A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart

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A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart Page 2

by J Peach

  This mothafucka was just dumb, and they got him working on Jerron. I had to resist the urge to slap the shit out of Khalil’s ass.

  “I’m alright. Thanks though.” My hand waved toward his hand as I kindly rejecting his offer. With a heavy sigh, I tossed the Vodka filled glass back, drinking it all. “Thanks.” I handed him the cup as I leaned back against the nightstand. My eyes closed and my head fell against my knees as I began to silently pray that Jerron would be okay.

  Laying my head against the side of the mattress, I grabbed Jerron’s hand and entwined our fingers. I kissed the back of his hand as I once again prayed that he’ll be alright.

  But that all came crashing down and my heart dropped at the flat beep that seemed to ring loudly in the room.

  The twins rushed back to him as King grabbed me, pulling me out of their way. Watching one of them grab a defibrillator, I broke. I fell into King, my body shook as I started bawling my eyes out.

  I just didn’t know what to do.

  Jerron getting shot was my fault and if he died, it’ll be my fault as well. I just didn’t think I could live with myself if he didn’t make it through this.

  I just got him back. I couldn’t lose him.

  He promised I wouldn’t…

  Chapter 3


  One Week Later

  It was pretty much touch and go after Jerron flat lined. Khyree was able to bring him back and since then everything had been quiet. It was now up to God and if Jerron was strong enough to pull through this.

  He hadn’t woken up since they revived him and beside from showering, I hadn't left his side. I even got into the habit of cleaning and dressing his wounds as well as hooking up another bag of anesthetic to his IV when Khyree wasn’t around to do it. I even began washing him.

  I was supposed to go with Blaze to child social services yesterday and see about him visiting or getting his kid. I didn’t really know what he was planning but I just couldn’t leave Jerron nor could I shake the feeling of something happening if I left.

  Surprisingly, Blaze understood. He didn’t go see his kid but he went to someone he knew to get a blood test done on the both of them. Even with his issues going on, Blaze was very supportive of my decision to stay by Jerron’s side.

  He’d come by a few times out of the day just to see how I was doing or to force feed me. Even managed joking a bit.

  I didn’t miss the slight mug he gave when he glanced in Jerron’s direction. I knew then and there he didn’t care whether he lived or died and that he was only there for me, nothing else.

  “How’s he doing?” Leon asked walking into the room with a bag from King Gyro. I had called him Tuesday morning after Jerron flat lined and he’d pretty much been here with me since then.

  “The same,” I told him as I continued to wipe Jerron down. A small smile came to my lips as I thought about him being awake with me doing this, the mannish things he’d probably say.

  Without him saying anything and just lying there motionless and quiet like that made me want to cry. That just wasn’t him. It had only been a week and I already missed his crazy, funny sense of humor.

  “He’ll be straight, he’s strong. He’s just being a lazy bitch right now.” Leon said, getting on the bed next to his brother looking down at him. “Ain’t that right?” he asked before slapping Jerron on the cheek.

  “Leon, what the hell? Stop, with yo stupid ass.” I wanted to hit him but I didn’t want to reach over Jerron just to do it.

  Leon laughed while opening up his bag of food.

  “Here, I got you a gyro and a strawberry lemonade.” He handed me the bottle drink and the food.

  I sat it on the night stand. “Thanks, I’ll eat it later.” Sitting the sponge in the bowl, I started tucking the towel under Jerron’s naked waist, drawing Leon’s attention.

  “What the hell are you doing? Don’t you see me eating?” He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

  “It’s called a sponge bath, which I was giving him before you walked yo rude ass in here interrupting it. But as you can see I’m covering him up. I don’t know why you brought yo ass to the bed to eat anyway. In fact, get up and move over to the couch. I don’t wanna be smelling ass when I go to bed, now move.” I snapped my fingers toward the couch, Leon rolled his eyes while making an irritable noise in the back of his throat. “All that’s not even necessary just get your butt up. What would make you come and sit at the top of the bed to eat anyway?”

  “Do you stay here? Is this yo room?” Leon questioned.

  “It don’t have to be but I sleep there and I don’t wanna smell yo stankin’ ass on my pillow.” Even though I didn’t sleep in the bed, he didn’t need to know that. I just didn’t want anybody on the bed with Jerron.

  “You a mean ass wanch. You ain’t his bitch—”

  “I don’t have to be. Now, don’t make me stab yo black ass. And your mother’s a wanch.” I snapped at him playfully. Just like Jerron, Leon was a friend, more of King’s then mine. Even so it didn’t change the brotherly/sisterly love we had for one another.

  “That’s exactly why yo ass is never invited to Christmas dinner. You yellow bitch—”

  The choking sound cut Leon off as Jerron pulled at the tube in his throat, while his eyes frantically jumped around the room.

  “Ron! Jerron!” Leon and I said at the same time.

  Khyree!” I yelled out loudly, trying to push Jerron down but he was literally trying to throw me off of him. The look in his eyes was crazed. It was like he was seeing me but then again he wasn’t. “Jerron, baby, you have to calm down.” I tried soothing him.

  Leon’s dumb ass just seemed to have frozen in place. Finally managing to push him down, I held him by his shoulder, making him moan in pain. Realizing I was pressing on his wound, I quickly let him go. Jerron’s breathing was rigid. His chest was rising and falling hard as his eyes steadily roamed around wildly.

  “Jerron?” He finally focused on me. His eyes searched my face before he started to calm down a bit. During his frantic moving, he pulled the tube from out of his throat as well as the IV from his arm.

  I grabbed the tube from him and pushed it the floor. “Leon, go fill that cup with water, hurry.” Doing as he was told, he ran into the bathroom. “Jerron?” I repeated before throwing my arms around him. “Oh, my God. You’re okay. You scared the hell out of me.” He was probably in pain but I didn’t care. He was awake and was looking at me, which is all that mattered. “You had me so scared.” I mumbled with my lips pressed against his.

  “Here,” Leon interrupted with the cup of water.

  “Help me sit him up straight.” I motioned for Leon to come over to my side.

  “This gon’ hurt,” Leon told his brother.

  Jerron grunted out as we sat him up. Once he was up, I sat pillows against the headboard, behind him. After getting him in a sitting position, I grabbed the cup then brought the straw to his lips.

  Happily staring at him awake, I couldn’t help myself, so I kissed him again. “I’m sorry. I just want to jump on you but I don’t wanna hurt you. God. You. Had. Me. So. Scared. Don’t ever go to the door again after dark.” With every word that left my mouth after saying God, I kissed him. I couldn’t help it, he was awoke and those hazel eyes were staring at me again.

  “You have no idea how scared I was.” When he didn’t reply, my brows furrowed. He wasn’t saying anything. He was just looking at me as if he was trying to figure something out.

  Did he not know who I was? “Do you know who I am?” He said nothing in reply, just continued to stare. “Jerron say something—”

  “Peaches, damn let him breath. Shit! The nigga can’t get a word out.”

  “Leon, don’t start with me. You can take yo ass home. Now shut the fuck up talking to me. Go tell Khyree he’s awake or something.”

  Jerron let out a small laugh before clearing his throat. “Leon’s just jealous Angel won’t slob on him like this.” Jerron replied, hoarsely

  I let out a relieved breath hearing him talk. “Jerron, don’t play with me like that, God.” I paid no attention to his words, just the fact he was saying something had me excited.

  “Your concerned face is sexy.” Only him. “Ah fuck.” He groaned out as he lifted up more.

  “Be careful. You were shot, Ron. You can’t be doing all that moving.”

  He looked down at his chest. “That mothafucka shot me twice?”

  Shaking my head no, I held up three fingers. “No. Three times. Once in your right thigh. See? You just helpless. This don’t make no damn sense. Really, Jerron?” I was just about to pull the cover back to show him his thigh only to find the covers already tented.

  “I’m a man, it can’t be helped.” He replied, making me laugh. Leaning forward, I kissed him again.

  “I’ll take care of you later.” I whispered against his lips making him smile. My hands grasped the side of his face and I brought his mouth back to mines. “You don’t know how scared I’ve been this past week.”

  Jerron wiped my eyes and kissed me again.

  “I’m alright, it gon’ take more than three bullets to get rid of me. It’s been a week?” he asked, pulling back.

  “Yeah. Why?” He didn’t answer. He just kind of looked around a bit avoiding eye contact with me, which was strange to say the least. He just woke up from being shot and he’s kind of put off by being asleep for a week? “Ron, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, I’m good but I have to go.” This man was crazy.

  “Jerron you were just shot. You can’t leave. You can’t even walk.” He paid me no mind as he pulled the sheet from his waist and slowly turned to the side of bed. He was really trying to get up. “Where are you tryna go?” He didn’t answer me.

  “Fuck,” he cursed while getting up. “Have you seen my phone?” He asked before noticing it on the nightstand. He balanced himself on one leg so he could stand. If he was in pain like I knew he should be, Jerron was hiding it well. His eyes glanced around again before landing on the nightstand where his phone sat. “Peaches, don’t stand there looking at me like that.” Grabbing his phone, he turned it on.

  “Ron, what’s going on? Baby, you were just shot. You can’t be moving around like this. I’m sure whatever it is can wait.” Jerron wasn’t paying me any attention as he pressed buttons on his phone. “Jerron—”

  “Peaches, just shut up for a second. I’m tryna think.” He snapped at me.

  My mouth clamped shut and I just sat there watching him.

  “Did you see who shot me?” He inquired instead of replying to the questions I asked him. Grabbing the IV stand, he limped to the dresser. Getting a shirt from the first drawer, he tried to put it on grunting. When he couldn’t put it on, he looked at me. “Can you help me? And did you see who shot me?”

  He had lost his mind. Maybe he was high from the meds Khyree had given him. I didn’t answer him. I simply walked over to him and one by one placed his arms through the sleeves and then slowly pulled it up and over his head.

  “Shit!” Jerron cussed hard as he grinded his teeth. Once the pain eased, he then opened the second drawer taking out a pair of basketball shorts. Watching his frail attempts at putting his short on, I snatched them from him before squatting down and helping him into them. With a thanks being said, he went back to the drawer taking his boxers out. He then removed the bottom of that drawer sitting the wooden part on the floor.

  What the hell was he doing? He was most definitely high.

  “Ron, what are you doing?” He didn’t respond at first and when he did, it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

  “Did you see who shot me?” he asked again.

  “Yeah, this guy I use to mess with about a year ago. His name was Cornell.” He stopped what he was doing to look at me.

  “Cornell? Cornell?” Jerron replied, sitting parts to a gun on the dresser. “That name sound familiar. What’s his last name?” he asked.

  “Um—I don’t know. What is all this?” He didn’t answer. Not being able to take him ignoring me, I finally yelled at him. “Dammit, Ron, can you please fuckin’ talk to me?”

  “I can’t tell you, not yet. I just need you to trust me.” Something was wrong and for some reason he wasn’t telling me.

  “Jerron—” The room door opened and Jerron had his gun pointed toward it.

  “Fuckin’ bitch!” He grunted out from the fast movement of his arm, causing him pain.

  “Whoa, homie, I saved yo life—”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Jerron asked Khalil who stopped at the door with his hands up, holding a bottle of pills.

  “Jerron, put the damn gun down. You told me not to call the police so I called King. They’re with him.” Rubbing his shoulder, Jerron cussed.

  “Shit, I’mma kill that mothafucka.” He snapped before nodding at Khalil. “What’s in the bottles?” Jerron asked.

  “Tylenol 3’s and Xanax. You want it?” Khalil asked him.

  I wanted to laugh at Khalil’s guarded posture but I didn’t, now wasn’t the time.

  “What’s Cornell’s last name?” Ron asked me again while waving Khalil over. “Close the door.” Khalil did as he was told.

  “I don’t know his last name, why though? It doesn’t even matter. I shot him. He’s dead, Ron.” Sighing, I walked up to Jerron seeing blood seep through his shirt. “You bust open your stitches.” I told him taking his gun and sitting it down. “Ron, tell me what’s going on?”

  “Aye—” Before Jerron could tell Khalil to get out, King, Khyree, Leon and Blaze walked in and just as he’d done with Khalil, Ron grabbed his gun, pointing it toward the door while somehow managing to push me slightly behind him.

  Unlike Khalil, Blaze and them pulled their guns as well.

  I heard three of them cock back.

  Chapter 4


  I’m in a house with trigger happy fools.

  “J, what the fuck, nigga? I could’ve shot yo ass. You know if I see a gun I shoot.” Leon snapped, putting his gun away before looking at the other three who still had their guns pointing in Jerron’s direction. “Shid,” Leon mumbled, drawing his gun back out and pointing it at Blaze.

  “Oh, my God, would y’all put the guns down before one of you dummies make a mistake? Damn!” I snapped but no one moved. “King, put your gun down.”

  “Shid, if I do. Why the fuck he got his out?” King asked, waving toward Jerron.

  “He just got shot for Christ sake, he don’t know who’s all in the house and everybody keep walking into his bedroom without knocking. Wouldn’t you pull a gun too? Now, can y’all please put y’all’s guns down?” King and Khyree nodded and did as I asked. Blaze, on the other hand, was another story. “Blaze—”

  “So, you a hitta?” Blaze asked, cutting me off.

  “I don’t know what that is.” Jerron replied, mugging Blaze as his right cheek twitched slightly.

  Oh, my God.

  “You know what it is, offing niggas fah the dolla. What really brought yo ass back here? Peaches might be the reason you staying but it ain’t why you here. I’m gon’ ask you again. Is you a hitta?” Blaze turned on his beamer, causing a red dot to appear on Ron’s forehead.

  “If I am, then what? You gon’ pop?” Jerron stated, causing Blaze to glance at me.

  “Ron, what the fuck is he talkin’ about, yo?” Leon asked as King looked at Blaze then pulled his gun again, pointing it at Jerron.

  “Jerron?” He glanced at me, letting out a heavy sigh. He sat his gun on the dresser.

  “I didn’t want you to find out like this—” Jerron started saying regrettably but I didn’t want to hear it after seeing the look in his eyes.

  “Oh, my God, there’s no normal men in this state? Like, what the fuck? You kill people for a living? So, what was yo plan, Jerron, make me reminisce about the old days? Have me fall in love with you all over again then five, six years from now, you were going to tell me you kill people for a living? Wh
at the fuck is wrong with you niggas that live in this fuckin’ state? You niggas act like living legit and having a good job is a bad thing. Like, going to school is a bad—”

  “I went to college.” Jerron started saying and I punched him hard in the arm. “Fuck Peaches! Damn.”

  “So did both of those dumb mothafuckas, but what’s the point? So your dumbass can have a fuckin’ cover? All six of you mothafuckas is dumb as fuck. I’m starting to hate all men because of you six bastards.”

  “We ain’t fuckin’ you so we ain’t got shit to do with this.” Khalil said, pointing between him and his brother.

  “I wouldn’t mind, tho.” Khyree stated, nudging Khalil making him laugh.

  “I don’t know. She’s too manly for my taste. She’ll turn around and fuck me, like I’m the bitch.” Khalil replied and Khyree shrugged humming.

  “That’s cool with me.” Khyree finished, talking like I wasn’t even there or like what they were saying was relevant to what was going on.

  “She likes to ride, too.” Blaze joined their supposedly private conversation. “Be having a nigga’s toes curling—”

  Jerron hummed as his head nodded. “I knew that.”

  “Real shit,” was Blaze’s response.

  “Are you fuckin’ serious right now? I will shoot the four of you, I swear to God I will. If I’m not fuckin’ with you get out, please. King, get out.” I said, pointing to the door but King shook his head no, leaning back on the couch.

  “Hell n’all. This like the stories. I’m watchin’ this shit. Ron, yo ass a hitta, though? Man, if I knew that shit, yo ass could’ve been makin’ hella guap this way, yo. I can still put you on. This dumb mothafucka right here…” he pointed to Blaze, “…can’t seem to stay outda trouble. Shid, we can use a hitta, ain’t too many out here. We stuck doing our own dirt. We ain’t got a problem with doing it, but shid, we need to lay low for a minute, though. You know what I’m sayin’. We can use yo ass, is you good?” asked King.

  “Shid, I heard he was. We got folks out in St. Louis that sent word to me about a hitta coming our way. So, I did a search for recently bought or rented properties. Found this place and his ass. Who would wanna live in a secluded wooded place like this? This place scares me.” Khalil’s retarded ass stated, which had the men in the room laughing. “N’all tho, real shit I don’t fuck with hittas, especially those don’t ask questions type of mothafuckas. Fuck that,” Khalil finished, looking stressed as he took the blunt from his ear and lit it. “Where the fuck you were going anyways?” Inhaling, Khalil held the smoke in his mouth before hitting his blunt again.


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