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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 44

by Audrina Lane

  “Mitchell, Charlotte, sorry to interrupt your meal but I was wondering if I could have a moment to talk to you both”

  Mitchell quickly stood up and reached out to shake her hand and that of the other judge.

  “Yes that will be fine” he stammered. Charlotte stood up too and I watched them follow her out of the room.

  “Oh my God” said Sarah “I can’t believe I just saw that” she finished.

  “Wow, its so exciting” Pam said, joining in “I wonder what they want to talk to them about?”

  As I sat and joined in the conversation I felt a soft touch on my knee beneath the table. I glanced across at James who was still talking to his Mum and Dad and then feeling courageous I placed my hand on top of his. He jumped slightly but carried on as if nothing was going on, a sparkle winked in the corner of his eyes. Then he turned his hand over and linked his fingers through mine and it was my turn to hide the shock from the rest of the table.

  Charlotte and Mitchell had been gone for a while so James decided to order some more drinks from the bar. His parents excused themselves and headed back to their room, leaving just the four of us. Knowing that they would have to walk back through the bar we left the table and found a couple of comfy sofa’s in the corner.

  “So what would you like to drink?” James asked.

  “I’ll get these” Chris said, standing up too.

  “Gin and tonic” Sarah said.

  “Same for me thanks” I replied.

  “I’ll come and help” James said, leaving the two of us alone on the sofa.

  “So, have you decided what to do yet?” Sarah asked.

  “I’ve already told him I want us to be friends first and see how things go but I can’t deny that the spark between us is still there” I finished, sitting down in the opposite sofa.

  “Just don’t forget that we are here for you, me, Chris and I suspect Charlotte too” Sarah finished, looking across at the two men standing at the bar.

  As they waited to order Chris turned to James.

  “I hope you know how much you hurt Stephanie” he said.

  “Yes she did tell me a little of what happened” James replied.

  “Well, you weren’t there. You didn’t have to find her floating in a blood filled bath, the life draining out of her. You didn’t have to pull her out and hope that you weren’t too late. You didn’t have to visit her in the hospital or see the hopeless look in her eyes. You didn’t have to wonder whether she was thanking you or cursing you for saving her life” Chris finished, as he tried to control his anger. He could see how pale James had gone, having to listen to the truth.

  “I have told her how sorry I was for finishing things, I was stuck between two difficult decisions and I hope she understands that and will allow me to make up for it now “ James said “I still love her” he finished. Looking away from Chris and towards where I sat in the corner.

  “I hope Stephanie will give me a second chance to make things right again after the mess I made” James said.

  “Well, if she does don’t you ever hurt her again or you will have me to deal with, I don’t forgive easily and I definitely don’t forget” Chris finished.

  Sarah and I watched as they both headed back from the bar with our drinks. Sitting together it almost felt like old times again except for the slight atmosphere that lingered in the air of all the things unspoken. I watched as Chris put his arm around Sarah’s shoulders opposite us, whilst I sat slightly apart from James on the other sofa and sipped my drink. Before the silence became uncomfortable we heard laughter and spotted Charlie and Mitch heading back into the bar. I held my hand up so that they would spot us and after stopping at the bar to get a drink they headed over. Chris pulled up a large armchair and Mitch dropped gracefully into it whilst Charlie perched on the arm.

  We all turned to stare at them and waited.

  Chapter 57

  When Charlotte and Mitch followed Arlene and the other judge from the restaurant Charlie tried to contain her excitement and nervousness. All the other diners in the restaurant were looking at them and some were other competitors from the competition. She wondered what they were going to say and hoped that it would be good. She held Mitch’s hand tightly and she could feel his nervous tremble through her fingers as she shared hers with him. They headed through to the reception area and the girl on the desk came forward and they followed her into the conference room, which was huge and empty.

  Arlene and the other judge sat down and Charlie and Mitch followed suit and then waited.

  “Thank you for letting me interrupt your celebrations” Arlene said.

  “No problem” Mitch replied.

  “Watching you both dance together transported me to another world and I would have loved you to have had the chance to perform your dance again at the end of the competition”

  They both nodded and grinned at the praise.

  “Ken here is currently working on a stage version of the Dirty Dancing film for release on the stage some time next year and we wanted to give the two of you the first chance to audition for the lead roles” Arlene finished.

  “You captured the finale of the film so well and I’d like you to come and screen test for me when the script is finished” Ken said “I completely agree with Arlene regarding your dancing but obviously we need you to be able to act as well” he finished.

  There was a long pause as Charlie and Mitch took in the staggering offer they had just received. It made the one from the hotel a mere shadow of a chance. A chance for them to tour the country and dance for everyone and earn a living, it was a remarkable offer.

  “Now you don’t have to say anything yet” Arlene continued “We’d just like to take your contact details and give you ours so that we can get in touch nearer the time” she finished. They watched as she fished in her handbag and produced her business card and Ken did the same too.

  “Do you have a pen and paper” Mitch was finally able to say.

  “Yes” Arlene said as she produced some and passed it to him. He turned to the edge of the table and at the same time looked across at Charlotte.

  “Are you ok” he whispered, as he wrote his name, phone number and email address down on the sheet and slid it across to Charlie.

  She almost dropped the pen as her hand was shaking so much at the wonderful news.

  “Fine, more than fine” she whispered back. She quickly managed to scribble down the same information as Mitch had and handed the sheet of paper back to Arlene.

  “Can I ask how old you are?” Arlene asked.

  “I’m seventeen” Charlotte replied

  “I’m twenty” Mitch said

  “How long have you been dancing together?” she asked them.

  Arlene watched as they exchanged a glance and then Mitchell replied.

  “About six weeks”

  Charlie and Mitch watched as she swallowed hard to hide the shock.

  “Well, I would never have imagined that” she responded “Just don’t stop as you have a lot to offer already and I’m sure you will have even more as you grow together” she finished. Standing up she pushed the chair in and Ken followed her lead.

  “Once again, thank you for talking to us both and we will be in touch shortly” Arlene said, extending her hand as they all took turns to shake. Once in the corridor Charlie and Mitch watched them walk away as they remained routed to the spot. When they were finally alone Charlotte let out a scream and flung her arms around Mitchell. He lifted her up and spun her around, grinning like a maniac. Then his lips found hers and they were kissing again, long and deep until they broke apart needing to breathe.

  “Oh my God, did I really hear that right or am I dreaming” Charlie finally said.

  “Well, if you were dreaming then I was too” Mitch replied. Mitch held up the business cards that he had been handed and read them through. Charlotte touched them too.

  “Yes they are real alright” she exclaimed.

  “I just can’t bel
ieve it, firstly the Hotel offering us work and now the possibility of parts in a show that will tour the country” Mitch shook his head.

  “I told you we were great together” Charlie breathed.

  “I so love you Charlie” Mitch replied.

  “I love you too Mr Cooke” Charlie replied, putting on her best impression of Arlene. Mitch laughed and pulled her close once more and as the laughter faded the desire reignited.

  As they walked along the corridor and back to the bar and restaurant they both just kept grinning, as though they had won the lottery. Walking in they noticed that Pam and Peter had already headed up to their room and in the corner of the bar sat their parents, Sarah and Chris. Eagerly they headed over after stopping to get a drink at the bar. Mitch put the drinks down and sat down in the armchair and Charlie perched next to him on the arm. They paused as the eager faces looked at them wanting to know what had happened. Mitch turned to speak but Charlie beat him too it.

  “Arlene has taken our details and the other guy is planning to turn Dirty Dancing into a stage show and would like us both to audition for the lead roles early next year” Charlie breathed.

  I could hardly believe what I was hearing as silence reigned.

  “Isn’t that amazing news” she finished, looking around at all the stunned faces. James was the first to respond.

  “Well, what a day it has been, runners up in the competition and now the possibility of work in the new year”

  “Thanks Dad, it is wonderful. Arlene nearly fell over when we told her how long we had been dancing together” Mitch said.

  “Yes she’s got our contact details and we have hers” Charlie said.

  “Congratulations both of you, I knew it was special when I saw the video recording that you submitted” I said, raising my glass at the two of them.

  “Hey you won’t forget your Aunt and Uncle when you’re rich and famous” Sarah said, raising her glass too.

  As we finished our drinks Sarah started to yawn and nudging Chris they excused themselves and headed for their room. Charlotte looked far to bright eyed for sleep but she faked a yawn and grabbed Mitchell’s hand.

  “We’re going to head up too” she said “Night Mum, James” she finished.

  “Night Dad, Stephanie. See you in the morning for breakfast” Mitch said. I noticed Mitchell place his arm around Charlie’s waist as they walked out together, perfectly in step as if there whole life was one long dance. Smiling I was about to reach for my drink when James reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me too him.

  “At last we are alone again” he breathed. I hesitated as once again my mind tried to warn me against anything foolish. Then I remembered the words Sarah had shared with me in the rest room. I closed my eyes and surrendered to his touch as he pulled me into his embrace.

  I felt his breath catch my cheek as he grazed his lips over my skin and to my earlobe.

  “Stephanie, you mean the world to me and I want to be with you again” he murmured. His lips travelled down my throat and then to the place where the fabric hit skin. I could feel my heart beating rapidly as I tried to control my breathing at his measured advances. I knew he was hitting all the right buttons, after all he had been the first to ever find them. I ran my hand up the back of his neck and into his hair as our lips finally collided in a kiss so passionate yet so tender I wanted to cry out his name. The bar staff called last orders so we broke apart and just gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “Would you like another drink?” he asked.

  “I think I’ve had enough thanks and should be heading up” I replied.

  Standing up I turned to James.

  “Thanks for this evening, it’s been one hell of a day all round” I said. He nodded and put his arm around me as we left the bar and headed for the lift.

  Once inside James pressed the button and smiled across at me.

  “Does this remind you of anything?” he asked.

  “Of course” I replied, as the image of Maverick and Charlie in the lift in Top Gun sprung to mind. Stepping out we walked in silence until we reached James’ door.

  “Would you like to come in?” he asked. I shook my head.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea” I said, smiling.

  “But we need to exchange emails, phone numbers if we’re going to start getting to know each other again” he said.

  “Oh yes, Ok I’ll come in for a few minutes and we can do that” I replied.

  Opening the door he ushered me inside and closed it behind us. I sat down on the sofa and waited as he found a piece of paper and pen for us. He plugged his iPod into the television and selected some music. I instantly recognised it as the exact playlist that had been on the mix tape he had given me. I sank back against the cushions, kicked off my heels and closed my eyes briefly, giving in to the tiredness that had crept over me.

  “So where do we start?” James asked, as he sat down next to me.

  I opened my eyes and looked down on the piece of paper at his email address, phone numbers and his home address. I started when I read it.

  “So you’re living in your parent’s house?” I said. He nodded.

  “They have a small chalet style bungalow at the bottom of the garden, I lost my house to Felicity when she left” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

  I took the pen and wrote down my details the same and passed it over to James.

  “So I think we also need to talk to Charlotte and Mitchell and is your other son called Darren?”

  “Yes I think we ought to tell them something” he agreed “Perhaps that we are renewing our friendship but at this stage we don’t know where it will lead” he finished. I nodded “That sounds like a good idea” I replied, stifling a yawn. I closed my eyes again and let the lilting melody of “Father Figure” wash over me, lifting my spirits. The words were healing me and making me fall back in love with love. As the music faded I sank into sleep.

  James looked down as I slept on the sofa, then carefully he picked me up and placed me on the bed. He managed to remove my dress but then left everything else on as he pulled the covers across me. Then carefully he undressed and slipped in beside me.

  I awoke to weak sunlight pouring through the curtains and blinked a couple of times trying to adjust. Then I realised where I was and it was not in my hotel room. Looking across in a panic I saw James sleeping beside me, his arm stretched out towards me. I slipped out from the duvet and found my dress lying over the arm of the sofa and I pulled it back on. Picking up my shoes I grabbed my handbag and the slip of paper which I folded and placed inside. Then I tore another slip of paper up and wrote a quick message and left it folded on the pillow before I crept from the room

  As the door clicked shut James opened his eyes and glanced across to find the space next to him empty. Lying on the pillow was a piece of paper and he carefully unfolded it to reveal Stephanie’s neat handwriting.

  “Dear James

  This weekend has been surprising for many reasons. I have enjoyed starting to get to know you again and I look forward to more conversation over the next couple of weeks as we rekindle our friendship. Who knows where it will lead? Fondest Regards


  He folded the note back up and lay back against the pillows, remembering the last few hours and sharing a bed with her again. He made up his mind that he had to romance her like never before, prove that he was still the boy she fell in love with. A boy who hadn’t wanted to break his promise of “till the end of time”

  Unlocking the door of my room I slipped inside and leant back against its solidness and smiled. Falling asleep in his room had not been in the plan but it didn’t matter as I knew he was still a gentleman and a friend. I took off my dress and slipped into the bathroom for a shower, knowing that I would not be able to sleep any longer now that I was awake. I had a fortnight before I would see him again and in the meantime we could talk without the sexual tension creeping in and making things more difficult. The warm water fell
over my body and I closed my eyes and revelled in it. Then I wrapped myself in a robe and made a cup of coffee as I looked out through the window for the final time.

  Chapter 58

  Leaving their parents Charlotte and Mitchell headed back to their room. As they stood in the lift Mitch pulled her close.

  “I just can’t seem to keep my hands off you” he murmured.

  “Do you hear me complaining” Charlie replied, as she pushed her body even closer to his.

  “Tomorrow is going to be so awful when we’re not together” she said.

  “Well, let’s live for today then” Mitch replied, kissing her gently on her upturned lips. They hurried along the corridor and almost fell through the door of their room. Mitchell had Charlie in his arms before the door closed behind them as they staggered and fell onto the bed together in a jumble of limbs.

  As their lips joined together in a kiss so long and passionate it felt as though time was frozen. Charlotte lay back as Mitch gently peeled down the straps of her dress, revealing her naked breasts as her nipples sprang to attention under his light touch. Then he worked his way down and pulled off her knickers and threw them behind him. Charlie laughed for a second and then it changed to a gasp as his tongue went to work. Her hands ran through his hair as she arched under his touch and surrendered completely to the sensations that were racing through her body. She shuddered and came, Mitch paused and looked up at her and smiled before he continued again to bring her to the very pinnacle of pleasure. Then he pulled away, aware that he was teasing her but enjoying it too.

  Charlie rolled over and groaned at the loss and then carefully undid the buttons on his shirt and threw that over her shoulder. Her hands fumbled at his belt buckle but eventually it came free and she pulled his trousers off. Mitch tried to pull her straight on top of him but she pulled away and pushed him back against the duvet beneath them. He felt her loose hair tickle his body as her lips travelled down to his hardness. She paused and playfully ran down his thighs and up again, coming close but not going for the target until she felt his hands trying to push her that way. Then she let her tongue play over the tip and felt him quiver with excitement. She played with him as if he were a lovely ice lolly to be savoured.


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