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Please Remember Me

Page 15

by Wendi Zwaduk

Jaden fell back against the sheets as Marlon prepared for bed. He tugged his jeans past his sculpted hips, baring snug boxers, sinewy muscle and the perfect sprinkling of hairs on his legs. The man’s body was made for posing nude—not a flaw in sight.

  Her mouth watered. For the time being, he belonged to her. She plucked at the edge of the towel she’d tossed on the foot of the bed. At her feet, Sparky and Riley shifted. Sparky grunted and began to snore, while Riley settled on his back. Playing house with Marlon seemed less like play and more like reality.

  Although she’d never considered her bedroom in the Pennywood house large, Marlon’s presence made it cosy. The pull and twist of his muscles as he eased the T-shirt over his head grabbed her attention. His hair stuck out at odd angles when he turned. If ever a man embodied sex, it was him. A shiver ran up her spine. And now he stood in her home, wanting to be with her.

  A sheepish grin curled his lips. “What’s running through that beautiful head of yours?”

  She toyed with the hem of her shirt and sat up. He wanted to know, huh? Lifting the garment over her head, she shook her hair about her shoulders.

  “Come here, gorgeous.” His eyes lit up and he opened his arms. “Let me hold you.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip. His gaze on her body made heat rush through her veins. With Marlon, the act of foreplay held more weight, more emotion. She wanted to impress him, not to have him want her for her body, but for him to need the whole package. God knew, she’d fallen for him.

  Edging over to him, she unhooked the front clasp on her bra. “Good?”

  She drew in a ragged breath and dropped the lingerie onto the floor. Marlon groaned. “Oh, yes. Oh…yes.” His hands roamed over her flesh, searing her on contact. Her heart pounded behind her ribcage. If they could stay in this moment forever, she’d be a happy woman.

  “I’m thinking I’ve had a long night filled with the best highs, worst lows, and a few in-betweens.” Hooking her fingers into his belt loops, she yanked him towards her. “Right now, I want to taste the man who makes me feel things I never imagined.”

  “Come here, little girl.” He forked his fingers into her hair, massaging her scalp. Closing her eyes, Jaden brushed her nipples along his chest. He had her right on the edge, might as well share the tenuous hold on control.

  Starting with his neck, she nibbled a path to his Adam’s apple and down to his chest. When she laved her tongue over his flat nipples, he moaned and fisted his hands in her hair. The tiny buds tightened under her care.

  “Oh, sweet baby.”

  Spurred on by his encouragement, she slid to her knees. His breath came in short puffs as he eased and tightened his grip. Jaden glanced at his closed eyes and the smile tugging the corners of his mouth. He liked it. His cock, long and thick, poked out from the gap in his boxers.

  Jaden licked her lips and slid her hands under the waistband of his underwear. A primal growl ripped from his throat. “Oh, baby, yes.”

  His ass muscles tightened under her palms as she pushed his jeans and boxers to his feet. A bead of moisture glistened on the tip of his erection. Oral sex hadn’t been her strong point, but for him, she’d make it her best effort. With one soft swipe of her tongue, she licked him clean and savoured his offering.

  “Jaden.” He drew her name out on a sigh and rocked his hips towards her. She obligingly took him into her mouth until his hairs tickled her nose.

  “Fuck, baby girl.” His hips moved in time with her ministrations. She took him as far as she could without gagging, loving the feel of his silky steel on her tongue. Oh sure, she’d given men oral satisfaction before, but none had treated her with such dignity and devotion. Each time he thrust into her mouth, she hummed her approval.

  Grasping his ass, she took him to the back of her throat and hummed. He panted. “Jaden Marie, you’ll make me come. God, I’m so close.”

  So he liked it? Hell yeah. She wrapped her hand around the base of his dick and cupped his sac, kneading his balls. His hips moved faster. He groaned. “Oh, fuck!”

  When he jerked hard and held her in place, she lapped up every drop of his cum. Being with him felt like the right thing—the only right thing—in her life. Heat flowed through her veins, combined with new emotions. Love, yes, but she wanted a little bit more. She wanted him forever, not one night, not a month—the whole happily-ever-after package.

  Leaning back, his erection slipped from her lips. She swiped her tongue over his taste, spice and salt. Marlon sank to his knees. His breath fanned over her skin when he leant forwards and rested his head on her shoulder. She crooked her brow. “I assume it was good?”

  Gasping for breath, he responded. “Fucking…fantastic.”

  “Then next time, I get to play with your ass.” Jaden wrapped her legs around him and stroked his hair. The feeling of the grown man in her lap, needing her comfort, made her smile and warmed her heart. The fact that she hadn’t climaxed wasn’t a priority. He needed her—not her money, not her fame—her.

  “You can do whatever you want, little girl.” His throaty voice vibrated down her spine.

  Over his shoulder, she noticed the time on the clock. Five-oh-four AM. Her eyelids drooped with sleep. Still too early for the sunrise, but little time to rest before the animals needed to go out. She glanced at the dogs, both asleep on the floor by the door. The cats, cuddled together on the window seat, ignored her presence. Over their collective bundle of fur, she noticed a red light. She frowned. What the…?

  I live on the second floor. It can’t be a light next door. The nearest house is thirty feet away.

  Straining around Marlon’s sluggish frame, she tried to get a better look at the little red light that reminded her of…a paparazzi video camera! What the fuck?


  He lifted his head, his eyes fuzzy. “What’s wrong, Jaden Marie?”

  Clipping her words in case someone was lingering outside her room, she spoke and yanked her shirt from the bed. “Outside. Someone’s outside.”


  “There’s a light just like on a camcorder right outside my window. It’s not coming from the Reardon’s and the oak tree isn’t close enough to put the camera in the fucking window. I need to call Bobby.”

  Slowly, he turned. But as he did, the red light died. Jaden gasped and fumbled for her phone.

  “Shh.” Using a hand signal, Marlon pointed to the light switch. Inching away from him, Jaden clicked the switch, bathing them in darkness. As her eyes adjusted to the low light, she noticed Marlon’s form moving towards the window. Through the dim glow of the street lamp, she saw the outline of his face. He clenched his jaw.

  She fought back the urge to shout, “Call for the police.” Hell, he was the police. Still, she didn’t want him to leave her alone in the house while he searched for the origin of the red light. That’s why she’d hired Bobby—to keep the lunatics at bay.

  Anger boiled in her veins alongside the fear. If her father had sent someone to spy on her, forgiveness wouldn’t be an option. He might be more interested in money than in his own flesh and blood, and spying was totally within his range of actions—but spying on her? He wouldn’t. And where the hell was Bobby?

  Marlon’s voice, a whisper, cut through the silence and her thoughts. “I don’t see anything, but I’m going to call the CPD to check it out.” Though she couldn’t see him, she felt his arms around her after he crossed the room. “Has anyone tried to bother you? Think. Would the paparazzi seek you out, here in Crawford?”

  She shook her head. “No, no one that I know of. But I’ve been wrong before.”

  “Does anyone want to hurt you? What’s Bobby’s role?”

  “I’ve kept to myself since coming here.” Glancing down at his naked torso, she couldn’t help the nervous laughter. “Um, before you make that call, you do realise your pants are missing in action?”

  After a long sigh, Marlon chuckled. “At least you aren’t scared.”

  She rubbed her nose along hi
s jaw. The prickles gave her a small measure of comfort—because they belonged to him. “I’m petrified, and you’re the one person keeping me level.”

  “Why don’t you lie down and stay out of sight? I’ll call Bobby and then join you.” He scratched his chin. “At this rate, we’ll be asleep all day.”

  “Do you mind? You have to work tonight and I’ve been a bother.” She chewed the corner of her mouth. She believed every word, but with the potential peeper watching her, things—and hearts—could change.

  Standing naked as the day he was born, Marlon pressed buttons on his phone. “And wake up with a sexy woman in my arms?” He clicked his tongue. “I want to keep you safe so I can taste your sweetness all night—or in this case, all day long. Wild horses couldn’t steal me away from you.”


  Chapter Seventeen

  When Marlon awoke, he rubbed his eyes. The scent of vanilla and flowers permeated the room. Something soft tickled his nose. Another deep breath, more for his own pleasure than recognition, revealed the scent of his Jaden. He sighed. His. She might not be his forever, but she was for the time being, and he couldn’t be happier. He curled his toes. Something soft but soggy grazed his foot. Turning slightly, he saw the culprit—Sparky. Peeking over the edge of the bed, the Basset hound panted. Riley jumped up from the floor. His tags jingled as he jumped up onto the comforter.

  Jaden groaned and threw an arm over her eyes. “Another ten minutes, guys, please?”

  Marlon kissed her bare shoulder. “I’ll put them out.”

  She jerked and flopped over. “Oh!”

  “You forgot me. I’m hurt.” He grinned. “See if I let you play with my ass now.”

  Clutching her head, she apologised. “Marlon, I’m so used to waking up alone that it’s weird not to. I’m sorry.”

  He smoothed his hand along her arm, caressing her soft skin. “I see. You have fantastic sex with me, then forget I exist.”

  She smirked. “We didn’t have sex. I went down on you. You fell asleep before returning the favour.”

  He tapped her nose. “All right for you, missy. I’ll put these dogs out and have my wicked way with you. I’m dying for breakfast.”

  Before she could answer, he slipped from the bed and tugged on his boxer shorts. Leave her waiting to see what he had for a surprise. He whistled and both dogs followed him down the stairs. After the craziness of the night before, he expected a throng of reporters outside. When he saw none, he frowned. According to Sergeant O’Rourke’s recon, no cameras or recording equipment were found outside her house. Not even a set of footprints. Still, she wasn’t going to make something like that up…was she?

  Marlon tapped the buttons on his phone to check his messages. No one matching the blond kid’s description had been seen in the area of her house either. Well, fuck. When he went to the door to let the dogs back in, Bobby rounded the corner.

  “Oh, hey man.” Bobby’s eyes widened for a split second as a thin smile curled his lips.

  “Did you come with the CPD?” Marlon asked. “I just called them not a moment ago.”

  “Thought I’d stop by and see how Jaden was holding up. I heard the bulletin on the scanner. Don’t over-think this.”

  Marlon narrowed his eyes. “See how she’s holding up, or be her support?”

  “You have to ask her. This is her thing.”

  “What did the CPD find?” Jaden wrapped her arms around him. “I know you told me last night, but I forgot. Didn’t help that I had the world’s worst nightmare. Bobby…” Her body tensed.

  Bobby tipped his head. “I’m just leaving.” He opened the gate and strolled down the back path.

  What the hell was going on? A stalker, a suspected camera, and now Bobby I’m-sorry-I-fucked-your-girl Hutchins sniffing around? Marlon gritted his teeth. Jaden said she loved him. “I’m supposed to ask you why he’s here,” he snapped. “Care to tell me?”

  “He’s kinda like a cross between a parole officer and a bulldog. He’s keeping me in line while keeping the crazies away.”

  She didn’t trust him enough with her safety? Didn’t think he’d take a bullet for her? What else had she hidden? “Then my job here is done.” He stepped from her grasp and stomped into the house. “I can’t be with a woman who doesn’t trust me.”

  Jaden followed close behind without touching him. “There’s a little bit more here than you know.”

  “Like…? I want honesty.” He bit the words out. “All of it.”

  Jaden nibbled her top lip and picked at her fingers for a moment. “Everyone seems to know what’s good for me—except me. Daddy’s determined to get me back under his thumb. You don’t think I trust you. Look, I had a fling with Bobby, yes, but that’s all it was. When I decided to come back to Ohio, I called him to be a watchdog. I wanted to see you and the only way I could figure to have protection and your undivided attention was to use his brute strength. It had nothing to do with us and everything to do with gaining my freedom.”

  “Give me your phone.”

  “What?” Her voice came out in a squeak.

  “O’Rourke said you were safe, although the camera probably wasn’t your imagination. Eunice Lowry said she saw a prowler in the alley on the other side of her house. It’s possible you saw the same person.”

  She picked at the hem of her sleep shirt. “So there is a stalker or someone who wants to intrude on my life. Why do you want my phone?”

  “I want closure.” Marlon tapped the buttons on the phone. “What’s your father’s number?”

  “Don’t call him. It’s not worth your job. He will find your weakest point and exploit it.”

  “Bullshit.” Marlon scrolled through the contacts. Daddy four-four-seven-five-five-five-one-nine-five-six. The nightmare had to end. He pressed send and waited for the call to connect. Jaden covered her mouth with both hands and turned away from Marlon.

  “Talk to me.”

  Marlon snarled. “Is this Rexx Weir?”

  “Who are you? Why do you have Jade’s phone? I’m not paying a finder’s fee to you.”

  Pounding his fist twice on the counter, Marlon unleashed his anger. “Listen, jackass. I don’t know what sick thrill you get tailing your daughter, but she’s scared out of her mind. Cut the fucking cord and let her live her damned life.”

  “You must be the cop she went back for.”

  “I am.”

  “Bobby, she’s using you for sex.”

  Bobby? Fuck, fuck, fuck. “I’m not Bobby.”

  “Oh, you’re Marlon. Even better.” The line went silent for a moment. “You’ve dug your own grave, Officer. I know about your phobias and your skeletons. Don’t fuck with me.”

  Marlon opened his mouth to answer, but was met with the click of a disconnected call. Son of a bitch. He slammed the phone down onto the counter a little harder than he intended.

  “He plays to win.”

  Marlon turned. The scent of pan-fried toast floated around him. His stomach growled and some of his furore dimmed. “He knew about Bobby.”

  “He’s probably got surveillance going right now.” She flipped the toast over and, using the flour mill, she sprinkled powdered sugar on a plate full of French toast. “Hungry?”

  “You never cease to amaze me.” Marlon crossed the room and wrapped his arms around her. “You cook when you’re upset?”

  “How else do you think I gained all this weight?”

  He swiped his finger through the fluffy sugar. “You can do whatever your heart desires.” He tapped her on the nose with the sugary finger. “Like calming me down when I want to rip your father and Bobby limb from limb.”

  Jaden giggled and drew a heart in the spilled sugar. “Bobby isn’t a threat, but Daddy is.” She turned off the stovetop and placed the hot toast on another plate. When she turned around, she dotted his face with the confectioners’ sugar.

  “Eat and I’ll talk.” She shoved a platter into his hands. “I’ve got bigger things to worry about
now, like where to live.” She switched off the heat to the stove and moved the pan from the hot burner. “Granted, Steven hasn’t kicked me out, but I know it’s coming. It sucks. I haven’t had time to move our things to your apartment—that is, if it’s still on offer. Is it?”

  Marlon placed the serving dish back on the counter and kissed her hard on the lips. To tempt him, she’d dressed in his T-shirt and, if his instincts were right, nothing else. He chuckled low in his throat. Moments earlier, he couldn’t see past his frustration. With a bat of her lashes and a little powdered sugar, she’d reminded him of what he wanted. Could he get enough of her just being roommates? Never. He slid his hands under the shirt, smoothing them over her ass, bare as he’d expected, and lifted her into his arms.

  She pressed her face against his neck, smearing the sugar. “What are you doing? You can’t lift me again! I weigh one-forty. I’ll break your back.”

  “Don’t disturb me when I’m having my breakfast.” He slid the napkin holder and the lacy placemats out of the way, placing her on the dark cherry dining room table. Her one-forty didn’t bother him. He liked her with curves.

  “You’re a wicked man.” Jaden licked the sugar from the tips of her fingers. “Filthy and wasting perfectly good sugar.”

  He wrinkled his nose and wiped the excess sweetener away from his top lip. “I’m your wicked, filthy man.” Grabbing the arms of the chair, he nudged her thighs open and bellied up to the bar. Her junction glistened and a gasp rasped from her throat. So she liked a little mid-morning tryst? Nice.

  With two fingers, he teased her outer lips. She shivered and writhed in his embrace. Very nice. He grabbed the hem of the shirt. “Lift that pretty little bottom of yours. I want to feast.” Jaden did as he asked, propping her feet on the arms of the chair. Marlon shoved the shirt up over her breasts. An inch-long scar marred the underside of each breast. He traced the puffy pink line on her right breast.

  “What happened, babe?”

  Her voice came out in a gravelly tone that turned his insides out and sent his heart reeling. “I had my implants removed.”


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