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Out of My League: Complete Box Set

Page 25

by Sharon Cummin

  “Of course he does,” I said. “James played with Pete.”

  “Cassie,” Lance said, as he walked up to my desk. “How's it going? The boss treating you okay?”

  “Everything's good,” I said, as I looked toward Parker, who had stopped walking a few feet back.

  “I'm glad to hear it,” Lance said, as he took a step back. “How's it going, Cindy?”

  “Great,” she said, as her eyes stayed frozen on Parker.

  Lance turned and motioned for Parker. Then they both walked into Lucy's office.

  “You know Lance Smith,” Cindy said.

  “Yes,” I said.

  “How?” she asked.

  “James is my brother,” I answered. “Lance it basically my uncle.”

  “No way!” she yelped.

  “Yes way,” I said. “The eye candy is my brother. I think that's gross, but to each his own.”

  “Do you know Pete?” she asked. “Have you ever met him before?”

  “I've met him,” I answered. “He's a bit of an ass if you ask me. Anyway, I'm going to go eat. I'm starving. I never ate dinner last night.”

  Just as I stood up, Lucy and the two guys walked out of her office.

  “Hey there, Cindy,” she said. “Have you met Pete. He plays for the Pirates.”

  “Oh,” she said, her body practically jumping from her chair, “I know who he is.”

  “I thought, since it was your last week, that maybe you'd like to have lunch with us. Cassie said you mentioned some current players might be nice to have around.”

  “Cassie,” Cindy snapped, as she looked over at me. “I was just saying.”

  “That my husband is old,” Lucy said, cutting Cindy off. “I get it.”

  “Woman,” Lance hissed. “You want me to show your ass.”

  “Anyway,” Lucy said, cutting Lance off as well. “I thought you might want to go to lunch with us.”

  “Lunch,” Cindy said. “Go to lunch with you, Lance, and Pete.”

  “Parker,” Parker said sternly. “Call me Parker.”

  “Would you like to join us, Cassie?” Lucy asked.

  “No thank you,” I answered. “I'm not hungry.”

  “Yes you are,” Cindy said, with a shake of her head. “You just got done saying how you hadn't eaten last night and are starving.”

  I heard Parker let out a loud breath, but I didn't look his way.

  “It's okay,” I said. “I can't really afford it. I'm going to go eat my sandwich. Besides, I wouldn't want to interrupt your double date or anything.”

  Parker let out another loud breath, only much louder than the one before.

  “Are you okay?” Lucy asked, as she turned toward him.

  “Yeah, Parker,” Lance said roughly. “You okay?”

  “Fine,” Parker answered.

  “Have a nice time,” I said, as I grabbed my phone and took off for the lunch room.

  A sudden wave of sadness shot through me, and it took all I had not to burst into tears. There was no reason for it, but it was there. I grabbed my sandwich, hurried back to my desk, grabbed my keys, and took off out the door to my vehicle. Just as I opened my door, I looked back to see Cindy laughing and Parker staring right at me. I reached up to brush away the tear that had broken free. Then I got in my Escalade and closed the door. I was so damn glad my windows were dark. There was no way I wanted anyone to see me cry, and that's exactly what I did.

  Seeing the way Cindy carried on over Parker made my chest ache. He traveled from city to city through parts of the year, and that was his life. He'd have people telling him how great he was and women hanging on his every word. Cindy acted like he was the only man alive, and I'd seen him looking much better before. It would always be that way. He'd always be recognized, and he'd always be adored. I'd thought about it before, but seeing was even worse.

  As the tears began to dry, I leaned back and closed my eyes. Before I knew it, there was a knock at my window. When I opened my eyes, I looked to my left to see Parker standing there with only a window between us. He motioned for me to roll it down, but I shook my head. When his jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed, I rolled it down a tiny bit.

  “I'm supposed to be out here grabbing something,” he began. “So, unless you want them out here looking for me, I suggest you roll the damn thing down now.”

  I let out a huff and rolled it down.

  “Shouldn't you get back to your girl?” I asked.

  “It wasn't a date,” he snapped out. “She is not my girl.”

  He leaned in and looked at the seat next to me.

  “You didn't eat yesterday,” he said. “So, why is that sandwich you were starving for still sitting there?”

  “I changed my mind,” I answered.

  “Why does it look like you've been crying, Cassie?” he asked.

  “I wasn't,” I answered. “Why don't you go back in there and do what it was you came here to do?”

  “Cassie,” he said roughly.

  “Parker,” I said, mocking his tone.

  “It's taking all I have not to take you over my knee right now and spank that ass for everything you put me through,” he growled out, and that shit went straight to my core. “I didn't know I was coming here to be new meat for some obsessed girl that's leaving. I wouldn't have done it. I can't stand that shit.”

  “It must be rough being so important,” I said, as I rolled my eyes. “You know damn well that's why you go to Sammie's place. Shit! You even let her auction you off.”

  “I go there because I can play the game with no expectations. I can throw the ball around for fun. I can help little kids reach for their dreams. I let her auction me off so she could raise money. If you want the damn truth, the date never even happened. I paid for the date myself.”

  “What?” I asked.

  “I got one of my neighbors a ticket and told her to bid until she won,” he said. “I was the one that paid the bill. If you ever tell Sammie, I will never forgive you. Nobody knows but the person I paid.”

  “Why would you do that?” I asked.

  “I already told you,” he said, “I don't like that shit. I'm not going on a date with someone I don't know or someone that's going to hang all over me just because of who I am. If I go on a date, it will be with someone I care about.”

  “So, you've never been with,” I began, but he held his hand up to cut me off.

  “Never said I haven't been with someone,” he said. “I said I do not date.”

  “Oh my,” I said innocently, as I swung my door open unexpectedly, pushing him back. “That's so chivalrous of you. Instead of going on a date, because you wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea and wouldn't want to have to listen to how great you are, you just fuck them.”

  With my keys in my hand, I slammed my door and hurried back into the building. When I got to my desk, I slammed my keys down and threw myself into my chair.

  “You okay?” Cindy asked.

  A moment later, Parker walked in, went right by us, and walked into Lucy's office.

  “I'm fine,” I snapped out. “Let's get back to work.”

  The clock was moving so damn slow, and I couldn't take it a moment longer. I got up, collected my purse and keys, walked to the door of Lucy's office, and leaned in.

  “I'm leaving for the day,” I said. “Please make sure you don't pay me for the next four hours.”

  “Is everything okay?” Lance asked, as he stepped forward.

  I put my hand up to stop him.

  “Is it Jeff?” he asked.

  “No,” I answered. “It actually has nothing to do with Jeff. I'll be back first thing in the morning, and by then, I'll have pulled my head out of my ass and gotten my shit together.”

  “I'll come with you,” Lance said.

  “No,” I said, as I shook my head. “I need a minute to myself. Do not call the whole Reid crew to alert them either.”

  The whole time I was standing there, I could feel Parker looking at me, but
I didn't look at him, not once.

  I got in my Escalade and drove to a park. Then I got out, walked to a bench, and sat down. What did I think about? Parker, Cindy, Jeff, the kids, me, my family, and anything else that popped into my mind. Once I couldn't feel my frozen fingers any longer, I walked back to my vehicle, sat with my heat on, and looked out my window. At five o'clock, I headed to the daycare to get the kids. Part of me felt horrible for losing four hours with them that I wasn't working. Another part of me knew I needed the time alone.

  I heard my phone ding, but I didn't check it. There was no way I could read it until I was alone. I had no idea what he was going to say.

  Once the kids were in bed, I read his message.

  Wannabe: I'm sorry. I went as a favor to Lance. He hadn't told me what I was going for. If I knew it was to shock a young fan, I wouldn't have done it. Let me point out that you were the one that made it clear you didn't want to speak to me in front of any of them. Just so you know, I don't just go around fucking every woman that says hello to me.

  Me: Cindy was super excited to meet you. Who knows, maybe she's worth a date. My family just found out about the divorce. Don't you think it would be a little weird for them to see me talking to you? Even if it was just as friends, they wouldn't be happy. You're friends with them, and I don't want to be the reason that gets messed up. You can fuck whoever you want. It's none of my business.

  Wannabe: There will not be a date with Cindy. Do you have any idea how much you piss me off? There is nothing wrong with being friends. I'm not a cheater, Cassie. Please stop treating me like I am. Have you eaten?

  Me: If I piss you off so much, why are you still talking to me?

  Wannabe: I honestly don't know. There's just something. I can't help but want to know that you're okay.

  Me: I'm fine. Does that help?

  Wannabe: If you were here right now, I'd smack that ass so damn hard.

  Me: That doesn't sound very friendly.

  Wannabe: Why do you have to make everything dirty?

  Me: Me? That was all you.

  Wannabe: It was not. Did you eat?

  Before I could even type, I already had another message.

  Wannabe: Do not turn that question dirty either.

  I let out a laugh, and all of the stress I'd been feeling instantly melted away.

  Me: I did. I had a few bites of steak, one scoop of mashed potatoes, and one scoop of corn. Is that okay?

  Wannabe: You are so damn sarcastic.

  Me: Goodnight, Parker. I have to be up early.

  Wannabe: Goodnight, Cassie.

  When my head hit the pillow and I closed my eyes, I had a smile on my face. Maybe we'd be okay as friends, I thought.

  Chapter 13


  A few more days went by and things were getting better at work. Cindy had just had her last day, and I actually felt like I could do the job. I'd even taken a few things home for the weekend.

  The next week was more of the same. I was confident in my work, and things were going okay. My time at home was working out better as well. I was able to get more time with the kids and still get done the things I needed to.

  The one thing I hadn't had time to figure out was my lawyer situation, and that was the most important of all. That would be what kept my kids with me.

  James was becoming grouchier by the day, and I didn't know why. Was it my work? Was it how I was at home? Was it even me? I'd heard him bark out on the phone at our dad about me, but all I'd heard was my name. I'd asked Sammie about him. She said she'd noticed too but that he hadn't said anything about it. I needed to talk to him and was so damn nervous to do it.

  As much as I wanted the whole divorce situation to go away, the papers I saw every time I opened my purse reminded me that it wasn't going to.

  When I walked down the stairs and saw James alone in the kitchen, I knew it was time. I poured myself some coffee and sat down next to him.

  “Can we talk?” I asked him.

  “Yes,” he answered. “We need to talk about a lawyer.”

  “My thoughts exactly,” I said. “I found one that I liked. He seemed honest.”

  “I'd like to meet him,” he said.

  “You don't have to do that,” I said.

  “Oh, I do,” was his reply. “We're talking about you and the kids. That's not something I'm willing to take a chance on. I'll be getting a lawyer in Michigan as well.”

  “James,” I said. “I can't afford that.”

  “Doesn't matter,” he said.

  “I'm going to pay you back,” I said.

  “For your lawyer,” he said. “The other one is on me. I need to know that we have someone in both states. Jeff is not to be messed with. He's a complete asshole, Cassie. We have to be ready when we face him.

  Hearing him say we made me feel so good. He really was in my corner. Between him and the rest of the family texting and letting me know how they felt, I knew I was loved. Even Parker had been checking in to make sure everything was okay. My support team was like no other, that was for sure.

  After a few hours, we called the lawyer I liked, and James set up a conference call with that lawyer and the one he had found with our dad. When I told them I didn't want anything but the kids, they all freaked out. I learned that I needed to ask for way more than I really wanted. That way, I'd hopefully at least get what was most important to me. By the time we hung up the phone, I felt like I actually had a chance of keeping my babies where they belonged, with me.

  The first person I text was Parker. He'd been the one to help me in the very beginning, and I wanted him to know.

  Me: I have a lawyer. James made me get one in Michigan as well. They think I can get custody and more. I'm so happy. Thank you so much for helping me. I don't know what I would have done without you.

  A few minutes later, I got a response.

  Wannabe: That's awesome. I'm so happy for you. You deserve some good. I didn't help much. You would have been just fine without it. What are you up to? Want to come over and celebrate. I'll order lunch, and we can watch a movie. Before you get dirty, I promise to sit on the other side of the couch. I'm asking as a friend.

  I asked James if it would be okay if I left for a few hours, and he said yes. Even though we'd talked, his mind still wasn't on what I was saying. I really was hoping that everything was okay with him. I also got the heck out of there as fast as I could before he changed his mind.

  The closer I got to Parker's apartment, the more I wondered if I was doing the right thing. The last time I'd been there, we'd had sex. Then I'd found out he wasn't who I thought he was. Part of me wanted to see the place again, from the view of a real player and not some crazy fan. Could I go there without one of us blowing up on the other, or without me ending up beneath him, I wondered?

  I walked up the walk and knocked on his door. Then I heard the click of the lock.

  “You're friends,” I whispered to myself, as the door opened in front of me. “Just two friends getting together for lunch. You can do this.”

  Chapter 14


  I could have kicked Lance and Lucy's asses for what they did to me. It didn't matter if that girl was leaving James' company or not, I didn't want to date her or go to lunch with her. They should have warned me, but they didn't, and it pissed me off. Cindy rambled on the whole time about her friends and which players they liked. I didn't need to know that shit. I thought I was going with Lance to do something for Lucy. Seeing Cassie was going to be an added bonus, until she said she didn't want anyone to see us talking to each other anyway. The whole thing was a disaster. Cassie acted like she didn't care, but she was full of shit. I saw that with the dried tears on her face and how she took off after we came back.

  The two weeks we'd given Jeff when I broke his nose had come and gone, and the fucker hadn't done a damn thing. Did he think we were playing, I wondered? I wasn't, and I was pretty sure the other guys weren't either. I knew for sure James wasn't. I'd be
en sending him messages that whole second week, and he was just as pissed as I was. When I got his message letting me know that they were meeting by phone with lawyers, I felt a tiny wave of relief wash over me.

  A few hours after James' message came through, I heard my phone ding and hurried to grab it, but it wasn't James. It was Cassie. She let me know that she had not one but two lawyers and thanked me for my help. I hadn't done much. When she'd come over to talk, we'd ended up arguing and then fucking it out. I did send her the links she needed after she left, so I guess that was something. I was happy that I'd heard it from her and not her brother, especially when I knew that their meeting had just ended. Before I could answer her text, I got one from her brother letting me know what she'd just told me, only his was a little more about getting that fucker's ass. I sent her a message inviting her over, but only as friends, and she accepted. There was no way she could handle more than that, not yet anyway. I had no idea where she told her brother she was going, and I didn't care.

  Once she was on her way, I sent her brother back a message.

  Me: Two teams will be much better than one. One in each state was a great idea. I still can't believe she hasn't heard from him. He's definitely got balls for such a little shit.

  James: We'll get his ass, and if he's not careful, we'll take his company down with him. You don't put your hands on a woman and get away with it. The lawyer from Michigan is the one I'm counting on. He's going to cost me a fortune for the team he'll bring with him. Cassie doesn't know that, but I don't care. She will keep her kids. That's what matters. I want her to fight for everything he has, but she won't. We talked her into at least going for half. I couldn't believe how hard it was to convince her. Not the same girl I remember. I'm damn proud of her.

  Me: Having someone close to Jeff is a great idea. Good job there. I'm glad you've got it under control. Those kids deserve a good life, and he's not the one to give it to them. I can't believe he would put his hands on his wife. That's fucked up.

  James: You're right about that. Those kids will be with family, our family. Did anyone find out about your hand? How is it? Thanks for being there. You have no responsibility to any of us.


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