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Lover's Muse (The Art Models Club)

Page 6

by Amanda Meadows

  By the time she reached the Student Union, she felt as though a stone was lodged in her stomach. What if Hunter thought that she was after his money? Here she was, completely broke, and now he was giving her a place to live. What if he later he thought it was all a ploy on her part?

  “Hey, Amber, where are you going?” Hunter shouted.

  Looking up, Amber realized that she had passed the fountain. She turned back, giving him a small wave. Caleb was about twenty feet away and held a Frisbee. While she walked back, they threw it back and forth.

  “Is something wrong?” Hunter asked as the three of them walked back toward the car.

  “Too much history jammed into my brain,” she said, smiling, shaking off her anxiety.

  When they reached the grass lawn at the front of the campus, Caleb jogged off to one side. “Let's play a little Frisbee before we go back. I have a ton of homework and I need to clear my head.”

  Hunter looked at Amber. “Are you game?”

  “Are you sure you can compete with me?” Amber stretched her arms and did a couple of deep knee squats to limber up.

  “Only one way to find out,” Hunter said, grinning.

  For the next half hour, they ran around like little kids, laughing when some of Hunter's throws overshot their heads. Caleb threw the Frisbee into the shrubs twice and grumbled as he got scratched up trying to retrieve it. But it wasn't until Amber accidentally threw the Frisbee into the street and the guys had to hold up traffic both ways so she could get it back, that they decided to quit for the day.

  Out of breath and still laughing, they all piled into the Range Rover. “Hey, we have a coupon for Chinese takeout for dinner tonight,” Hunter said, rummaging in the glove compartment. “Are you guys interested?”

  “I'm surprised you think you have to ask,” Caleb said. “You know I would never turn down Chinese food.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Amber said. The Financial Aid Office had given her a debit card with the remaining loan money. She would have to see about getting some groceries, though, rather than eating out so much. Whether Hunter accepted the money or not, she was certainly going to offer to pay for her share of dinner.

  She was surprised that Hunter would use a coupon if he was so wealthy. Part of the act? Or was Megan wrong and Hunter was just an ordinary college guy. She couldn't just go up to him and ask if he was worth gobs of money could she? Hmm . . .A better way might be to simply Google him later.

  After they got home, Caleb grabbed a drink and an apple from the fridge and headed to his room to study. “I'll be in the cave until dinner time,” he said, disappearing around a corner.

  “The cave?” Amber asked, raising her eyebrows.

  Hunter laughed. “That's the name I gave his room. He has the the blinds drawn all the time so it's dark and gloomy in there.”

  He grabbed a couple of drinks from the fridge. “Come on and I'll show you my room since you haven't seen the whole place yet.”

  Amber followed him into a large, comfortable, bright room with an adjoining bathroom off to the side.

  “Do all the rooms have their own private bath?” Amber asked in wonder. This place was even more expensive than she thought. Again, all her anxieties about money and being dependent on someone else surfaced.

  As if reading her mind, Hunter studied her for a minute as though about to make a decision. “Yes, all the rooms have their own bathroom.” He sat on the bed and stared out the window as though he couldn't look her in the eyes. He sighed. “My parents bought this house when I started college here. After I'm gone, they'll rent this part just like they rent out the bottom.”

  “Wow, that's really generous of them,” Amber said, at a loss for words. “You know, I can still chip in, right? I don't want to take advantage of you.”

  Hunter turned to her, his eyes shining. “You really mean that, don't you?”

  “Of course I do!” Amber snapped. “Just because I . . .” she tried to say but was stopped when Hunter leaped off the bed and kissed her.

  “That's what I like about you, Baby,” he said when they came up for air. “You're not trying to get anything from me.” He smiled sadly. “I don't meet a lot of people like that.”

  Suddenly he paused, looking curious. “Did you know about me already?” he asked.

  Amber was honest with him. “I had no idea about your family's money until today,” she said. “Somebody . . .um . . .in one of my classes mentioned it.”

  “Oh, I'm sure they did,” Hunter said, his face hardening.

  “No, it wasn't like that,” Amber said, aware she had just inadvertently hurt him. “She said you were a great guy and said she thought you were right about some girls . . .” Damn. She was making this worse. “Look she told me what a great guy you are. Let's leave it at that.”

  Hunter suddenly sensed an advantage. “So, you'll really stay here then?” he asked shyly.

  Knowing she was beaten for the moment, Amber just grinned. “Yes, I'll stay. I'd have to be an idiot to want to go back to my apartment after sleeping in that luxurious bed.”

  “What? You don't want me to repair the camping mattress?”

  “Only if you are planning some actual camping trips.” Amber laughed. “My back was taking a beating on that thing.”

  She started circling the room. The white walls were bare with the exception of large sketches that had been tacked up with push pins. There was a huge king-sized bed pushed aside in the corner. The rest of the room was obviously being used as an art studio with several easels set up. She suddenly had the horrifying thought of nude models posing in this room. She couldn't even look at the bed once that thought crossed her mind. Turning, she tried to find something to anchor her attention to. Then she saw a small wooden plaque above a plain dresser against the wall. She went closer for a look.

  The engraving was a quote that read: “Though a living cannot be made from art, art makes life worth living. It makes starving, living.” – John Sloan, John Sloan on Drawing and Painting.

  Hunter came up behind her and put his hand on her shoulders. “I've always liked that quote, which I guess is weird coming from a rich kid. But I guess it fits how I feel about where I come from. I don't care about making gobs of money. I just want to be an artist. I think I would do it even if I didn't have my parents helping me out.”

  Amber turned to smile at him. “I have to say that I feel like that, too. Well, except for the rich parent part!” She ran her fingers along the engraved words. But drawing does take me somewhere else when life gets crazy. And, yeah, it can make you forget you're hungry for a little while.”

  Hunter turned her around and looked at her grimly. “But no more going hungry, okay?”

  Amber tried to lighten the mood. “Okay, okay, I'll be a regular little piggy.” She oinked loudly and skipped away, inviting him to catch her.

  “Come back, gorgeous little piggy,” Hunter yelled, following her.

  Amber flew through the living room and then ducked into the guest room. She was laughing when she entered, intent on hiding in the closet. But when she opened the closet door, she simply stood there stunned.

  Chapter 10

  Hunter followed, still laughing, until he saw her face. “I didn't know where you wanted everything so I'd be happy to move . . .”

  Amber turned and punched his gut. His eyes widened but he stopped talking.

  “Did you skip class to do this?” she asked, daring him to lie to her.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head adamantly. “I don't skip class.”

  “I didn't think so.” She stared at him. “So, when exactly did I become a foregone conclusion?”

  “What?” He had the nerve to look confused.

  “I don't remember agreeing to stay here until this morning after art class. So I'm kind of confused as to when you had time to bring my stuff over.” Amber watched Hunter squirm. “So I just want to know, for the record, when exactly you did your good deed.”

  “Good deed?” A look
of guilt had been replaced with anger. “Yes, I moved your stuff out last night while you were asleep because I didn't see how in the world you could stay there without any money to pay your rent. And, further, yes, I did talk to your landlord who told me that you were already late with this month's rent and that he was already planning to evict you since you had given him nothing but promises since the rent was due.”

  By this time Hunter was seething. His hands were clenched and the veins in his neck were bulging. “Excuse the hell out of me for being a decent human being and helping out someone who I thought was a friend.”

  “I'm not a charity case!” Amber screamed at him. “I would have paid the rent. I had enough to make it through this month.” She knew she was being crazy but all she could think about was his help being like welfare.

  “But what about the month after that? Dammit, can't you see how much trouble you're in? You passed out from sheer hunger twice! What the hell would you have done if I hadn't shown up in your apartment yesterday?” He gestured at her things in he room with a shaking hand. “So I guess I'm a total jerk for trying to give you something positive in your life for a change.” Chest heaving, he turned and stormed from the room. “I can't even deal with you right now.”

  Moments later, she heard the door slam and feet pounding down the stairs. She ran to the living room and peeked out. He was running down the driveway. She was still so angry herself that she wanted to punish him for simply leaving in the middle of a fight. She struggled with the window and finally heaved it open. Pressing her head against the screen, she shouted at his retreating figure.

  “Damn you, Hunter Webb!”

  If he heard her he didn't show it.

  Once she couldn't see him, all the anger drained out of her. She felt exhausted and numb. She frankly didn't know what to think anymore.

  “Is it safe for me to come out?”

  Turning, Amber saw Caleb peering out of his room.

  She nodded numbly. “I'm sorry. You shouldn't have had to hear all of that.”

  Caleb entered the kitchen, tossed his soda can in the recycling container, and pulled another drink from the fridge. “One for you?” he asked and she nodded.

  Caleb sat down and tapped his hands nervously on the table. “So, I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but it was hard not to hear what you guys were screaming to each other.”

  “I just don't get how he did everything without asking me first,” she said. “Who does something like that? I mean, I know he has the money but he just met me.”

  Caleb sat silent for a few moments. Then he looked up earnestly. “Look, maybe it isn't my place to tell you stuff but you should understand something about Hunter.”

  “I hope you aren't going to make excuses for him.” Amber sat down across from him and popped her soda open.

  Caleb shook his head. “He should have told you about bringing your stuff over. I get that. But you have to understand that, with the exception of our moms and the cleaning lady, you are the first girl to ever come into this apartment.” He paused and waited for that to sink in.

  “You have a cleaning lady?” Amber asked, incredulous. “What college student has a cleaning lady?”

  Caleb slapped his forehead. “Focus, here, Amber. We're talking about you being the first female Hunter Webb has ever brought to this apartment.”

  Amber's mouth gaped open. “But he's a junior, right? You mean he's never had a girlfriend here?”

  Caleb laughed harshly. “Girlfriend? Are you kidding me? I'm talking about any girl.”

  Amber bit her lip. “Are you sure he isn't, um . . .” She couldn't finish the thought.

  “Gay?” Caleb grinned. “No, I can assure you that he is not gay. In high school he dated quite a bit but sooner or later the girls always seemed to be more interested in his money than him.” He sighed. “So when we came to college he vowed he wouldn't date anyone. He fills his time with his art and with the TA job. The job has been great for him. He works hard and genuinely likes helping people.”

  Amber cringed, remembering her comment about his “stupid little student job.” No wonder he had been so hurt. She had attacked his one source of pride.

  “But I have nothing!” she moaned, putting her head on the table. “I don't want him to ever think that I'm after his money.”

  Caleb put a hand on her shoulder. “Look, Amber, I grew up knowing Hunter since Kindergarten. I was the little kid from the wrong side of the tracks and he was the rich kid. But he never thought of himself that way. He has always been there for me and even beat up a few kids in middle school who tried to trash my name.”

  Amber looked up with shame. “Caleb, I'm so sorry. I just assumed that you were rich like him.”

  Caleb laughed suddenly. “I'm rich with good looks and intelligence. Or at least that's what I try to tell the ladies.”

  Amber grinned and then bit her lip. “So, it's none of my business but . . .”

  Caleb smiled. “It's okay. It was hard for me to accept living here for free and having his parents pay for my tuition. But what helped was when his mom told me how much Hunter needed to have real friends who supported him.”

  Amber swallowed hard at that. Hunter had said that he thought that she was a real friend. She had no idea just how much that meant to him. She realized with a pang that she had judged him just as much as some people had judged her in the past. While he had kindly ignored her past, she had shoved his face in his.

  Caleb took a drink and then played with the can. “His mom helped me see that even with all his money, Hunter has gaps in his life. He has always had to wonder if people he meets see him as anything but dollar signs.”

  “I've royally screwed up,” Amber moaned. “He must think I'm a total bitch.”

  “Hey, don't let him totally off the hook,” Caleb warned. “You have a right to be mad at him. I just don't want you to leave.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “I think he really likes you. Even with all his ranting and raving, this is the first time in such a long time that I've seen him genuinely excited about a girl. He laughed suddenly. “Hell, I nearly had a heart attack when I saw him carrying you in here for the first time.”

  Suddenly Amber heard footsteps coming up the steps and Caleb bolted from the table. “I was never here!” he whispered dramatically and disappeared into his room.

  Amber tossed his empty soda can in the recycling bin and grabbed her backpack. She was lifting out her sketchbook when Hunter entered, breathing heavily and dripping sweat.

  “I'm sorry I lost my temper like that,” he said softly, standing still by the door.

  “Me too,” Amber said. “Maybe we should talk after you get a shower.” She smiled. “I can smell you from over here.”

  “What? You don't like a hot, steamy man?” he asked, smiling cautiously in return as he removed his sneakers and padded into his room in his sock feet.

  Amber placed her sketchbook on the table. With all the commotion, she needed to calm her nerves. She remembered that she was way behind with her homework sketches. Grabbing a charcoal pencil she started sketching her hand, remembering that was just one of the assigned sketches.

  A few minutes later she heard the water going through the pipes as Hunter took his shower.

  Caleb must have heard the pipes as well because he peeked out of his room. “Everything okay?”

  “I think so,” Amber said. “We're going to talk when he finishes showering.

  “Well, I'm getting hungry so I'm ordering dinner now.” He grinned. “Just in case you two start another war, I'll at least have food rations while I'm hiding out in my room.”

  Amber laughed. “I'm not planning on anymore yelling today. I think you'll survive.”

  “Safety first,” Caleb said with a chuckle, picking up his cell phone to place the order. He handed her the takeout menu. “Let me know what you want. Hunter gets the same dish every time.”

  When Hunter came out, freshly showered and dressed in simple jeans and tee shirt, Am
ber didn't know how to act. She sniffed the air theatrically. “Ah, now that's an improvement!”

  Hunter came over and put his head on her shoulder. “I was so scared that you would be gone when I got back,” he said, his voice trembling.

  Amber gently lifted his head. Those beautiful green eyes were teary. “Close your eyes,” she whispered. When he did, she gently kissed each eyelid. “I'm sorry I reacted like a lunatic.”

  Hunter smiled. “You might be a lunatic, but your my gorgeous lunatic,” he said.

  Suddenly, Hunter's cell phone beeped.

  “What now?” Amber asked, exasperated as Hunter quickly turned off the alarm.

  Hunter laughed. “Just a reminder to order dinner.”

  Amber smiled. “Caleb ordered a little while ago while you were showering. He said you always eat the same thing.”

  “One day I might surprise him,” Hunter said, nuzzling her shoulder.

  “Doubtful,” Caleb said, causing both Amber and Hunter to jump. “Also, per your rules, Hunter, there shall be no making out in common areas of the house.” He grinned. “And that's a direct quote from lover boy there.”

  Amber blushed but Hunter simply laughed. “We weren't making out.”

  “Yet,” countered Caleb. “But I'm going to be nice at this momentous occasion and take your Range Rover and go see a movie. Right after we eat, that is. If you two can keep your hands to yourself that long.”

  “A date?” Hunter asked. “The girl from the other night or is there a new girl in your life?”

  Caleb clutched his chest. “Careful, Hunter, I don't want Amber to get the wrong image of me. I can't help it if the ladies find me irresistible.”

  Hunter simply laughed and tossed Caleb the keys. “Just remember to make it home in time for class tomorrow.”

  “As though I could forget with that damn alarm you set on my phone,” Caleb muttered, but he was smiling.

  True to his word, Caleb left as soon as the Chinese takeout had arrived and all three had eaten. As soon as he was gone, Hunter was suddenly all business.


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