Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) Page 15

by Audrina Lane

  Floating back down to earth together we must have slept a bit more, lying sated in each other’s arms. By the time we reached the breakfast tray the coffee had gone cold, but we enjoyed the croissants and orange juice as we sat at the table together in our dressing gowns, staring out at the blue sky and sea below us.

  “So where are we?” I asked between mouthfuls

  “Lytham St Anne’s” James replied “It’s the town just next to Blackpool”

  Opening the French doors I stepped out onto the small balcony and smiled as the heat of the midday sun warmed my skin.

  “It’s a fabulous day, shall we hit the beach?” I asked, as James slid his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

  “Sounds good to me, I’m sure I packed some towels for the beach, hope you have your bikini?”

  “Yes” I replied as I turned around and on tiptoes I reached up and kissed James again.

  “If you keep doing that I don’t think I’m going to manage to leave the room” James breathed, his hands beneath my dressing gown already.

  “Come on” I responded as I dragged him into the bathroom and after showering together we packed a bag and dressed for the beach.

  We sauntered along the promenade until we found a secluded spot. Lying on a towel on one of our rare hot summer days I thought nothing could beat this feeling, especially as we were staying until James 21st Birthday on the Tuesday before heading home for a family meal and then a party at the weekend.

  “What shall we do with our time?” I asked, looking into his blue eyes and revelling in his hot gaze and cheeky smile.

  “Obviously more time in the bedroom” he laughed, wickedly “We could go clubbing in Blackpool tonight and then there is the pleasure beach too perhaps on Sunday and a nice meal on either Sunday or Monday, what do you think?”

  “That sounds like a great plan, how about a dip in the sea now?” I suggested.

  “Race you” he replied as we both ran down to the shoreline and into the rather cold waves.

  We soon warmed up again on the beach and then we stopped at MacDonald’s for tea before heading back to the hotel.

  “How did you manage to afford all this?” I asked, once we were back in our room and cuddled up on the bed watching a spot of television.

  “Mum and Dad offered me some money for my Birthday so I asked if I could have an early loan and I’ve spent it on us.

  We were soon changed and waiting for our taxi to pick us up and take us out nightclubbing. I had spent the day practising my fake date of birth so that I would pass for 18 if anyone asked, however we nearly didn’t go out when James realised I was wearing my lilac fitted dress again and almost took me back to bed there and then. I had never been to a nightclub before and I was overawed by the sights and sounds as we queued to get in. There were no issues on the door as we strolled in and I gazed around me, wow it was fantastic, and the sort of club I wanted to work in as a DJ when I finished school.

  James had already told me it was the best in the area.

  We danced so much and I really enjoyed learning the moves to ‘900 Number. By the time the taxi arrived to collect us I had already removed my heels as my feet were hurting so much from dancing all night. When we got back to the hotel James picked me up and carried me through the door so I didn’t have to put my shoes back on.

  Once back in our room the bed beckoned and after making love again we both slept, holding each other, our breath in time with the beat of our hearts.

  Sunday 3rd July, 1988

  This morning we managed to get up and go down to breakfast as after last nights dancing we were both starving so we enjoyed a full English. It was another fabulous day so we headed out in the car and drove to Blackpool to enjoy it’s many daytime delights. It was the tower first and well worth the long climb up the stairs for the views at the top. On the way back down we took in the historic ballroom and watched the couples gliding gracefully around the polished wooden floor and the fantastic organ that appeared to rise up from below the stage. As we watched an elderly couple spotted us and then persuaded us into a short easy waltz lesson, taking each of us and going through the steps and then they let us have a go together. It was great fun, especially when James lifted me up at the end of the song and kissed me there and then.

  After lunch of Fish and Chips at the famous Harry Ramsden’s we made our way into the bustle of the Pleasure Beach and all the rides it had in store. We loved the old fashioned Grand National and got soaked on the log flume and also in the Tunnel of Love. Candyfloss and hot dogs later we were pleased to be heading back to the Hotel for a rest. Pulling me into his arms James waltzed me towards the bed and we collapsed together in a pile of arms and legs as our lips found each other and our clothes were soon discarded on the floor.

  As we moved into the usual position I pulled back and looked into James’ eyes “Can I try going on top this time?” I asked, feeling slightly nervous but willing to give it a go.

  “Sure, James replied as he swung me over so that I was lying on top of him, as we continued to kiss as our hands took in the shape and feel of each other’s bodies, never tiring of the wonder it all bought. Carefully I positioned myself and then gently lowered myself onto him, it felt so different and fantastic. Perched astride him I felt powerful and sexy as hell. I shook my hair loose from its pony tail and started to move up and down, realising that this position was bringing me to my very first orgasm. As it hit me I shuddered in James’ arms, gasped and kissed him so deeply that the rhythms that were moving through my body were overlapping with his in a personal symphony of pleasure.

  “I love you” I gasped, a huge smile breaking over my face at the feelings still coursing through my body, it was spectacular, wonderful and everything that I had read and dreamed about but more than that it was ours.

  “I love you too” James grinned back at me “You were fantastic up there” he breathed as we stayed joined together, reluctant to part after what we had shared.

  That evening we wandered through the town and found an Italian Restaurant and decided to eat there, the food was excellent and I couldn’t help grinning all the way through it as I remembered our earlier moment together. On the way back we stopped to watch the sunset and taking our shoes off we walked along the beach together. I found a stick and drew a heart in the sand and inside it SM 4 JC just like the heart we had left on the bench in Ross. We left it there for the world to see before the tide gently swept it away.

  Monday 4th July, 1988

  It is James’ 21st birthday today so I made sure I was awake before he was as I unpacked my case and found his present hidden at the bottom.

  I placed it on the bedside cabinet and snuggled back into bed and started to gently kiss him until he woke up and joined in.

  “Happy Birthday James” I murmured

  “I could get used to this” James replied as we moved together, gently at first but then with more urgency until we both cried out in ecstasy. It was definitely true that the more we made love the better it felt.

  When we eventually paused I saw him look over at this present and card.

  “Go on, open them” I implored, eager to see his reaction

  “Ok” he replied, picking up the card. He loved it, especially as I had written the words from Take my Breath Away inside

  “On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame

  Turning and returning to some secret place inside

  Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say

  Take my breath away”

  He knew they were from his favourite film, as he kissed me with such longing that he did literally take my breath away.

  Then he opened his present to find some black silk boxer shorts and a tiny box wrapped inside them. Opening this I watched him pull out the small St Christopher that I had saved up for and even had engraved with the words “JC until the end of time, SM”.

  “It’s perfect” he replied as I helped him with the clasp “I will never take
it off as it will be a constant reminder of you when we are apart”

  I grinned at him, full of so much love that I thought I would burst with all the joy and happiness that having James in my life bought.

  Charlotte sighed, as she scanned through the next few entries and then feeling tired put the diary aside. This is what she longed for, to feel what her Mum had felt all those years ago. Pulling out her phone she replayed the video clip of Mitch dancing, she would gladly dance until the end of time with him, if he wanted her? She quickly typed him a short goodnight text and then drifted off to sleep, dreaming of Mitchell.

  Chapter 20

  Charlotte was pleased that the weekend seemed to come round really quickly. At her dance practice on Thursday night her teacher had agreed with her and they were going to be dancing to ‘Take my Breath Away’ for the finals in London. She had showed the other girls the video for the song and they had decided they would try and copy the tattered jumpsuit and hairstyle from the video. Julia suggested that they asked the art department to do them a backdrop and for the students that did their lighting to recreate a war torn feel to this. If only they had a guy in the group as it would have been good to have a huge lift at the end, but they would manage, somehow.

  As the sunshine shone through the window Charlie pulled open her wardrobe and scanned through her clothes and after an hour of trying different things on she plumped for her favourite dress and flat ballet pumps. With her hair pined up and a minimal amount of make up on she eventually appeared for breakfast, although her stomach was so full of butterflies she could hardly eat.

  After picking up Aunt Sarah they parked at Ledbury station and then as her Mum and Sarah chatted she texted Mitch to say she was on her way. He replied saying that he would be standing outside Top Shop.

  As they all walked into the Bullring Charlie felt her temperature rise and the nerves started to make her hands shake

  “Are you ok?” I asked, as we all walked towards the map to find out where Top Shop was located.

  “Yes, Mum” Charlie replied, smiling nervously.

  Then she spotted him and as he scanned the crowds in her direction she waved her hand and he waved back and started to walk towards them.

  “He looks lovely” her Aunt Sarah said, giving her shoulder a squeeze as they got closer.

  “Hi Charlie” he said, standing nervously in front of them all.

  “Hi Mitch” she breathed, almost unable to get the words out with him standing so close to her “This is my Mum Stephanie and my Aunt Sarah” she finished.

  She watched closely as he shook hands with her Mum and Sarah and said hello.

  “What are your plans then?” he asked my Mum, “So we can arrange to meet up later”

  “How about we meet for food outside Nando’s” I suggested

  “You are more than welcome to join us if you like, Mitch?”

  “Thanks that would be lovely” he replied

  “Good, well look after her and we’ll see you later at around five” I finished as I watched the two of them walk away and I noticed that he reached out for Charlotte’s hand and she took it and smiled up at him.

  “He seems like a nice guy” Sarah said, as we wandered over to the nearest coffee shop for some sustenance before we took in the shops.

  “Yes, he kind of reminds me of James a bit” I replied, “but perhaps that’s just because I seem to have been thinking about him a lot lately”

  “Well, you can’t go back there, not after what he did to you” Sarah replied.

  “I know but I wonder what he’s doing now and whether he still remembers me at all” I said.

  “Does Chris ever hear from him?” I finished, unconsciously rubbing my hand over my scar.

  “No, he has refused to speak to him ever since that night when you…you know” Sarah replied. I shook my head trying to clear it of all my dreams from the previous night “Come on, so many shops so little time” I finished.

  As Mitch reached for her hand, as they left her Mum and Sarah, she took it and smiled up at him.

  “So what do you want to do then?” he asked as they slowed and then stopped and sat down in one of the many seating areas

  “I don’t mind really” Charlie responded “Perhaps a coffee would be nice first” she finished, as she gazed up into his green eyes, suddenly shy in his presence.

  “That sounds like a plan” he replied “By the way you look fantastic” he finished.

  “Thanks, you too” she responded, giving his hand a small squeeze, which he returned as they stood up and continued to the nearest coffee shop.

  They sat and talked for over an hour about work, school, and music and of course the dance competition.

  “I know a great club, not far from here where they play music all day and we can dance” he said, suddenly “And what I really want to do is dance with you” he finished as a grin swept across his face and his eyes lit up.

  “Cool” Charlie replied, being swept up in his plans and feeling just a bit wicked that they were leaving the Shopping Centre and she hadn’t told her Mum.

  They walked through the streets before turning into a small side alley and before she knew it they were walking through a door and into a Salsa Club. The music was provided by a live band and after a quick drink Mitch turned to her and said “Can I have this dance?” She grinned “Certainly sir, I would love too” and then they were in the middle of the dance floor. She marvelled at the way their bodies fitted together as they moved in time with the music. She had done some Salsa over the last few years and knowing that Mitch was training to be a dance teacher it made perfect sense that he could teach her a few moves too. This whole date was perfect she thought as he twirled her around and around and they lost themselves in the rhythms of the Latin American vibe of the club.

  All too soon, it turned four and they left the dance floor for the final time, knowing they had to be back in an hour. On the way through the streets, she felt his arm around her shoulders and looking up into his eyes she smiled and before she could express how much fun she had just had his lips came down to meet hers and they kissed. Pulling her closer the intensity increased and she relaxed into his embrace, feeling as though she had known him for a lifetime already.

  “You are so special” he breathed, into her ear when they eventually pulled apart.

  “You are too” she mirrored, wanting to say much, much more but feeling overwhelmed by the situation and the magic they had shared on the dance floor as well as with the kiss.

  “Come on” he finished as they ran back to the centre “We need to buy something so it looks like we’ve been shopping all afternoon and not dancing”

  “Don’t worry, Mum won’t mind if we tell her” Charlie replied.

  Sarah and I stood waiting outside Nando’s, they were late, but I soon spotted them running towards us and I smiled, fifteen minutes was not bad. I noticed the bright glow on their skin and their smiles lit up their faces, it was lovely to see my daughter like this again.

  “Hungry” I asked, as we were soon seated in the restaurant.

  “Famished” Charlie and Mitch said in unison, they looked at each other and laughed.

  “Shopping is hungry work” Mitch said, as I spotted a secret look pass between the two of them. I didn’t say anything not wanting to spoil the happy atmosphere that surrounded all of us.

  “You didn’t buy much” I replied, noticing there were no shopping bags in comparison to the stack that Sarah and I had accumulated.

  “Nothing I liked” Charlie said “Me neither” Mitch said. Then they just turned to each other and that secret smile flitted between them again.

  Eventually it was time for us to catch the train back, Sarah and I headed off and let them say goodbye in relative privacy in the entrance of the centre as we waited out of sight on the corner. Mitch turned to Charlie

  “I had a fantastic day with you”

  “It was wonderful” she breathed as he pulled her close against his body.
  “Hope we can do it again soon” he replied

  “Yes, you can always come and visit me, although we don’t have any Salsa clubs in Ross-on-Wye”

  “I’d like that, I’m sure we can find something other than dancing to fill the time” he responded. Then he leaned down and their lips were joined together again for a final time. Before they parted he handed her a disc “It’s got some Salsa music on it, I picked it up at the club” he said “I hope it will remind you of today”

  “Thanks, you didn’t have to get me anything, just spending time and dancing with you was more than enough for me”

  “Same here” he finished, as he spotted my Mum peering round the corner

  “Text me later” he said “I’ll be waiting”

  “I will” Charlie breathed, as she reluctantly pulled her self away from him and then headed back home. She turned once, when she reached the corner and saw that he was still watching her, as they waved and he was gone.

  On the train journey back I noticed my daughter’s dreamy far off look.

  “So what did you do all day” I asked

  “Well, we actually went to this Salsa club and danced for hours, did I tell you he’s training to be a dance instructor”

  “So that’s why you didn’t end up with any shopping” I laughed.

  “Is he a good dancer?” Sarah butted in.


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