A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart

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A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart Page 3

by J Peach

  “Khalil and Khyree, right?” Ron questioned but seemed to already know who they were. “The twins? I heard about y’all.”

  Khalil pointed his blunt at Jerron as he talked to his brother. “I told yo ass we were on his list. Gon’ shoot his ass, Ree.” Khalil’s ass was just fuckin’ stupid for no reason.

  “Khalil, shut the fuck up. Just like you hearin’ ‘bout him, he heard of us. Everybody gon’ hear about everybody underground, so chill the fuck out. Damn!” Khyree snapped at his twin before looking at Jerron. “We ain’t on yo list, though, right.” King and Blaze laughed as Leon and I stood there, probably still trying to process what we just learned.

  “N’all y’all ain’t but I do my research before moving anywhere. I learned who the town runners are. You two came up just like they did.” Jerron explained, which was kind of crazy but he was standing there answering most of their questions except for the most important one, the one I wanted to know.

  “So, what really brought you back here, Jerron?” I asked him. “Was anything real?”

  “Peaches, you shouldn’t even have to question that. I never bring my work into a relationship. That’s two different things that I like to keep separated. Everything that happened between us was real. I been in love with you since we met. I’m still the same nigga. I ain’t never gon’ change how I am with you. But realizing I ain’t prefect shouldn’t change shit, though.” Jerron explained, sincerely.

  My eyes moved from his eyes to his forehead looking for that crease that usually formed when he thought he said the right thing. It wasn’t there nor did his cheek twitch, another telltale sign of a lie.

  He was telling the truth.

  “Were you ever going to tell me?” I asked. Jerron shook his head no.

  “No, that’s something I never wanted you to find out because I didn’t want you to look at me differently. I didn’t want anybody to find out.” He said, looking at his brother who still hadn’t said anything. “How did you?” Tearing his eyes from Leon, he looked at Blaze who still had his gun pointed at Ron.

  “Would you put your fuckin’ gun down? Nobody is getting shot unless I shoot them.” I snapped at him.

  Blaze didn’t listen, though. His beamer was still on Ron’s forehead.

  “We overheard the twins talking the other day, I brushed it off thinking they’d mistaken you for someone else, guess I was wrong.” Staring at Blaze my brows furrowed, he was lying. This shit was too much, once again. How is it I’m attracting these psycho ass niggas? “Told you yo ass ain’t know him,” Blaze said, glaring at him.

  “Shut the fuck up. I ain’t know yo ass either.”

  “Bullshit, yo ass knew what the fuck I did, so kill that shit. Now just like you told me the other day, tell his ass and see what’s up.” Blaze snapped, referring to the ultimatum I gave him the other day. “Gon’,” he said, waving his gun making me roll my eyes.

  “Blaze, I wasn’t serious, you stupid ass. I just wanted to see if you would do anything for me like you claimed.”

  “I’m not tryna hear that bullshit. Now, ask that mothafucka.” Again he waved his gun, “Gon’ ‘head.”

  Blaze ass was so gotdamn childish it made no sense. I looked away from him and turned to Jerron. “If we going to be together, you have to quit what you’re doing, Ron.” I wasn’t serious but like with Blaze, I wanted to see how much I really meant to him. Was I more important than a hit or was I second to him if it came to his job.

  “After this last hit, I was gon’ chill back for a while. You know get the business going, like I’ve always planned on doing,” He said. Not seeing a sign of a lie, I looked at Blaze.

  “Shut the fuck up. That nigga lying.” Blaze exclaimed, disbelief was written all over his face.

  “No, he’s not. He always had this bitchiness to him when he’s telling the truth. Plus, he wouldn’t lie to Peaches. He just got her back. he wouldn’t fuck that up. My brother been in love with her since she they were young and now that he semi got her, you think he gon’ fuck up? Ron does stupid shit but he wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to her.” Leon defended his brother but he didn’t need to because I already knew.

  I knew Ron. He wasn’t a selfish person when it came to the people he cared about. Lying was pointless to him. And even though that wasn’t what I was expecting to hear at all and I didn’t need that in my life, I couldn’t walk away from him, especially not after almost losing him. The back and forth seemed little compared to not having him alive.

  Everyone had their secrets, some more terrible than others but their secrets sometimes didn’t define them. Some people needed that balance, an anchor of some sort to keep them from losing themselves completely to the forbidden lives they lived.

  I turned my head and stared at Blaze. Maybe I'm his anchor, I thought. Unlike Jerron, he hadn't had a proper upbringing. The street life was all he knew. It was going to take more than eleven months for a drastic change to happen, which I failed to realize but the stupid shit with that Krystal bitch wasn’t worth it.

  “Where were you going, Ron?” I asked, pointing to the clothes and guns he’d taken from the dresser.

  “Back to St. Louis.”

  A laugh left my mouth as I shook my head not believing what he was saying.

  “St. Louis? You were just gon’ leave without saying anything? Jerron you were just shot.” I started fussing.

  “That’s why I was goin’ back. I thought dude that hired me for this job found out I didn’t do it and tried to kill me. I was going back to get his contact information,” he explained, looking at me. “I was coming right back.”

  “You say that like St. Louis is around the corner. That’s a five hour drive. It would probably be longer with you being shot. What the hell? Do you not think at all? And if it was this person trying to kill you, do you seriously think going by yourself is smart? You were fuckin’ shot three times, Jerron. Ain’t shit smart about running off by yourself without telling somebody where you’re going! God I wanna punch you. Ugh!” I did hit him. I couldn’t help myself, he was so stupid.

  “Damn, Peaches, that shit hurt. I did just get shot.”

  Before I could punch him again, Leon grabbed me and pinned my arms to my sides. “Oh, now you’re thinking about being shot? Leon let me go, so I can kick his ass. Do you hear him?”

  Leon shook his head no. “Beating him up ain’t gon’ make him smarter, Peaches, probably just dumber.” He then looked at his brother. “Ron, a hitta? That’s what you wanted to be? The whole reason for leaving this fuckin’ state was to become that? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Leon finally spoke on the whole situation. “Man, I thought yo ass was smarter than this shit, dude.”

  Nodding my head, I hummed in agreeance.

  “Leon, I’m smart. I been doing this shit for years and the only way those two found out about me was from one other person that knows. And the only reason he knew was because we did a job together. Other than that dude know, I’m clean. Nobody else knows. Shit, besides you mothafuckas now. But every person in here got dirt, except for Peaches and Leon, of course. And I know nann one of y’all snitching, so what’s said stays in this room.” Jerron stated, making me roll my eyes. “Peaches, can we talk about this later, please?” he asked.

  I wasn’t going to stop being cool with him because of that. As I said, almost losing him topped anything he’d done. But he didn’t need to know that now.

  “Whatever, Jerron. Leon, I’m cool you can let me go.” He let go of me and we both seemed to be thinking the same thing as we leaned against the bed, sighing. Looking at each other, we laughed. “You seem to be the only normal one in this room. Why couldn’t you like me?” I asked.

  He laughed, putting his arm around me. “Because King would’ve killed me and I would’ve felt like a perv. You like the sister I never wanted.”

  Rolling my eyes at him, I pushed him away from me. “You are such a bitch.” I mumbled as Blaze made a noise, drawing my attention back to him. �
�Would you put the damn gun down? It’s obvious you’re not going to shoot him, otherwise you would’ve done it by now. So, put it up. You’re not scaring him, dumbass.”

  “Shut up! You talk too damn much,” Blaze said, finally putting his gun down then leaning against the wall. “So, who was you supposed to hit but didn’t?” Blaze asked, sounding accusatory.

  Ron nodded in his direction.

  “You.” Once his answer left his mouth, it felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on me.

  “Blaze?” I asked, staring at Jerron. “You were supposed to kill Blaze?”

  Ron hummed, nodding slowly. “Yep, five hundred thousand, dude said. It was good enough for me, though. I told him to give me two months and I’ll have it done. I had to come here to see who Blaze was, what his daily schedule was like. I was all for it until I saw who he was with. Shid, but even then it didn’t matter. But I fuck’d up when I got back up with you. Two weeks ago, the job was supposed to be done, but I let your feelings get in the way, just like always.”

  Jerron looked over at Blaze. “She’s the only reason you breathing, I’m sho it’s vice versa. But like I told yo dude, you two mothafuckas ain’t gon’ keep playin’ with her like she’s some fuckin toy. You niggas’ lives don’t mean shit to me. Nigga, you either gon’ respect her or move the fuck on. You and nobody else gon’ do her like that. Not while I’m back. If nann one of you like that and you niggas wanna pop, it’s whatever.” He snapped as he tried to step to Blaze. I had to grab the IV stand and his limping ass back. Blaze didn’t seem fazed, though.

  “Jerron you’ve been shot. Stop tryna start a fight, please.” I whispered not wanting to get between those two freaking bulls.

  “He speaking truth, though. I can respect that. Peaches know what’s up. Yous a good one, though. Yo, five hundred thou,” Blaze let out a whistle. “Nigga, I would’ve hit yo ass. Peaches would’ve forgave me in time, shid.” Blaze said, taking the blunt from King.

  “That’s what the fuck I’m thinking. Who this nigga is? I’ll pop B ass right now.” King joked as Ron shrugged.

  You won’t get it, but it’s a loyalty thing with me when it comes to her. But I don’t know who he is or if it’s a dude. I got yo info in the mail with a number and we only text. At the same time, I had a friend of mine run the papers and money that was sent to me for prints just in case some stupid shit happened. He got a hit aside from the mail folks. It was a set, the same prints that were on the envelope were on the papers and money.” Ron stated, causing everyone to look at him, waiting on him to finish. “What? I just told y’all what I know.” Ron replied, staring back at them like they were stupid.

  “Nigga, who the fuckin’ prints belong to?” Blaze snapped at Jerron who shrugged.

  “How the fuck I’m supposed to know? Didn’t you hear me say the information is back in St. Louis, you stupid mothafucka? It didn’t matter at the time. Now, if you want it, then drive yo ass five hours to go get the shit. Whoever want yo ass dead ain’t my problem. Shid, I gave yo ass a heads up. That’s as far as my business goes.”

  I rolled my eyes towards the ceiling. Lord, help me with this man. Why does he insist on talking mess to that psychopath?

  On cue, Blaze spat, “Nigga, who the fuck you think you talking to? Don’t get this shit twisted, yo. I’ll drop yo fuck ass—”

  “Whoa! Blaze, he’s high on whatever Khalil gave him. He doesn’t know what he’s saying,” I tried lying but Jerron didn’t know when to shut up.

  “I ain’t took shit. Peaches, move! Nigga, what’s up? These little shots ain’t shit,” Ron said, pushing me out of the way.

  Chapter 5


  “Jerron, would you stop? Damn! He not even tryna fight yo ass. Sit the fuck down. You know what…” I pushed into the wound on his shoulder. Jerron groaned as he reeled back and then I pressed into the wound on his leg.

  “Ah fuck!”

  “Exactly! That’s all he has to do and you’re howling. So, can you please stop? Shit, now you’re bleeding!” I said while walking him back against the dresser then lifting his shirt. “Your stitches. Can you please get back in bed?” Not waiting on his reply, I already had his arm over my shoulder leading him back to the bed. Once he was in, I went to grab the bottle of Tylenol 3. Taking out two, I handed it to him. “Khyree, can you stitch him back up?” He nodded yes.

  “You’re sexy when you stress.” Ron complimented, making me roll my eyes.

  “And you’re an asshole.” After giving him water, I moved away from him so Khyree could stitch him up. Rubbing my forehead, I let out yet another sigh.

  “You look like you can use a shot.” King said, patting the spot next to him. It took everything in me not to turn into that little girl who used to tuck herself against her big brother’s side and let him deal with everything.

  “I’m alright,” I gave him a half smile before letting out a sigh. I looked from King to Blaze. I stared at him for a second, trying to process what we’d learned. I couldn’t believe someone wanted him dead. “So, who wanna take a trip to St. Louis?” I asked.

  Blaze was the first that spoke. “I can’t. I got shit to do.”

  Is he serious? Someone wanted him dead but he has something more important to deal with? What could be more important than his life?

  “Blaze, somebody put a hit out on you. Shouldn’t you be worried about that?” My tone held many emotions, there wasn’t no hiding it. I was worried and he should have been as well.

  “N’all, I got other important shit to worry about then some fuck ass nigga hiring some weak ass hit man.” He looked right at Jerron as he said that.

  They both was so fuckin’ immature. I just wanted to choke the hell out of both of them.

  “Blaze, stop okay.” Sitting at the bottom of the bed, my head went into my hands as I started thinking about what to do. “Leon, would you mind staying here with Ron today and tomorrow?” I asked while continuing to rub my temple, not looking up.

  “Yeah, I ain’t got shit else to do,” Leon replied.

  “I’ll go. If I leave within the hour, I’ll make it there around six/seven o’clock and be back by tomorrow,” I volunteered.

  “N’all, don’t you have that rehearsal for your graduation tomorrow?” King said.

  Remembering that, I groaned trying to think of another way.

  “It starts at ten. I’ll be back before then. I can leave there at four and be back before or a little after nine. I mean somebody has to go, King. And besides looking after Jerron right now, I don’t have anything else to do.”

  “Peaches, do what you want but yo ass better be here before seven o’clock tomorrow morning.” King’s ass was so unbelievable at times, I could suffocate him. Even though he was being understanding, I still could choke his ass. “B, what you gotda do that you can’t ride out there?” King asked.

  “Shit to do. That’s what! Peaches can’t go either because I need her here. Man, I ain’t worried about this clown. I got other shit more important than some weak ass nigga, boss. Fuck it!” Blaze shrugged nonchalantly and I wanted to slap his ass.

  He needed to be taking this seriously, which he clearly was not.

  “B, this nigga done sent somebody to pop yo ass. What the fuck you mean you ain’t worried? Yous a dumb nigga, boss,” King snapped, shaking his head before looking at his phone. “I can’t get out there today but I can ride out tomorrow. To be honest this ain’t making sense, though. If you never met the mothafucka, how you got paid?” That was a good question, one that brought our attention back to Ron.

  “With the information, I get half up front. Once the job is finished, I get the rest. I text them the drop point and they drop it off, simple as that. Why do you think I thought it was them that shot me? If I gave you money and you didn’t hear shit else from me two weeks past the deadline, wouldn’t you come looking for me? But if it wasn’t them, then that makes me think why haven’t they came looking? I was just gon’ find and kill whoever, probl
em solved on both our parts. I ain’t in no rush now, though.” Ron stated, causing a glare to form on my face. Jerron glanced at me but quickly looked away, rolling his eyes. “Leon, look in that top drawer and get that file out and give it to them.” Jerron looked irritated but didn’t address his frustrations. “Maybe that’ll help you, might even save you a drive.”

  “What’s this?” King asked, taking the folder from Leon.

  “That’s the information they sent on him. From what I got from watching him, there’s only a few people he be around and talk to. So, whoever sent this, knows you pretty well.” Jerron informed Blaze.

  “Damn, B, this nigga serious. They got momma’s address on here, the Lot, garage, the clubs and yo spots. If they know all this shit, why not hit yo ass themselves? Why hire somebody?” King thought out loud.

  Blaze quickly snatched the folder from King looking at it. “Only a few niggas I fuck with know where my moms stay and that’s Peaches, you, Sam and that Brandy bitch. Same with my spots and I move every few months but only you and Sam know where they at. Peaches nor Brandy didn’t know where this spot was at. You and Sam the only two who knew about these two.” Blaze said, giving King a look that he quickly took offense to.

  King stepped to Blaze, getting in his face. “Nigga, if I was at yo ass, you’ll know. What the fuck, nigga? I ain’t never been scared to buck up with yo ass and never will be. B, I’ve known yo ass too long to do some snake shit like that. If I wanted yo ass dead, I’d do it my damn self, boss. It’s only fair, yo. Nigga, what the fuck would I gain from yo death besides a grieving sister? Mothafucka think before yous start pointing the finger at somebody.” King’s finger poked at Blaze temple with his ending words.


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