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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 46

by Audrina Lane

  “We met again at the dance competition over the weekend and spent quite a lot of time talking” I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

  “And are you back together then?” he asked.

  “We’re being friends again first as it’s a big step for me to take after all that happened” I replied.

  “Steph, don’t be a fucking idiot and let him go again, just go for it that’s what I always do” Jack said.

  “Part of me wants to just fall back into his arms but it’s his son and my daughter we now have to consider. It’s not that easy to just pick up where we left off twenty odd years ago” I sighed.

  We were both silent for a moment and drank our coffee.

  “But I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time. How about doing what’s right for you for a change instead of letting other’s get in the way” Jack finally said.

  “I guess” I replied “I’ve got a fortnight before I see him again as he’s coming to Rock on the River”

  “Shit, what about your blind date with the mystery man?” Jack asked.

  “Well, I don’t think I can back out of that now but at least I have someone in reserve” I giggled. Jack let his laughter join mine.

  “You could always have a threesome” he finally laughed.

  “Stop it, I really don’t think so” I finished. Checking my watch I realised that an hour had passed by and I needed to get home.

  “Well, I’d better get going now” I said, standing up “Thanks for your input”

  “You know me, always happy to help, I’m like a regular agony aunt” he said, pulling me in for a hug.

  “See you soon Jack” I said

  “Will do, and if you ever decide you don’t want James if he’s as gorgeous now as he was back then I’ll have him” he said.

  “Yes Jack he’s still gorgeous” I admitted. A picture of him sprang into my mind and made me blush again at the stolen kisses we had shared over the last forty eight hours.

  Arriving home just before five I heard music and laughter coming from upstairs.

  “Charlotte I’m home” I shouted.

  “Ok Mum, Julia’s here were just hanging out” she shouted back.

  “Is Julia staying for tea” I replied.

  “Yeah, if that’s ok” Charlie responded.

  “Ok, I’ll do some pizza and chips then” I finished, heading for the kitchen.

  I turned the radio on to catch the end of Ian’s show and put the oven on. Then sitting in the conservatory I thought about James again. I wondered what he was doing this evening. I knew that I could just reach over to my phone and text him or even call him. Instead I decided to wait until later.

  Upstairs Charlie and Julia were lying together on the bed and talking.

  “So what did the two of you get up to when we weren’t dancing?” she asked.

  A blush spread over Charlie’s pale skin as you hesitated and tried to decide exactly what to tell her best friend.

  “Well I’m definitely not a virgin anymore” Charlie replied. Her mind started to replay the first time and then the rest in succession.

  “Is he as good in the bedroom as he is on the dance floor?”

  “Better” she replied, smugly “Mitchell is the perfect man for me” she declared.

  “I’m looking forward to seeing Simon again next weekend, I really like him and I think he likes me too” Julia said. She rolled over onto her back and stared at the ceiling.

  “We‘ve also got the chance to audition for Arlene Phillips for a part in Dirty Dancing the stage production next year. She’s going to contact us and let us know the dates” Charlie said beaming at the thought.

  “OMG that’s fabulous news” Julia said “You two would make the absolute best Baby and Johnny” she finished.

  “It’s just an audition that’s all. Doesn’t mean we will get the parts” she replied.

  Suddenly her text beeped and she grabbed her phone and saw it was from Mitch

  “Hi Baby, what are you doing right now?”

  “Hi Mitch, just hanging with Julia and talking about you, are your ears burning?”

  “Something is burning but it’s definitely not my ears”

  “Wish I was there to cool you down, honey”

  “If you were here, you would only be making me feel hotter”

  “I’ll talk to you later when Julia has gone, how about eight?”

  “Eight will be fine, shall we skype and see each other too”

  “Yeah, speak later, love you Mitchell”

  “Love you Charlie”

  As the last text disappeared Charlie heard her Mum calling them down for tea. Switching off the music they headed downstairs for some food. Somehow she had forgotten all about lunch and she was starving.

  After tea Julia headed home and Charlie headed back to her room, which was great as I needed some privacy for my phone call with James. Taking a large glass of wine through with me to the lounge I turned on the music system and put Rick on as some background music. His cheerful pop songs put me in a good mood and then the phone rang. I paused and then answered. Just hearing his voice started the butterflies off in my stomach.

  “Hi Steph, how was your day”

  “Hi James, great thanks to the news about Rick Astley headlining Rock on the River” I replied

  “Christ now I will have to compete with a pop star for your affections next time I see you” he laughed.

  “Who knows” I replied and joined in the laughter. It was amazing that we seemed to fall into conversation so easily despite the time we had been apart.

  “Mitchell has been moping around here like a wet weekend” James continued.

  “So has Charlie, although Julia called over so that helped a bit” I replied.

  “I will have a chat with Darren at some point. Didn’t manage it yesterday as he came home with his own exciting news”

  “Do tell” I replied, settling back into the cushions on the sofa and taking a sip of wine.

  James filled me in about his eldest son and although I knew he was the reason for our split I couldn’t blame him. The person I blamed was the bitch that came between us, the bitch who split us up and called the shots. I hated her with a passion and she still made me angry now. After some more wine I mellowed and enjoyed the rest of our conversation. An hour had passed in a blink of an eye as we finally called it a night.

  “So I guess I’d better go now” he said reluctantly

  “Yeah, but we can talk some more tomorrow night if you like. I can call you”

  “Unfortunately I’m on nights for the next couple of days but you can always text me and I’ll try and answer when I can” James replied.

  “Oh, ok then. Shall I call you on Friday night then?” I responded.

  “Great, that’s a date” he finished “Well sort of”

  We both laughed a little more as each of us tried to decide who would say goodbye first.

  “So goodbye then” he said.

  “Bye James, I’ve enjoyed talking to you” I replied.

  “Me too, it’s almost like old times” he murmured “I still love you” he finished. His voice trailed off as I paused, not sure if I was ready for the love word yet.

  “I’m still thinking” I replied “Take care” I finished. Then the line did go dead.

  Finishing my glass of wine I lay back and closed my eyes. My heart and body were telling me that I had to go back. My mind was still trying to put the breaks on the situation and reminding me of how it all finished last time. In the background Rick Astley sang.

  “When I fall in love, it will be forever

  Or I’ll never fall in love”

  Chapter 60

  Once Julia had left Charlie headed back to her room and put her laptop computer on and headset so she could talk too and see Mitchell at the same time. She quickly checked her hair and make up in the mirror before settling down and waiting for him to come online. All of a sudden his face filled the screen in front of her.

  “Hi Baby” he said.

  “Hi Mitch” she replied “How are you”

  “Missing you like crazy, what about you?”

  “Same here” she replied, watching him on the screen and wishing she could reach out and run her fingers down his face.

  “You’re looking hot as usual”

  “You too, what have you been doing all day?”

  “Last couple of days at college, will be finished on Thursday. How about I come down Thursday night and then we head back up here on Friday?”

  “Yes that sounds better than waiting until Friday morning” Charlie replied

  “It means we get another night together” he murmured. His naughty grin spread across his features.

  Charlie grinned back and licked her lips while she tried to decide what to say next.

  “Will you stop doing that” Mitch said.

  “What” she replied.

  “Licking your lips like that it’s driving me crazy here”

  “Sorry. Just watching you on the screen is turning me on” she replied. She could feel the tingle starting to spread through her body.

  “I just want to stay online all night until you go to bed” Charlie murmured.

  “Yes me too, that weekend spoilt us” he said.

  “Yes, my bed feels so empty without you” she responded.

  “My whole life feels empty without you” he replied.

  They both paused for a second and drank each other in. Charlie even reached out and touched his face on her screen. Mitchell noticed and did the same too.

  “I wish I was really touching you” he murmured.

  “Me too” she sighed.

  “I’ve been watching the film of us dancing, it’s like watching magic” he said.

  “I’ve been listening to the soundtrack all day as it reminds me of us” she replied.

  “Well there are plenty more dances for us to learn” Mitch said.

  “I’m your willing pupil” she replied, smiling. He watched it light up the screen.

  “I’m going to have to go now, just heard Dad get back with some food for tea” Mitch said reluctantly.

  “Ok Mitch, drop me a text when you get to bed” she finished.

  “I will, how could I forget” he replied.

  “Catch you later, honey” Charlotte finished.

  “You too, Baby” he said, blowing her a kiss. She pretended to catch it and then blew him one back before the screen went blank.

  Slowly she undressed and jumped beneath the covers, the sheets felt cool on her hot skin. Grabbing the pillow she pulled it close as if it was Mitchell, but it was no substitute for the real thing. Later on her phone beeped and woke her from the light sleep that she had fallen into. It was a screen filled with kisses. She sent him one back but finished her last line with z’s.

  Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday passed as normal. My secret admirer had disappeared from the radio station text machine and I wondered whether he would still turn up for our blind date in just over a week’s time. Since the announcement on Monday ticket sales had doubled and we were almost at the sell out point. Jack, Paul, Ian and I were due to get together on Saturday afternoon at my place as we needed to meet up with the company providing the stage, lighting and sound on the river and walk though the set up which was due to begin the following Wednesday. Charlie was hanging around at home in between continuing her dance class as they prepared for Rock on the River. They had decided to learn something new in place of Umbrella as they didn’t want to tempt fate on the day with the weather. They had chosen “Troublemaker” by Olly Murs.

  As Charlie returned from practice on Thursday afternoon she headed straight into the kitchen to find me.

  “Hi Mum, is it ok for Mitch to stay tonight, he’s heading over once he finishes college” she said.

  “Yes, no problem” I replied, looking up from my laptop as I continued to finalise plans for the following weekend.

  “What are you up too?” Charlotte said, peeping over my shoulder

  “Just trying to finalise the line up and running order for the event” I said.

  “Oh, I can see we’re going to be doing Dirty Dancing before Rick is on” she exclaimed.

  “Yes I’ve tried to space the dancing out in between the bands as it gives the stage time to clear and the next band to set up. There will be a dance floor set up just in front of the stage for you guys” I replied.

  “I’m really looking forward to it, our new dance is going well” she finished, heading upstairs

  “Just jumping in the shower, Mitch should be here at around six thirty” she said “And I’d better tidy up my room a bit”

  I watched her disappear from view and head up the stairs. James and I had dropped each other a couple of texts each day, but with him working nights they had been very sporadic. I had to admit that I was looking forward to talking to him on the phone on Friday night. Leaving my laptop I headed for the fridge and popped some lager in and pulled out the salad, chicken and jacket potatoes that I was going to do for tea. Looking up at the clock, I heard Charlotte returning downstairs looking pretty in one of her sundresses, even though there was no sign of any sun outside. Just then we heard the sound of an engine coming to a halt outside in the driveway. I watched my daughter head through the front door like a bolt of lightening.

  When they eventually appeared in the kitchen, Mitchell was carrying a wrapped up box.

  “Hi Stephanie, Dad sent these over for you” he said. I reached and took the parcel off him and put it down on the side.

  “Do you want a drink?” I asked.

  “Sounds good, but I’ll go and get out of these leathers first” he said. He looked across at Charlie and grinned.

  “I’ll help you with your bag” she said “We’ll be down in a bit, what’s for tea”

  “Chicken, jacket potato and salad” I replied. She nodded and I listened to their footsteps on the stairs. I turned to the carefully wrapped box and pulled off the bow. Inside was a selection of old fashioned sweets including Love Hearts. I smiled as I spotted a note slipped into the bottom

  “Steph, I hope you still prefer sweets to chocolates? Managed to find the Love Hearts and they reminded me of the Valentine Card you sent me. I still remember the way that you asked me to reconsider going out with you. I loved your honesty and courage in expressing your true feelings for me back then. This time it’s my turn to ask you to reconsider and take me back into your heart and your life?

  Love you more that you can know

  James x”

  I smiled and re-read the note again. James was definitely trying very hard to seduce me. I pulled out the roll of love heart sweets and opened up the packet to look at the words on the first one. It said ‘Be Mine’ and I smiled before popping it into my mouth. Could I be his again? My heart was already telling me yes, I just needed to be sure that I could trust it. I picked my phone up off the side and typed out a quick message.

  “Love the present very much and believe me I’m still reconsidering your proposal x”

  I pulled another sweet out of the wrapper and looked at its message and it said “Take a chance” it was like they were talking directly to me. I used my camera on the phone and took a picture of it and sent it over to James with a further message.

  “I think the sweets are talking to me. The first one in the packet said ‘Be mine’ and the second one says ‘Take a chance’ how strange is that!!”

  Returning to my cooking I waited for a while and sure enough my phone bleeped to alert me of a message.

  “Perhaps they are Steph, I hope they are x”

  As the chicken was nearly cooked I prepared the salad and placed it on the table along with a bottle of beer for Mitch and some wine for Charlie and I. Setting aside the box of sweets I grinned again as I wondered what the next sweet would say later?

  “Tea’s ready” I shouted up the stairs as I waited for them to surface from Charlie’s room. Upstairs Charlie dumped Mitch’s small overni
ght bag on the floor and turned to find herself in his open arms.

  “I’ve missed you” he breathed, as his lips trailed down her cheek to her upturned lips. Charlie just kissed him back as she felt her legs already starting to quiver from the feel of his touch. She helped him out of his leather jacket and ran her fingers over his t-shirt that clung to his chest. He helped her to pull his protective trousers off and then she stood back and just enjoyed the view. Before they could get carried away any further they heard her Mum shouting “Tea’s ready”

  As they headed downstairs Mitch followed Charlie and enjoyed watching the natural sway of her hips in the short flirty sundress she was wearing. He had to admit that he was looking forward to removing it later. But he found it wasn’t just the thought of making love to her that appealed to him, it was the whole package. He knew that he could lie next to her and really talk about things that mattered in his life and listen to her hopes and dreams too. In the kitchen I took in their smiling faces as they sat down at the kitchen table next to each other, so close that they were almost touching.

  “So what was in the parcel?” Charlie asked. I motioned across to the box of sweets on the side.

  “Ooooh sweets” she said, leaving her seat to look inside “I’ve never heard of some of these” she said, holding up a tube of Love Hearts and a couple of drumstick lollies “Can I try them?”

  “After tea” I replied, looking over “But the love hearts are all mine” I finished. I felt my cheeks colour with a faint hint of blush so I turned back to the pan with the chicken in it.

  “I wondered why Dad looked so happy the other day when he was ordering them online, they must bring back happy memories” Mitch said.

  I turned round and smiled at both of them “Yes they do” I said. Serving up the food we all sat and ate together. I gave them the run down for the Rock on the River event for the following Saturday.


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