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The Widows of Sea Trail-Tessa of Crooked Gulley

Page 21

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  I watched as he ran his fingers through his wet hair and was surprised how prominent his widow’s peak was when his hair was all slicked back. He was very good looking soaking wet, rivulets of water formed channels through the thick hair that covered most of him. His chest and arms bulged with muscles as he combed his hands through his black mane. How can he look so good while I must look a sight, I thought. I tried to put my hat on but he took it, bent my head back until only my hair was in the water, then he kissed me so hard I felt my lips flatten.

  “Let’s go back, I need a nap. You are exhausting.”

  “Me? I was just sitting on the lounger minding my own business . . .”

  “When I came upon such a lovely lady getting tipsy. I had to take advantage, cur that I am.”

  I put my bikini back on and he put on his boxer shorts then we walked back up the trail to the house.

  “So what do you want to do after a little siesta? Get a tramp stamp, buy some fresh seafood to grill tonight, go shopping?”

  “Get a tramp stamp?”

  “You know, those sexy little tattoos right above the crack in your ass, just above the plumber’s line as they say. They’re very popular in the islands.”

  “You’d like me to have a tattoo?”

  “No, not really, not unless it’s the henna type that wears off, but one of those sexy piercings that I can suck on while I’m down there might be nice.”

  I knew he was joking, but I had to know. “You’ve been with someone who had one I suppose?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “And does it help?”

  “No, thought I broke a tooth once. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you.” He pulled the string on the back of my bikini and when my top came off in his hand he tucked the tiny scrap of material in with his rolled up uniform. “And as our time here is limited, I’d like to see you naked more often than not. Nice tits, you got there, lady.”


  “Don’t mention it.”

  We took a quick dip in the pool then fell asleep in his bed with the fan twirling overhead to keep us cool. When I woke, he was kissing my fingers and the ring he had given me.

  “Hi, sexy.”

  “Hi,” I said and smiled shyly.

  ‘”Let’s go play tourists.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  He had already chosen something for me to wear by the time I came out of the shower. It was a beautiful crepe dress that flowed freely around my legs and the colors were so muted and lovely that it was breathtaking. “You have a way with woman’s clothes, how did you come about that?”

  “I paid attention when I took them off,” he whispered as he kissed my ear and then went to take his turn in the shower. We had learned the last time I was here that we got ready faster when we took our showers separately.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Biteable, my ass! Roman tucked me into the passenger seat of his Jeep and drove the winding curving road down the mountain to the bustling center of commerce, Dronningens Gade being the main street. He parked in a back alley and then lifted me out of the Jeep.

  “You are as light as a dandelion tuft, I swear I could carry you all day.”

  I wrapped my arm around his neck and rubbed my other hand against the smooth fabric of his Hilfiger polo shirt. I turned my head and nuzzled my nose into his neck, he smelled wonderful—spicy, citrusy, and sexy. “I could save on shoes that way, but if you carried me all day, I would miss seeing your squeezeable butt in those jeans.”


  “Yeah, among other things.”

  He bent and kissed me before setting my legs down. “So, you like my butt, huh?” he turned and looked over his shoulder as if trying to see it for himself.

  “Mmmhmm, it’s firm and just the right shape. You don’t think you have a nice ass?” I asked.

  “It’s hard for me to tell, being it’s on the backside of me. And also . . . I’m not so fond of checking out the male anatomy, so I’m not sure I’m using the right judging criteria.”

  “Trust me, it’s a vera fine ass,” I said mimicking his accent. “Haven’t you noticed women admiring it?”

  “Again, they would be behind me at the time now, wouldn’t they?”

  I laughed, “I can’t imagine too many women seeing this,” I said as I squeezed one of his cheeks, “and not finding a way to get in front of you to have a go at you.”

  “You think I’d fall for just any woman who appreciated my fine ass?” he asked with a smile as he grabbed my hand and started walking me down the street.

  “Well no, I’m pretty sure she’d have to have a fine one, too.”

  “And she does,” he said as he leaned back to eye mine. “She definitely does.” He let go of my hand and stopped walking. I turned back to see his head tilted as he studied my derriere encased in cool silk. “I’m thinkin’yours is more biteable than squeezable though, yes, very much so.” He said as he caught up to me and guided me into a shop on our left.

  “Let’s look for a trinket for Amy,” he said as we walked into the cool interior of a very fine jewelry shop. The fact that he was greeted by name should have quailed me, but I was getting used to everyone knowing who Roman was, especially the women. “You’re going to see her tomorrow, right?”

  “Yes, I think that I should. I don’t want her to feel abandoned and I do want to see how she is progressing.”

  He led me over to a jewelry case and we browsed until I saw a pearl in a golden oyster shell that opened and closed. “Oh, I think she’d like this. She often helps me with the oyster recycling program we have back home.”

  He signaled for the clerk who came over and then he asked if we could see the necklace in the case. When it was handed to him, he put it on me and as he did the clasp, he kissed the back of my neck. My knees went weak and I fell back against him. He was so big, so warm, and so comforting. The clerk tilted the mirror and we both looked into it. Our eyes met and we looked at each other for a long time. Finally, Roman asked if I liked the necklace. I hadn’t even looked at it. I forced my eyes lower and looked at the pendant hanging just above the vee of my dress.

  “Yes, I think it’s perfect.”

  He nodded to the clerk and pulled his money clip from his pocket.

  “Oh no, I’m paying for this. It’s from me.”

  He slid his hand back inside his pocket and allowed me to pay for the necklace. We waited while it was being wrapped, walking from case to case and admiring all the beautiful earrings and rings and the cases filled with gemstones.

  “What’s your favorite gem?” he asked.

  “Mystic Topaz, although I know it’s not really a true gemstone, but a doctored up white topaz.”

  “Yes, it gets its iridescence using the physical vapor deposition coating process.”

  “Wow, you know your gemstones.”

  “I know everything that adorns a women and makes her beautiful. Plus my shops all carry a bit of jewelry.”

  “I also like black opals. They capture the rainbows you know,” I said with a smile as I looked over my shoulder at him. He looked down at me and the look in his eyes froze me in place. I would swear he was looking at me as if he was a besotted schoolboy. His hands stroked my arms and he hugged my back to his chest. “No, you capture the rainbows,” he said, his voice husky. “And you have a delightful pot of gold for me to delve into from time to time. Let’s just say that it’s a very cherished place on your person.” He kissed below my ear and sent my heart racing.

  The clerk placed the wrapped box on the counter in front of us and broke the spell. “Is there anything else I can help you with?” he asked.

  “No, no thank you, not right now,” Roman mumbled and with a surreptitious squeeze to my bottom, he got me moving. We left the store and hand-in-hand we made our way up the street, stopping and purchasing the odd souvenir as we went. He even dragged me into what was called a head shop; said he was looking for a toy for us to play with. He walked out
with an odd-shaped four-inch dildo in his pocket.

  “What good could that possibly do?” I asked. “You’re much larger than that.”

  “Yes, but I can hardly be in two places at once, now can I?” If his brogue didn’t slay me, those telling words sure would.

  I saw The Cat’s Pajamas across the street and said, “Hey, take me in there, I know the owner. Maybe he’ll give me a discount.”

  “No, you don’t want to go in there.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’ll get the wrong idea. All my employees are young and beautiful. My manager believes the salesgirls should look stunning while modeling our merchandise. I don’t want you to think that I work at surrounding myself with beautiful women all the time.”

  “I’ll just go there when I come shopping on my own tomorrow or the next day.”

  “I’ll make sure we have the B shift working, they’re not quite as lovely.”

  I was intrigued, “C’mon,” I said as I pulled him along beside me. “I want to see, take me inside.”

  Reluctantly, he followed, “You’ll be sorry.”

  And instantly, I was. The saleswomen who looked up as we entered were the most exotic and stunning women I had ever seen. Each lovely in her own special way, all darkskinned with luminous eyes and long shiny black hair. All were tall and slender with high breasts thrusting up, their nipples threatening to peak out of the tops of their dresses. I was in a store full of Halle Berrys and Selma Hayeks, all in some version of an animal print. Each one greeted Roman expansively, one running long fingernails along his jaw line, while another gripped his bicep and pulled him close, rubbing the side of her breast alongside his arm in the process. I was completely ignored. Embarrassed, I turned and looked at a few dresses on the rack behind us until I heard him say. “Down girls. Save it for the tourists. I only wanted to show my,” and there was just the slightest hesitation, “girlfriend the shop.”

  I can’t say I was pleased with the hesitation, but I was pleased with the girlfriend part. He had defined our relationship in front of his employees. That was major.

  An older, but equally stunning woman came out from the back room and sauntered up to us. She was carrying a large black cat with white markings and while it was not purring, she sure was, “Roman, how nice of you to stop by.”

  I saw a look of blatant possession in her eyes and then when she saw me I saw her brown eyes flash with glints of jealously.

  “Tessa, this is Angelique, my manager. Angelique, this is Tessa, my amore.”

  His love? He was introducing me to this woman, this woman with the angry look in her eyes, as his love?

  Her hand continued to stroke the cat from its neck to the end of its long tail. “Is she the reason you haven’t been around lately?”

  She was bold, I’ll give her that. But I couldn’t help feeling that there was a lot more here than an employeremployee relationship.

  “Yes, that, and I’ve been busy, but I know things are running smoothly, Rodney has kept me up to date on all the shops. You’re doing a fine job.”

  “Thank you, Roman, I love to hear you praising me.”

  “I am praising your work, don’t read into it more than I am saying,” he said in a harsh tone; so harsh that the cat jumped from her arms to the floor. The tail lifted and it pranced over to me and then wove itself between my legs before sitting at my feet and looking up at me. It looked exactly like the cat that I had seen on that rainy Friday the 13th on the Maples Course back home, but there was no way that could possibly be. Although those eyes, a deep fathomless gray, matched Roman’s perfectly.

  “You may have taken my heart, but you’ll not get my cat,” she hissed.

  “It was my cat before it was yours,” Roman said, and then there was a long, stony silence.

  “So get another, you more than anyone should know that one pussy’s the same as the next,” she said in a sickeningly sweet voice.

  “Angelique,” he warned.

  “Surely, you don’t think you’re going to be able to keep him?” she asked, addressing the question directly to me.

  “Oh, I have no intention of keeping him,” I said, “we’re just Tomcatting around. I’ll be happy to give him back to you when I’m finished, if there’s anything left to give back that is. I eat men alive and then spit out the bones.”

  Roman looked over at me and grinned. Then he picked up the cat and rubbed its fur. “Take care of my cat,” he snapped. Then he dropped the cat, grabbed my elbow and walked me to the door.

  Outside, as he strode briskly up the street, I double stepped to keep up.


  “Well yeah, you are.”

  “No, I mean her.”

  “Hell no!”

  “Well she seems to think so.”

  “I fucked her twice. Then I found her on her knees in front of a police officer in one of my changing rooms.”

  “How long ago was that?”

  “Six, seven months.”

  “Yet you still keep her on?”

  She has a contract. Plus she’s damned good at her job, so there’s no reason to fire her.”

  “And the cat?”

  “Came with the store five years ago, so he’s more mine than hers. But I’m not about to take her to court over a damned cat.”

  “You seemed fond of the ‘damned cat’.”

  “I was fond of her, too. But I don’t share and I demand loyalty. So she can keep the damned cat for all I care.”

  “Were you in love with her, ‘cause you seem awfully mad.”

  “Hell no, I just don’t like being made a fool of. The officer was one of my best friends.”


  “Yeah, oh.”

  “That explains a lot.”

  He looked over at me and the stern look he’d had on his face evaporated. “Eat men alive and spit out the bones?”

  “Sounded good at the time.”

  “Sounds good now.”

  “Not really in the right place,” I said as I looked around at all the people milling around us.

  “I know a place.” His hand gripped mine and I was tugged behind him up one block and over one. He led us into a darkened restaurant. The tables were elegantly set for dinner. I could hear sounds coming from the kitchen in the back. Roman’s hand gripping mine pulled me into a dark room and then he closed and locked the door. With his back to the door he began lifting my dress from my body.

  “Where are we?”

  “My office. The restaurant’s not open until five.”

  His mouth closed over mine and he pulled my naked body up against his fully clothed one. “I’d hate to have to beg, but I will if you insist,” he said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his penis. “But please leave the bones in place, I’m kind of fond of it standing up.” A hand on my shoulder pushing me down to kneel on the carpet told me exactly what he wanted, and I did so want to please him.

  I took him into my mouth and began licking and tonguing him as his hand gripped his erection and pumped it in and out of my mouth. Then I stopped and looked up at him. “Let me get this straight, you see this Angelique woman, sparks fly, and then somehow I end up on my knees performing fellatio. Am I being some kind of surrogate here?”

  He grabbed me by the elbows and pulled me up. “I don’t care about her, I never really did. I got hard the minute you stood up to her and told her you ate men alive. Seeing you confront that she-devil made me some kind of hot for you.” Asecond later I was on the edge of the desk and being fucked so hard that the desk skidded on the carpet. When he shifted my legs over his shoulders and used his thumb on my clit while impaling me with his thick, hard cock, I cried out and came. I was fast becoming a sixty-second woman.

  He clenched his teeth, groaned and pulled out. Then he came on my belly and I watched fascinated as he held his penis in his fist and pumped it until it was dry. His anguished groans will forever be imbedded in my memory. I didn’t know it, but he was being chivalro
us by ejaculating on my torso. I certainly didn’t think so at the time, but when he explained, I had to nod my head in agreement. “If I came inside you, my cum would be leaking out of you all night, and since you don’t wear underwear . . .”

  “Oh yeah.”

  “Don’t say I’m not thoughtful, or considerate,” he said as he tried to catch his breath.

  “Okay, I won’t. But you sure are pricey. Those dresses I looked at were six hundred dollars a piece! There must be five thousand dollars of clothing in that closet in your bedroom.”

  He chuckled. “And I can honestly say that I prefer you naked.”

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Modesty, not the best policy We ate dinner at a table in the back, close to the kitchen door where we were fawned over by the chef and his sous chef. They competed by bringing us tiny delicacies they were whipping up for the “bar crawl” that would be later on that night.

  Roman explained that after the older crowd had finished dining, usually around eight or so, the younger crowd started dropping in for drinks and small appetizer dishes. Just enough to keep the alcohol from settling in on an empty stomach, but not enough to bog anyone down in case they got lucky. Then they would walk from one bar to the next to dance, drink and check out the opposite sex until the wee hours of the morning. They wouldn’t spend the money or the time on a full-blown meal but they would snack along the way. “Often when I am headin’out to work, they are just finding their beds. Or likely someone else’s.”

  When we had eaten as much as we dared, we went back out to wander down to the harbor. On the way, we passed Lucky Jewelers and Roman steered me inside. “This is one of the finest jewelry shops on the island, the owner, Pash Daswani, is a friend of mine. I’d like to drop in and say hi if you don’t mind.”


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