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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 35

by Audrina Lane

  “Yeah it’s fantastic” Mitch said, joining in the conversation “I can’t wait to dance with Charlotte again” he finished, as they exchanged a look that was hotter than the evening sun.

  I heard the doorbell so I headed inside to sort out the food. I quickly glanced out of the window as I was sorting out the plates and noticed that Charlie had turned on the music system and she was swaying to the sounds that filled the garden with happiness. Mitchell never took his eyes off her as he stayed seated and enjoyed the view. I picked up the card from the florists but there was no clue in the writing at all as to who he was, my mystery man but I would be finding out in a few weeks time when our fundraising event was taking place. I was about to drift off into my thoughts when Mitchell walked in.

  “Can I give you a hand?” he asked.

  “Thanks Mitchell” I replied, handing him some plates of pizza, wedges and coleslaw.

  “Would you like another beer?” I finished.

  “Yes, don’t worry I’ll help myself” he said, as he laid out the food and then disappeared back into the house.

  We spent a pleasant evening chatting as the sun finally went down on the day and as I cleared up I left them alone in the moonlight. The music was still on low and as I loaded the dishwasher I realised it was ‘Careless Whisper’ by George Michael. I paused and closed my eyes, remembering a time when I was young and dancing with the one I loved under a moonlit sky. Mitch stood up and held out his hand to Charlie as they slowly moved across the grass, it felt as thought I was staring into a mirror that was reflecting back a scene from my memories. A single tear balanced on my cheek for a split second and then fell onto the worktop, I wiped it away.

  “I’m heading up to bed now” I called from the doorway “I’m filling in for Paul on the breakfast show so if I don’t see you in the morning I’ll catch you later” I finished.

  “Ok Mum, night” Charlie managed over the music.

  “Night Stephanie” Mitchell replied, turning towards me and raising his hand slightly. I could hardly breathe as the gesture and the way he looked in the moonlight it was as if James had returned from my dreams into a new reality with my lovely daughter. I sighed and turned towards the stairs, the scent of the flowers filled the hallway as I passed by. I lay in bed with the window slightly open and I could still hear the faint sound of music coming from the garden. Then as sleep claimed me I dreamed about my mystery man, yet in my dreams he looked a lot like James.

  Chapter 46

  With the house empty and both his son’s away James turned off the television and was greeted by silence as he turned off the lights. As he pulled the patio doors shut he took a moment and looked up into the clear night sky and the stars that twinkled there like tiny diamonds scattered over black velvet. He had grudgingly bought Felicity a diamond engagement ring, all the time thinking only of the girl he had thrown away. He reached for his neck to find it empty and wondered where his St Christopher had gone; in the early days of his forced relationship with his now ex-wife he had searched high and low for it but it had vanished from sight. He guessed that Felicity had hated the sight of it, a reminder of his past, and had thrown it away. James also wondered how the flowers had been received as he headed upstairs; he needed to think of a song with flowers in the title for tomorrow’s request.

  Outside Charlotte had changed the stereo and plugged her iPod into it instead of her Mum’s music.

  “I never get tired of listening to the soundtrack from Dirty Dancing” Charlotte said as the familiar strains of ‘She’s like the wind’ floated out into the calm, warm night air.

  “Dance with me” she said, turning to Mitchell as the moonlight lit up her soft smile and cast long shadows around her on the pale grass. He needed no further consideration as he stood up and pulled her close, their hearts beating in time to the rhythm of the song and each other. His arms were filled with the feel of her soft curves, as she pressed against him. Her arms ran down his back to rest on the firm roundness of his bum as she pushed him into her tighter and felt his lips brush her forehead and cheeks on their way to her lips.

  As the music played on they danced on, it didn’t matter whether the music was fast or slow they just swayed to it and let it wash over them, through them, into them, binding them together with its invisible bars. Eventually Charlie had to stifle a yawn and they realised that it was almost two in the morning and time to head inside. After locking up, Charlie sagged against the strength of Mitchell, who just silently picked her up and carried her upstairs to bed. She pulled her dress off and then slid under the duvet and waited for Mitchell to join her. Then after some more loving kisses she curled up in his arms and slept. Mitch looked down at the top of her head, and whispered “Goodnight” softly into her hair.

  My alarm sounded far too soon but I got up and dressed as I quietly crept past my daughter’s room and down the stairs. After a quick coffee I grabbed my coat and headed off to work ready for a slightly longer shift by covering the morning show and then straight into my own. As I turned the radio on I listened to Jamie’s early bird show and laughed at his youthful enthusiasm. It didn’t take long for me to arrive as there was hardly any traffic around on this glorious morning. I was still being cautious as I looked around the car park and then up and down the street before I let myself into the studio, no sign of anyone lurking with intent.

  Jamie waved from the studio booth as I wandered in and grabbed another coffee and a bottle of water. Ian had promised to get in an hour early for his show and bring me some lunch so I was all set for a bit of a marathon, not that I ever considered my work a chore, I loved every minute of it. In the past I had played songs for new born babies, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and even the odd on air proposal. It just felt good to be keeping everyone happy and cheerful as they went about their daily lives. As the news played Jamie headed out and passed me a box of jelly babies.

  “These arrived for you” he said

  “Who are they from?” I asked.

  “It was a guy” he finished.

  “Thanks Jamie” I said, wandering into the studio with the box and a label saying “Because you are my sweet, Jack”

  I laughed and in between songs dropped him a text to say thank you as I enjoyed them as I worked. As the time crept along I realised that my secret admirer had not texted today, however I didn’t have long to wait as it soon appeared on my screen.

  “Hi Stephanie, can you play It must be love by Madness just for you, from your Secret Admirer”

  “Certainly Mystery man and in return I’ll say Thanks for the flowers and play you Can’t buy me love from the Beatles, hope you enjoy”

  Sitting back I enjoyed the music and guessed that perhaps by choosing a Madness song he was maybe slightly older than me but again I still had no idea who he was.

  On his way to work James tuned into the radio and listened to his song being played followed by Stephanie’s reply. She was good, witty, intelligent and obviously enjoying this little flirtation. He was already counting down the time until the dance competition next weekend as he hoped that when she saw him again he would be able to start to explain his actions and hopefully make amends for his appalling behaviour. Mitch had dropped him a text last night saying they had been picked for the interval dance and James had almost replied asking how Stephanie had liked the flowers but he kept quiet, it was fun playing this game, and it was their secret. As the Fire Station loomed ahead of him he wondered how his life would change if he found Stephanie once more in his arms, but perhaps that was too much to hope for.

  As the sun started to shine through the curtains Mitchell stirred and carefully moved his arm from underneath Charlie’s head. He rubbed it to try and wake it up a little and as he moved she opened her eyes and stared up at him.

  “Morning baby” he said

  “Morning Mitch” she replied, licking her lips and reaching up to pull him close again.

  “So what are we going to do this morning?” he asked with a mischievo
us grin on his face.

  “Well, Mum’s not here so whatever we like” Charlie replied, with an equally cheeky look on her face.

  “I’m sure something was rubbing on my feet last night so I’ll pop down and check” Mitch replied as he ducked beneath the covers and Charlie lay still, giggling softly as she waited for his first touch with eager anticipation.

  Mitchell soon located her feet and carefully tested the water by running his fingers over her toes; she started to laugh until he bent down and ran his tongue over them instead. Her laughter turned to sighs of pleasure as he kissed and licked his way up her lower leg, knee and thighs. He could feel her fingers running through his hair and gripping his tightly when he got closer to the lace of her panties. He carefully ran his tongue lightly against the skin of her inner thigh and then he paused to see if she pulled away. Charlotte was breathing heavily at the feel of his closeness but she stayed still and let him continue as it felt too damn good to stop. His breath tickled her skin as she realised that he had paused in case she wanted to stop.

  Then he glanced over the outside of the lace and continued upwards, over her smooth stomach and then to the hollow between her breasts. She longed to pull him further up so she could kiss him But once again she paused and ran her hands down his neck and onto his back where she traced spirals with her nails which matched the way her feelings were spiralling out of control under the touch of his lips. His tongue delicately travelled in a loop towards each nipple before he sucked them until she trembled beneath him whilst he worked his was up her throat and then to her lips. She hungrily matched his kisses and then in a short lull she moved from beneath him and let him lie in her place “It’s my turn now” she purred, and with a final kiss on his lips she dived underneath the covers.

  Mitchell let his fingers stroke her hair, mirroring what she had done to him as he felt her butterfly kisses on his feet and then running up his legs to a place he truly hoped she wanted to kiss. Then her hot hand reached up and touched him for the first time and they both drew in their breath. Charlotte peeped up from under the covers and as it was getting rather warm Mitch threw them off so that he could watch her. She knelt up and paused for a second.

  “How do you like it?” she asked.

  He reached down and covered her hand with his.

  “Like this” he breathed, as both their hands moved together.

  As she continued he let go of her and was able to run his fingers over the curve of her waist and hips as he closed his eyes and just let go of all his pent up frustrations in the feel of her skin on his. Pulling her hand away Charlotte reached over to her bedside table for some tissues and then she lay back down next to Mitchell and he turned so that their bodies lay touching from head to toe, as close as they could get.

  “I love you” Charlie breathed, as she kissed Mitch again.

  “I love you too” Mitch replied, kissing her back “I could stay here all day” he finished.

  “Yes, me too but I’m starving” Charlie said, as she reluctantly pulled away from him and found his t-shirt on the floor from last night. She pulled it on and it just covered her bum as she turned to look at Mitchell, lying on her bed and looking utterly gorgeous.

  She picked up his jogging trousers and threw them in the direction of the bed

  “Are you coming?” she asked

  “Already did thanks” he laughed and stood up to pull them on as he watched a light blush appear all over her body at the innuendo. In the kitchen Charlie put the coffee machine on and then turned to Mitch.

  “It’s gone nine shall we have something that will pass as brunch to get us through all the dancing?” she asked.

  “Sounds good, how about scrambled eggs on toast with baked beans?” Mitch suggested “I can help cook” he finished.

  “Good, ‘cos I’m a bit rubbish and burn things” Charlie said, laughing as he caught her round the waist and pulled her close for a kiss.

  “You’re very distracting in just my t-shirt and your pants” he murmured, when he eventually let her go and they got started on the cooking, the smell of coffee weaving through the air and grabbing at their hunger. When they sat down to eat Charlotte turned the radio on and they listened to her Mum on the breakfast show.

  “Your Mum is great” Mitch said

  “Yeah, so is your Dad” Charlie said, between mouthfuls.

  “I hope they can sort things out when they meet next weekend” Mitch replied.

  “I’m really scared about it all, after all my Mum nearly wasn’t here, what if it goes horribly wrong and she gets depressed again” Charlotte replied, putting her fork down as the seriousness hit her full on.

  “She’s been so happy recently, happier than I have ever seen her” she finished, as she reached out for Mitch’s hand.

  “I’m sure it will be fine, now come over here I’m getting withdrawal symptoms” Mitch said, as she slipped off the stool and headed round the island into his arms.

  Eventually they headed upstairs and got changed into their dance clothes, Charlotte added a small flirty skirt to hers and then started to pack her costumes for the dress rehearsal. When they were finished they headed for the bike and managed to reach the college hall just after eleven. It was only Mrs Grantley there so they headed in and were soon warming up.

  “Do you need any help with anything?” she asked.

  “Well, I do have a suggestion” Mitch said.

  “Go on”

  “As we are doing the end routine from Dirty Dancing there is a point in the film where the rest of the staff join in and I thought it might be nice if the guys in my group could hook up with the girls in your group” Mitch said.

  “I’ll ask them when they get here later but can’t see why not, we can try and get a quick run through in on the Saturday after our main dancing” Mrs Grantley replied.

  Putting the CD into the system Charlotte stood and waited as the now familiar strains of ‘I’ve had the time of my life’ poured out and she turned to see Mitchell advancing towards her his finger beckoning. Even though they hadn’t danced together for a week their first attempt was not too bad, although Charlie forgot some of the steps and the lift had to be aborted at the last minute as Mitch wasn’t quite ready for her. They stopped the music and headed back to the starting positions again and the second attempt went a lot better but still not perfectly. As they walked back to positions Charlie reached out for Mitchell’s hand and pulled him close to whisper.

  “Can’t wait to get you naked later”

  She watched him smile and visibly relax and this time as the music flowed so did their bodies.

  As Charlie ran towards Mitch for the lift she knew it was going to be perfect and then as her feet left the ground she soared above his head. With her arms outstretched she closed her eyes and saw the blue sky, the trees and the lake of their second date. Slowly she was lowered to the ground and still holding tight to Mitch she watched his lips meet hers quickly before they continued the routine. When the music finally faded away Charlotte heard clapping and turned to see Mrs Grantley walking towards them.

  “That was breathtaking” she said “I just couldn’t take my eyes off you both, you have something very special when you dance” she finished.

  “You think so?” Charlie replied, looking from her dance teacher back to Mitchell, who still held her tightly.

  “Yes, don’t ever stop dancing” Mrs Grantley finished, as she headed across to the music system and stopped the music before the next song started.

  Mitchell held Charlotte even tighter when he heard the comments her teacher had just made and as she turned to look again at him, he just nodded and whispered softly.

  “I will never let you go” as his lips tenderly brushed over hers. Pulling apart they headed for the corridor and the nearest vending machine for some bottles of water and a cool down, even though Charlie knew that just hearing Mitch say those words to her meant she was burning for far more than her exertions on the dance floor. Heading back to t
he hall they both reached for each other’s hands and held tight, as if to permanently trap the magic they had found.

  With Mitchell watching from the sidelines the girls went through their dance to Umbrella and then headed for the locker room to change into their costumes for a dress rehearsal. Mitchell took the chance to admire Charlie’s body in the tight red shorts and bra tops that they all wore as they moved with ease despite the use of the umbrellas as props. They ran through the dance a couple of times and Mrs Grantley corrected the few slight mistakes until they arrived at near perfection. Then after a quick change into their suits they were the female equivalent of Bond, their sharp shooting in complete contrast to the melodic Sky fall but it worked brilliantly and Mitch admired the skill in Mrs Grantley’s choreography.

  As Charlie headed over to her bag she pulled her final costume out and then another and handed it to Mitchell.

  “We got you a costume, I hope it fits ok?” she said.

  “I’ll soon let you know” Mitch replied, as he took the aviation style jumpsuit and held it up. Once they had all changed and re-assembled Charlie was pleased to see the costume fitted almost perfectly. His suit was perfectly in tact and he looked across at the girls and especially Charlotte to see that they wore almost identical jumpsuits but with rips and tears in various places and the wigs they wore completed the whole look with the ragged edges and darkened fringe. The darkness of the hair only heightened the paleness of Charlie’s skin as she still managed to stand out from the rest.

  Once in place the haunting melody of ‘Take my breath away’ flooded the hall and Charlie was lost once more in the lyrics and the dance as she almost floated across the wooden floor and then made the final leap into the arms of Mitchell, who lowered her gently back to earth. Their first run through had been perfect and they all took a moment to realise this before breaking into huge smiles.


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