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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 13

by Audrina Lane

  “You’re not bad yourself” Charlie replied, shyly looking up at him to notice that he was looking back at her.

  “What are you dancing too later?” he asked

  “Skyfall so you had better be warned I have a gun and am armed for most of the routine”

  “Cool….I’ll try not to get shaken or stirred” he laughed, using the famous punch line from all the Bond films.

  “Well, I had better go” Charlotte said reluctantly, as she spotted Julia beckoning for her.

  “Yes, me too, shall we met up at lunchtime?” he asked

  “Yes, I’d like that” Charlotte replied.

  “I’ll bring my mate too, he says he fancies your mate Julia so it would be a shame to not introduce them” he laughed as before she knew it he had leant down and dropped a light kiss on her cheek “Catch you later”

  “Later” Charlotte breathed, revelling in the feel of his lips on her hot skin.

  The morning flew by and as Charlotte and Julia hurried to the canteen they could hardly contain their excitement at meeting the two guys. The lunch hour was too short as they all needed to get back for the second part of the competition. The guys were the first on stage and this time Charlotte remembered to record their routine on her phone, it was breathtaking to watch Mitchell move across the floor or flying through the air in a series of somersaults in between the attitude of their street routine. Then it was their turn, as they walked towards the stage she spotted Mitch who raised his hand to her, she smiled and aimed her fake gun at him. She saw him laughing at the gesture.

  When Charlotte dropped into the splits at the end of their routine all she could hear was a wave of applause hitting the stage as she remained still for a few seconds to gather her breath. They had absolutely stormed it, all they needed now was for the judges to put them into the top two who would go through to the London final and get to compete against the rest of the country. All she hoped was that Mitchell and his friends would be the other chosen team, then it would be perfect.

  After a break to freshen up the groups all assembled again for the nerve racking decision to be made. Charlotte almost failed to hear their name being called from the beating of her heart in her chest, they had made it and so had Mitchell’s group. It was fate, it was destiny that they had both been chosen and now she had a weekend in London to look forward to, as well as countless more texts and messages she hoped.

  As they started to gather up their bags for the journey home Charlotte spotted Mitchell and wandered over to him for the final time.

  “I can’t believe we both made it” she said, as she looked up into his green eyes.

  “Fantastic” he replied “You looked amazing up there, I loved the outfit”

  “You were too, how on earth do you get so high in the air with your somersaults?”

  “I learnt at the swimming pool, my Dad was a good diver and he taught me, then I just transferred it to dry land” he responded.


  “Ballet and Gymnastics when I was younger, Mum let me do whatever I wanted too, I think she knows it has paid off. She will be well pleased to hear she can spend a weekend in London for the finals” Charlie said.

  “Yes, I think my Dad is going to come and watch, I don’t see my Mum anymore, my parents split up when I was two and Mum didn’t want to look after me so it’s just been me, Dad and my older brother Darren”

  “Yes, I spotted your brother’s name on your Face Book”

  “I showed him your picture, he thinks you look nice….I think you look gorgeous especially with your new red hair” he said blushing a little.

  “Thanks, you’re pretty fit yourself” Charlie replied “I hope we can continue to stay in touch between now and the final?”

  “Yes, perhaps your Mum might let you meet me sometime, perhaps for a wander around the Bullring shopping centre between now and then?”

  “Is that a date?”

  “Yeah, I really like you Charlie and want to spend some more time getting to know you if that’s?” he finished.

  Breathing slowly Charlotte could hardly believe the way this conversation was going, he liked her enough to want to spend some more time with her, and she just hoped her Mum would say yes.

  “Yes, I’d love too” Charlie replied in a daze “I’ll ask my Mum when I get home and drop you a text later this evening and we can arrange a date”

  There was a pause and before she could say anything else he caught her hand in his and pulled her into his arms.

  “You definitely stirred me earlier” he murmured into her ear. As ever so slowly his lips came down to hers and they kissed, a kiss so seductive and sensual that Charlotte could feel her legs trembling beneath her.

  “Don’t forget my text later” he said, as he pulled away and started back towards his rehearsal room

  “I won’t” Charlotte replied, unable to move as she watched him walk away.

  She now knew exactly how her Mum had felt when James had walked away, a pull, a longing in her heart for more. Would there be more? She really hoped so. He turned and waved just before she had chance to move, she waved back and smiled as she turned and ran back to where Julia was waiting for her. Today was the best day of her life so far, Craig a long distant memory as she relived the feel of being in Mitch’s arms and his kiss on her lips. What a kiss! On the way home she chatted to Julia and at the same time thought of the way that Mitchell made her feel.

  As she got off the bus, she promised to give Julia a call the next day and update her on any further progress on the Mitchell front. Then she spotted her Mum waiting for her and quickly raced over to tell her the good news, they had got through.

  I noticed over Chinese that Charlie seemed to be waiting for the best moment to say something.

  “What’s eating you?” I finally asked, as she looked up from her phone.

  “Can I go shopping in Birmingham for the day?” she asked

  “With Julia?”

  “Well, not exactly, but Julia can come if you would rather that I didn’t go on my own” she burtled out, I spotted a blush rising up her neck.

  “Go on” I pushed, realising that this request possibly had something to do with this guy that she had been texting recently.

  “Mum, I met a guy at the last dance competition and I met him again today and he’s going to be at the finals as well and he asked if I would like to go on a date with him as long as it is ok with you?” she said, hardly stopping for breath.

  “Well, perhaps if Sarah and I decide we would like a day out in Birmingham then you can go, so long as I can meet him at the same time”

  “Uh…..ok but you’ll have to be cool, I don’t want you or Aunt Sarah to embarrass me in front of him”

  “Would we?” I laughed

  “Yes, you know you would” Charlie laughed too, relief that her secret had been sprung and a positive outcome had been reached.

  “What’s his name?”

  “Mitchell, or Mitch for short, Mum he’s gorgeous” she sighed

  “How old?”

  “I think he’s 20, see this is what he looks like” she said, as she pushed her phone across the table, he’s the one that does all the somersaults” she finished, as I pressed play on the video clip and watched with admiration the wonderful dance routine that unfolded.

  “Fantastic dancer and acrobat” I replied, handing the phone back to her “I can see why you fancy him”

  “Mum” Charlie blushed and then disappeared up to her room to no doubt let Mitchell know that they could meet so long as he didn’t mind meeting her Mum at the same time.

  Once in her room, Charlotte danced with joy, she was going to see Mitch again soon, she hoped the fact that her Mum would be there when they arrived would not put him off too much. What would she wear? What would they talk about all day? Would he still like her at the end of the day? So much to think about, as she stretched out on the bed and after sending Mitch a text she settled down to more of her Mum’s diaries. She wante
d to know how long they had waited, who had made the next move? was sex as wonderful as she imagined it to be when you were deeply in love with someone?

  Chapter 17

  Sunday 1st May, 1998.

  Waking up early I decided to surprise James and make him breakfast in bed for a change. I quickly pulled on my knickers and James’ discarded t-shirt from the night before and padded down to the kitchen. Once the coffee and toast were ready I noticed some orange juice in the fridge so once I had located some glasses I popped them on the tray too. As there was still no sound from upstairs I decided to finish the washing up from our meal last night so I filled the sink and stuck my hands into the warm water, imagining that this was our house, wondering if living with James would be as magical as the times we had already spent together.

  I was so engrossed in my day dream about the future, weddings, babies even that I didn’t hear James creep up behind me, so when his arms wrapped themselves around me I jumped a mile.

  “You scared me” I laughed, as I turned and trying not to drip water or bubbles on the floor I leaned in for a welcome kiss.

  “You look lovely in my t-shirt”

  “What even with my hands covered in soap suds?”

  “Definitely” he murmured as his hands wandered down to the hem of the t-shirt and then disappeared underneath it. I was helpless as I couldn’t reach the nearest towel to dry my hands on, so instead I placed them on James’ bare back this time making him jump as the water droplets ran down his spine.

  “You are wicked” he whispered “I think I need to take you upstairs”

  Then before I could say another word, he hoisted me over his shoulder in the traditional fireman’s lift and I was soon back in his bed, where we spent an enjoyable couple of hours enjoying each other’s company and bodies. James didn’t venture as far this morning so I took the lead and removed his boxer shorts.

  “Show me how to make you come” I asked, blushing at my forthrightness.

  “Even better I will help you to do it” he replied “Are you definitely sure about this”

  “Not really but sort of, if that makes any sense”

  “No” he laughed and then before I could say anything more he started to kiss me as we lay down together and he slowly moved my hand in his.

  Reaching over he grabbed the bottle of baby oil from the night before and dropped some onto my palm “You might need this” he breathed, as he then guided my hand down and onto him. Then with his hand he wrapped my hand around it and then started a slow, sweeping up and down motion.

  As I did this we continued to kiss as his free hand moved up and into my hair, gently pulling me closer and tighter into his embrace as the rhythm gradually got faster and faster before he shuddered

  “Stephanie” he whispered in my ear as he went still in my embrace.

  After a few minutes he reached for some tissues and I wiped mine and his hands before lying back in his embrace.

  “That was beautiful” he murmured, kissing me long and deep and slow.

  “Are you sure?” I asked

  “Absolutely” he finished “But I’m a bit hungry now and could do with a shower too…care to join me?”

  “I would love too” I replied as we headed to the bathroom together.

  After another dreamy session of soap suds in the shower we eventually reached the kitchen, where we had started.

  “It’s a bit late for toast now, how about fish finger sandwiches?”

  “Sounds great, I’ve never had one of those before” I replied “Shall I butter the bread then?”

  As we got on with the task in hand I caught myself glancing at James and I felt his stare on me too, this felt so right it was amazing.

  It felt good, knowing that I was not heading home until tomorrow so Sunday afternoon stretched ahead of us.

  “There’s a fun fair on and a band playing later in the park do you fancy going?” James asked.

  “Sounds great” I replied

  “Some of the guys are going from work so I said we would meet them there”

  “But what shall we do between now and then?” I asked.

  “Well, I could help you with you revision if you want?”

  I had completely forgotten about my exams so I agreed and went to get my notes for History and Geography. I soon realised that having kisses when I got things right was an extremely good learning tool and I hoped that when I was sat in the exams I would remember the information and not just the kisses.

  Then we got changed and walked over to the park which was buzzing with people and the sounds and sights of the fairground rides and games. We headed for the Waltzer’s first, I loved being spun around at high speed, feeling James’ arm around me as we laughed out loud and sung along to the music.

  James drove me around on the Dodgems and then I drove him around on them, as he laughingly covered his eyes at my appalling driving skills.

  Feeling hungry we headed for the burger van and ate hot dogs piled high with onions, mustard and sauce and we shared a bottle of beer too.

  Then we headed towards the stage area as the band had started to warm up, James spotted Ian and another guy called Sean from work and we went over to where they were standing.

  “Do you want any popcorn?” I asked, craving some sweetness after the savoury.

  “Yes, sounds good…want me to come with you?”

  “No it’s fine” I replied as I noticed that he wanted to continue his conversation with the lads. Turning around from the stand with my box of popcorn I almost bumped into the back of a dark haired woman, as she turned round I realised it was Felicity from the pool.

  “Hi Felicity” I said

  “Hi…um what’s your name again?”

  “Steph, I’m James’ girlfriend” I replied.

  “Oh yes, how could I forget meeting you, can’t understand what James sees in a girl like you…he really needs a woman in his life”

  I just stared at her open mouthed, wondering what I should say back, but she continued “I see James almost every day, when he’s not on pool side he’s in the gym working out like a maniac, which is normally a sign of sexual frustration…oh but you wouldn’t know anything about that I guess, at your age”

  “James loves me, he’s told me” I retorted my face red with rage and upset at her remarks.

  “Well, we’ll see about that, I should keep a close eye on him if I were you, he’s a good looking guy and there are a lot of distractions at the pool” she finished, as she flicked her hair and strolled off.

  I took a few steps and found a park bench and sat down heavily onto it, as tears sprung to my eyes. I held them back but I couldn’t help but worry about what she had said and what those words implied. After all I had seen the way she had looked at me the first time we had met. Composing myself I was determined to put this behind me, she was obviously just jealous of what James and I shared. I was soon stood back next to him and with his arms around me we enjoyed the music as I tried to forget the words swimming round in my head, bringing doubts and fears with them.

  Charlotte definitely felt for her Mum, what a bitch this Felicity woman was, as she turned the page and continued reading.

  After the music finished, we headed back home for our last night together. I tried not to let my run in with Felicity spoil these precious moments we had left. In bed later together I eventually told James what had happened with Felicity, I could tell he was angry that I hadn’t told him earlier but in the end he said the words that more than made up for it.

  “It’s you I am with, you are my girlfriend and you are definitely the one I love”

  Then he pulled me into his arms and he kissed me with such tenderness and longing that I almost cried with joy.

  “I love you too James, forever” I whispered, as we fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Monday 2nd May, 1988.

  As our last morning together dawned I reached for James as soon as I was awake and started to kiss him with a passion and
fierceness that I had never felt before, determined to dispel those last few nagging doubts that Felicity had placed in my mind. I trailed my hands down his chest and felt his hardness spring up under my touch immediately. Then feeling very brave indeed I let my mouth follow and decided that I would approach my first ever blow job without fear. I gently ran my tongue down its length and then up again gently to the tip, then I did the same thing again as I felt James stroking my hair in a way that told me to continue.

  Tentatively I opened my mouth and took the whole of the tip in and swirled my tongue over it, testing and tasting the whole of him. I heard James groan and push slightly on my head so I took more in and then almost choked myself as it hit the back of my throat. This was going to need more practises I thought as I came up from under the duvet and replaced my tongue with my hand, remembering the way I had done this with his guidance yesterday. James kissed me long and deep, his eyes hooked onto mine in a gaze that was hard to fathom but on the whole I thought was the look of love, pure and good and true.

  Then he shuddered and sighed as he came in my hand. I felt good, I felt bad too, I felt powerful and at the same time scared of the impact I obviously had on James and that he had on me too.

  “That was amazing” he finally breathed “I want to do the same for you, show me how”

  Oh my god, I had only ever had orgasms in the shower so how was I going to show James how to do this with his fingers.

  “I don’t know how” I mumbled, so embarrassed by my omission “I have never done it with my fingers only with the shower head jet”

  “Ok then, shower it is and you can show me there if you are happy too”

  “I’ll try “I said, suddenly so shy and nervous he must have felt me tremble in his arms.


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