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A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart

Page 14

by J Peach

  “I’m wrapped better than yo ass.” My lips pursed and my neck rolled as I gazed up at him.

  “Mmm.” He hummed as his eyes locked with mine.

  I already knew where that stare would get us if we continued looking at each other.

  My lips loosened before my teeth sunk into my lower lip. I looked away from him, my legs crossed at the knee as I then turned fully away from him.

  “Yeah, you can be talked into it,” Blaze stated lowly with a small laugh.

  Rolling my eyes, I choose not to respond because it wasn’t true. I wanted to tell him that but the stupid smile my lips curved into prevented me from speaking. Instead, I elbowed him lightly before folding my arms underneath my chest.

  Blaze’s arms came around my waist coming to my stomach under my folded arms. He then pulled me back against him. Lowering his head, his lips found their way to my bare shoulder. Ever so lightly he placed opened mouth kisses along my shoulder and up to my neck.

  Reflexively, my head tilted back as my eyes closed. My breathing turned into light pants as my chest began to rise and fall a bit faster.

  The side of Blaze’s head rubbed against mine before his forehead pressed into my face as he lips continued to wreak havoc on my skin. He then took ahold of my chin, turning my face toward his.

  My eyes stayed closed though my lips parted automatically. My mind was already anticipating his kiss.

  He pulled my top lip into his mouth sucking on it before going to my bottom. His lips then pressed against mines.

  After my lips pushed into his giving him a simple peck, Blaze pulled back. He kissed my forehead then pulled me into his side, holding me tightly next to him.

  Imagine my surprise when his advances stopped and he head rested on top of mine, I wasn’t expecting that at all.

  The car fell silent after, not another word was said as we continued the drive to whatever place he was taking me.

  I wasn’t complaining, though. Silence was what I needed at that moment. I had to try and figure out what the hell was going on with that man.

  He damn sure wasn’t my Blaze.


  “So, was I you’re first?” Blaze laughed at my question.

  “Yeah, you was the first person I fuck’d when I got out. So, yeah you were.” He rubbed his chin before licking his lips.

  He was lying.

  I pointed my fork at him thinking of something smart to say but I ended up laughing at him trying to keep a straight face.

  “I’m dead ass serious, you were.” He laughed.

  Grabbing a napkin, I covered my mouth so the crab meat in my mouth wouldn’t show. Once I finished chewing and swallowing, I wiped my mouth then playfully glared at him.

  “You’re an asshole, but you knew that already. You know what I’m talkin’ about and being without sex for two years doesn’t count.”

  Blaze quickly put a piece a steak in his mouth before cutting off another piece, stabbing it with his fork he held it out toward me.

  “This steak good as hell. You should taste it.” My glare deepened, noting him trying to avoid the subject. “Man, taste the damn steak.”

  My lips pursed once more. My glare never wavered as I leaned forward to eat it. Once my mouth opened to take the fork into my mouth, Blaze pulled it away.

  “Shid, yo ass ain’t gotda eat it.” He quickly placed the fork into his mouth, chewing the piece he held out for me.

  My lips parted as I stared at him in disbelief. “You are so wrong for that. I swear my mouth had just started to water for that piece.”

  Blaze laughed nodding his head. “Hell yeah! Yo damn eyes was almost closed. I already knew a moan was coming after that so I couldn’t even let you have it.” He dipped the steak into the sauce before eating it.

  “You is such a dick sometimes. Give me a piece. Now that you offered, I want some.” I exclaimed with a slight laugh as the idea of me just stealing a piece ran through my mind. “I’ll give you a crab leg.”

  Laughing, he cut off another piece, dipped it in the sauce. “Here,” he held it out.

  Hesitantly, I leaned forward once more. My lips wrapped around the fork, pulling the small piece from it. As he predicted, a moan left my mouth as the bitter but sweet sauce attacked my taste buds.

  “That shit right, ain’t it?”

  My head nodded. “Yeah, let me get some more.”

  “Hell n’all, you better keep cracking those legs over there and dipping that shit in butter. ‘Cause you ain’t getting no more of this.” He pointed at his plate.

  Laughing at Blaze, I thrust my fork toward him basically telling him what I was going to do.

  Before I could threaten him, our waiter came back. I ordered myself another virgin strawberry daiquiri whereas Blaze ordered another beer. He wasn’t really drinking, which was yet another surprise because he always had a bottle of Hennessy but I didn’t question him about it.

  Blaze had found this amazing restaurant on the beach called The Sea Breeze. The whole place was just beautiful. It was practically all glass giving the prefect view of the water. Right now the sun was setting and the pink, purple and orange skies made the water look most beautiful.

  He surprised me by bringing me here. I never expected him to even know of such a beautiful place like this.

  Maybe I could talk Blaze into going for a swim.

  That thought had me laughing lightly.

  We continued talking throughout dinner. He worked in his sexual innuendos every now and then, making me laugh at his mannishness. He simply couldn’t help himself. Even though the idea of sneaking off to the bathroom was hella tempting, I declined his offer to sex me down more than three times at least.

  Once dinner was over, Blaze paid the bill then led us to the beach. Coming to the end of the walkway, I took off my heels.

  “You gon’ let me get on your back?”

  He looked at me before laughing. “Hell n’all, ain’t shit wrong with yo legs.”

  Already expecting him to say that. I pushed him away from me. “You’re not going to take off your shoes and socks?” The look Blaze gave made me laugh. “Don’t look at me like that. It was just a question. Nigga, don’t say shit smart, okay?”

  Blaze’s laughter let me know he was about to say something. “Fuck you. Bring yo ass on before I push yo short ass in the sand.”

  My facial expression said nigga I wish you would.

  Catching it, he raised a brow. “Oh, you think I’m bullshitting?”

  A scream/laugh left my mouth as he yanked me to him, picking me up.

  “I was just playing, Blaze, put me down people are watching,” I said still laughing.

  “I don’t give a fuck about nobody watching. Now you wanna go face first or…” His hands slipped but he quickly caught me.

  “I swear to God if you drop me, so help me—”

  “You really gon’ threaten me?”

  Laughing, I nodded. “Yep, Blaze! Stop, I was just playing. Folks gon’ see my ass. Stop.” Looking down at my booty, Blaze hummed. “You are such a damn perv. Put me down.” As soon as he placed me on my feet, Blaze took off running once he saw me dig in my purse.

  I grabbed a hair tie and pulled my hair into a messy bun and was about to chase after him until his big ass slid and fell.

  My hand flew to my mouth not believing that big over grown fool just slid like he did. Seeing his face buried in the sand had me laughing.

  I walked over to him. “I told yo smart ass to take off yo damn shoes and socks.”

  “Fuck—” I pushed his head back into the sand cutting off his words before I took off running. “Peaches, I’m ‘bout to fuck you up!” He yelled from behind me.

  “You not gon’ do nothing but keep eating sand.” I risked the chance to glance behind me to see where he was. “Oh shit!” I cussed loudly realizing he was on my ass. Already knowing I was caught, I stopped running. “B, you know I was playing, right?”

  “N’all fuck that. You gon’ push my face i
n that dirty ass sand?” He snapped, moving closer to me as I backed away.

  “But I said I was sorry. I’ll kiss your sand face.” Trying to distract him, I brought up my question from earlier. “Who was yo first?”

  Blaze stopped walking. “What?”

  Rolling my eyes, I stopped like he did. I placed my hands on my hips. “Who was the first person you had sexual intercourse with?” I repeated.

  “Don’t try to change the subject.”

  Laughing, I shook my head at him. “Fine, hit me and get it over with then answer my question.” Blaze jumped at me and I flinched backwards while swinging my heels at him.

  “Damn! Fo’real, yo? You gon’ swing yo spikes at me?” he asked, looking at my purple heels with the silver spikes that covered the front of the shoes. “Come on before you make me drown yo ass in that ocean.” Bringing me to his side, Blaze’s arm rested on my shoulder as mine went to his waist as we began strolling.

  After a few minutes of silently walking, I stood in front of him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and entwined my fingers together, securing my hold around him.

  He continued to walk forward with me walking backwards acting as if he didn’t feel me looking at him.

  Glancing down, he laughed. “What?”

  “So, you’re not going to tell me who your first was? You know who was mine.”

  He laughed at my ending argument. “Why you wanna know? Ain’t that shit supposed to be private or something?” I smacked my lips then bit at his chest. “Gon’ somewhere. Damn.” He laughed again.

  “Fine, how old were you when you lost your virginity?” Why I wanted to know? I just did. I’d always been curious about when he lost his virginity. I could picture him at twelve trying to have sex with someone, with his horny ass.

  “Fourteen,” he stated plainly with a shrug.

  “With who?” When he didn’t respond, my eyes rolled in my head. “You being childish now, yellow ass. I’m mad.” My lips formed into a pout and I glanced at him through my lashes. Thinking about Blake, I started laughing because that was where I got it from. It had been a couple of days and I was already picking up on his habits.

  “You too old for that. You gon’ make me take you to the toy store and buy yo ass something too?”

  Laughing, I nodded my head. “Why you tryna keep it a secret? You know just about everything about me. So, we’re keeping secrets now? Okay you remember this.” Leaving it at that, I turned away from him. I expected him to grab me from behind and pull me into his chest.

  But he didn’t.

  I glanced back at him only to see his eyes on my ass.

  “Blaze, I swear I don’t like you. Stop looking at my ass. I feel so violated every time we’re together.” Pulling at the back of my dress, trying to stretch it longer but that did nothing as it rose back up. Maybe the dress was a bit too short.

  He soon took ahold of my waist and pulled me against his chest. His action caused me to bite into my lower lip, to hide the smile that was forming.

  “Why the hell you smiling for?” he asked. Instinctively, I shrugged.

  “I’m not,” I lied.

  He came to a stop. His arms tightened around my waist before he let out a deep breath. “It was with Roz.”

  The smile my lips were stretched into quickly faded.

  Chapter 17


  “Roz? Rozlyn?”

  Blaze hummed his response.

  “Not the woman who brought Blake to us?” I asked.


  That had me turning around to face him. “No. You’re lying?”

  Blaze’s head shook. “What the fuck? You’re serious?” That was dumb of me to ask. I could tell he was telling the truth from the look on his face.

  I got pissed off. “That triflin’ bitch!”

  “Fuck you mad fah? Shid, I enjoyed myself that night then the day after I fuck’d her daughter.” He stated prideful, leaving me stunned.

  “She was like forty.”

  “Nah, she was like thirty.” Blaze corrected me as if that made it any better.

  I didn’t like that nasty bitch now. She seemed so cool. I wouldn’t have taken her to be a pedophile. What the fuck was wrong with her old ass.

  “She’s a fuckin’ cradle robber. A fuckin’ molester. What the fuck?”

  Blaze started laughing.

  Wasn’t nothing funny. I hit him and that only made his stupid butt laugh more.

  “A cradle robber? I was a grown ass man then. Fuck you talkin’ ‘bout a molester? Peaches, yo ass crazy. But shid, Roz was sexy as fuck back then with her big ass booty even though it wasn’t supposed to happen,” he said after seeing the no shit look on my face. He laughed again. “N’all, it wasn’t, though. I was going to fuck with her daughter, Keisha, but that bitch was gone so shid it happened. It was only that one time. After that, I started fuckin’ with her daughter. Roz’ punk ass got scared my moms was gon’ find out and kill her stupid ass. Shid, I wanted to fuck so I wasn’t gon’ tell but that bitch was scared so we ain’t fuck again. Now when a nigga got legal, stupid bitch tried to get at me, but I ain’t want her old ass pussy no mo.”

  That was some nasty ass shit what she did. Now that I knew she could get down like that Blake will never be at her mothafuckin’ house. Ever! Fuck playing with her grandbaby. I’d fuck around and kill that old bitch if she tried some slick shit like that with him.

  “I don’t like that shit. Her old nasty ass should be in somebodies’ jail. Fourteen, B? Yo ass wasn’t a grown ass man. You were a fuckin’ kid taking on way too much and playing grown.”

  “Calm down, killa. Yo huffing and puffing scaring me. Besides, that was sixteen years ago. Shit happened and now it’s done, ain’t no going back. Shid, I wouldn’t take it back, though. That was a good fuck for that time.”

  Blaze is stupid.

  “Yo ass dumb and that’s some messed up shit. You just a trifling ass nigga to even fuck her.” Looking at me, Blaze started laughing. Glancing at him, I couldn’t help but join in. “It’s not funny, that’s just wrong. Stop laughing at me.”

  “It’s okay to be jealous, man. It’s a normal human reaction. You better, though. She can’t even touch you.” Blaze began walking me backwards.

  Laughing at him, my eyes rolled. “Shut up, you damn fool.” I turned away from him and once again his arms wrapped around my waist as silence fell upon us, a nice comforting silence.

  I could really get use to this side of Blaze.

  Not saying I didn’t like all the others sides he’s shown because I honestly liked a rough Blaze, but it’d be nice for this side to come out more.

  Fingers crossed.


  “I wouldn’t mind a place along the shore. It’s so beautiful out here, quiet and peaceful. I could most definitely get used to this.” I already pictured a white and purple two story house with a white wooden wrap around porch and a balcony on the top floor that overlooked the beach. It would be the prefect get away place. Just envisioning that had me wanting to pack up and move even though the house was nonexistent, as of yet.

  “A house out here is what you want?” Blaze asked while drawing invisible circles at my side through the opening of my dress.

  “Mhm, I could learn how to surf and water board.”

  “What the hell is water boarding?” Blaze asked.

  I laughed with a shrug. “I have no idea, I’m guessing it’s like surfing. I can get a speed boat and one of those motorcycles that go on water.” Blaze laughed. “What’s funny? I’m serious.”

  “A jet ski? Yo ass don’t like a motorcycle on the street so how the fuck you gon’ want a jet ski?”

  Looking up at him, I rolled my eyes but laugh nonetheless. “No, I don’t like being on a motorcycle with you because yo ass don’t know how to drive. Hell, you can’t even drive your truck. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t totaled any of your cars so far. I literally pray every time I get on the motorcycle with you.” I told hi
m seriously before a laugh slipped through my lips as he tried to push me off of him. “Blaze, stop.” I tried laying back on him but he kept pushing me off.

  “Hell n’all! You think it’s cool to talk shit then be cuddled up with a nigga? Fuck that and you. Good thing you don’t like my driving because I don’t know how you getting home.” He fussed playfully.

  I looked up at him, “You didn’t drive us here.” The playful glare turned into one of thought. “Oh yeah—”

  My laughter cut him off and he successfully pushed me into the sand.

  “Fuck you, Peaches.” Rolling on my back, I stared up at him not able to help my smile. Chuckling, Blaze shook his head. “You a bitch. You know that right?”

  My eyes moved up giving a thoughtful look before my shoulders shrugged. “I know and what?” My lips pressed together as I feigned attitude.

  “Yo mouth gon’ get you in trouble, keep on.” He warned.

  “In trouble? Hmm, will this trouble possibly call for the both of us to roll around naked, perhaps?” My head tilted to the side questionably.


  “Okay, well, I’ll stop. Don’t want that to happen. Yikes.” I shivered, pretending the idea of us scared me, making Blaze laugh.

  “Boss, I’mma beat yo ass. I can’t stand the fuck outda you, man.” His head shook as he continued to laugh. His gaze stayed on me the whole time.

  “Who are you trying to convince? Me or you, because I ain’t buying it?” I stated. Blaze’s shoulder jumped slightly as he let out low chuckles.

  “Me either.” Looking down at me, Blaze shook his head. “So, you want a house on the beach?” he asked, changing the subject.

  I didn’t respond. I just stared at him. The harshness that was usually easy to detect on his face wasn’t there. His eyes were softer. Everything about him was different. He seemed more vulnerable than the first time he said he loved me.

  There was no telling when I’d see this side again. So, I decided to take advantage of it.

  Lifting up, my hand came to the side of his neck and for the first time tonight I initiated the kiss. I lowered his head and he leaned into me, bringing my back down on his jacket.


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