed by the rock wall which meant there was no other way out but the cave, and the way the rays of sun hit the rushing water sent shards of crystal light bouncing off the craggy walls and turning them mirror-like.

  The sounds, sights and aura of the place was enchanting and instantly, I felt all at one with nature and the sense of being in the most tranquil of places.

  “This,” Brandi said, for once at a loss for words.

  The water bank rose a little above the turquoise-like pool and Lydia rushed to stand at the very edge, staring down to see several traces of fossilized marine life just beneath the surface of the water.

  “It’s perfect!” I cried, my smile enormous as I looked over my shoulder at Brian, my eyes twinkling. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you.”

  “I’m happy you like it,” Brian said slowly, meeting my gaze.

  High above us was the distant sound of birdsong and for one moment our gaze seemed unbroken for infinity. As Brandi looked silently from me to Brian and back again, her expression became shrewd. She reached down to untie her climbing shoes.

  “That water looks much too tempting for the eyes only,” she announced. She threw a grin at both of us. “Don’t worry, not going to swim in it.” Once her shoes were off, she crouched at the edge and then lowered her bare feet inside the bubbling water. “Ooh, this feels like heaven to my tender toes. It’s almost therapeutic after all that walking.”

  “The pool’s not large enough or I’d have asked you guys to bring swimsuits. It would have been such a great spot for snorkeling but it will just have to do as a touring site,” Brian said, amused at Brandi’s reaction to our surroundings.

  “It’ll do quite well as a perfect location for a love tryst too, or don’t you think?” Brandi said wickedly.

  I sat down beside her, rolling up the hem of my jeans and dipping my own bared feet in, eyes closing expressively in bliss.

  And yet I was soon looking up at Brian and adding with a baiting tone, “Oh, I doubt Brian has had time yet to impress any of his girlfriends by showing off this place.”

  “I can’t deny I have considered it,” Brian said in like manner, a teasing glint in his blue eyes. “But no, seriously; this place is has been my little secret. At least until the resort opens it up next month.”

  Brandi jumped up and went to him to give him a warm kiss on the cheek, her arms going round his neck for a moment. She was beaming as she drew back. “And it’s so awesome of you to share it with us.”

  “Yes, we’re honored,” I put in quietly, surprised at the surge of jealously I felt inside at the sight of Brandi’s kiss, and Brian not seeming to mind the gesture in the slightest, his grin wide. Not for the first time, I wished I could be as unselfconscious as Brandi, who could say and do whatever she wished without fear of rejection.

  We lingered as long as we could, taking pictures and exploring. Afternoon drew into evening and our small bowl of paradise was bathed in a faint orange glow. By the time we’d returned to the waiting jeep Brandi lamented the fact that we’d forgotten to think of bringing along any food.

  “Say no more,” Brian declared.

  With a flourish, he unearthed two large coolers from the back. There was also a blanket, which he spread out on the pines next to the trail which was surrounded by scrub. It was the perfect spot for a picnic, the evening sun barely giving out a glare while the weather was only slightly cool. Both of us gushed over the surprise items of food Brian had arranged from the hotel, some cold and some still deliciously warm. There was plenty of cool water as well as a bottle of exquisite wine. Could the day turn out any more perfect? Enjoying the appetizing feast in the open, with such stimulating company made it all extra special.

  Not long after we were returning to the resort grounds, exhausted after the exciting events of the day. Brandi hugged Brian expansively. “You sure know how to give two ladies a good time. I’ve enjoyed my stay so much already. I’ll be sorry to leave in a few days but at least I’ll know I had an unforgettable experience, particularly at the cave. Promise you’ll take us back there before I leave?”

  “I promise,” Brian said, then glanced at me standing just to the side. “Hey. No hug for me?”

  I caught the teasing in his tone, but found I wasn’t at all playful as I quietly came round and embraced him warmly. “Thanks so much, Brian. You’re a great friend.”

  My cheek rested on his broad chest for just a moment but it was not enough to miss the wince that crossed Brian’s face just on the word ‘friend’. But when we pulled apart he had the smile back on his face.

  “I’m glad today was a success, more so because you both agreed to spend it with me. Well, get some rest,” he said, nodding at us. “See you two tomorrow.”

  When he got back in the jeep and drove off Brandi turned to me, eyebrows raised. “What’s up with him all of a sudden? For some reason I thought he looked kind of sad or something.”

  I shrugged,
my own expression concerned as well. As we walked back into the hotel building I couldn’t help feeling somewhat like the day had an anticlimactic quality that made me slightly sad as well.

  Since coming on the trip I’d seen it as a chance to clear my mind but since Theo left things had started to get mixed up. And after today I felt even more lost, no longer feeling like myself.

  Had it anything to do with the fact a certain blue-eyed, blond haired man was finding his way too easily underneath my skin and into my heart?

  I didn’t want to think about that. I should know better than to get too sentimental and was enough that the sensation was even there, eating at me at all. If I didn’t care, then why did any of this matter?

  For now, I had no answers.

  Maybe sleeping on things would bring more clarity but still maybe that was too much to ask for after a day that had held so many confusing emotions.

  Chapter 12: Lydia

  I was roused from sleep the next morning by a call from Theo which lasted close to an hour. He told me about how the crisis with the pipeline was finally being resolved and that the authorities were being helpful getting things back to normal in the area. I pleaded with him to be careful. When Theo talked about missing me I felt guilty when I realized I hadn’t given myself the chance to do the same for him.

  “I’ll make this up to you, I promise,” he said deeply. “Not sure I’ll be stuck here more than a few more days, a week at most.”

  “You just stop worrying about me,” I said with a gentle tone. “Do whatever needs to be done to have everything under wraps. I only wish that business didn’t take so much of your effort and time. I know you thrive on the pressure and love what you do but you need to think about making more opportunities to relax yourself. You’re human, not a machine and it’s not all about work. Though I get it that it’s your drive that’s all part of being the success you are today.”

  “Exactly. No rest in the empire, baby,” Theo said with a chuckle. “But you’re making perfect sense. I’ll think more about it now that I’m about to jump into marriage with the most understanding woman a man could want.”


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