Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) Page 18

by Audrina Lane

  Friday 5th August, 1988

  As the sun was still shining I was sunbathing in the garden when I heard the sound of an engine pulling into the drive and realised that James had arrived at last. He had ended up working the morning shift from 7 till 2 so it was already late afternoon when I finally spotted him coming through the back door and towards me. I quickly stood up and ran towards him as he swept me up into his arms and I kissed him for all I was worth.

  “It’s been too long” he breathed as he ran his hands through my hair and at the same time sent shivers immediately down my spine.

  “I’ve missed you” I responded as I trailed small kisses over his face and neck.

  “Steady now, remember what happened the last time we were in a garden” he joked.

  “How could I forget” I replied, blushing at the memories we had made in the moonlight on his parents lawn.

  “I forgot to say, my Dad found one of your stockings draped over the apple tree the following day”

  “Oh God” I replied, blushing like mad

  “It’s ok, he just gave it back to me with a rather knowing look on his face, anyway he thinks you’re great and Mum does too”

  “I’ll still feel embarrassed when I see them next” I said “Dad’s cooking BBQ later and I’ll warn you now it’s normally burnt offerings” I finished as I gathered my book and my empty glass and we walked back towards the house.

  “When will you get your exam results?” he asked, as we sat in the kitchen with another cold drink.

  “Next week, I’m a bit nervous but I’ve already got a place at college so I don’t mind as long as they aren’t dreadful”

  “You’ll be fine, anyhow what about you?” I asked, as I watched a huge grin light up his face

  “I’ll be a fireman in September” he finished. “I’ve already handed my notice in at work so my last day will be at the end of August and then I start properly on Monday 5th September”

  Catching his hand in mine I pulled him close and gave him a long kiss, until we were interrupted by the sound of my Mum heading through to the garden with plates and cutlery.

  “We’ll be eating soon” she said “Would you like a cold beer or wine?” she asked James

  “Beer will be great Mrs M” he replied

  “We’re just going to pop upstairs and get changed” I finished, hopping up and heading for the stairs, James right behind me.

  In the bedroom I changed into my long sundress and pulled my hair out of my pony tail so it dropped down over my neck and back. James pulled me close and breathed in “You smell gorgeous, coconut suntan cream” he murmured.

  “Glad you like” I responded as I reached up and gave him another kiss.

  “I can’t wait to see you in your uniform” I finished “You can be my hero anytime”

  James laughed as we heard Mum shouting for us so he caught me up in his arms and then slung me over his shoulder

  “Fireman’s lift for you young lady”

  As he carried me downstairs I admired his back and bum, knowing I would definitely get to stroke them later tonight.

  The evening flew by in the garden, Mum and Dad were eager to hear about James’ new job and then I started talking about Hospital Radio and for once the food was not burnt. Eventually they left us in the garden and headed inside. It was a half moon that lit the sky and the two of us as I crawled onto James’ lap and we kissed until I shivered with longing for more.

  “Let’s go in” I breathed, softly as I nibbled his ear and neck.

  Once in my room we soon lost our clothes and were naked on my single bed, pressed tightly together in our embrace. I guess we had both been apart for too long as our love making was urgent and quick but still satisfying as we lay lost in the moment, linked together.

  After hearing my parents go to bed we dozed for a bit then I woke up and decided to wake James up with my tongue and mouth. I crawled under the duvet and found what I was looking for and carefully ran my tongue over it’s length, James stirred immediately but lay still so I continued and took him all into my mouth and this time I didn’t stop until I had the warmth and taste of him sliding down my throat and sticky on my lips.

  James pulled me up into his arms and the look in his eyes said it all.

  “That was the best” he murmured as he kissed me “You taste salty”

  “No I taste of you and its wonderful” I replied, grinning at him, my eyes sparkling with the feelings of love I felt for him.

  “Well, I believe it’s my turn now” he responded as he made me lie down and then started to trail kisses over my already quivering body before his lips reached my special place. Breathing in I closed my eyes and gave myself completely to the sensations his lips and tongue were creating. From the centre of me they radiated out in ripples that grew stronger and stronger until I arched my back and holding his head in my hands I came, shuddering under his touch.

  “I love you till the end of time” I said as we curled up together.

  “I love you too” he responded, as we slept until my alarm sounded and I needed to creep down to the spare room. Even that short stretch of time we spent apart was almost too much to bear as I wished my parents were as liberal as James’ were.

  Saturday 6th August, 1988

  It was Carnival day in town and for once it was not raining. However it was cooler than the day before so I grabbed a cardigan to cover my shoulders as we headed into town. We had arranged to meet Sarah and Chris at his flat and after we had caught up on each other’s news we headed the short walk into town which was absolutely buzzing with people. We were able to find a good vantage point near the Market House to view the carnival parade as we waited for the sound of the first marching band.

  It was a corny spectacle of tacky flower covered Lorries and plenty of children dressed in various outfits, waving and throwing sweets out to the crowds. Some of them had water pistols and we tried to avoid the water arches but failed and it didn’t matter as the atmosphere of the day was so full of fun it was infectious.

  We followed the crowd heading towards the river bank and the small array of fun fair rides that were set up on the one side. On the other side of the road were traders selling and the usual fair ground stalls. Being with Chris and Sarah meant that the guys got incredibly competitive at the various stalls and tried to prove their worth on the coconut shy, shooting game and hooking ducks. Sarah and I soon held an assortment of cuddly animals that they had won for us. Then we literally went for a spin on the Waltzers and discovered that it was almost impossible to kiss whilst spinning around, but it was fun trying.

  After hot dogs and doughnuts later we wandered along to the Hope & Anchor pub and managed to find a table in the crowds. James fetched us all a drink and we sat and talked. Chris had applied to join the Army and was off for an interview for that shortly, if he got it he would have to go off for training in Colchester so I understood completely the look of sorrow that flashed over the eyes of Sarah at the thought of losing him. As the sun sunk and showered red and gold over the placid winding river we decided to call it a night and head home.

  After leaving Sarah at Chris’ flat we continued further along the road.

  “This reminds me of the first time you walked me home from the Swimming Pool” I said, looking up at James and seeing his smile.

  “Do you know how much courage it took for me to ask you, I was so worried that you wouldn’t like me?”

  “Not like you” I breathed “I was already in love with you at that point” I replied. “Or at least I thought I was, but I know I am now, 100% prime time in love with you” I said, quoting some lines from Top Gun.

  “Show me the way home” James responded, laughing as he pulled me into his arms and we stopped for a kiss.

  “If it wasn’t so late we could have watched that film again as I have bought the old rental copy from Chris at the video store” I said, laughing “I watch it at least once a week”

  “Christ, you’re almost as bad as
me then” he responded with a grin.

  “James, you big stud, take me to bed or lose me forever” I said, as I pulled him into my arms and reaching on my tip toes planted a long kiss on his lips.

  We were at my house before we knew it and after saying goodnight to my parents we headed up to my room. As it was late I ducked into the spare room and waited for my parents to go to sleep before I crept up the attic staircase and to a night of shared passions with my man.

  Sunday 7th August, 1988

  I was awake before James and decided to take him up toast and coffee as Mum and Dad were heading out for the day so we had the house to ourselves. It meant that we had the chance to make love at leisure and without having to worry about being quiet throughout. James suggested that we tried it standing up but it became a bit of a strain on his knees after a while so we then tried doggy style, which was different but I hated not seeing James’ face so we reverted back to our usual two positions and just enjoyed the time that we had together.

  For lunch I cooked us Fish Finger sandwiches and we went outside for the afternoon as the sun had decided to come back out. With the radio on the table we spread a blanket out on the lawn and lay down together. James enjoyed spreading sun tan lotion onto my back and I did the same for him as we lay there talking.

  “I’m worried about you being a Fireman” I finally said, looking into his eyes


  “Well, so many get hurt it’s on the news, some even die” I managed, the words getting stuck in my throat as I expressed what to me would be the worst case scenario.

  “I guess I can’t give you any promises but I will take as much care as I can” he murmured “But enough worrying I haven’t even started yet”

  “I know, but if you are at any big fires you will ring me as soon as you can and let me know that you are safe” I said, reaching over and kissing him gently on his shoulder.

  “Well, don’t you think I worry about you in that Hospital with all those young Doctors looking at you?”

  “You’re jealous” I said, surprised by this.

  “Yes I am” he responded as he returned the kiss with one on my neck that just turned into a string of them as his lips soon touched mine.

  “Don’t worry, its you that I love” I murmured, as the strains of ‘Together Forever’ by Rick Astley floated out of the radio, perfect timing I thought, as we kissed long and deep and listened to the lyrics

  “Together, Forever and never to part, Together, Forever we two and don’t you know I would move heaven and earth to be Together, Forever with you”

  Monday 8th August, 1988

  It was our last day together and I woke with a heavy heart at the thought of saying goodbye later in the day. However we had the whole day ahead of us so we decided to drive into Hereford so I could show James the studio where I worked in the Hospital and he could meet some of my work colleagues as I had done at the pool. After parking near the town centre we walked down to the Hospital and after signing James in at Reception we wandered down the now familiar corridors to the Radio station room.

  Jack was doing his afternoon show so in between songs I introduced him to James and they were soon laughing away as if they were old friends. Then we headed back into town and after some lunch we wandered around the shops. In the Butter market we found an excellent record store and James bought me a 12” copy of ‘900 number’ and also ‘Hold me in your arms’ by Rick Astley which was lovely.

  Then we decided to visit the Cathedral as despite always living in the county I had never been there before so we took the time and climbed to the top.

  The views were spectacular and as it was fairly quiet James took the opportunity to pull me into his arms and kissed me and I felt my legs start to shake with the passion coursing through me.

  “I have to say we have kissed in some different places”

  “Yes, but my favourite is still our first in the swimming pool, it is engraved upon my heart” I said, smiling again before his lips reached mine again and we were soaring away lost in the moment. A sudden noise interrupted us as we looked up and watched as a hot air balloon took off from the side of the river bank and steadily rose up and above us.

  “I would love to do that” I breathed, as we waved at the people in the basket.

  “Yes, me too, there are so many things I’d like to do with my life”

  “Yes, me too, I hope we get to do some of them together” I whispered, but he didn’t hear me.

  Once we were back in Ross, James started to pack his bag ready for the drive home. I lay back on my bed as the sound of George Michael’s voice drifted around the room. It was the backdrop of all my happy memories as well as the comfort when I was alone again. To break the sombre mood James lifted the needle and popped ‘900 number’ on the turntable.

  “Come on, lets have a dance” he said, holding his hand out to me, as the beat filled the room and we made some slight alterations to the routine that involved a bit more physical contact until we fell back on my bed for one final time.

  We lingered on the driveway for one last moment. The feelings of emptiness filled my whole body as he held me close for one last time before he jumped into his car.

  “I’m off to write that letter now” I said, leaning in through the window for another kiss.

  “I’m already waiting for it” he said, smiling and reaching up to wipe the solitary tear that was snaking it’s way down my cheek.

  Then he was gone, his tail lights disappeared into the darkness and I looked up at the stars as more tears started to spill out. This was only ever going to get worse the more time we spent together and the deeper I fell in love with James.

  I shook myself from my reverie and closed the diary and placed it back on my daughter’s dressing table; that was enough emotion for the day I needed to get on with my life as it was now and not keep dwelling on what it could have been if things had continued with James. I remembered all the plans I had made in my mind before that day in November. How I was going to move up to Warwickshire once I had finished my course and get a job there on a local radio station or in a club, we would buy a house together and then get married and live happily ever after. I never knew then that fairytales rarely came true and mine certainly didn’t it turned into a nightmare, one I never really woke up from.

  Chapter 24

  I could tell that Charlotte was both excited and nervous as I made her breakfast on Saturday. Between checking her watch and her phone she barely ate any of her cereal and I kept re-heating her coffee in the microwave as it continued to go cold.

  “What time did he say he would get here?” I asked her, watching with amusement her flushed face and bright eyes.

  “He said he would leave at 8.30 and it would take him about an hour or so depending on the traffic” she replied, as she noticed that her watch had just turned 9.30.

  “What if he’s had an accident” she said, worry tinged her voice.

  “I’m sure he will be fine, remember he has never been here before and the one way system round Ross can baffle anyone, even with a Sat-Nav” I reassured.

  “Where was the place you went in the Forest with the bike hire when you were with James” she suddenly asked.

  “I’ll find the details for you, if you like” I replied, as I picked up our tablet pc and tapped in Speech House.

  “I’m just going to brush my teeth “Charlie said, jumping up and racing for the stairs, knowing that she would check her make-up and hair at the same time. God she was so nervous, even more than the last time they met. She guessed it was because he was going to be staying over and having read her Mum’s diaries she wasn’t sure she would get away with sneaking out of her room.

  I was just jotting the details down on a piece of paper when I heard an engine roar up the drive as a motorbike pulled in.

  “He’s here” I shouted up the stairs, as I walked over to the front door and then nearly got knocked over as the whirlwind that was my daughter rushed past me and
pulled the front door open. I watched as she walked over to him and as he removed his helmet she smiled so broadly I thought her face would break. Turning away I headed back to the kitchen to put the kettle on and give them a bit of privacy.

  Charlotte almost jumped into his arms as he held them open for her, once he had placed his helmet on the seat of the bike.

  “You’re here” she said, as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

  “Ummm and so are you” he said, moving his head so that her next kiss met his lips. When he finally put her down, she was flushed from head to foot as she steadied herself before she fell over with the excitement and desire she felt.

  “Come on in, Mum’s making coffee in the kitchen” she said, as she took his one hand, whilst he carried his large bag and helmet.

  “Hi Mitchell” I said “Coffee ok?”

  “Hi Mrs….”

  “Oh just call me Stephanie, Mrs Eden makes me sound ancient and I hope I’m not there yet” I laughed, instantly liking this nice young man even more than before.

  “Oh, no you could almost pass as Charlie’s older sister” he said, with a grin on his face. Charlie looked over and grinned at me, before her gaze headed back to Mitchell. She was besotted already, I could see the signs.

  “Go on” I responded, as they sat down and tucked into the biscuits with their coffee, my daughter’s appetite had returned.

  “I’ve got that information for you” I said to Charlie “Are you thinking of going there today?” I asked, as I pushed the tablet pc across the table and the piece of paper with the address and postcode on it.

  “Mitch, I thought we could go for a bike ride in the forest as Mum went there when she was younger” Charlie said.


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