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Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story

Page 28

by Ann Lister

“Hey, this wasn’t meant to make you cry,” he said, enveloping her with his arms.

  “I can’t believe the things you do for me,” she sobbed against his shirt.

  “Ah, shit. Now, I feel guilty.”


  “Well, I had your stuff brought over partly to make you happy but mostly because I thought it might get me laid. If memory serves me right, I clearly remember a certain someone threatening to hold me hostage in that bed if we ever had the opportunity to be in it again.”

  Annie burst out laughing. “You’re a pig, you know that?” she answered, pushing him backwards, causing him to fall onto the bed.

  He folded his arms behind his head and smiled smugly. “I may be a pig but I’m also your husband. What can I say, you bring out the worst and the best in me!”

  “Oh, so now you’re blaming me for your obsession with sex?” she teased, hands on hips.

  “Hey, it takes two, babe,” he grinned.

  Michael and Annie spent the remainder of the night and most of the next day in bed, only getting out to eat the necessary nourishment to sustain their stamina. Completely isolated at their location at the end of the dirt road, it would be almost a week before they saw another living soul, but they had each other. What more could they want?


  With the weekend fast approaching, Annie called her booking agent to verify her gig schedule for the month. Regrettably, her first performance happened in just a few days. She wrote down all the dates and clubs where she was scheduled to appear. Annie was hoping to have a few more days alone with Michael before she had to drift back into reality, but when she ran her schedule by Michael, he actually seemed excited about the prospect of being her ‘groupie’ for a change.

  “Great,” he said. “I’ll take you out to dinner first.”

  “I really don’t like to eat much before I perform,” she said.

  “Then have a salad,” he replied, refusing to take no for an answer. “I’ll make reservations at Lola’s.”

  When Annie left the room to find a calendar, Michael called the manager at this restaurant.

  “Hey, Jimmy. It’s Mike. How you doing?”

  “Great, and yourself?”

  “Couldn’t be better. Listen. I was wondering if you could reserve a table in the back corner for me on Saturday night around seven o’clock for dinner.”

  “You’re on-island?”

  “Yep. Matter of fact, I’ll be living here for a while.”

  “Excellent! Maybe we can get you to jam in the lounge some night.”

  Michael smiled at the notion. “Sounds cool. So how about that reservation?”

  “Not a problem. Will you be alone?”

  “No, I’ll be with my wife.”

  Jimmy chuckled. “Wow! I guess things are going well for you.”

  “Like I said, things couldn’t better,” he smiled. “I’ll see you Saturday.”

  Annie spent the two days leading up to her gig practicing, running through different songs, and working out the set list. She worked on the pacing and tried out some new material on Michael. He helped her rehearse and gave her the boost of confidence she needed. And on the day of the show, he kept her busy and her mind off of performing.

  With less than an hour before they had to leave for dinner, Annie still found herself rushing around, frantic to find a comfortable matching outfit to wear to the gig. She was more nervous than she had been in quite a while and couldn’t explain the reason behind it except for the fact Michael would be in the audience.

  “I can’t believe you’re getting yourself this worked up, babe. It’s not like I haven’t seen you perform before,” he said, trying to calm her with his voice.

  “The last time you saw me perform was a long time ago. Things are different now,” she sighed, wiggling into a short black skirt.

  “Come here,” he instructed, pulling her against his body. “You’ll do fine,” he affirmed. “Now, hurry up so we’re not late for dinner,” he demanded, playfully swatting her on the behind.

  Lola’s was already packed with the typical supper crowd, when Annie and Michael stepped into the lobby. Heads immediately took notice of Michael’s presence. As usual, he cut an impressive masculine image in a pair of black jeans that snuggly fit his thighs and ass and a crisp white shirt. His long, rock-star hair hung loose, grazing the tops of his broad shoulders.

  Annie sucked in a deep breath and tried to avoid eye contact with the peering faces all focused on them. Nervously, she reached for Michael’s hand.

  “Hey, Jimmy,” Michael smiled, dropping Annie’s hand to shake Jimmy’s.

  “You look great,” Jimmy commented, then his eyes settled onto Annie. He was puzzled at first, then recognition flashed upon his face.

  “You remember Annie Logan,” Michael introduced, knowing full well he would.

  Annie hadn’t performed in the lounge at Lola’s since her overdose, seven months earlier. It simply didn’t appeal to her once she knew Michael owned the place. She had been back to visit a few old friends but, out of embarrassment, she steered clear of Jimmy. As soon as her eyes connected with Jimmy’s, she looked away, giving him a shy grin.

  “Annie, you look like a million bucks,” Jimmy exhaled, giving her a quick up and down glance. Then his eyes darted back to Michael. “So, this is the new wife you mentioned on the phone?” he teased, eyebrows dancing on his forehead.

  Michael reached for Annie’s hand again and pulled her up along side his body. “Actually, we’ve been together for quite a while.”

  Jimmy’s mouth opened, as if to speak, then closed it in a deep sigh, confusion wrinkling his face. Michael smiled knowingly and spoke for him.

  “Jimmy, it’s a very long story, and one night, when I’ve got some time to kill, I promise I’ll explain it to you. But, for now, we need to eat so she can make her gig on time.”

  Jimmy escorted them to a table for two in the back corner of the restaurant. It was up against a window, which allowed them a glimpse of the setting sun and the meticulously manicured perennial gardens beside the building. Unfortunately, the location wasn’t completely private. Several tables bordered them, most of which were empty.

  “How’s this?” Jimmy asked, pulling out a chair for Annie.

  “This is fine,” Michael answered. “See what you can do about leaving these tables empty for the next hour or so.”

  Jimmy nodded in agreement. “And should anyone ask, are you available for autographs tonight?”

  Michael glanced at Annie. “No, not tonight. Tell them I’m with my wife and I don’t want to be disturbed.”

  “Okay. I’ll send your waiter right over to take your order.”

  Michael adjusted himself in the chair and leaned forward toward Annie. A slow smile formed on this handsome face, as he reached for her hand and kissed the finger tips. Annie flushed red and nervously scanned the dining hall.

  “Michael, they’re staring at you,” she whispered behind her hand.

  He laughed and placed his hand up beside his mouth to imitate her. “Maybe they’re staring at you,” he teased.

  Annie rolled her eyes. “I hardly doubt that.”

  They enjoyed a leisurely meal then headed back to town. Their destination was a club called David’s Island House. Situated halfway up Circuit Avenue, in the town of Oak Bluffs, the establishment was another favorite among the locals and day-trippers that frequented the island. The inside was dark and moody with lots of wood. A small section of a back corner was set up as a makeshift stage for the performers. The rest of the area was configured with tables to dine.

  The place was still busy with the dinner crowd lingering over their meals when Annie hit the stage. Most were unaware she was even up there singing until three songs into her first set. Their obliviousness to her presence didn’t bother Annie. It was business as usual for her. She was meant to be background music for the dinner crowd until they finished eating. Then she kicked up the volume and rhythm for her
last set, allowing the patrons to dance.

  Michael sat quietly off to the right side of the stage area at a small wooden cocktail table that was pushed up against the wall. He was in plain view of Annie but slightly hidden from the eating patrons in the center of the room. He sat alone, smiling proudly and clapping after each of her songs ended.

  Annie was almost through her last set of the evening when his attendance became detected by two young female fans on their way to the bathroom.

  “Oh, my God!” A buxom blonde squealed. “You’re Michael Wade, aren’t you?”

  “Why, are you a fan?”

  “We both are,” she giggled, pointing to her redheaded friend.

  Michael nodded and forced a smile onto his famous face. Feeling trapped and not wanting to cause a scene, he decided to engage them. “Do you have something you want me to sign?” he asked, already holding out his hand to take whatever it might be.

  The two girls dug quickly into their pocketbooks and pulled out pens and paper. They were young, Michael noticed, probably in their early twenties. He took the paper from the blonde with the deep cleavage first.

  “Who do you want me to make this out to?” he asked, pulling the cap off the pen with his teeth.

  “Ronnie,” she instructed, sliding two additional chairs toward Michael’s table. “Well, my name is Rhonda, but everyone calls me Ronnie.”

  Michael nodded again, pretending to care. “How about you?” he asked the redhead. “What’s your name?”

  “Alex,” she answered with an expression of total disbelief that she was actually standing in the presence of him.

  Michael signed their papers and glanced toward Annie on stage. To his disappointment, neither girl had made an attempt to vacate their chairs. “So, you’re both Thrust fans?” he asked, reading a look of concern on Annie’s beautiful face.

  “Oh yes, all our lives,” Ronnie answered.

  “All your lives, huh,” he mumbled, thinking how absurd that comment sounded to him, considering their assumed ages.

  “Are you on the island for business or fun?” Ronnie asked, emphasizing the last word of her question.

  “A little of both,” he said evasively, his eyes still focused on Annie.

  Then he felt the soft squeeze of a hand on his knee. “Well if you're looking for fun ,” Ronnie stated, slowly inching her hand up the inside of Michael's thigh. “Alex and I could show you a whole lot of fun.” She leaned closer to her intended target and, in the process, revealed several more inches of her ample bosom. “Are you game for a little fun, Michael?”

  He reached beneath the table and stopped the progression of Ronnie’s hand, mere inches from his groin. Then he set it back up on top of the table and held it there in place. With both eyes firmly locked on to Ronnie, he pointed toward Annie. “See that woman up on stage playing guitar and singing her pretty little ass off?” he asked.

  Ronnie tossed her eyes toward the stage. “Yeah, what about her?” she replied with indifference.

  “That’s my wife, and I’m sure she would be less than thrilled to see me leave with you two.”

  Ronnie glanced back at Annie. “Then bring her along if you like,” she shrugged.

  Michael smiled and shook his head. “Thanks, but no thanks, ladies.”

  “Suit yourself, but you’ll be missing one hell of a party,” Ronnie said, licking her lips as she stood to leave.

  He nodded his head and grinned knowingly. As if he hadn’t heard that line before, he thought, his eyes drifting back to Annie - beautiful Annie. Her voice was as smooth and silky as her suntanned skin. He started at her toes and scanned the length of her tapered legs, over her narrow hips, past her perfect breasts, inched up her throat and settled on her mouth. He studied the movement of her lips intently as she sang.

  The music ebbed from her instrument like the waves of the incoming tide. Several couples swayed together on the dance floor in tight embraces. Listening to her sing felt almost as good as making love to her, the thought of which made his groin tighten. He smiled to himself.

  “Great job, babe,” he congratulated, kissing her on the mouth when she exited the stage.

  Annie smiled weakly and began collecting her things from around the stage area. The image of Michael sitting at the table with the two girls remained in her brain. The vision of the blonde’s hand creeping up Michael’s leg made her stomach churn. She had witnessed the entire scene and it had sickened her.

  “Do you want to hang around town for a while or head home?” he asked, taking her guitar case in his hand.

  “Do you mind if we go home? I’m kind of tired.”

  Michael loaded gear into the back of the jeep. The melody of Annie’s last song still echoed in his head as he turned the key in the ignition.

  “What’s the name of that last song you sang tonight?” he asked.

  “Music Man,” she replied, staring blankly at her hands.

  “Real nice. I’ve heard you playing the chords to that one at home but never heard you sing the lyrics. Dare I ask who your music man is?” he grinned, already knowing the answer but still wanting to hear her say it.

  Annie rolled her eyes, not wanting to smile, but the urge outweighed her resistance to stop it. “You.”

  His smile grew wider. “That will be your first single,” he stated, matter-of-factly.

  She turned to face him. “What do you mean?”

  “When you go solo, that will be your first hit,” he explained, pulling out onto New York Avenue and heading toward Vineyard Haven.

  “When I go solo?”

  “Yeah, after you tour with Lace.”

  “I never said I was going solo.”

  Sensing her agitation, he slowed the jeep and glanced at her face. “What’s the matter, babe?” he asked, placing his hand against the warmth of her inner thigh.

  She turned away and looked out her window. “What did those girls want from you tonight?”

  “I signed a couple of autographs for them,” he replied with a shrug.

  “They sat with you for quite a while, Michael. And the blonde had her hand on your balls. I’m not blind. I saw the whole thing.”

  “Her hand was no where near my balls, babe,” he replied in protest.

  “Oh please!”

  The smile melted from his face. Downshifting quickly, he pulled the jeep over to the side of the road. “You really want to go there, Annie? Do you really want to know what they wanted?”

  “That’s why I asked the question!”

  “Fine. They wanted to fuck my brains out,” he said crudely, resenting the fact he had to explain it. “Hell, they even said I could bring you along to the party. Is that what you want to hear?”

  Annie’s breath caught sharply in her dry throat. Tears immediately began to pool in her eyes. Silence filled the cab of the jeep.

  “So, now you’re not going to say anything?” he asked, rage beginning to creep into his body.

  She sniffed and wiped at her eyes.

  “Annie, shit like that happens all the time with me,” he replied, trying to keep his anger in control. “Unfortunately, it’s unavoidable. I don’t entice it and I’m not tempted to accept the favors that come with it either. I’ve already been there and then some. Any thrill that may have been associated with it no longer exists for me.”

  He gazed out his window and shook his head. “We discussed all of this before and I thought you understood. I can’t prevent it from happening and I won’t always be able to conceal it from you when it does. But it will happen again: that much I can assure you of. So, I guess the real question is, can you handle it when it does happen the next time? Do you trust me enough to know I will never act on the offers these fans make?”

  Annie sighed heavily. “It’s disrespectful,” she said quietly. “They don’t know their boundaries.”

  “I know. I would agree with that. But what can I do, walk around wearing a suit of armor?”

  She shook her head.

��You say you love me, Annie. Well, loving someone like me comes with a price tag and a lot of ugly baggage. When we’re at home you have me all to yourself. I’m yours, body, mind and soul. But as soon as I step out that door, part of me becomes public property. Most people will respect my space but there will always be those who insist on getting too close. It’s the price I pay for being who I am and doing the job that I love to do. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  She dropped her head to her lap. “Yes, I understand. I’m sorry I overreacted - again. I know you’ve explained this before but it doesn’t make it any easier for me to deal with. I mean, you’ve had twenty years to get used to this. I’ve only had a couple of months. I guess it’s going to take some time for me to really come to terms with who I’m living with.”

  His fingers disappeared into her long hair. “I think part of the problem is, I’ve gone out of my way to protect you from seeing the dark side of this business. I’m realizing now, how wrong I was to do that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I guess what I'm trying to say is, I think we need to be seen more in public. I want to be seen with you and I want people to see you with me as a couple. As much as I'd like to, we can't hide forever at the beach.”

  Annie hung her head. “It sounds like you’re ready to head back to Boston, Michael. Is that what you’re trying to say?”

  He exhaled loudly. “Please don’t put words in my mouth. I love being here with you and I think that is more than obvious. This is the best vacation I’ve ever had and God knows how much I needed it. But, that’s exactly what it is for me - a vacation from reality. Reality for me is back in Boston, New York or Los Angeles. And sooner or later, I have to go back.”

  “Can we at least stay here for the summer?”

  He smiled and kissed her forehead. “Does that mean that you still want to be a part of my life and everything that comes with it – the good and the bad?”

  Annie nodded.

  “Then let’s go home.”

  Neither spoke until they reached the cottage. Michael shut off the engine and caught Annie by the hand before she slipped out the door.


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