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A Dangerous Love 6: A Thug's Heart

Page 21

by J Peach

The shit I did seemed so little to everything she had to do to get me out. Why the fuck Pete or David ain’t tell me? The thought was quickly pushed to the back of my mind. It was done and over with now. There wasn’t a point to live in the past.

  “Thanks for looking out back then. If I had of known that, this shit between us wouldn’t have went down at all. It would’ve strictly been a friend thing between us, nothing more. You looked out hard for me and I’m gon’ return the favor.” I thought back to what she said earlier. “You said it was a woman with Blue. Do you know who it was?” If I could repay her for all she had to go through for me, it would be finding and killing that bitch for her.

  “No, I don’t know who she was. I could hardly remember what she looked like. You know what? Whenever I heard ol girl from your shop talk, it reminded me of her,” she explained.

  That piqued my curiosity. “Who?”

  Chapter 24


  “What they saying?” I asked, leaning against the wall in Peaches’ room.

  “Shit, she’ll wake up when she ready basically. What they say about you?” King asked and I shrugged.

  “I didn’t know shit, so they couldn’t really say anything. Poke’s old ass rammed my ass and stole on me, it wasn’t shit, though. Le’Ron gon’ call me with the names of the folks that came in her crib. When he do, I’mma need you to grab and keep his ass and take him to the spot.” He was on some snake shit and I was gon’ find out what was up.

  “I’ight,” King nodded.

  I pushed myself off the wall. “I’ight I’m out—”

  “Nigga, you just got up here and you ‘bout to bounce already?” King’s face turned hard as he stared at me.

  “Yeah, I got shit to do. Did you send off that package?” I asked while looking at my vibrating phone.

  “Yeah, I put ‘em on ice too. Nigga, I’ve been doing this just as long as you. I know what the fuck I’m doing.” He then looked over at Peaches. “You want me to leave out so you can sit with her.” King offered.

  I shook my head. “N’all, I ain’t ‘bout to stay up here, I’ll be back later to see how she doing, though. My moms tryna get up here, so I’mma let her come up.”

  King looked confused. “Y’all can’t be up here together or some shit? Peaches in this mothafucka because of you and yo ass can’t sit with her for an hour? But you love her, though?”

  He didn’t know so I got his frustration and I wasn’t tryna fight with this nigga over a misunderstanding.

  Might as well tell him. “I do love her. You ain’t never gotda question that. I got a kid, though. My moms been looking after him while I been running around. Now that she wants to come up here, I gotda go get him.” I told him shrugging.

  “You got a kid? Get the fuck outda here.” When he saw I wasn’t laughing, he stopped. “No shit?” he asked. He was serious this time.

  “No shit, remember that Leslie bitch?” King nodded. “Hoe got pregnant. She had him when I was locked up. Poke got to fuckin’ with Peaches and brought that bitch up then showed her the picture of little dude. Peaches’ over analyzing ass caught the resemblance and got at me that night her car got fuck’d up.” I looked down at my vibrating phone before answering it. “Ma, just bring little dude with you. Ain’t nobody up here but me and King.”

  “You sure, Boon? I was just gon’ leave him with Britt.” She knew just like me that was a bad idea.

  “N’all, gon’ bring him. He’ll mess around and fuck Britt’s ass up. Call me when y‘all get here and I’ll meet you in the lobby.”

  “Alright, Boon. We’ll be there in about fifteen minutes.” With that said, she hung up and I put my phone back in my pocket and then looked at King.

  “Yo ass better go ask them nurses for some towels and stuff those mothafuckas in yo pants. Little B got a habit of hitting niggas in the nuts if you piss him off, had my ass almost in tears, boss.” I grabbed my dick as it started to ache just thinking about that day.

  “Shid, I got on a belt. I’d hold his little ass upside down and beat that ass.” King showed his belt.

  I laughed. “Yeah that’s not gon’ happen not with Peaches around yo ass ain’t. She hoed me and made my ass take him toy shopping. Whatever I said no to, he got.”

  He laughed before shrugging. “I’d choke her ass. You can let her hoe you but not me.” He turned serious. “So, she’s cool with you having a kid?”

  My shoulders moved up then down. “She ain’t said otherwise. Besides, it was before our time, so I guess she cool. But after this shit, I’mma have to quit fuckin’ with her.”

  “No the fuck you ain’t. My nigga, you ain’t doing that, not to her yo ass not. G, I get yo reasons but shid this would be for nothing if you stopped fuckin’ with her. And with her losing this baby, you ain’t gon’ do her like that. Fuck the reasons you doing it for. When I told yo ass to leave her the fuck alone before, you should’ve done it then. Now that shit done got twisted you wanna run?

  “Nigga fuck that, yo ass knew the cost of this job before you got with her. Now that the reality of it done hit, don’t be a bitch and run from this shit. You handle yo fuckin’ business and send a message to mothafuckas not to fuck with yours. After this shit with Poke, niggas gon’ know families can be touched. This all part of the game, ain’t it? If not, I’ve been taught wrong.” King was right but I didn’t wanna see it his way. But when he threw it out there, I didn’t have a choice.

  I knew the cost of this business. For as long as I been in it, there wasn’t a nigga stupid enough to go for mine. My moms and sister been straight. Ain’t no nigga stepped to them wrong, so I never had to worry.

  Hell, I didn’t think a nigga out there had the balls to come at mine wrong. Shid, but they ass fuck’d up because they picked the wrong chick to fuck with. Niggas were about to see how I didn’t give a fuck and how taking a life didn’t mean shit to me.

  Poke was gon’ be hurting behind this shit. It was fuck’d up his family had to pay for his mistake.

  No mercy for niggas who fuck’d with mine.

  His ass should’ve gotten three different fingers and ears by now.


  “What’s up, little man, you bring me something to eat?” I asked, kissing my moms’ cheek before I picked up Blake, taking his Happy Meal.

  “No, her bought this for me. You can play with my toy,” he offered.

  Laughing, I pulled out a white bear. “I can play with this?”

  Blake snatched it from me, shaking his head. “I’m giving this to Peaches. Guess you can’t have nothing,” he said, taking the bag back.

  “Damn, that’s messed up. You ain’t get me nothing to eat.” Getting on the elevator I pressed the number three to Peaches’ floor.

  “How you holding up, Boon?” My moms asked while rubbing my back.

  “I’m good.” I’d be better when she wake up so I could yell at her stupid ass for not talking like I told her ass to. I’ll probably choke her ass my damn self. Just thinking that had me laughing.

  Peaches was most definitely a fuckin’ rider, her ass is too fuckin’ loyal and I ain’t even deserve that given half the shit I said and done to her especially behind her back.

  Any other bitch would’ve been gave my ass up and added more shit to a statement, shit they ain’t even know about. Not Peaches, which was a good and bad thing. Peaches was most definitely Dmitri’s daughter.

  “She’s a strong girl, she’ll be alright even if it looks bad now. She’ll be fine.” My moms whispered the last bit to herself.

  “Yeah, she’ll be i’ight with her stubborn ass.” Pulling my moms into my side, she wrapped her arm around my waist. “Ma, don’t be in here all loud and dramatic. Like you said, it may look bad but she’ll be i’ight. If you gon’ be doin’ all that extra shit, don’t go in the room.” She pinched my side, making me laugh. “I’m serious as hell. I’mma call security on yo ass.”

  “You and security gon’ get fuck’d up. Don’t try me, Booney. That’s like my
daughter in there and if I wanna cry, so fuckin’ what. I’mma do just that,” she fussed.

  I already knew it was gon’ be a fight if anybody tried pulling her ass out of the room.

  She stopped me before we got to her room. “What about the baby? Is it okay?” My brows went up at that making her roll her eyes. “Yeah, I know. I done had two kids, of course I’d know. Peaches’ ass looked like a damn blowfish in the face. You have to be blind if you didn’t notice. Plus, she ate most of the damn food I cooked the other day.”

  I didn’t notice her face filling out but her ass, hips and titties I noticed.

  “With the purple dress she had on you couldn’t tell? She was pudgy, Boon.” I shook my head, pudgy was sexy as hell on her. “You’re a freaking man. You probably ain’t notice nothing but her girly parts developing.”

  That had me wanting to smile but as I thought about her question, it caused that ache to my chest.

  “N’all, she lost it.”

  Her mouth parted as she stared at me, trying to figure out if I was serious. “Oh, my God. No, Boon.” I pulled her to me and kissed her forehead.

  “Take a minute before you go in there.” I didn’t need for her to go in there crying and shit. I pushed the door open. I walked in leaving my moms out in the hall.

  King’s head laid on top of Peaches hands as he held them. Once he heard the door open, his head rose.

  He sat up straight as his eyes moved from me to Blake. “Hell n’all, get the fuck outda here.” He stared at us laughing. “On everything I thought you was bullshittin’, damn.” King laughed before he stood up, coming toward us. He held out his fist. “What up, little man?”

  Blake pounded his fist to King. “What’s up?” Blake replied.

  “Blake this is King, Peaches’ brother. Blake, King likes to box maybe you can teach him something,” I said, putting him down.

  “Maybe later. Where’s Peaches? I want to show her what I got.” Blake sat his meal on the floor and then took off his book bag. He sat his bag on the chair and opened it up.

  In my mind I was saying every curse word I knew. Shid, I thought my moms told him why she was coming to the hospital. “Blake, come here.”

  He looked at me and let out this loud breath as if calling his name irritated him. “What?”

  I was gon’ have to beat his little ass. “Dude, you better lose that damn attitude.”

  Again he let out that same irritating breath. “Yes, Blaze.”

  King started laughing. “My fault, handle yo business, Pops.” He leaned against the wall with his arms folded over his chest watching us.

  Pulling Blake closer to me, I squatted down to his level. “Peaches was in an accident yesterday and got beat up pretty bad—”

  “Is she dead?” Blake asked. There was no emotion behind the question.

  “N’all, she ain’t dead. She just got beat up pretty bad. She’ll be i’ight, though. She’s just sleeping for a bit. When she wakes up, don’t say nothing about the way she looks, you might hurt her feelings, i’ight?”

  His shoulder slumped and he nodded his head. “Can I see her?” he asked.

  “Can I have some of your food?” I asked.

  Blake smacked his lips. “No, it’s only a little bit but you can buy me a pop.”

  Laughing, I stood up. “I’mma beat yo ass one day, come on.” I told him. I picked him up and took him to the bed.

  “And I’mma beat yo ass back,” he countered.

  I stopped walking to look at him. “What?” His little shoulders moved up then down. “What Peaches tell you about cussing?” Again his shoulders shrugged.

  “What she tell you about cussing at me? You tell I tell,” he bargained.

  No this little nigga wasn’t. “Are you threatening me?”

  Again he shrugged. “Take it how you want,” Blake replied.

  King burst out laughing. “This some freaky as shit right here. I swear you say that shit, yo.”

  “Then how about we don’t tell, deal?” Shid, no doubt Peaches gon’ take his word before mine.

  “Deal,” we shook on it.

  I had to laugh at that too, shit was funny.

  “Is she gonna die?” Blake asked while looking at Peaches.

  I didn’t like that he already spoke on her and death for the second time.

  “N’all, she ain’t. See look,” I took his hand and put it under her nose. “You feel her breathing?” He nodded. “She breathing by herself that means she not gon’ die. Her ass just being lazy and don’t want to wake up right now. Give her a few days and she’ll be up, talking shit, stealing, punching kids and all that mean shit she do.”

  Blake laughed. “She doesn’t hit kids,” he said.

  “Psss, you don’t know Peaches, then. How you think she got you to sleep the other night?” When he didn’t say nothing, I playfully punched him in the face. “She knocked yo ass out, like that. You see my eye? She did that.”

  “Because yous an asshole.” This time both King and I started laughing.

  “Damn, fo’real, that’s how you feel? I’m an asshole? You hear this shit?” I asked King.

  He laughed. “Hell n’all, he’s most definitely yours. Little man straight got balls.” King looked at Blake. “So, you like Peaches?”

  Blake wiggled out of my arms and walked around to the other side of the bed. He sat in the chair and started taking off his shoes.

  “Yeah, her cool. She bought me ice cream, toys and a big truck.” He got out of the chair then pushed it to the bed.

  It wasn’t until after he was on the bed that I realized what he was doing. “Blake, get down.”

  “No.” He was already under the covers.

  “Blake, get out of the bed before you hurt her.” I snapped at him but he didn’t move, he just got comfortable. Shit. To get his little ass out the bed was bound to hurt her more than him being in it.

  “Turn to cartoons.” Blake laid his head on Peaches’ pillow. “Aye,” he called to King. “Pass me my food.”

  Peaches ass needed to be awake to see how this little nigga was when she wasn’t around or sleep, in this case.

  “Get yo ass up and get it yo’self,” I told him, trying to get him out the bed.

  Blake’s hands disappeared under the covers with his head soon following. After a minute, he came back up looking at King.

  “Aye, here, give me my food and go get us something to drink,” he instructed.

  King looked at me then the hundred dollar bill Blake was holding out. “You know how much change you get back?” King asked, picking up the food off of the floor.

  “Yeah five dollars. Now go get us a drink.”

  King being the stupid mothafucka he was handed Blake his food then took the hundred dollar bill from him. He put it in his pocket then pulled out some money. He started flipping through it until he found a five dollar bill. Once he did, he gave it to Blake.

  “There go yo change. What you wanna drink?” he asked.

  Blake hummed. “A juice, hurry up before my food gone. This shit already cold because of his momma, she talk too damn much. So don’t talk to her.”

  King stood in place for a minute staring at Blake. “You need yo ass beat, but I’mma get yo drink, though, yo money good. B, how old is he?”

  I held up two fingers.

  “Two and you just met him?”

  I nodded my head.

  “Damn, he must don’t have none of his moms in him, he took straight from you. That’s fuck’d up.”

  “Aye, is you gon’ go get my drink or not? Blaze, can you turn to cartoons?” Blake stated irritated now.

  “You sho he’s two? Little dude talk too damn good for a two year old.” King turned from me and then to Blake. “I ain’t against whooping a kid’s ass, mines or not.” Blake didn’t seem too bothered by his comment.

  “Yeah, he two. He’ll be three in a few months plus the woman who kept him taught his ass shit. She was like a preschool teacher once, you know. But I’mma beat
his ass, go get his drink.” I knew I wasn’t gon’ whoop him but King ain’t need to know that. Once King left out, I sat in the chair and found a cartoon channel. “You better watch who you talking to before you be bleeding from yo damn mouth, you hear me?” I stared Blake down hard. He nodded his head before continuing to eat his food.

  Chapter 25


  After Blake finished his food, King still hadn’t returned nor had my moms. Thirty minutes passed, if not longer, so Blake and I just sat there watching cartoons.

  “Is Peaches gon’ be my mom?” Blake suddenly asked the unexpected question.

  He quickly got my attention. Why couldn’t she be awake to answer shit like this? “Do you want her to be?” I glanced at him only to see him looking at her. I don’t know too much about kids besides what I learned from Britt’s spoiled ass but she wasn’t this advanced with his awareness or speech wise. Blake was too fuckin’ advanced for his age and that shit worried me.

  What the fuck had little dude been through to be so aware? This shit seemed to go past his moms and grandma’s death.

  “Yeah, she nice to me. I hope she don’t die. Did you blow in her mouth?”

  What the fuck kind of question was that? My head shook at that. “No, I didn’t. I think you should go to sleep.”

  Blake’s head tilted to the side and he stared at me with a blank look. “I’m not sleepy, maybe you should go to sleep.”

  I’m pretty sure my facial expression mirrored his. “You a weird ass kid.”

  For some reason that made him smile. “Like you.”

  As odd as it was, he was right. He was most definitely a mini me but shid I ain’t get like that until I was eight maybe even nine.

  “N’all, not like me. Once you get a girl that looks like Peaches, then maybe like me.”

  Blake laughed before looking at Peaches, he turned back toward me and he nodded his head before looking back at the TV, ending the conversation.

  Shrugging, I scooted down in the chair, opening my legs while folding my arms over my chest.

  Once I was comfortable, my eyes closed and I quickly fell asleep.


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