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The Chess Pieces

Page 17

by Joshua Landeros

  “Sounds hairy,” Joe commented.

  “I have a few maps on the exterior layout in my study here. Feel free to make copies.”

  “Bet those would’ve been an add-on fee, right?” Halsey said. Though it was half-joke and half-insult, McGinley took it purely as the latter.

  “That’s all I’ve got for now, so I’ll be going. Miriam left a new car for you in the garage. Much better than anything you’ve probably got now. Fully electric, so no need to stop for gas. It should expedite your trip, Gabby.”

  She’d been so angry up until this point the sudden showing of thoughtfulness was a splash of cold water. Without a final glance, McGinley began to head for the backyard door. Gabby was aware of what kind of man he was, maybe more so than ever now. Still, she felt awful ending their conversation like this.

  “Dylan, thank you,” she called out. He kept his back to her as he opened the door.

  “Good luck.”

  Less than a minute later and the sound of his car driving off followed.

  “Jesus, I can’t believe you dated that asswad.”

  Gabby was staring at the backyard gate as if the man was coming back.

  “Dylan’s always been an ass, but he did truly care about this mission once,” she said somberly, “He was the man who confirmed Unit 21 would be at Clincho. Maybe the pressure is getting to him.”

  While Halsey’s opinion hadn’t changed, he did accept that Gabby knew the man better than he did. He wouldn’t debate the nobility of McGinley with her.

  “Come on, Gabby, let’s head inside.”


  The West Arlington Gateway, Arlington

  “Why so glum, baby?”

  McGinley had just gotten done explaining his tardiness to Tierra even though he knew it didn’t matter. The playfulness in her voice told him what he’d always known: he could do anything to her, and she’d still call him up. And why should she not? As long as I keep paying. He looked up at the elevator screen, noting he was near his stop.

  “Just a tiring day,” he answered.

  “Let’s see what I can do about that. How’s a nice bath sound?”

  “Perfect, actually.”

  “I’ll have everything ready. You just worry about unwinding.”

  “Sounds great, Tie. I can’t wait.”

  “Me either, Daddy.”

  McGinley stepped into the room, greeted by the sound of running water and the smell of lavender. The room was lit only by candles, the only real light coming from the cracked open door of the bathroom. Dylan tossed aside his tie finally, not caring where it landed. A bottle of Dom Perignon sat in a bucket of ice on the table beside the king- sized bed. Though it was dark, he could spot rose petals all over the room. Dylan remembered why he always came back to her.

  He opened the bathroom door to find a tub that was just barely beginning to fill up. The water was steaming and topped with a layer of bubbly foam. He looked to his left at the toilet and shower but spotted no one. Not a single item of clothing or even a sign anyone had been in here at all, besides the tub. Did something happen to her? Dylan pulled out his cellphone and prepared to dial when a serene voice broke the silence.

  “Ms. Warner is fine for now. No need to bother her.”

  Dylan went numb. He turned to face the voice. With the bathroom door now open there was much more light available. In that newfound light, he was able to see a man seated in the recliner beside the bed. A man in a long coat.

  “Look at you, still holding that phone as if there’s someone to call,” Aliss mocked.

  McGinley realized he was right. There was no one to go to. Absolutely no one. He let the cellphone fall to the carpet. He could feel it—the sweat trickling down his body. Aliss sat as casual as ever, one leg crossed over the other. Waiting for me to say something? Or…fuck…fuck. Dylan could barely hold his piss, let alone talk.

  “If you’re thirsty, have a drink,” Aliss offered. The way he said it was genuine. Or maybe it was the sheer panic in Dylan telling him it was sincere.

  “Wh-wha—” he stuttered. “Where’s Tierra?”

  “UNR HQ, where you’ll soon be. Miriam will be there, too, by morning. In fact, just about every call girl you’ve ever rang up will be there along with you. I’m sure there’s no way you dragged all of them into this, but for the sake of certainty they all must be questioned. I can’t wait to get started.”

  Dylan saw an escape route. He saw the only escape route. He went for it. Ever since the age of sixteen, at the behest of his father, he’d carried a pistol holstered close to his chest. With a constant suit, he assumed it was always invisible. This would be the first shot he’d ever actually fired with the thing, and he was hoping it was the last.

  Before Dylan could get the gun anywhere near his chin, he felt the hand holding it being crushed. Every bone was snapping one after the other in a disturbing ballet. The man felt Aliss’ hand crunching his own like a dead leaf. The cyborg’s other hand was over Dylan’s mouth, denying him a scream. Instead, all he could do was clench his teeth as the pain brought him to his knees. His father’s gun fell amongst the rose petals. Aliss looked down at him, if anything, boredom written on his face.

  “No, McGinley, no, no. Not that easy.”

  Dylan saw a sudden light in the super soldier’s eyes, followed by a chuckle.

  “Howarth said you would try to opt-out. As for me, I never even figured you carried a piece.”

  About the Author

  Joshua Aaron Landeros, though preferably Josh, is an upcoming author in the science fiction genre. He lives in the small town of Perris and is currently a student at UCR majoring in history administrative studies and minoring in English. He enjoys coffee, brewery exploration, quoting movies profusely, and reading comics. End of Knighthood is part of an ongoing series. The second part is looking at a summer 2017 release.

  Please leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads to let Josh know what you thought of the entry. Reader feedback is always appreciated and thanks again.

  Also, check out his website to sign up for the mailing list to receive the latest news and exclusive offers!





  End of Knighthood Part II: The King’s Move

  Gabby and Joe head back to base with their new intel, but little do they know Venloran is well aware of their scheming. The Chancellor readies his trap for the rebels while Will finds a new ally who wants to take the UNR taken down just as much as he does. His methods, however, unsettle even the cyborg warrior.

  A preview of the next book has been provided, enjoy!

  Chapter 1 - Prey

  October 19, 2065 - Pinery Provincial Park, Ontario

  “How much farther would you say?” Gabriella asked. She was in the middle of rolling up her sleeping bag. The air had become incredibly cold. Halsey was already packed up and ready to go, huddled by the fire eating a chocolate bar. He got done chewing before he replied.

  “I’d say two-and-a-half-hour stroll. We’ll be back before noon.”

  Gabby finished up and then stood. She turned around and saw Halsey was still seated on the log, munching away. The man looked at her impatient eyes and then dug for something in his breast pocket.

  “Join me in an unhealthy breakfast,” he said. Halsey offered her a candy bar.

  “Joe, let’s eat and walk.”

  “After I warm up a little, sure. Besides, it’s dark chocolate, your favorite.”

  Gabriella gave in, seating herself next to her friend. She inspected the wrapper before opening it, throwing a look Halsey’s way.

  “Okay, okay, it also ha
s bacon bits. There’s something in there for both of us.”

  Gabby chuckled. “Thank you, Joe.”

  Halsey smiled back. He stuck his empty wrapper in his pocket. The captain allowed Neeson to finish her snack. The fire was mostly dead by now, the black remains of the wood having only orange glowing cracks. Now’s as good a time as any.

  “This new op sounds awfully hairy. I hope your team can handle it.”

  “I know they can. I’ve been training them for months for something like this.”

  “You’ve come a long way, Gabby. From student to teacher. It still shocks me.”

  “Only because you all taught me different lessons. I know you and Jacob could have your own squads if you wanted to. Why not?”

  “Would you look down on me if I said it’s because I don’t want more lives in my hands?”

  Gabby was puzzled at that response.

  “No, I wouldn’t.”

  “Being in charge of a team makes you accountable. It’s your duty to prep them all you can and then see them off. The best commanders strive to ensure as many of their soldiers as possible make it back.”

  “By minimizing risks when able,” Gabby recited.

  “Right. With that acknowledged, Sergeant, I can’t see any reason why Will shouldn’t be on your squad.”

  “Joe, it’s my contact, my team, my op! I don’t need him on this.”

  “Look at the big picture, Gabby. I’m only trying to save your ass from the big brass. You think for one second they’ll take this shit from you? It may be all your design, but they won’t hesitate for a second to replace you.”

  “I’ll take it up with Declan and Ominic.”

  The bitter woman began to shovel the mound of dirt onto the remains of the fire. Halsey stayed where he was. It was then he came at her in a very different way.

  “Let me tell you something. I worked hand-in-hand with both your father and Will’s family long before you or Jacob were even among the ranks. His wife and his daughter were Crimson Angels and they both sacrificed everything for what we believe in. That lie you passed onto Will, that whole plan your dad worked so hard on, was one I never got a single word of. Do you know why? Because Robert knew I never would have gone along with such a travesty. Never.”

  Halsey put on his gloves. He was done talking. Gabby could discern that had been something he’d been holding in for a long time. She couldn’t make out if it was a scorning of her father or an ode to the past.


  Will walked casually in his muscle shirt and black pants. With a single hand, he held an enormous granite boulder over his head, so large in fact that it seemed to dwarf him. Watching him was Noah’s squad along with Alex and Pat. The super soldier’s destination was a large pit, which at the bottom was filled with a number of rocks of various sizes. The group was not too far away from the construction site Will had visited on his first day back.

  He reached the edge of the hole, looking back at them with a smirk, before tossing the boulder down below. It smashed into the others in a stunning show, breaking chunks off them. Dust followed, but it soon settled. Will walked back toward everyone else only to be rushed by the squad.

  “Holy fuck, that was insane! You didn’t even try,” Noah exclaimed.

  “It’s kind of scary,” Saskia said, Kurt still to much in awe to speak. The others were staring at Will while exchanging comments with one another; Brielle was the most objective of the bunch.

  “That rock had to weigh at least a ton. Maybe two,” she analyzed. “Do you have any idea what your limits are?”

  “I can approximate,” Will said. “Around forty tons is pushing it. I can take it farther, but it would strain my power core.”

  Alex and Patrick watched in awe of their own. Will hadn’t been retreating to train on his own recently. Even though he had nothing to gain from answering their questions all day and almost every day, he seemed to enjoy their company.

  “It’s still odd seeing him like this,” Patrick said.

  “It is. I think it’s good for him,” Alex replied. “At this rate Gabby won’t be able to deny him a spot on the team.”

  “Speaking of which, it’s about time we went over to the shooting range. I promised her I’d keep up on your lessons.”

  “But I think I’m getting close to fixing the pulse rifle.”

  “Hell, no, man. I let you talk me into giving you all day yesterday.”

  “Fine, fine, let’s—”

  A high-pitched alarm went off from Alex’s watch along with a red flashing light. He brought it close to his face to check out the small screen. To Patrick’s unease, his friend’s eyes widened and he only muttered a single word:


  “Alex, what is it?”

  The man still said nothing. Only a few feet away, Will and the others were in mid-conversation. It only added to the peculiarity of the moment.


  Though Alex didn’t look any more relaxed, he at least looked at the man addressing him. He spoke with mad urgency.

  “Pat, go get Jacob and Nusaybah’s squad and meet us at the armory! We have a code zero! Go, go!”

  Patrick took off toward the mosque, Will and the others now aware something was wrong. Confirming this was Alex now heading toward them, a vigorous sweat on his face. The cyborg saw those beads of sweat as a spreading fire.

  “Where’s Patrick off to?” Noah inquired.

  “We need to go help Gabby and Joe, come on! Bubo Jr. spotted someone tailing them!”

  Oblivious to them all was a man watching them. He saw Unit 21 put a hand on the hilt of his saber and knew enough. His observations for the day would have to be cut short, it seemed.

  “You people know so little about the blade and the wonders it can work.”




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