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Out of My League: Complete Box Set

Page 30

by Sharon Cummin

  Wannabe: We won, but I'm sure that's no surprise since I'm on the team.

  I couldn't help but burst into laughter at his words. He was so damn full of himself, or was it pride? He was definitely proud.

  Me: Can that big head of yours still fit through the doorway?

  Wannabe: I might have to bust out some walls, but I'll be okay.

  Where was he, I wondered? Hadn't he gone out with the guys? I wasn't about to ask. He'd just joke that I was checking up on him if I did, and I couldn't have that.

  Me: That's good to know.

  I expected him to come back with a sarcastic comment, but he didn't. Instead, he shocked me.

  Wannabe: Come to the game tomorrow.

  I read it twice to make sure I'd read the few words correctly.

  Me: What?

  Wannabe: Sammie and James were there. Lance and Lucy were too. They always come, and they sit with the players' families.

  Me: Yeah.

  Wannabe: I want you and the kids to come to the next game. They would love it, and sitting with the families is so much better than being in the stands.

  Me: What about the baby?

  Wannabe: Jake can come too. Sammie brings the baby with her. Jenny and Jeff would have Jillian there too.

  Me: I could just sit in the stands.

  Wannabe: Absolutely not. I've never had anyone there. My ex won't let the kids go. It would be nice to look up there and actually see someone there for me too.

  I read his message twice, and it warmed my heart and broke it at the same time. He'd want us there for him. That felt so damn good. Had he really never had anyone there for him? What about when he was married? He'd done so much for me, more than anyone ever had in my life, not counting my brother of course. Could I really tell him no to something so small? I couldn't do it. I had to go. I just wasn't sure how James and Lance were going to react when we showed up.

  Me: Okay.

  Wannabe: Really? I thought you hated the game.

  Me: It's kind of growing on me. Goodnight, wannabe.

  There was no way I wanted a response on that one.

  Wannabe: Goodnight, princess.

  I went to work the next day. James wasn't there, and I was thrilled. There was no way I wanted to see him before the game. If I did, I'd feel bad for not telling him, and I didn't want to deal with that.

  I picked the kids up from daycare and headed to the game. Jenny and Jeff were both so excited. We didn't have jerseys or even t-shirts with the team name on them, so I was a little nervous about sitting in the family section. I didn't have the extra money, and I wouldn't use James' card for something like that, so I was hoping it would be okay. We were escorted up by one of the staff, and when the guy opened the door, I felt sick to my stomach. James and Lance were just inside the door talking to a woman, and beyond them, I could see Sammie, Lucy, and the kids. Lance didn't stop talking, but his eyes shifted to me. When I walked by, his eyes followed me. I walked up to Sammie, and her eyes opened wide.

  “Did they see you?” she asked, pointing back toward the guys.

  “They did,” I answered.

  “And they didn't tackle you?” she asked.

  “No,” I answered. “I'm not here to bother them. I came to watch a friend play.”

  “Oh shit!” Lucy mumbled.

  “Couldn't give me a heads up?” Sammie asked.

  “What would have been the fun in that?” I asked.

  “They're going to kick his ass,” she whispered. “You didn't see them the day James found out that Parker called to tell you he was staying before he called his own parents.”

  “What?” I asked. “They were pissed about that?”

  “Yep,” she said.

  I looked back toward the guys to see Lance's eyes stuck on me.

  “Shit!” I whispered. “We're just friends.”

  “Doesn't matter,” Lucy said.

  “I can be friends with who I want,” I said sternly.

  “We'll see,” she replied.

  “Where's Parker?” Jenny asked.

  Sammie narrowed her eyes at me, and I mouthed the words just friends.

  “Hey,” Lucy said. “I heard you got a ton of surprise groceries delivered the day after you moved in. Did you find out who it was?”

  “I did,” I answered, but offered nothing more.

  “Mommy cooked steak. It was so yummy. Even Parker liked it,” Jenny said.

  “Did he?” Lucy asked.

  “Yep,” Jenny answered.

  “The games about to start,” I said. “I want the kids to see the beginning.”

  “Give Jake to me,” Lucy said. “I've seen so many damn games it isn't funny.”

  I handed Jake to her, and then I took Jenny and Jeff and walked down to sit in the front of the section we were in. The game started, and Jenny was so excited. She was watching every move the players made.

  “There's Parker, Mommy,” she yelled out. “Do you see him?”

  “I do,” I said, as he looked right up at us.

  She was waving her arms like crazy, and I could see the smile on his face grow. He tipped his hat to her, and she yelled out in delight.

  “Jenny seems pretty happy,” I heard James voice come from right behind me.

  “It's Parker,” she said, as she turned to James. “Do you see him, Uncle James?”

  “I sure do, Jenny,” he said. “Come here.”

  He picked her up high so she could see.

  “Go Parker,” she yelled out loud and proud.

  “Jenny,” Jillian said, as she appeared next to James. “Do you want to watch the game with me?”

  “Yes,” Jenny said. “Do you watch Parker too?”

  “He's my favorite,” Jillian said, when James put Jenny down.

  “Mine too,” Jenny said. “He came over for dinner.”

  “What?” James asked, as he turned to me. “Parker came over for dinner?”

  “We're friends, James,” I answered. “Yes, I made dinner and invited him over. He helped me pick out the furniture and put the kids' rooms together.”

  “And bought you groceries, I hear,” Lance said sternly, as he walked up.

  “He did,” I said. “He knew I was worried about not having anything for the kids in the morning. So, he had groceries delivered. He's a nice guy, and a good friend.”

  “Friend,” Lance laughed out.

  “Yes,” I said. “We're friends. There is nothing wrong with that, and you will not go acting all crazy about it either. I know you both gave him shit already.”

  “I did,” James snapped. “You already have enough shit to deal with. He doesn't need to add to the mix.”

  “That's not for you to decide,” I said. “He's a friend. Can I please watch the game?”

  “You came to watch him,” James let out, with a huff. “I didn't see you coming to watch me.”

  “Really?” I snapped. “That was a long damn time ago, James.”

  “I'll kill him if he hurts you,” Lance said, and I narrowed my eyes at him. “Don't give me that look, Cassie. I'm just letting you know ahead of time.”

  “He's not going to hurt me,” I said. “It's not possible. I know how it is. I know how the players are. I would never expect anything from him. Don't worry about that.”

  “Leave her alone,” Sammie snapped from behind them. “Between the two of you, you've already told him that he's not family and that you didn't care if he was staying.”

  “Did not,” Lance snapped back.

  “Did too,” Sammie snapped.

  “Little girl,” Lance snapped.

  “Do not talk to my wife that way,” James snapped.

  “That was exactly what you said. He came to tell us he was staying, and you both treated him like shit,” Sammie said. “The poor guy needs someone in his corner. Maybe Cassie is that someone.”

  “You know what would be really funny?” I asked, knowing how to get away from that subject.

  “What?” Sammie asked. />
  “If you went into labor,” I said.

  “Shut up,” I heard from Sammie, Lance, and James all at the same time.

  “That would be so funny,” Lucy said.

  “Woman,” Lance growled out.

  “Don't you woman me,” she replied. “Sit your ass down and watch the game.”

  Jake was asleep in Lucy's arms, and the other three kids were behind us playing with toys. I stood up, walked up to the railing, and watched the game. Parker looked up at me several times. I was there for him, and that was exactly where I needed to be, watching him.

  “You know Parker?” I heard an unfamiliar voice and looked over.

  “Yes,” I said. “He's a friend of mine.”

  She nodded, and a huge smile crossed her face.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing,” she said.

  “Seriously,” I said.

  “In all the years I've been coming, he's never once had anyone up here,” she said.

  “His parents?” I asked.

  “Nope,” she answered. “They only see him when he's in California.”

  “His kids?” I asked.

  “Ex won't let him,” she said.

  “His ex?” I asked.

  “Nope,” she answered. “They were married by the time he became a Pirate, and she always had a reason she couldn't come.”

  “Really?” I asked. “That's not very supportive.”

  “Nope,” she said. “Well, even if you are just his friend, it's nice to see someone here for him. He's a great guy.”

  By the time the game was over, I'd met a bunch of the wives, girlfriends, and families. They were all very nice, and not one of them made me feel like I didn't belong.

  I took Jake. Lucy took James. James watched Sammie. Lance took the three bigger kids by the hands. We walked down to where the players were, and I could see men and women surrounding Parker. I moved to step to the side so I could wait for the rest of my family and called Jenny and Jeff over to me. Parker looked toward us, said something to the people around him, and came over.

  “You guys did really good,” I said.

  “Of course,” he said, and before he could speak again, I cut him off.

  “I know, you're on the team,” I said.

  “Exactly,” he said.

  “That was so fun,” Jenny said. “I saw you looking up at me.”

  “I was,” he said. “I saw your arms waving all around.”

  “I had to get your attention,” she said.

  “You always have my attention,” he said, and she smiled.

  “Do you want to come over?” Jenny asked. “Mommy said we can have pizza.”

  “I'm sure Parker is busy,” I said. “The players go across the street and hang out.”

  “Not all of them,” he said, as he looked at me. “I'd love to come over.”

  “Yeah,” Jenny said, as she spun around.

  “I have to shower first,” he said. “That way I don't smell up your apartment. As soon as I'm done, I'll be over.”

  James was walking toward us.

  “Make sure you walk out with them,” Parker said. “It's crazy busy out there.”

  “Of course she's walking out with us,” James snapped, as he stepped closer. “She's my sister. Come on, Cassie. Sammie's ready to go.”

  “See you later, Parker,” Jenny said.

  “See you later,” Parker said.

  Then he turned around and was gone.

  “Don't be such an ass,” I snapped out at my brother.

  “I did nothing wrong,” James said. “You ready?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  We walked toward everyone else.

  “You planning on coming again?” he asked from over his shoulder.

  “Would that be a problem?” I asked. “Am I invading your space?”

  “No problem at all,” he growled out, before turning toward Sammie and leading the way out.

  “No problem at all,” I mumbled from behind him.

  “Walking a real fine line, Cassie,” he mumbled back.

  “Leave her alone,” Sammie said, as she swatted him on the arm.

  I got the kids in the car and headed home. By the time I got them into the apartment, I heard my phone ding.

  Sammie: I'm going to kick your ass. His mouth has not stopped since we drove away. Parker is a great guy, Cassie. Don't let anyone mess it up. And before you reply, I already know that you're just friends, and I'm calling bullshit on that. Let me know when you're home. Your brother's orders.

  Me: I'm home.

  Sammie: Thank you! We love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  I ordered pizza, and it must have arrived the same time Parker did, because he was the one that brought it in. When I tried to hand him the money, he shooed me away, so when he wasn't looking, I slipped it into the pocket of his jeans.

  I got plates out and served the kids. Then I filled a plate for Parker. I knew he had to be starving. When I set the plate in front of him, I noticed how damn good he smelled and how sexy he looked fresh from the shower.

  “Shit!” he yelped, as he moved back from the table. “I can't eat pizza in this.”

  He grabbed the jersey at the back of the neck and pulled it up and over his head, leaving him in only a t-shirt. A very tight, black t-shirt. He got up and put the jersey over the back of a chair I had by the door. Then he came back, sat down, and dug right into his pizza. I was right, the man was starving.

  Dinner was over, we watched a movie, and the kids were ready for bed. When Jenny asked Parker to tuck her in, it hit me. They were getting too close to him. I was getting pretty damn close to him too.

  When he came out of her room, I looked into his eyes and knew I was in trouble. It wasn't too late for the kids though, I could still save them from heartbreak.

  “You didn't have to come over for them,” I said. “You could have gone out.”

  “Didn't feel like it,” he said.

  “They're getting close to you, Parker,” I said, and so am I, I thought.

  “Yeah,” he said, as his eyes narrowed slightly.

  “I need to be careful,” I said.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” he asked, with a hard look appearing on his face. “I haven't done one thing wrong to them or to you.”

  “I know,” I said, “but what happens when your life gets even busier and you don't have time to see them when you're home? You saw Jenny up there waving her arms around, doing anything she could to get your attention. They've been through enough. I don't want them getting hurt.”

  “Neither do I,” he snapped, as he shook his head. “It seems like I have to constantly defend myself around you and everyone you know. Sammie is the only one I've got on my side around there anymore. I have to go.”

  He walked by me and opened the door.

  “Parker,” I called out to him, but he didn't stop.

  The door closed behind him, and I burst into tears. I wasn't sure I could be his friend anymore, and if I was, I needed to take a few steps back. When I looked over, I saw his jersey. There was time to catch him, but I didn't. Instead, I picked it up, sat down on the couch, and held it against my cheek. He was there, all over the damn thing. I could smell the scent that was only his. Before I knew it, I felt my eyes closing. I got up from the couch and went to bed, taking his jersey with me.

  Chapter 20


  When I looked up and saw her and her kids in the family section, I can't even explain how I felt. It was honestly the first time anyone was there for me. Seeing Jenny wave her arms around so I'd see her had me cracking up and almost losing my composure during the game. It was totally worth it. The best part was seeing Cassie actually paying attention. She stood at the very front and watched. I'd seen James and Lance both walk over to her, but she didn't take her attention away from the game, and that meant so damn much to me, especially coming from a woman that wasn't fond of the game and had barely ever seen her own bro
ther play.

  Seeing Jenny and Jeff watching, even if it was only for a short time, had me thinking about the twins. I wanted them there more than anything, but their bitch of a mom refused to let them come every single time. It broke my heart each time she turned me down, but that didn't stop me from asking. Each home game I'd send a text, and each time I'd get back a no. I told her she could come too if it meant they could be there, but she wouldn't. That didn't surprise me though. She never came to a game when we were married. She was all over that shit in college, but she couldn't be bothered once I'd gone pro. She'd had more important things or people to do. I'd told her the kids could sit with the other families, but she wasn't having that. I'd even offered to get a nanny to go too, but she refused that as well. It didn't matter what I did, they weren't going, and that shit hurt. The kids wanted to go so damn badly, which only made it worse. They weren't even allowed to watch my games on television, so I'd tape them, and we'd watch them together when she actually let me have them, which was few and far between. The craziest part was that she had no problem accepting and spending the money that came from playing the same game.

  I was gone a lot in the weeks that followed. Jenny reminded me the few times I'd seen her. She'd tell me all about things I'd missed. There was no doubt, I was getting close to her, Jeff, and Jake. I felt bad each time I thought about it. How could I get close to them, when I couldn't even see my own kids. It wasn't their fault, but it wasn't mine either. I tried every chance I got, but nothing ever seemed good enough to my ex. When I did get the twins, I'd spend every second with them until I had to take them back. Each time I'd drop them off, they'd cry, and once I'd pull away, I would too. They were my everything, and she made it so damn unbearable on all three of us.

  I missed Cassie too. That sounded crazy, and I knew it, but it was true. I'd text her when I had the chance, and she'd text me back when she could. I did notice one thing though, she was never the first to send the message. It was always me. I don't know if that was her way of protecting herself, or if she honestly didn't care as much as I wanted her to. Either way, we were talking, and that was good enough for me.


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