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Where did your heart go? (The Heart Trilogy Book 1)

Page 54

by Audrina Lane

  “Hi Steph, how are things going” he asked

  “Fine, feeling a bit knackered actually but there’s still a few hours to go” I said, offering him a chip.

  We sat down on the grass outside the bus and watched the world go by

  “So are you single at the moment” I asked.

  “Yeah, can’t seem to find the right one for me” Jack said, pinching another chip.

  “You will” I said “Just look at me for example”

  “Yeah, single for years and now you’re getting back together with your first boyfriend” he sighed “So romantic”

  “Not sure romantic is quite the right word, these last few weeks have felt like I’ve been on a rollercoaster of emotions but today it comes to a halt and I get to alight” I finished.

  “Happily ever after” Jack sighed, as he pulled me close for a hug.

  “I’d like to believe that” I replied, as we watched the sky start to turn to a pale pink and purple hue.

  Chapter 70

  I watched Charlie and Mitchell heading towards us to get changed again for their final dance and I stood up to meet them.

  “I can’t believe it’s our last dance already” Charlie said “Today has flown by”

  “I know, but it’s not quite over yet” I said, as I followed them onto the bus.

  “I’ve told Dad that I’ll drive the minibus up to the hotel later and drop the guys off” Mitch said.

  “Just in case you want to head home before the end” Charlie said.

  “Are you implying that I’m too old to last until the very end” I retorted, laughing at the same time.

  “No Mum but the bar further along the river is staying open late and they have a DJ so we might stay on for a dance” she finished.

  “I wish I still had your energy” I sighed, as I thought of the times that I had danced until two in the morning.

  They headed up the stairs and I pulled out my make up and perfume from my handbag, feeling in need of a slight renewal before I took to the stage for the final time. By the time Charlie and Mitch had returned back down the stairs I was ready to head out too. Suddenly Charlie paused and turned to hug me.

  “What’s that for” I asked.

  “Because I love you and I’m happy about you and James” she said, her eyes shining bright.

  “We’ll never forget about Dad” I said.

  “Never” she replied, before grabbing Mitchell’s hand in hers as they made their way to the dance floor. As I crossed to the side of the stage I spotted Sarah and Chris and waved. Sarah gave me a wave and smile and I knew she was happy for me. Chris held her in his arms as I scanned the crowds for James, he was no where to be seen.

  Heading onto the stage to join Mark, Ian and Paul we all acknowledged the crowds before us. I could feel the excited anticipation in the air at the thought that Rick Astley would be appearing in a matter of moments.

  “Thanks everyone for coming and supporting us today” Paul said

  “We’ve raised over eight thousand pounds for the hospital here and I can’t think of a better cause” Ian replied, joining in with the claps and cheers that echoed between the trees and the river’s edge.

  “The night is still young and we still have a couple of things to cover so firstly let’s watch our dancers for one final time. Charlotte Eden, Mitchell Cooke and their groups will leave you with the iconic dance from the final scenes of Dirty Dancing” Mark announced.

  “Lets here it for them as I can’t agree more with the sentiments of the song that today has been the time of our lives” Paul finished off.

  The spotlight pinpointed Charlotte stood in the centre of the dance floor as the melody started to slowly fill the night air. The light had just started to fade as the sun sank into the surface of the river beyond; casting reds and oranges over the calm ripples of the Wye. Rick Astley stood on the other side of the stage from us and watched the best performance of the day so far. The crowd stood or sat in stunned awe at the sight of Charlotte and Mitchell as they danced together across the floor. Then the spotlight picked Charlie up as a couple of the guys from the group lifted her across part of the floor before she ran the short distance and flew into Mitchell’s awaiting arms. The noise from the crowd almost drowned out the music for the moment when she was held aloft. I could feel the tears of pride and joy sparkling in my eyes as the guys tried not to get affected by a dance performance which excelled.

  When Charlie touched the floor again the music spoke to the audience as people danced along and the girls and guys joined in to create the final spectacle. After a couple of minutes and a multitude of bows they finally cleared the dance floor and Charlotte blew me a kiss into the air. I knew in my heart that I had been lucky enough to witness what was possibly going to be the start of a sparkling career for my daughter and Mitchell. As the light continued to fade I could just make out that they had both headed towards Sarah and Chris, who had drinks waiting for them.

  “For some of you the wait for Rick Astley is nearly over but we have one final thing left to do this evening” Paul said. I realised that Ian had disappeared from the wings of the stage as Paul called me over to the centre.

  “Stephanie our favourite female DJ”

  “Only female DJ” someone shouted from the crowd. Paul nodded and laughed.

  “Yes that too. Well Stephanie has been single for too many years to count and a few weeks ago our radio station Love Shack Radio started to get requests for her on a daily basis from a secret admirer”

  The audience started to whistle their approval at this comment.

  “Well, tonight ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls we have found the mystery man that we hope has started to steal Stephanie’s heart with his great choice of music” Paul stopped to take a pause as the clapping and cheering began again.

  “Are we ready to meet him” Paul asked the crowd. They all screamed “Yes”

  “Stephanie, Are you ready to meet him” Paul said as he turned to me.

  “Yes I think so” I said into the microphone.

  As Mark gave Ian the nod I watched and waited in silence as all the audience were too, it was almost as if they were holding their breath. Then I saw James behind Ian and started to grin.

  “I think it might be going well” Paul said “Stephanie is smiling” he continued. With Paul standing between us I watched as James stepped forward and handed me a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, they were beautiful as I blushed and my face managed to match them. The crowd went wild again and Paul had to wait before he could say anything else.

  “For those of you who are old enough I officially feel like Cilla Black on Blind Date standing between these two” he said, motioning to each of us. I spotted James wink at me quickly and I grinned back. Ian stepped forward and handed Paul a clipboard with some notes scribbled onto it.

  “So I think everyone deserves a little background on our blind date couple before they head off into the sunset together” he said, as he turned to James.

  “So what’s your name and where do you come from and why do you want to go on a date with our Stephanie” Paul continued.

  “My name is James and I’m from Warwickshire but originally from Ross-on-Wye about twenty four years ago” he paused to look at me again. I could see he was trying to decide what to say to the date question. I nodded across at him; as if to say just tell the truth.

  “I first fell in love with Stephanie in early 1988 and I broke her heart on a cold day in November of the same year. I have regretted that day ever since and when I discovered her again I knew I had to try and win her back”

  I heard the women in the audience sigh collectively, and some claps and cheers from the men. Paul’s face was so shocked I thought his chin was going to hit the floor and at the side of the stage I saw Mark and Ian replicating his expression too.

  I was trying desperately not to laugh at their faces as Paul eventually turned to me.

  “So Stephanie same question to you”

p; “My name is Stephanie and I’m from Ross and I would love to go on a date with James as for the past few weeks James has been mending my broken heart with music” I replied. Closing my eyes I tried to control my breathing as the beat of my heart accelerated to a point where the sounds from the people below seemed to fade beneath the beating. As Paul moved out of the way I handed him the flowers that filled my arms and waited for the moment to take my breath away. I could feel James’ hands on my waist pulling me closer as he reached up and I felt his fingers tangle into my hair. I was trembling in his embrace as it seemed an age for his lips to finally capture mine in a kiss that eclipsed any I had ever experienced before.

  As the sound of applause started to penetrate my ears we eventually broke apart and looked out across the sea of smiling happy faces. I scanned the crowds and eventually spotted my family, Charlotte, Sarah, Chris and now Mitchell. Just behind them I spotted Jack waving frantically at me and I waved back. I turned to see Paul still standing in shock as I reached over and picked up the microphone.

  “Once again, thank you everyone for coming today and I’ll let you finish your night off with the sensational soul voice of Rick Astley. Come on everyone relieve your past like I just have” I finished. James took my hand and laughed at the comment.

  “I don’t remember us ever doing this in the past” he mentioned, making our way to the side of the stage. I paused to watch as Rick acknowledged the audience and then stood in front of the microphone.

  “Thank you everyone for your wonderful welcome to Ross-on-Wye. It’s my first visit but maybe it won’t be my last”

  The crowd went wild for a few more minutes and then Rick spoke again.

  “I am going to start my set tonight with a song from 1988, a year that has already been mentioned this evening”

  I turned to James as he squeezed my hand tightly in his.

  “I would like to dedicate my first song to the newly reunited couple James and Stephanie. I believe it played a part in their relationship back then and I hope that hearing it now will be a good omen for the future”

  Rick glanced across at both of us standing in the wings still as the familiar sounds of “Together Forever” hit the air.

  James glanced down at me as I looked up at him.

  “You asked him to play this for us didn’t you” James asked. I nodded as we headed down the steps from the side of the stage as Rick’s voice floated through the night sky.

  “So don’t stop me falling

  Its destiny calling

  A power I just can’t deny

  Its never changing

  Can’t you hear me I’m saying?

  I want you for the rest of my life”

  I wasn’t ready to head back into the crowds and to our various family and friends so I headed across the grass towards the river’s edge and the run of benches that lay parallel to this. As we neared the bench it was my turn to squeeze James’ hand in mine as the moonlight cast its silver glow over the area. James ran his free hand over the old wood of the back of the bench.

  “It’s still here” he said, we walked round to the seat and with the glow from the moon overhead we could just make out our heart. It looked fresher than I remembered it from the last time I had sat a moment and reflected on my life. I looked a little closer and spotted a second smaller heart not too far away with the initials MC 4 CE and realised it could only be Charlie and Mitch who had drawn it there and possibly refreshed our heart at the same time.

  Pulling me into his arms I looked up into the beautiful blue eyes of my true love, my only love. I could see him gazing into mine as I pressed closer into his body and with the words of Rick Astley still alive in our ears. Then his lips met mine and I surrendered fully to the feel of our bodies reuniting through the touch of our lips. Our hearts were beating in time and finally I felt that I had returned to the safety and warmth of home, escaping from the wilderness I had spent the last twenty four years of my life in. We sank down onto the bench and James pulled me onto his lap as he took my hand in his. Gently he traced a heart onto my palm and then bought it up to his lips to kiss it.

  “Stephanie I believe I’m falling in love with you again” he breathed.

  “James I know I’m falling in love with you too” I replied. I reached up and ran my hand through his hair and pulled his lips to mine once more.

  Neither of us said another word as we sat together and watched the moon sparkle on the water in front of us. Looking up we gazed at the stars and I let all the happy memories of our love flood back to fill my heart. Eventually I turned to James.

  “I guess we’d better head back and speak to Charlotte and Mitchell” I said. James nodded as we stood up and with his arm wrapped around me we headed back to the lights and sound of the stage. It felt like we were back in the eighties all over again. The only difference was that we were no longer young and inexperienced. We had lived and we were aware of loss and sorrow which only served to make the joy and happiness more poignant. Sarah was the first to spot our return as she took in the sight of us together. Chris turned too and held out his hand to James.

  “Welcome back mate” he said. James took it and I pulled Sarah in for a hug.

  Looking around I spotted Charlie and Mitch in the centre of the dance floor, entwined as Rick Astley sang “When I fall in Love”.

  “Shall we join them” I asked.

  “I thought you’d never ask” James replied. The four of us joined the other dancers on the floor and swayed our way towards Charlotte and Mitchell. My daughter spotted us and smiled, Mitch grinned at his Dad as we all enjoyed the finale of a wonderful day. Reaching up Charlie whispered to Mitch

  “My Mum looks so happy with your Dad. Just think how wonderful it is that us meeting bought them back together”

  Mitchell nodded.

  “It’s going to be a little strange to start with” he replied. She nodded as he kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  Sarah leaned her head on the solid chest of Chris and smiled, all was right with the world once more. The love that had been broken was now on the way to being mended and she was so glad for her best friend.

  As Rick Astley took his final bow and encore Sarah and Chris said goodbye and headed home. Charlie and Mitch joined up with the other guys and girls from their dance groups and headed off to the nearby bar. I could hear the beat of the dance music starting to fill the sudden silence of the air around us.

  “I guess I’d better just check on work before we leave” I said. Heading to the bus I spotted Jack, Mark, Paul and Ian sitting on the grass outside, beers in their hands.

  “What a day” Paul exclaimed, when we reached them.

  “A fantastic day” I replied.

  “You definitely had us all fooled” Ian said, laughing as he remembered his face at the shock that I knew my mystery man.

  “I only guessed who he was a week ago” I said “But I couldn’t resist playing along and keeping you guys in the dark, it was great fun” I replied.

  “It couldn’t have worked out any better though, the crowd loved it” Mark said, joining in.

  “Yeah, a million hankies filled with tears of joy at the romance of it all” Jack said, dramatically. I nudged him with my foot as he looked up and smiled at me.

  “You deserve all the happiness you can find” Jack finished.

  “Well if it’s ok with you guys I’m going to head home before I fall asleep standing up” I said.

  “Sure Steph, we’ll finish up here and then sleep in the bus so we can have another couple of brews” Paul said.

  After saying goodbye to all of them I felt James’ arm around my shoulders as we wandered across the grass towards home. As we walked together in silence I couldn’t have asked for a better ending to the day. As we reached the car park for the swimming pool I turned to James.

  “I have something for you” I said, softly. Looking inside my handbag I found the small scrap of material and pulled it out.

  “Hold out your hand”
I said. Then I carefully dropped the silver chain back into his outstretched hand and closed his fingers around it. Looking up into his eyes I could see all the questions there about how I had come to have this again. James opened his palm and held it up so that he could just make out the inscription on the back of the St Christopher. The soft moonlight picked up the shine on the small medallion as he handed it back to me.

  “You put it on me” he said, bending down slightly so that I could reach. My lips found his at the same time and we kissed as the chain found its way back against his skin.

  “This time it will be till the end of time” he breathed, holding me tight.

  “I hope so” I replied.

  I knew that there would still be an awful lot of work to do to get our relationship back to where I wanted it to be. I still had fears and insecurities about our future together but I didn’t want to dwell on them tonight. James had reached out to me again and I had taken the chance on falling back in love with him. Perhaps time and love would finally un-break my heart?


  I would like to mention all the various song and lyrics that are mentioned in this book as they are all worth listening too. It really is the soundtrack to the various character lives. To all the artists listed below I give my love and thanks for writing and singing such fantastic songs that made up my teenage years. I would also like to mention the films Top Gun and Dirty Dancing, such icons of their decade and again worth a watch if you haven’t seen them.


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