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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 22

by Audrina Lane

  “Thanks Mum, we’ll be in shortly” I replied, feeling the heat of my blush and also the remnants of our activity just moments before still on my skin.

  “Thanks Mrs M” James replied “all this work has made me hungry” he finished, looking over at the pile of records we had sorted. As he did this he glanced back at me and we exchanged a smile that said it all.

  After lunch we headed into town and to the video shop and rented a couple of films for the evening as my Mum and Dad were going out. We ended up with Ferris Buellers Day Off and Mannequin to watch, both were good but in the end we finished up with another viewing of Top Gun as we made out on the sofa to the soundtrack that had pretty much made up our whole relationship to date.

  “Do you know if I ever had a daughter I would call her Charlotte” I sighed. “Yes Charlotte Cooke has a great ring to it” I finished.

  “Hey that’s a bit far ahead of you” James responded “I’m too young to think about responsibilities like that just yet…I have a life to live”

  “Yes and Fires to put out, people to save and cats to rescue from trees” I replied breathing deeply as I thought of him rescuing me in the pool.

  “I can’t wait to get started on Monday, they are even training me to drive the Fire Engine…now that will be a buzz” he grinned, as I could tell that this was his most important dream at the moment. I hoped that this would not create a distance or barrier between us, I just needed him to give me another year so I could do my course and learn to drive and then our relationship would move forward in the direction I wanted. The direction I had dreamt about for the last eight months; that I would be his forever.

  Sunday 4th September, 1988

  After getting caught yesterday I set my alarm an extra hour early so that I could creep from James’ warm arms and into the cold spare room. As I lay there alone I considered our conversation from last night. Did James not think the same as me, did he not want to make the ultimate commitment a couple could make. I tried not to let it worry me, but it lurked there at the back of my mind, along with Felicity’s threat and the strange far off look I had noticed fleetingly in James eyes.

  After breakfast we headed up to my room so that James could pack as he was heading away after lunch so that he had enough time to prepare for tomorrow. I knew I had preparation to do too as it was my first day of college and the nerves had started to kick in, even though Sarah was going to be there too we were studying different courses. Also I had to face my Mum and hope that I wouldn’t get grounded. I put my stereo system on and selected Hunting High and Low by A-Ha. James pulled me into his arms and as the delicate strains of the title track poured over us I melted once more. Our kisses were gentle, loving and ultimately meant to see us through our next stretch apart. Every touch of our fingers created an indentation, a shadow in our memories of how our bodies fitted together.

  I stared into James’ blue eyes, noticing all their innermost beauty. It was like sinking into a beautiful calm pool where I drowned. His hands in my hair as his fingers tangled through it and pulled me even closer to him, I didn’t want him to ever let me go as my pulse raced. With my head on his chest I listened to his heart beat, it drummed in time with mine, it was mine and mine was his. He was my guide on the journey of my life, every twist and turn I longed to share with him, every hope and fear and dream I had was linked to our future.

  I watched him leave me once more, I stood there for some time, waiting for the pain to pass but it didn’t even when my tears stopped falling. I headed into the house feeling numb and saw that Mum was waiting for me. I sat down at the kitchen table and after I wiped away the last solitary tear on my cheek I looked at her.

  “It’s not what you think” I said, believing attack was the best form of defence in this matter “I was up there and we just fell asleep and before I knew it, it was morning” I finished

  “Do you think I was born yesterday” my Mum spluttered.

  “No, but it’s the truth” I replied, hoping my lie was convincing enough for her to drop it.

  “I just need to know one thing, are you being safe?” she said, her anger dissipating as she sat down opposite me.

  I felt the blush creeping up my cheeks as I thought of all that I had done with James, especially when the image of the garage popped into my mind.

  “Yes Mum” I replied “We are…..we are in love” I finished.

  “I know all about that” Mum replied “Just try and protect yourself as it may not last with James living so far away”

  I desperately wanted to defend my feelings to her but I decided not too, so I just nodded and started to stand up.

  “I don’t want you spending the night in your room with James, my house, my rules” Mum finished. Relieved that I had got off so lightly I headed up to my room where I lay down on my bed and breathed in the scent that still lingered there from James. I knew that I would just continue as before and make sure that I didn’t get caught again.

  Chapter 28

  Charlotte wondered how her Mum had got off so lightly but vowed to remember all of this should she ever say anything in the future about her and Mitchell. Anyway, as she thought of Mitchell it was as if he was thinking of her too for a text came through on her phone.

  “Check your emails, I have a proposal for you x”

  This was too intriguing to dismiss so she laid down the diary and fired up her laptop to check her emails and at the same time texted back “OK”

  As she read and re-read his email she hugged herself excitedly and then she pressed call on her phone and waited for Mitch to answer. The organisers of the dance competition wanted submissions for a group or individuals to dance whilst the judges made their final decision and Mitchell wanted the two of them to dance together.

  “Hi Mitch” Charlie said

  “Hi Charlie, it’s lovely to speak to you” he responded, as she went weak at the knees just listening to the deep softness of his voice and the way her name sounded when he said it.

  “So what do you think?” he said

  “It’s a yes, definitely yes, we can start practicing when I come over to yours on Saturday” Charlie responded.

  “It’s going to be tough they want a recorded submission by the end of next week so we probably only have this weekend to do it and then I’ll get my brother Darren to film it for us” Mitch replied “Are you up for some hard work?”

  “Definitely, as long as you don’t shout at me too much” Charlotte responded.

  “I’ll try not too I have been told I can be a bit of a hard task master”

  Charlotte blushed as her mind stirred up other images that his words suggested.

  “So what shall we dance, so I can start to practice now” she replied, eager to hear what he had in mind.

  “I thought we could do the routine from Dirty Dancing and of course that lift”

  Charlotte’s whole body tingled with the anticipation of being in Mitch’s arms again, lifted into the air, soaring weightless above him and the world below.

  “Great I would love to dance that with you”

  “Hey, if they pick us we could always tip the wink to my group and yours and see if they want to just suddenly join in at the end, just like the film” he replied, the eagerness in his voice matched by Charlie’s reply

  “Oh yes, I’m sure they would but we need to get picked first before we fly off with more plans like that” she replied.

  “Great, I am really looking forward to seeing you at the weekend, is there any chance your Mum will let you come up on Friday night instead as I can come and fetch you then instead of Saturday morning?”

  “I’ll ask her later and let you know by text” Charlie replied.

  “Cool, I’ll be waiting” he replied as they eventually hung up the phone.

  Rushing downstairs Charlotte almost slipped over as she headed for the kitchen

  “Mum, is it ok for me to go to Mitchell’s on Friday night instead of Saturday?”

  I stood there and le
t her stew for a few minutes as I pretended to contemplate her request.

  “Of course you can” I replied, as I watched her grab her phone and tap out a response to Mitchell immediately. A few minutes later a beep returned the reply and her face broke into a broad grin.

  “So what’s the secret” I asked

  “I can’t say as it’s a secret but its to do with the dance competition and I need to go and start practising now ready for Friday” Charlie replied “Is it ok for me to use the lounge as its bigger than my bedroom?” she finished.

  “Yes no problem, I have cleaning to do and your washing to fetch so I’ll leave you to it” I replied.

  “Sure Mum” Charlie responded, even though she was already half way across the hall way heading for the lounge door.

  Once inside she found the Dirty Dancing DVD and soon located the end of the film as she sat cross legged on the floor and studied the routine intently three or four times before she put her iPod in the docking station and the familiar strains of ‘I’ve had the time of my life’ started. Kicking off her slippers she closed her eyes and started to run through the basics of the dance in her mind, her feet and body feeling the music as the beat bounced through the room and into her system. Then with the film on at the same times Charlie opened her eyes and began to practice the basic samba steps, her arms outstretched and holding the invisible body of Mitch.

  Eventually she heard her Mum open the door

  “Do you want a drink?” I asked.

  “Sure Mum that would be great” Charlie replied as she suddenly noticed her phone had a message waiting for her. She sank down onto the sofa and saw that it was from Mitch saying “Practising already”

  “Me too” she replied “How’s it looking?” “Ok, but am lacking a partner” she responded “Me too, roll on Friday” he finished.

  As Charlotte rushed home from college on Friday evening she couldn’t wait to see Mitchell again and was shocked to see his bike already in the driveway as she turned the corner into her street and quickened her pace.

  She discovered Mitchell sitting in the kitchen with her Mum.

  “Hi Mum, Hi Mitch” Charlie said.

  “Hi Charlie” they both responded “How was college?” I asked.

  “Good thanks” Charlie replied before turning her attention to Mitchell.

  “You’re early”

  “Yeah, I thought we needed to get started early” he replied “I’ve just been telling Stephanie what we are planning to do”

  “Yes, it sounds ambitious but from what I saw of the two of you the other week I’m positive you can both do it” I replied, watching the glances of lust pass between the two of them.

  “I’ll go and get changed and grab my bag” Charlotte said, heading towards the door and the stairs.

  “I think you might need this” Mitch said, as he reached down and produced a parcel “I believe it’s your birthday next week” he replied as he passed it over to Charlotte.

  Charlie reached over and carefully undid the ribbon to reveal a set of motorbike leathers in black and red. She held them up against her as Mitchell said “I hope they fit ok? If not I can take them back and exchange them” he finished.

  “I’ll go and try them on” Charlotte replied, quickly giving Mitch a kiss on the cheek before heading up the stairs. I turned to Mitch “I think you’ve just made her year”

  Ten minutes later Charlotte appeared in the doorway looking like a real biker chick and beaming from ear to ear.

  “How do I look?” she asked, her gaze falling to Mitchell who could hardly speak as he took in the tight leather trousers and jacket that hugged her curves in all the right places.

  “Like you’re ready to go” he finally said, as I detected the catch in his voice.

  “You look great” I replied “And at least I know you’ll be safe on the journey to Mitchell’s but you must give me a call when you get there”

  “Ok Mum, I will” Charlie replied as she struggled to put her rucksack on her back, so Mitch gave her a helping hand. I waved them off the drive and then headed back inside to worry for an hour that Charlotte was going to get there in one piece. Mitchell had left the landline phone number of his house so she at least had that in case she forgot to call on her mobile.

  As they flew along the roads and motorways towards the Midlands Charlotte hung on tightly to Mitchell’s waist and marvelled at the way her body fitted to his as they moved as one with the bike. When they eventually pulled into the driveway she was quite pleased to get off as her body had just started to stiffen up. Mitchell helped her off and then as she removed her helmet he reached for it and put it aside so he could pull her into his arms.

  “I have wanted to do this every since you walked through the door of your house” he murmured “But even more so when you came down in your leathers” he finished as his lips came down and met hers.

  Just as Charlie was relaxing into his embrace they were interrupted by a loud voice.

  “Will you put her down” he exclaimed, as they both turned to see Darren standing at the door.

  “Hi bro” Mitchell said “This is Charlotte…Charlotte this is Darren”

  Charlie responded and then they headed through the door. All of a sudden barks started to echo around the hallway as a huge black Labrador came bounding towards them before stopping and lying down directly in front of Charlotte for a belly rub. She knelt down and ran her hands over his warm fur.

  “Who’s this then?” she asked

  “Jester” Mitch said, as he bent down next to her and their finger tips touched as Jester got twice the attention.

  “Is Dad around?” Mitch asked.

  “No he’s still out but he mentioned getting some Fish and Chips in for supper” Darren said as they all entered the kitchen and he flicked the switch on the kettle.

  “What are you doing later?” Darren asked them as he lounged back against the worktop.

  “We have an appointment with a DVD and then an early night as we will be dancing quite a bit tomorrow” Mitch replied. They picked up their coffee mugs.

  “Come on, let me show you around” he said to Charlie.

  She followed Mitch and Jester down the hallway and into the lounge and dining room before he opened the patio door and they stepped out into the garden. Jester bounded on ahead of them seeming to know exactly where they were heading.

  “Come on I promised Nan and Gramps that I would introduce you to them” he said, as they walked down the garden and through some apple trees to find a small chalet type house nestling at the bottom of the garden.

  “The main house used to be theirs but when my parents split up we came to live with them and then they built this a few years ago” Mitch said, as Charlie realised that she had been reading about the main house in her Mum’s diaries.

  “Mitchell” his Nan exclaimed as they got closer to the chalet.

  “Nan this is Charlotte” he said, as she extended her hand only to find herself pulled into an embrace.

  “Call me Pam” she responded as she stepped away “This is Peter” she finished as an older version of her Mum’s ex-boyfriend stepped forward and shook her hand “It’s great to met you, Mitchell has been talking about you non stop” he finished, as Charlie blushed and looked over to Mitch who was smiling back at her.

  “I can definitely see the likeness to Stephanie” Pam said, as she looked Charlotte up and down.

  “You told them?” Charlie asked.

  “Yes, I was trying to do some research” Mitch said “Hope you don’t mind” he finished as he reached out and took her hand in his.

  “We loved Stephanie, we were heartbroken when James told us they had split up; how is your Mum?” Peter asked.

  “Fine thanks” Charlie replied, unsure what else she could say as she considered the fact that her Mum could very well still be heartbroken about the whole affair.

  As they walked back up the garden Charlotte turned to Mitchell.

  “Have you said anyt
hing to your Dad?” she asked

  “No not yet, I thought I would wait until you had got a bit further with the diaries”

  “Ok, that’s a plan. I am up to the September entries so based on your brother’s birthday date I am getting closer”

  “Well, enough speculation lets get your bag upstairs and much as I love you in the leather’s they aren’t the most comfortable things to stay in” Mitchell grinned, as Charlie followed him back in the house and upstairs.

  Once again de ja vue hit her as she stepped into Mitchell’s room and spotted that the same shelf arrangement was above the bed, just the décor had changed.

  “You’re in here with me, unless you would rather go in the spare room?” he asked, as he placed her rucksack on the floor and then started to unzip her jacket so his hands could reach around her and pull her close.

  “Now where were we?” he breathed, as his lips brushed her cheek on their way to meet her lips.

  “Here is perfect” she breathed, in between kisses as she ran her hands over his chest and then wrapped them around his neck. Eventually when they parted she reached down to undo the leather trousers and started to wiggle out of them.

  “Lie on the bed and I’ll pull them off” Mitchell said, as he laughed at her struggles.

  “Ok” Charlie responded as she lay back on the soft duvet and tried not to get distracted by the scent of him that wafted up from the pillow, a scent that was hard to mistake.

  Eventually he had pulled them off but before she could sit up on the bed he had pinned her down and was looking deeply into her eyes.

  “You are so fucking sexy” he murmured, his voice so low it was like a rumble.

  She lowered her eyelashes and at the same time she parted her lips slightly. Mitch needed no invitation as his lips were once more on hers, his tongue probing her mouth as she reciprocated. It felt like heaven being in his embrace again.


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