Extinction (The Divine Book 7)
Page 15
I pushed him back down with my power, pinning him to the chair. His head didn't move, but his eyes flicked over to me.
"I've had a really shitty day," I said in Indonesian. "Don't make it worse."
"I didn't do anything," he replied.
"English," I said for Obi's sake.
"I didn't do anything," he repeated in English. "I swear."
"You work for Srizyl?"
"Tell me about her."
"She'll kill me for talking to you."
"If you don't talk to me, I'll kill you." I grabbed the sword, pulling it from its sheath. The demon flinched at the glow of it. Cliche, but effective.
"What do you want to know?"
"How hungry is she?"
"For power."
"Insatiable," the demon replied. "Unstoppable. She's only nineteen years old. Did you know that? She killed both her parents. Her brother. She made a deal with the local fiend, became his bride. He took her virginity. She killed him and took his estate the same night."
"She didn't go to Hell and come back?" I asked, surprised. I didn't think that was even possible.
"She made a deal with Satan from here. The word is that she killed herself, and he sent her right back before her corpse was even cold."
"Rosemary's baby," Obi said.
"I don't know what that is," the fiend said.
"Can she use hellfire?" I asked.
"A little. She can read people's minds. Control them. She has a whole host of mortal slaves, orphans mainly. They do whatever she wants. She controls the police, too. The judges. Everything in Bogor."
"There are no angels here?"
"Look around. You won't find any."
"If another demon offered her a deal, would she take it?"
"What kind of deal?"
"Power beyond what she can get on her own."
"Yeah, she'd take it, and turn on whoever made the offer once she had it."
"Even if the demon was more powerful than her."
He smiled. "She would find a way. Even if it took years. She doesn't like being bound to anyone. What she's accomplished already is legendary among the demons in Indo."
I looked over at Obi, considering. She wouldn't be open to a deal with me. It also didn't sound like she would be that open to a deal with Gervais either. If he was coming to show her the Fist, she would have a trap of some kind prepared for him. Then again, if he was using her to get to me, he would also be using her nature against both of us. There were too many possibilities, and I was sure Gervais had calculated all of them, manipulating everything to get it where he wanted it. That was his true gift, his real power.
It was enough to make my head hurt.
"I think we're going to do this the easy way," I said.
"Easy way?" Obi asked.
I stabbed the fiend in the chest, drawing out his power into me. It stung a little, but he didn't have much to offer.
"I'm getting kind of tired of games," I replied.
We took two of the motorcycles and were making our way out of the city a few minutes later. Obi didn't seem too happy that I had been so callous about killing the fiend, but seeing as how it was a demon, he wasn't too unhappy either.
Like I had told him, I was getting tired of the games. I didn't want to fall into another one of Gervais' carefully crafted traps, and I didn't want to try to figure it out ahead of time. Not anymore. The run-in with Sarah had stolen what remained of my patience, and learning about Srizyl had only solidified my change in plans.
I was done with finesse. I was done with strategy. I was going to hit Srizyl, and I was going to hit her hard. When Gervais showed up with the Fist, I was going to hit them, too.
I told Obi as much. He wasn't in love with the idea, but he wasn't going to argue either. Not now. Besides, there was a lot to be said for the power of anger and desire. Plenty of others had done more with less by sheer force of will.
We rode the bikes out into the countryside, past numerous farms and small towns and into the foothills of the local mountain. We had the coordinates for Srizyl's estate, and Obi used his phone's GPS to keep us on the right track as we finally abandoned our rides and traveled on foot. He turned off the device once we were within a couple of miles of the facility, in an effort to get close without being detected. Just because I wanted to go in guns blazing didn't mean I wanted to get taken out before we even got there.
We cut a wide angle across the landscape, through some thick vegetation and uneven ground until we reached a low stone wall that marked the beginning of Srizyl's land. Checking the time, we had about an hour before Gervais was supposed to show up with the Fist. In my mind, I was hoping to greet him with an empty compound and all of the power of the archfiend and her minions at my disposal. It might not be enough to take on Sarah yet, but it had to be sufficient to fight the Fist.
At least, I hoped it would be.
We approached cautiously, circling the estate until we came within sight of the front gates. We gained some high ground from there, looking down on the manned security stations surrounding the compound, where human slaves monitored the area while toting heavy assault rifles. A secondary security detail was spread across the spaces between the buildings, this one composed of demons. Vampires and weres for the most part, with a few succubi thrown into the mix, which seemed out of place.
The over-sexualized demons weren't normal deployed for defense. Rather, they were better suited for seduction, both of humans and other demons. It was weird to see them standing with the other guards, their over-proportioned breasts threatening to break out of their olive green t-shirts, the curve of their rears poking out from beneath matching short shorts. It was as if Hugh Hefner had designed their uniforms.
"I hadn't seen that before," Obi whispered to me, from our position in the brush on one of the hillsides near the front gates.
"I don't know what the point of it is," I agreed.
"Maybe she set them up to meet Gervais when he shows."
"Could be. I doubt they're very good in a fight."
"Especially dressed like that. How do you want to play this?"
I scanned the courtyard, pointing to the largest building. "I'm guessing Srizyl is in there, somewhere. If I carry us to the door, maybe we can sneak inside without being seen."
"Yeah, maybe. It'll make things a lot easier if we can surprise her."
"After that, just stop anything that tries to stop you. We'll secure the area, and then we'll wait for Gervais to show up. With any luck, we can take down the Fist before he knows what's happening."
"Luck isn't our strong suit, man," Obi said.
"Then we have to make our own." I put my hand on his shoulder. He flexed his hands beneath the gloves Uriel had made him.
I was only moments away from teleporting us when I saw a beam of light appear some distance away. My hand slid from Obi's shoulder as I turned toward it, squinting my eyes to make out the source. Headlights.
A limo was headed toward the facility, its lights cutting through the darkness. I didn't need to see the occupant to know who it was.
"Damn it, he's early," I said, annoyed with Gervais for showing up ahead of schedule. Of course, I didn't believe he was early. He was there at exactly the time he wanted to be.
"You're sure it's him?" Obi asked.
"As sure as I can be," I replied.
"Does he have the Fist with him?"
"I don't think so."
"A double-cross?"
"I doubt it. He's probably got some grand entrance planned for his prize."
"Look," Obi said, pointing back to the compound. A light had gone on in an upstairs window of the main building. A moment later, a head of long, dark hair leaned out of it, locking onto the oncoming lights.
Srizyl. I knew her as soon as my eyes landed on her. I could sense her power, feel her aura. I ducked as her hea
d swept up our way as though she had felt me at the same time. That was impossible. I didn't have an aura of my own. Neither did Obi. Still, something had attracted her attention.
Her eyes passed over our position, and then she vanished back into her room. A moment later the guards on both sides of the walls were in motion, organizing into ranks. The succubi lined up at the front of the defenses, standing crisply at attention ahead of the compound gates, their appearance within the ranks of soldiers almost comical.
There was more to them than met the eye. I was sure of it. Part of Srizyl's ruse to try to steal the Fist from Gervais? He would assume they were, but then again, maybe that was the goal. It took a lot of layers of misdirection and mistruth for one demon to get the best of another.
The door to the main building opened as the limo was slowing in front of the gates. Srizyl slipped out into the night in a brightly-colored but sheer robe, the lines of her body suggestive beneath it. She was flanked on either side by two more succubi. They resembled the others, though their clothing was composed of more modest business attire.
Two dozen mortals spilled out behind them, carrying trays of food and drink in their mistress' wake.
"You have a new plan?" Obi asked me as the gates opened to let the limo inside. It moved forward about a dozen feet before coming to a stop again.
The door opened.
Gervais slid smoothly from the limo. Zifah was standing contentedly on his shoulder, leaning against the side of his head.
I glanced over at Obi, confused.
First, was the diminutive demon the one calling the shots?
Second, where the hell was the Fist?
Srizyl met the two demons at the front of the car, bowing her head to both of them, or maybe just to Zifah, before motioning her mortal slaves forward bearing their trays of food. Zifah moved back and forth across Gervais' shoulders as he examined each tray, waving it all past until he was presented with a large bowl of popcorn. The demon smacked his lips and pointed to it. One of the succubi reached into the bowl and recovered a kernel, bringing it to Zifah's face. The demon flicked it from her fingers with his tongue, and then licked her fingers for good measure.
"This is disgusting," Obi said.
"Tell me about it," I replied.
Srizyl's lips moved, and Gervais nodded in response. Then she pointed back at her demon soldiers, singling out the succubi. She said something else and they came forward. Zifah looked at them, his eyes lighting up.
He always had been a perv.
"Okay, now what?" Obi whispered.
"I've got an idea," I replied. "Wait here. Back me up if I look like I'm in trouble."
"Wait? Back you up? What?"
I fixed my eyes on the spot between the three demons and teleported myself to it.
I came back into existence right in the middle of things, appearing from nowhere between Srizyl and Gervais. I didn't hesitate, certain of what I needed to do, pulling in my power and strengthening my body.
Then I punched Gervais as hard as I could, my fist blasting into his nose and teeth.
Pain lanced through my hand as the impact reverberated through my entire arm, rattling me and pushing back in a way I hadn't expected, while a shower of blue energy exploded from the archfiend's head.
What the?
The deflection shoved me back into the still shocked Srizyl, throwing me backward and down on top of her in a heap. I kept my eyes forward, locked on Gervais, as the glamour fell away and the Fist of God was revealed.
"Oh, wow," Zifah said. "Landon. I wasn't expecting that. Holy moly. Where'd you learn that trick?"
I threw out my power, getting myself up and off the demon and ready to defend myself. Gervais wasn't Gervais? Where the hell was he?
"I mean, we figured you were going to show up, even if you didn't want to. But that? That was awesome. I mean it."
"You didn't glamour the Fist for me?" I asked.
Zifah was standing on the things shoulder. It had its hands up, ready to fight back if I attacked it, but otherwise wasn't making any aggressive moves.
"Nah. Why would we bother with that? That part of the ruse was for Srizyl here."
"What?" Srizyl said behind me.
The Fist's left hand moved, spreading away from me. Three bolts fired, launching through the succubi beside me. They vanished in a heap of dust.
"They're sexy, don't get me wrong," Zifah said. "But I know what you did to them. Poison? Really, Srizyl? I'm the son of Lucifer. Do you think I'm that stupid?"
"My Lord Zifah," Srizyl said. I looked back to see her drop to her knees. "My apologies. I couldn't be sure that you were not using me."
"Blah, blah, blah. I am using you," Zifah replied. He looked over at me. "You have something we want."
"You knew about the sword?"
"We guessed after we heard Sarah went cuckoo on you. If anyone was going to be able to talk Uriel into putting it back together, it was you."
"You keep saying we," I said. "Where is that asshole, anyway?"
The Fist pointed up the hill, back the way I had come.
I turned my head slowly. Gervais was coming down the slope, a knife to Obi's neck.
"We had eyes watching out for you and your friend in Bogor," Zifah said. "I thought you would have guessed that."
"I didn't see any demons."
"You don't always need to use demons," Zifah replied. "Cash works just as well. Hey! I just had a thought. You got the sword from Uriel, and you dropped in on me like Dante." He stared at me, his eyes narrowing to slits. "You sneaky devil. You're more evil than I thought."
"He did it to himself," I said.
"Sure he did. Come on, Landon. If you're going to be bad, be bad. Don't make excuses."
I didn't respond to him a second time. He was probably trying to get under my skin.
Gervais marched Obi through the gates and around the car, stopping beside the Fist.
"Hello, mon ami," he said. "I'd shake your hand, but as you can see, I'm a little tied up at the moment holding a knife to your best friend's throat."
"I still can't believe you and Zifah are working together."
"It is a marriage of convenience, I admit. I would prefer to do this on my own, but we do what we must. Now, I will need the sword, s'il vous plaît."
"Landon, don't," Obi said, his breath short from the choke hold.
"Be quiet," Gervais said. "He isn't going to listen to you, anyway."
"If I give you the sword, you'll kill all of us, and take enough power that you can use it on Sarah." I looked at Zifah. "He'll use it on you, too."
"Landon, what kind of monster do you think I am?" Gervais said. "I wouldn't hurt my own daughter, even though she killed me and sent me back to Hell. No, I want her to rule at my side, as always."
"Nobody believes that," I said.
"But it is true. I am capable of telling the truth once in a while." He tightened the knife against Obi's neck, enough that a line of blood formed along the edge. "Come now. We already know what you are going to do. You will give me the sword because in your heart you believe that you will still succeed. You always have been stupid that way."
"I've always succeeded," I said.
"No, others have succeeded for you. There is no one, mon ami. No friends left to come to your aid. Elyse, Rose, even Rebecca and apparently Dante. They are all gone. Obi is all you have left, and if you don't save him, he will be gone, too."
I looked Obi in the eye. He wasn't afraid to die. He had seen Heaven already, and I had no doubt he would go there.
"Fine," I said, reaching a hand behind my back.
"Slowly," Zifah said.
I did as he asked, keeping my movements deliberate as I reached under my coat and found the mimic stone. I tapped it against the sword as I brought it back, feeling the form change in my hand. I was just like the real thing.
I brought it out and up. It was an identical replica, a perfect glamou
r. It weighed the same, balanced the same, glowed the same. I shoved it point-first into the ground and took a step back.
"There it is. Let him go."
Gervais smiled, and actually did as I asked, shoving Obi to me as he stepped forward and picked up the blade.
"You really are stupid, man," Obi said.
Gervais hefted the sword, clearly fooled by the glamour.
"Step aside, Landon," he said. "You're free to go. I don't need your power when there are so many other Divine to kill, and you can't hurt me anyway."
I moved out of his way, and he thrust the sword forward, into Srizyl's chest. Her eyes widened as she expected to be stabbed, only to find the attack ineffective.
"What?" Gervais said, caught by surprise. If I could have framed the look on his face and held it in my soul forever, I would have.
"It's showtime," I said.
I reached behind my back for the real sword, at the same time Gervais tried to stab Srizyl again, not quite believing what was happening.
"Attack," Srizyl shouted, putting out her hand toward the demon.
He barely escaped a short burst of hellfire from her, even as I got Uriel's blade free and chased after him with it.
Srizyl's demons didn't seem to know who to attack right away. They headed for me instead of the Fist, while dozens of her mortal slaves began pouring from the buildings, armed with standard issue guns.
Obi intercepted the demons, slamming into them with the power gloves, flinging them aside. The bullets started coming a moment later, digging up divots of the ground around us as their wielders tried to find their aim.
"Zifah," Gervais said, doing his best to get away from me. "Don't just stand there."
The Fist started to move, lurching toward me, a massive arm swinging out to him me in the chest. I ducked beneath it, bringing the sword up in a quick test of the armor's ability to withstand the special blade. It skidded off the scriptured metal without leaving a mark.
I had figured it would be impervious.
I stopped chasing Gervais, using my power to stop myself and reverse course, shooting up in a spray of earth and reaching for Zifah. The Fist vanished a moment later, and my hand wrapped around empty air.