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Sheet Music - A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story

Page 36

by Ann Lister

  “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world,” he answered. “Thanks again for inviting me. In spite of all the trouble I caused, I’m not sure I deserved it.”

  “Forget about it,” Michael said.

  The party went on until the early hours of the morning. Annie let out a long sigh after the door closed for the last time, letting Brian out into the hallway. Finally, they were alone.

  “I should pick up,” Annie commented, surveying the cluttered room. Exhaustion was written all over her face.

  A low chuckle escaped from Michael’s mouth, as he pulled her tired body against his chest. “Annie, that is what housekeeping is for. They’ll pick up after we check-out tomorrow. Come. You and our baby are going to bed,” he said, and led her into the bedroom.

  A month on the road was beginning to take a heavy toll on Annie and her growing baby. Unaccustomed to the constant travel, living out of a suitcase and eating nothing but room service was proving to be too much.

  Yes, she was the opening act for the band, Crosby, Stills and Nash but she hadn’t even met them all. She had managed a short visit with Graham Nash and passed Steven Stills in the hallway, but that was it. After one show, she had walked into her dressing room and found Michael swapping war stories from the old days with David Crosby. Michael quickly introduced her to David, who smiled politely, but then continued to laugh it up with Michael, as if she were invisible.

  The tour didn’t hold the glamour she had expected it to. The travel was exciting but tedious. After each show she would beg to be taken back to the hotel and fall into bed, sleeping hours straight, only to wake feeling more tired than when she had gone to bed. She was still suffering through the occasional bout of morning sickness and circles had begun to appear beneath her eyes. Michael didn’t like what he was seeing and voiced his concern with Lacey. It was obvious the entire band needed a break - especially Annie.

  “After tonight we have three weeks off for Christmas and New Years. That is the best I can do for her,” Lacey said to Michael.

  The holiday break couldn’t have come soon enough for them. Annie and Michael spent their first Christmas and New Years Eve together as a married couple and surrounded themselves with family and friends. It was a welcome relief to both of them. They formally announced Annie’s pregnancy and embraced the joy everyone showered upon them. It was a great time for all and the happiest Annie could remember.

  But all too quickly her tour resumed and Michael’s scheduled time in the recording studio was closing in on them. As the days grew closer to his departure with Brian and the band, Annie noticed his mood swings begin. He was becoming

  short-tempered and reclusive. When he left, their contact for the next three weeks would be limited to the phone only.

  The recording sessions took Michael and his band to San Francisco. They stayed in an old two-story motel beside the studio. Years ago the band had dubbed this place as, ‘The No-Tell-Motel’. The motel was on the outskirts of the city, nothing fancy, but it’s close proximity to the recording studio made it desirable for their session schedules. The rooms were sparse, consisting of two double-beds, table and two chairs and a television that was probably as old as the motel. This was a place Thrust had stayed on many occasions in the past while recording but not one Michael remembered with fondness.

  “What’s the matter, Michael? You seem so down,” Annie asked during one of their many long phone conversations.

  “Nothing really,” he sighed. I guess I’m tired and I miss you.”

  “How’s Brian?”

  “Screw him.”

  Annie smiled. She didn’t have to question further, she already knew what Michael’s problem was. “Is it that bad?”

  “You have no idea. This is the worst he’s ever been. He’s acting like a little dictator, micro-managing everyone and everything. I can’t take it. In fact, if it weren’t for the other guys, I’d already be gone.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” she said with sincerity.

  “Wanna know the worst part?” he asked.

  “What could be worse than that?”

  “Me lying here and wanting you when you’re so far away.”

  “Lonely?” Annie asked.

  “More than you know.”

  “Well, I’m sorry I can’t be there.”

  “Me too and I won’t do it again either,” he replied.

  “Do what?”

  “These long separations. They’re not healthy.”

  “It’s less than a month. We can handle that.”

  “It’s too long for me, Annie. It drives me crazy to wake up without you.”

  His voice grew weak. “It's been... difficult .”

  Annie’s heart began to race. She could hear the desperation in his voice. His silence spoke as loudly as his words. In the background, she could hear laughter and chatter.

  “Your television is awfully loud,” she commented.

  “It’s not turned on.”

  “Then what’s all the noise I hear?” she asked.

  “Brian is entertaining in his room - again,” he answered begrudgingly.


  “So, how’s our baby doing?” he asked, trying to change the subject.

  “ She's doing great; very active, kicking me all the time.”

  He sighed loudly. “I wish I could be there with you, babe. I hate the fact that I’m missing this.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’ll have plenty of time before the baby is born to be a part of everything.”

  “I still feel bad.”

  “I’m getting so fat, Michael. You won’t recognize me. And I still have two months to go!”

  “I bet you’re sexy as hell,” he said, his voice low and seductive.

  Annie giggled loudly. “I sincerely doubt that!”

  “Do you really think it’s a girl?” he asked, rolling over onto his back and staring at the stained ceiling.

  “Yeah, I do. And if it is a little girl, I'd like to name her Sammi,” her voice trailed off.

  “I think that would be a really nice tribute, Annie.”

  By the end of the conversation, Annie made a mental note to make arrangements on her next day off to make a surprise visit to Michael. She only wished she could make it happen sooner. She could tell with each passing day that Michael’s moods were growing darker.


  Michael dialed Annie’s phone number and was somewhat relieved when she didn’t answer. After the argument he had with Brian earlier, it was probably best he didn’t speak to anyone for fear he might say something he would regret later.

  Just after midnight he heard a knock at his door. Thinking it was Brian, he ignored the first several bangs. When the visitor showed no signs of disappearing, he decided to see who it was.

  She was a groupie by the name of Jill, standing beneath the overhead light of the second floor balcony and looking like she’d lost her puppy. Jill was well known to everyone in the band and their road crew. At one point, she traveled with them as their professional massage therapist. She was dark-haired, older than her face or body revealed and always had a smile to share.

  “Hey, Jill. How are you doing?” he asked, swinging the door open only wide enough for his body to fill.

  “I’m doing good, Mike. Where’s Brian tonight? He told me to meet him here at midnight and he’s not answering his door.”

  “I think he already left. His room has been quiet for a few hours. Why don’t you leave a note on his door or something,” he suggested, wanting to end their conversation.

  “Would you mind if I waited in there with you? I mean, I’m sure he’ll be back soon, right?”

  “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, Jill. I’m really tired and I’m not in the mood for company.”

  Jill ran her fingers down his bare chest and smiled. “What's the matter? Worried I might jump your bones instead of Brian's?”

  Before he could reply, Jill ducked beneath his extended arm o
n the door and entered the room.

  “I promise I won’t stay long. If he doesn’t show up soon, I’ll leave you alone. Okay?”

  Jill plunked herself down onto Michael’s bed and began clicking through the cable channels on the old motel’s television. “Not much on tonight,” she commented.

  He watched her from the door and rubbed his forehead. The one time Brian decided to go out and Jill shows up, he thought, drifting across the room. He sat at the table, purposely avoiding his bed and crossed his arms over his bare chest.

  “So, what’s got you in such a rotten mood?” Jill asked.

  “Life in general.”

  “Rumor has it, you and Brian are at each other’s throats again. Is that true?”

  “Where do you hear this shit?” he asked, annoyed by her bluntness.

  “I have my sources,” she smiled with a shrug.

  She was pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way, very natural, and always cut to the chase. On another night he might have engaged her in conversation but tonight he simply wanted to be alone.

  “Ah, Jill, I’m gonna be heading to bed soon, so I think you should leave.”

  She stood and pushed her short skirt down with her hands and crossed the room toward him. “I know what you need,” she said, as she stepped behind him and placed her hands onto his shoulders.

  He recoiled at her touch instantly. “Jill, I don’t know what you’ve got planned but I’m telling you right now, it ain’t gonna happen.”

  “What? All I’m doing is rubbing your shoulders. Is that so bad?” she whispered beside his ear.

  “Things are different now,” he mumbled, his rigid muscles going limp beneath her expert touch.

  “How so?” she asked, her hot breath tickling his neck.

  “I’m married.”

  Jill giggled. “That never slowed you down before,” she answered, her fingers drifting down onto his pectorals. “Come lay down, Mike, and I’ll rub your back,” she instructed, taking him by the hand.

  He offered little resistance, as his body betrayed what his heart knew was wrong. She straddled his butt and began to work her magic on his tensed muscles. Up and down his spine, her fingers moved until he was almost asleep. He hardly noticed when she rolled him over and began the same manipulations on his chest and abdomen.

  “After all these years, you’re still a very beautiful man,” Jill exhaled against his belly button, flicking her tongue through the darkened hairline that disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans.

  Before his brain registered the fact his pants had been unzipped, he was in her mouth. “Hey, what the hell are you doing?” he stuttered, attempting to sit up.

  “Relax, Michael,” she said, pressing her hand against his chest to push him back onto the mattress. “This was always one of your favorites and judging by your quick response, I’d say it still is,” she laughed.

  “Ah, shit,” he sighed, succumbing to the pleasure rippling through his body.

  His mind blurred the reality and magnified the euphoria making his skin sweat. The one thought he had was release, and when it came, it was quick and blissful, but Jill wasn’t done. She slid her skirt above her hips and positioned herself over his groin.

  Michael shook his head. “Jill, come on. Stop it! I’m done. Nothing personal but, I don’t want to screw you.”

  She sat back onto his lap and tried to push him inside her body but he quickly flipped her off of his groin and sat upright.

  “I told you, I’m married.”

  “Tell that to your dick.”

  He zipped his pants up and rolled onto his stomach. How could he have let that happen, he thought? Now he was no different than Brian, and the thought of that sickened him. When Jill mentioned sleeping in the empty bed in his room, his brain didn’t even register her request. He drifted off to sleep and woke just before noon then disappeared into the shower.

  Jill was in the process of dressing when she heard the knock on the door.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Ah, I’m looking for someone but I think I must have the wrong room,” the pregnant woman said. “I’m sorry to have bothered you.”

  “Wait. Who are you looking for?” Jill asked the striking blonde.

  “Never mind.”

  “Are you looking for Michael?”

  “Yes, Michael Wade.”

  “Come in. He’s in the shower,” Jill stated, opening the door wider. “You can wait if you want. I’m on my way out.”

  Jill glanced up from zipping her boot and saw tears trickling down the woman’s face. “Are you okay? What’s your name?”


  Jill’s eyes dropped to the woman’s belly. “Is that Michael’s baby?”

  Annie nodded and wiped at her cheeks.

  Jill began to giggle.

  “What the hell is so funny?” Annie asked, seeing no humor in the situation.

  “A few hours ago, Michael was telling me he wasn’t a player anymore and now you show up, obviously very pregnant with his child. I wonder what his wife must think.”

  “ I'm his wife!”

  Jill stopped adjusting her clothing and spun around to face Annie. “Oh shit! I’m sorry. I had no idea. Really, I didn’t,” she babbled, slipping her purse over her shoulder. “I thought maybe you were a jealous girlfriend or something.”

  “Get the hell out of here!”

  Michael came from the bathroom, freshly showered and shaved. He pulled a clean t-shirt over his head and stepped into the bedroom area. The curtains were still closed which made the place dark and quiet. He hoped Jill was gone and reached down to finish zipping his jeans. It was then that he smelt her perfume floating in the air and his heart immediately stopped. Slowly, he lifted his head and saw her, almost cowering in the corner by the door.


  “You piece of shit,” she cried. “How could you?”

  His spine turned to liquid as he watched her reach for the doorknob. “Annie, please don’t go. Talk to me.”

  “Fuck you! I can’t believe I flew all the way up here to spend my day-off with you! My God, I am such a fool.”

  “No you’re not,” he answered, taking a few cautions steps toward her.

  She turned the knob and flung open the door. Instantly the room was flooded with sunshine. Tears streamed down her face. Her belly pouted with their growing baby, and yet, she looked like a child herself.

  “You begged me to come up here and visit you. Is this why? Did you want me to catch you with her? Did you want me to see this?”

  He took a tentative step closer to her. “It’s not what you think,” he said softly.

  “I was a fool to think a marriage with you could work,” she said, her eyes locked onto him and filled with hate.

  “Don’t say that, Annie.”

  She studied his face with contempt. This was the man that had slumbered in her arms professing his love and faithfulness. He stood before her now with the scent of another woman still lingering on his skin. Her stomach churned at the thought of it.

  He moved closer and with each step he took, she backed away.

  “Come back inside and we’ll talk,” he said quietly. His eyes reflected apprehension, guilt, and dread. She had never seen him appear more vulnerable and still she backed away.

  Defiantly she shook her head. “There is absolutely nothing you have to say right now that I want to hear. You disgust me, Michael, and the thought of going anywhere with you makes me want to vomit.” She turned on her heel and proceeded down the stairs to the parking lot.

  “Annie! Where are you going?” he called to her from the balcony.

  “As far away from you as I can get!”

  Annie quickly made her way to her rental car and headed back to the airport. The flight back to Los Angeles was nothing more than a blur. By the time she arrived at her hotel in Los Angeles, Michael had already left numerous phone messages at the front desk.

  Inside her room, four doz
en pink and white roses awaited her along with a simple note card that read: ‘I love you’. She crumpled the card, called the front desk and demanded they stop taking his messages.

  She felt queasy and dirty. Her stomach churned with anger and morning sickness. She darted into the bathroom and vomited. When she was done, she sat on the edge of the tub. Tears stung at her eyelids. Exhaustion made her thoughts blur.

  She tried to push the images of Michael and the girl from her head and lay on the bed. A few hours later, Lacey was knocking at the door.

  Annie sighed heavily and let her inside her room.

  “Well, judging from all the flowers, I’d say your day with Michael was marvelous,” she teased, as she pressed her face into the fresh rose buds.

  Without answering, Annie began to cry.

  “My God, what happened?” Lacey asked, sitting on the bed beside Annie. “Didn’t you see Michael?”

  Annie nodded and wiped at her cheeks.

  “Did you get into a fight?”

  Annie continued to sob.

  “Look, if you want to be alone, then I’ll leave, Annie. But if you want to talk about it, I’m here to listen.”

  Annie sighed loudly and walked to the window. “I caught Michael with a girl,” she said, her voice no more than a whisper.

  “Oh, Annie. I’m so sorry,” Lacey consoled, as she slid an arm around her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I mean, I should have known, considering the reputation he had when I met him. I had heard rumors of him cheating after I had my accident, but he denied all of it then. Seeing the truth for myself now is a completely different story. But what really bothers me is, I truly believed he was a different man with me. I thought he had changed.”

  “Annie, I'd have to say 99% of the men in this business are cheating pigs. On some level they think they're entitled because of who they are.”

  Annie dropped her head. “He says that he loves me, Lacey, and that he’s never felt that with anyone other than me.”

  “I’m sure that’s all true. But, I’m also willing to bet he believes what he does with other women has nothing to do with the relationship he shares with you. Somehow they’re able to departmentalize it, keeping the relationships between the wives and the girlfriends separate. Did you confront him about this?”


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