Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1) Page 29

by Audrina Lane

  “That’s strange” James replied but as I watched him he took a long gulp of his beer and seemed suddenly nervous.

  “Shall we order take away for tea?” he asked.

  “Yeah that will be lovely, I’m starving” I replied, suddenly hungry.

  Handing me one of his shirts I shrugged it on with my knickers and James put on shorts and t-shirt as we headed back downstairs so he could ring up the Chinese. We enjoyed an evening of food and television only interrupted by the phone ringing. The first was his parents letting James know they had arrived safely in Scotland and the number for the hotel should he need it. The second call was just as we were heading upstairs to bed, so I continued as James answered it. I lay in bed wondering who it was and why the conversation seemed to be taking a long time. I was almost on the verge of heading back downstairs when I heard footsteps on the stairs followed by the usual sounds from the bathroom.

  When James entered the room he looked slightly different, his usual smile replaced by a more sombre look.

  “Is everything ok?” I asked

  “Yes, just some stuff from work, nothing to worry about” he replied, as he seemed to quickly switch on a forced smile. I opened my arms to him as he undressed and wrapped his arms around me. Our lips came together and I took the lead and trailed kisses over his face and neck and chest, heading down his body. However his usual response to my touch never happened and he remained soft in my hands and mouth before he eventually pulled me up and nuzzled his face into my neck

  “I think I’m just tired” he murmured, pulling me close “Sorry sweetheart” he finished. I smiled softly in the darkness and we settled down to sleep. But it eluded me as I lay there worrying about the phone call and his lack of response to my touch, I knew there was something wrong and I didn’t know how to ask him about it.

  Saturday 12th November, 1988

  When we awoke I looked through the crack in the curtains to find snow falling onto the ground. Even at sixteen snow always excited me and appealed to my inner child as I moved to the bottom of the bed and pulled the curtains wider apart to reveal a white wonderland below as a good couple of inches had fallen overnight. All of a sudden I felt hands grab me around the waist as James pulled me into his arms, all trace of last nights failure erased as I felt his hardness nudging my thigh immediately my body was against him

  “You’re awake this morning” I said, as I twisted round so that I could kiss him.

  “Definitely, awake and raring to go” James responded

  “Best be quick then as it’s snowing outside and I want to go and play in it” I replied, turning in his embrace so that I was on top of him. Playfully I eased myself down upon him and James ran his hands up my body to find my nipples with his fingers.

  As we moved together I stared deeply into his eyes and tried to see the shadow that had been there the night before. It had disappeared and I abandoned my body to the feelings of love and desire that coursed through my hot skin and into James’ I had been worrying about nothing as he flooded into me and it mingled with the sweet wetness of my orgasm. Lying in each other’s arms I felt so safe and secure in my feelings for James, he was truly the love of my life. I hoped that I would be his too, as he gently ran his fingers through my hair and down my cheek, ensuring we were as close as possible.

  “Come on, the snow might melt” I eventually said, as I pulled the covers back off our bodies.

  “You’re just like a little kid” James said, laughing too as my enthusiasm infected him “But I think we should have breakfast first”

  “Ok” I relented as I pulled my jeans and t-shirt on, followed by my thick jumper. After toast and coffee we pulled on our coats and gloves and headed out into the garden. I spun around looking up to the sky as the flakes continued to fall and kiss my face with their coldness and hang in my hair. I didn’t notice that James had bent down and shaped a snow ball until it flew and hit me on my back.

  “Snowball fight” he shouted, as he scooped up more snow and I dodged behind one of the apple trees so that I had the chance to start an arsenal to attack.

  We played a stealthy game of cat and mouse between the trees each getting some good shots in and also receiving some in return. Then I decided to make a run for it back towards the house as more snowballs pelted my behind until I just collapsed in the snow, the laughter shaking my body and making my side’s ache.

  “I surrender” I called out, as I could see James advancing towards me with two final snowballs, one in each hand.

  “Are you sure” he said, as he came closer and I looked up into his face, excitement glittered in his eyes

  “Yes, please put down those balls I’m defenceless” I replied, as I surreptitiously scooped up some snow in the hand furthest away from him and smiled up at him.

  “Ok” James replied as he dropped his to the ground and then bent down to pull me up and then I struck and landed mine straight into his face.

  “That’s so fucking naughty” he spluttered through the mouthful of snow that covered his face.

  “Sorry, I’ll make it up to you” I murmured, as he stopped trying to pull me up and sank down on top of me and the blanket of snow that surrounded us.

  “You are a cheeky minx” he murmured his lips reaching down to capture mine.

  “I think we should call it a draw” I responded, suddenly not feeling so cold even though the snow surrounded me and started to soak into my jeans. I couldn’t deny the feel of his hot kisses on my cold face and neck. His fingers slid down and opened the zip on my coat so that he could run his hands down my jumper and then up and under it too. I jumped when his icy touch seemed to burn into my skin and made it to my already rock hard nipples that tingled even more from his touch. My hands found their way round his back and then under his coat and jumper as I felt him shudder as my fingers touched the skin of his back but I continued to pull him closer down upon me. It felt as though I was sinking even further into the coldness of the snow enveloped in its numbing feel yet my body fought against it the fire licking its way around every nerve ending.

  Eventually we broke apart and without his body close to mine I suddenly felt the icy chill spread through to my bones and I started to shiver from the cold instead of the passion. James pulled me up and brushed the snow from my body as we walked together back into the warmth of the house. My fingers were so numb that I struggled to remove my clothes quickly but James covered that and soon had me naked as we headed upstairs. He wrapped me in his dressing gown and then headed into the bathroom and started to fill the tub. As we watched the water steam and fill the bath I was cocooned in his arms, as if he never wanted to let me go.

  When the bath tub was full I broke the bubbles on the top and lowered myself into the comforting heat and then James eased in behind me so that I was able to lie back in his arms. It felt as though we were lying in heaven as the chill from the snow melted away into the scent of the bubble bath that surrounded us. James rested his chin on my shoulder as my hands entwined in his beneath the surface.

  “Kiss me” I requested, turning slightly so that our lips could meet and benefit from the heat rising in our bodies. I melted further into his embrace and as the numbness was released from our fingers we began to re-awake the frozen nerves with each caress.

  Turning around carefully so the water remained below the rim I was soon looking into my favourite blue eyes, they seemed brighter than ever before as my lips captured him and I poured my very essence into him. Our hearts began to beat faster but still in time as his one hand ran through my hair and kept me close, whilst the other travelled down my hips and then parted my lips. I was wet anyway with the surrounding water but mine was slick as he pushed a finger inside me and then back out and over and over again as my breathing came faster and faster. I felt him hard against my thigh so I just moved his finger away so that I could capture the whole of him inside of me. As the waves of the bath lapped again our skin, spilling over onto the floor; the waves of our orgasms mingled t
ogether and joined us as one, over and over again.

  Neither of us said a word as we eventually climbed out of the bath and wrapped ourselves into large towels to dry. As it was already late afternoon we put our comfy clothes on and decided to walk to the chip shop. The snow had already stopped falling and you could almost guess that by tomorrow it would have melted and disappeared once more. The sweet smell of the hot oil got my taste buds working and once we reached home again we just opened up the wrappers and ate immediately out of the paper on our laps on the sofa. James had lit the fire and I made us both a mug of Hot Chocolate as we sat cuddled up together, just happy to be in each other’s company.

  That night we made love once more, a gentle heart felt moment that I felt bonded us even further as I fell asleep in his embrace.

  Sunday 13th November, 1988

  I awoke suddenly to the phone ringing yet again, James had also heard it so he jumped out of bed and put his dressing gown on and headed downstairs.

  “I’ll bring us back a coffee” he said, as he headed through the door.

  I quickly snuck a look out of the window but it was rain softly falling now and almost all trace of the snow had vanished again. I reached over and put the stereo on and found the copy of the mix tape James had done for me then I lay back and listened to all the familiar songs on it. Smiling as I remembered the various events that had taken place during different moments in our relationship.

  After about ten minutes I started to get restless, this was a long conversation for nine in the morning and I hoped that nothing serious had happened. I shrugged on his shirt and stepped out onto the landing making my way to the bathroom. I couldn’t make out any of the conversation just James saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and ‘I will soon’ I headed down the stairs and as I passed him in the hallway he looked surprised or was it shock as I ducked into the kitchen and gave a signal that I would make the coffee. He finished the conversation with ‘speak to you soon, bye’ and then he entered the kitchen.

  Once again for a brief second he looked troubled and there was a strange sadness that flitted across his eyes before the smile broke on his lips and he advance towards me. I held my arms open to him as he quickly lifted me up and placed me on the worktop so that I could wrap my legs around him. It felt cold on my bare ass for a brief moment before his lips captured mine in a kiss so long and sensual. I surrendered completely to him as he fucked me in the kitchen, it was short, sweet and satisfying.

  As we ate breakfast together I turned to James and said.

  “Who was on the phone?” I noticed James hesitate and he seemed to pale ever so slightly.

  “Just Aunt Sue wanting Mum but having a general catch up” he replied “It’s ok, it hasn’t ruined our morning, sex in the kitchen is just as much fun as sex in the bedroom” he finished, grinning at me.

  “So what shall we do with the rest of the day before you have to take me home?” I asked

  “How about a swim, my parents have just got membership to this nearby health spa and said I could use it with you this weekend” he replied.

  “That sounds great” I replied, as we headed back upstairs to get dressed.

  We spent an enjoyable few hours at the health spa, the pool was almost deserted and I had never been in a Jacuzzi before where I discovered that bubbles could reach places that had never been reached before. It was just a shame that the place was not deserted enough for some fun.

  “When we have a place of our own we should get a Jacuzzi” I murmured as I relaxed into the bubbles, and leaned into James’ arms. James stayed silent at this comment so I wasn’t sure if he had heard me or not.

  The drive home was as usual, we chatted and sang along to the music but as always the heavy cloud of despair at being separated again, hung over us. It had been late when we had finally left James’ place so he declined the offer of a final coffee as he needed to get back as he was starting early on the Monday. The clouds overhead hid most of the stars from view as he wrapped his arms around me for the final time.

  “I’ve had the most wonderful time this weekend” I breathed, choking slightly on the words as the tears started to kiss my eyelashes but I held them back.

  “Me too Stephanie, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will love you till the end of time” he replied, his voice thick with the emotion as in the dim light I spotted tears glittering on his cheeks. I reached up and wiped them away.

  “Till the end of time” I replied, as we kissed for a final time before I reluctantly released him from my arms. As always I watched the rear of the mini disappear from view at the turn of the corner and then headed inside to the desolation that I felt.

  Chapter 38

  Charlotte’s phone suddenly tinged and she looked down to see a text from Mitchell. Quickly she wiped her eyes as the last diary entries had really tugged at her heart and made her realise how much her Mum had been in love with James.

  “Hi Charlie, I am safely home and in bed already, it feels too big without your sexy body beside me!! Keep in touch this week and I will be down as soon as possible on Friday, let me know what time you finish college and I’ll come and fetch you on the bike. Love Mitch x x x”

  Charlie, hugged herself and smiled before she replied back

  “Hi Mitch, I am in bed too, wish you were here or I was back there!!!! Been busy reading the diary and will speak to you tomorrow. Night, night. Love Charlie x x x”

  “Goodnight my Baby” his final text said. Charlie put her phone on the side and turned the light off, it was too late to read anymore but she knew that time was tight with only a fortnight to the competition.

  I had to shout Charlotte to wake her up for college this morning, as she eventually emerged bleary eyed into the kitchen

  “Morning Mum” she managed, sitting down and immediately tapping out a text on her phone.

  “Morning Charlie, what time will you be home later?” I asked

  “After school and practice it will probably be about seven before I am home” she replied “Why?”

  “I’ve got a meeting after my radio show to discuss Rock on the River with the guys and knowing them it will probably involve late lunch at the pub but I’ll try and get home for then” I replied, as I handed her a coffee and a plate of toast.

  “Don’t worry if you’re later I can put a pizza in” Charlotte said, as she finished her toast and then after a quick trip to the bathroom she had her bag for college and dance practice in hand.

  “See you later” Charlotte shouted, as she danced out of the door and spotted Julia waiting for her at the end of the road.

  “Have a good day Charlie” I replied, as I switched the radio on in the kitchen and sat down in front of my laptop to plan my lunchtime show, all the while Paul kept me company in the background with his usual mix of irreverence for the morning show. I was really looking forward to later as I headed into work in the car. The sun was shining and all felt right with my world at last. I couldn’t wait to hear the final plans for the day, which would be taking place on the first weekend in August. The only thing we couldn’t plan was the weather.

  In the studio I was soon live on air with the usual lunchtime request show as I answered phones, texts and emails. All of a sudden on the computer screen came a request for me, it was ‘Hunting High and Low’ by A-Ha and it was from my secret admirer again. I giggled as I searched the database and found the track as I announced

  “This next song is apparently for me from my secret admirer”

  As the song played I searched through the text for any further clues as to who it might be. My initial guess was again Jack from the hospital so I dropped him a text saying ‘very funny’. He replied back saying ‘what are you talking about’ I responded with ‘My secret admirer’ and he finished by saying ‘It’s definitely not me you really do have a secret admirer’

  I spent the rest of the show pondering as to who my secret admirer might be. He could easily find out what I looked like and that my favo
urite artists were George Michael and A-Ha due to the profile on the radio website. Ian soon poked his head in towards the end of the show

  “So Steph, who is this secret admirer of yours” he asked, grinning at me.

  “I really don’t know, I thought it was Jack playing a joke but he has denied it” I admitted, before I cued up the next song.

  “It’s not you or Paul winding me up is it?” I finished.

  “No, it’s not us” Ian replied “We’ll have to get our heads together later in the pub and see if we can’t work out who your mystery man might be” he finished.

  I wrapped up the show and then Ian took over for the afternoon.

  I took the time to do a quick shop and then returned to the studio to find Paul and Ian waiting for me, as we headed to the nearby pub Jack caught us up and the four of us soon found a table and ordered drinks and some nacho’s to pick at whilst we talked. Rock on the River was progressing well with only 6 weeks to go until the date. All the bands had confirmed, tickets would be on sale by the weekend and our advertising was already up and around the area. It was going to be an event to remember.

  Then the conversation turned to my secret admirer

  “Have you no idea who it could be?” Jack asked, leaning forward slightly with interest

  “Nope not a clue”

  “He could be a real weirdo, you know we do get obsessive fans sometimes” Ian said, looking over at Paul who laughed.

  “Yes I remember Mary” Paul replied, as we all remembered his fan; she would be waiting for him outside the studio every morning with a box of doughnuts. I shuddered at the thought that a strange man might be obsessing about me.


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