Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) Page 28

by Audrina Lane

  “Oh and I met Mitchell’s Dad and his grandparents and Jester the dog too” she finished. Careful to avoid saying their names in case her Mum guessed like Mitch’s Dad had done.

  “My brother should finish editing the recording tomorrow ready to send off so I’ll email a copy to you as soon as possible” Mitch said.

  “Are you staying for tea” I asked “I’ve made a pot of stew so there’s plenty”

  “That sounds great” Mitchell said.

  “It will be ready in about an hour” I finished, as I stood up to start to prepare the dumplings.

  “Ok Mum, we’ll head upstairs” Charlie said, as she alighted from the stool and grabbing Mitch’s hand in hers they left the kitchen.

  As I continued the cooking I could hear the music start from above and faint sounds of laughter floated down the stairs. I remembered how it felt to be young and in love, it was truly the best feeling in the world. Upstairs Charlie dumped her bag and carefully placed the helmet on her stool under the window. She put the samba music on from the club and then turned towards Mitchell.

  “I think I may need your help with these leathers again?” she said, already breathless with anticipation for the feel of his hands on her body again.

  “Now that I am happy to do” Mitch replied “So long as you’ll help me with mine”

  “Deal” she responded, as they both crossed to meet each other in the centre of the room.

  Mitchell pulled her towards him, his one hand firmly on the waistband of her leather’s as he located the zip and started to pull them down. Kneeling in front of her he managed to get them to her ankles and as she steadied herself by holding onto his shoulder he was able to pull them over her feet, each in turn. Then he slowly ran his hands back up her legs over her jeans and then to the hemline of her t-shirt. His hands touched the skin of her belly as they ran further up to discover that she wore no bra as his fingers encountered her already erect nipples. She ran her fingers through his hair and then slowly stretched them above her head so that he took the hint and pulled it over her head.

  Then it was her turn so she reached down and undid the button on his leather’s and slowly bent down as she eased them off and then threw them aside. Her hands travelled up over the outside of his jeans and then on up and under his t-shirt too. She mirrored his moves from minutes before but as she was shorter than him she struggled to get the t-shirt all the way up. With a quick move he helped her with this and then ran his hands down her back, revelling in the feel of her smooth skin as he reached her bum and then in a swift move picked her up and walked easily with her in his grasp to the bed. He laid her down on the soft covers and then paused for a moment to drink in the sexy sight of Charlie beneath him.

  Charlie lay there beneath his hot gaze, his pupils burning an invisible path over her skin, deciding where they would touch first. She reached up to him

  “I’m getting cold” she breathed, even through that was the furthest thing from the truth.

  “Are you” he said softly as he leaned down and blew on her nipples. They had already been standing out but they seemed to increase further.

  “Are you getting warmer?” he asked. She shook her head but grinned up at him at the same time. He watched her pupils widen with the sensations as he gently blew on the other nipple and her body arched to get closer to his mouth.

  “And now?” he teased. Charlie loved his wicked grin as she deliberately licked her lips before her arms reached out to him as she drew his body onto hers.

  The buckles on their belts hit and rubbed against each other, metal on metal as Mitchell and Charlie pressed hot skin onto hot skin. Charlie writhed beneath Mitchell’s weight above her. Her hands ran over all the muscles on his back as the beat from the Latin music seemed to make the atmosphere grow warmer and warmer. Eventually they paused and looked into each other’s eyes, the green pools of desire rippled and spread between them.

  “I think I’m in love with you” Charlotte said, looking directly at him. She trembled feeling both certain and afraid of what he would say in reply.

  “I think I’m in love with you too” he said, his direct gaze told her no lies. It was a wondrous moment as time seemed to stand still and they fell into feeling in each other’s embrace.

  “Tea’s ready” I shouted up the stairs, and I waited for a reply. It took a few moments before Charlie replied.

  “We’ll be down in a minute”

  They had been lying together on the bed in perfect silence since the last statement, their whole bodies touching, their hearts beating in perfect time and their eyes locked onto each other. It felt strange to have to stand up again. Charlie’s legs were still shaking as Mitchell threw her the t-shirt that he had removed earlier and then pulled his back on. With shaking fingers Charlotte tried to do the same but in the end Mitch took it from her and placed it over her head, as if she were a small child.

  I heard their footsteps on the stairs as I started to place the steaming bowls of stew out on the kitchen table, along with bread and some cold drinks. I watched as they entered the room and I could tell something big had taken place, their broad smiles seemed to broadcast their love in surround sound. I smiled at them too as they sat down across the table from me. It felt great to see the love and not feel bitter about it. Something had clicked in me that weekend, partly to do with my conversation with Jack but also the request from a secret admirer. I knew in my heart it was probably Jack winding me up but when I had dropped him a text during my lunchtime show he had denied it. But that’s what friends do to cheer each other up and make you feel good about yourself and it had definitely worked.

  Charlie must have noticed the difference too as after a couple of spoonfuls had disappeared she turned to me and said

  “Are you ok Mum, you look sort of different?”

  “Yes fine honey, I had a good weekend while you were away” I replied.

  “Is it ok for Mitch to come down next weekend?” Charlie asked, not wanting to waste my obvious good mood.

  “Yes that’s fine” I replied, again watching the two of them exchange looks and smiles. After dinner I retired to the conservatory with my laptop to continue work on the planned ‘Rock on the River’ event as Charlie and Mitch had offered to clear up in the kitchen for me. Hearing laughter I poked my head around the door and found my daughter squealing as Mitch chased her with the tea towel. Bubbles overflowed in the sink and some had got lodged in some strange places too. The happiness was infectious as I scooped up a handful and lobbed them at Charlie, they landed in her hair and Mitch squashed them and then added his own handful too.

  “Next time you want to play with bubbles do it in the garden” I joked, as Charlie stopped after a final handful had been placed down the back of Mitch’s shirt and patted in.

  I cleared up and threw them both a hand towel so they could dry off.

  “Well, I guess I’d better get going” Mitch said, as the clock showed it was nearly nine already. Charlie’s face fell as she realised this was the moment for goodbye.

  I watched as they both headed back upstairs so that Mitchell could gather his leathers ready for the return journey.

  “Bye Mitchell, see you again next weekend” I said, as I pulled him into my arms for a quick embrace. I still couldn’t help but compare his body to how James’ used to feel at that age.

  “I’ll walk you out” Charlie said, as she took his hand in his and they headed out onto the driveway together.

  Before he put his helmet on Mitchell pulled Charlotte into his arms for one last time. His strong arms enfolded her tightly against his body

  “Until next Friday” he murmured.

  “I’ll miss you” Charlotte replied, her voice soft and soothing.

  “I’ll miss you too, but at least we can text and call each other and I’ll drop you the film file when I send it off on Tuesday morning” he said

  “I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed” she responded, as she laid her cheek against the cool, smooth
leather of his jacket. Charlie breathed in and out, trying to save the intoxicating scent of Mitchell that lay just beneath the surface. She didn’t want to let him go, not after this evening; as she replayed the words in her head.

  As he slipped from her grasp she watched as he mounted the bike and turned on the engine. The last thing she saw were his beautiful green eyes before he flipped down the visor and then rode off down the road and away from her. She hugged herself tight as she wandered back into the house, she was too happy to cry and after all it would only be a week before she would see him again.

  “Are you ok?” I asked, as Charlie poked her head back into the kitchen where I had just finished cleaning up the melting soap bubbles on the counter.

  “Yes Mum” she said, as she perched on the stool and watched me.

  “There is definitely something different about you Mum” she said, as she reached over and turned on the radio.

  “Perhaps there is” I replied “The plans for Rock on the River are going really well and I was wondering if you wanted a time slot for your group to dance?” I said, as I wandered over and put the kettle on.

  “Yes please Mum that would be great. Can I see if Mitchell’s group want to take part too, I saw what they are planning to do for Thriller and its amazing” she gushed, as I saw her mind drift off for a split second.

  “Yes, you can ask him next weekend when he’s here” I replied.


  “Yes Charlie”

  “When Mitch stays next weekend can he share my room?” she asked, uncertainty in her voice.

  “Yes of course he can, I trust you both” I replied “I’m guessing its getting serious between you too?”

  “Yes Mum and thanks Mum” Charlie said, as she popped off the stool and walked round to give me a hug.

  “Shall I make us a Hot Chocolate?” Charlie asked

  “Sounds good to me” I replied, as I watched my daughter load up the mugs.

  When Charlotte handed me the mug I sensed a slight moment of hesitation, as if she wanted to say something else but then changed her mind.

  “I’m off to bed” she finished

  “Ok, night sweetheart” I said, watching her head for the stairs. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the evening light as her curls bounced on her shoulders, one hand with the mug of hot chocolate, the other her phone.

  Chapter 37

  When Charlotte stepped into her room she couldn’t stop herself from looking over at the new additions to her wardrobe. The helmet shone in the moonlight as she crossed to draw the curtains, pausing for a second to take in the stars that speckled the sky with their brightness. Then once undressed she jumped into bed and could just detect the faint scent of Mitchell’s aftershave on her pillow. She would read until he dropped her a text to say he was home and she reached for the diary. It was important that she finished this before the dance competition in a fortnight. She had wanted to say something to her Mum earlier and just ask her what had happened but it was easier to read the words before that conversation.

  Charlie flicked through the next six weeks of entries as that was the next time her Mum had seen James. Was this when it all came to an end?

  Friday 11th November, 1988

  College has really dragged by today but I was soon home and in the shower. I ran the shaver over my legs and underarms as usual. I had been reading about girls being clean shaven or having their pubic hair shaped into lots of interesting things. I paused for a moment as the water trickled over my body, its caress waking up my dormant desires. In the end I tried to tidy it up and decided that I would ask James what he thought when I saw him, or what he would like. I had been reading loads of magazines trying to find ideas to try out with him like the ice cubes from last time. As I absently moved the shower head over my body I closed my eyes and remembered all the times we had been together in some form of water. All of them were happy memories.

  I turned the water off and then headed to my room in my towel and almost dropped it in shock to find James already sitting on my bed. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming but he was very real as he stood up and closed the distance between us.

  “Are you a beautiful sight for sore eyes” he murmured, his hands already in my wet hair.

  “How did you get in without me hearing?” I asked, as I laid my head on his chest and through his jumper I could hear his heart beating.

  “Your Mum let me in and said you were in your room and to go on up” he said, grinning “But much better to find you in just a towel” he said, his hand running along the top of the towel before he pulled it off in one swift tug.

  He stood back and allowed his gaze to run down my body, like the water had just moments earlier, some of the droplets still hung there. Then I felt his hands gently slid down over my shoulders and down to my breasts as he gently tugged each nipple between his fingers. I held my breath as he lent down and took each in turn into his mouth. The hotness of his tongue met the coolness of my skin in an explosion of sensations. I felt my legs start to quiver as James did too for he steered me over towards the bed and pushed me down onto the covers.

  “This is definitely my favourite way to start the weekend” he murmured as his lips nuzzled my ear lobes and a whole set of nerve endings there started to tingle even more that before.

  “I agree” I breathed, as I lay pinned to the bed under his weight, extremely aware of his body nudging my thigh.

  “Would you like a drink?” my Mum suddenly shouted up the stairs from the landing below. We both froze as I managed to get enough breath to respond.

  “We’ll be down in a minute Mum, coffee please” I said. As we listened in silence to her receding footsteps on the stairs I looked up at James.

  “We’ll have to finish this later”

  “Oh, yes as there will be no distractions or interruptions at my place as my parents are away” he said, as with one final kiss he pulled away from me and I stood up. As James lounged on the bed he watched me pull on some jeans and a jumper and pack the last few items into my bag for the weekend.

  “Do I need to bring anything special?” I asked

  “No just special you” he replied “Now we’d better get our arses downstairs before your Mum gets suspicious about why our minute takes ten”

  James picked up my bag and after a final check I grabbed my coat and followed him down the stairs to the kitchen.

  “I was just about to send a search party up for you too” my Mum said, as she passed us our coffee.

  “I just had to finish my packing” I said, as I glanced over at James who was looking amused as he bit into a biscuit. I blushed just thinking about what we had just been doing only two storeys above and knew I couldn’t wait until we got going.

  “How’s the job?” Mum asked, as she sat down with her cup.

  “Great, loving every moment of it” James replied “It’s hard work but on the whole it’s fantastic” As we had finished our drinks we stood up and headed out to the car.

  “See you on Sunday” I said, as I hugged Mum.

  The drive was good and we were soon at my favourite place in the world, well that and Lytham St Anne’s. James raced round and as always opened the door for me, another of the little things that I loved about him. Once inside the house he turned to me and said “So what shall we do tonight?”

  “Did you have anything in mind?” I responded

  “I have plenty of things I want to do” he responded, grinning at me with the wicked glint in his eyes “but first off I think we need to finish what we started in your bedroom” he finished as he quickly picked me up and carried me upstairs to his bedroom.

  He placed me on the bed and then started to slowly remove all my clothes, he paused to admire the new baby pink underwear that I had picked up the previous week as his hands slid over the silk and lace before they too lay on the floor. Lying naked in front of him I watched as he removed his jeans and jumper and spied the silk boxer shorts from his birthday. Even after
all the time we had spent together I still felt shocked that someone so gorgeous was actually in love with me. Before we could continue James flicked the switch on the radio and the sound of ‘Waiting for a star to fall’ swirled around the room, as James’ lips captured mine and our tongues started to explore I let the lyrics into my mind and couldn’t believe how apt they were

  “I wish I didn’t feel so strong about you

  Like happiness and love revolve around you”

  Then the music faded as the beating of my heart increased with every touch on my skin as James indulged both him and me with the sensations his caresses bought to us both. As he entered me I pulled him close “I love you” I whispered “I love you more than you’ll ever really know or understand” I finished as I closed my eyes and let the gentle ripples turn to breaking waves crashing on rocks. I was shaking when he finally withdrew and curled up beside me. Finally he turned and said “Till the end of time” as his eyes closed and he slept beside me, while I gazed at him in awe.

  As I rested too I suddenly heard the phone ring and as James remained asleep I crept out from under his arms and padded downstairs to answer it. When I did I just heard silence and the faint sound of someone breathing before the line went dead. Shaking my head I headed for the kitchen and searched in the fridge for some cold drinks. I found a half open bottle of white wine so I poured that and some lemonade into a glass before I grabbed a bottle of beer for James and returned back upstairs with them. He opened his eyes just as I headed through the door

  “What a fucking hot sight you are” he said “You should always be naked” he finished as he sat up and I handed him the cold beer.

  “The phone rang but when I answered it there was just breathing on the other end before who ever it was rang off” I said.


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