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Out of My League: Complete Box Set

Page 35

by Sharon Cummin

  Grandma: Not everything seems as it appears, princess. Just so you know, he pulled away before her lips ever got him.

  Me: It doesn't matter to me.

  Grandma: I'm sure it doesn't. You two are friends, and nothing more.

  Me: What is that supposed to mean?

  Grandma: Nothing, Cassie. Don't let a good thing pass you by. Not every man is an asshole. You have four in your life that are pretty awesome. There might just be room for one more.

  Me: Goodnight, Grandma.

  Grandma: Don't give me that shit, Cassie. I'm not to be brushed off. I'll let you go to sleep, but not because of that. Love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  I shut my phone off and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning, I turned my phone back on to find text messages from Parker.

  Parker: That's awesome. I'm so damn happy for you. Of course I'll be there. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. You're going to have to wait to talk until I'm done though. I'll be over after we land.

  As pissed as I was the night before, I couldn't help the excitement and fear that was moving through me. I wanted so damn badly to see him, but I was also worried about what he had to say to me. The excited part was winning over though. I really couldn't wait to see him.

  I got up, ate, got ready, and got my ass on the road, heading home so I could make sure I was there before he was.

  There was one thing in Parker's message that he was wrong about. I would talk first if I wanted to, and there was nothing he was going to do to stop me.

  Chapter 26


  I was so damn worried about her. The game was starting, and I hadn't heard from her yet. When I text her, I got nothing back. When I text her grandma, still nothing. My mind was working overtime, and it was driving me crazy. Had that asshole done something to delay things? Were her parents and grandma there with her? They better have been watching his ass.

  The game was rough. She was all I could think about. If that fucker had gone anywhere near her, I'd take his damn head off. I couldn't settle my nerves no matter what I told myself or what I did.

  As soon as the game was over, I wanted nothing more than to get to my phone, but I couldn't do it. The cameras were around. The women were around. One of them was trying to crawl up my damn body. I pushed her away before her nasty lips could land on me. Then I got to my bag as fast as I could and was so relieved to see messages from her and her grandma. It was over, she was free, and I was happy for her, more than she'd ever know. She said I looked exhausted. Of course I was. I couldn't freaking sleep worrying about her and that asshole. Would I be there? Hell yeah I would be. I was so excited to get home to see her. She wanted to talk. About what, I wondered? Was she planning to push me away? If she was, I wasn't about to let her. I was going to talk first. She could act all big and bad, which I knew she would, but that shit wasn't going to happen. She was going to wait for me. I was going to put it all out there the second I walked through her door, and she was going to hear me out.

  I answered her back, but she didn't reply, so I figured she was probably in bed, which was exactly where I was heading myself the second I walked through the hotel room door. The quicker my eyes closed, the quicker I'd see her again. The only thing standing between us was a game, and as soon as the team won that, we'd be on our way.

  The kids were staying with James and Sammie, and since I'd be alone with Cassie, I planned to show her exactly how I felt about her. I'd been thinking about being inside of her again for months, and I wasn't about to wait a moment longer.

  I had one stop to make before seeing her, and that shit was going to be fast. I wanted to see my woman. Wait! What? She wasn't my woman, but she was going to be, and there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it either.

  Chapter 27


  I'd gotten home, cleaned, and had no idea what to do with myself. I couldn't deal with the quiet, and I missed the kids so much. I was pretty sure Parker's plane wouldn't land for a long while, so I decided to do a little shopping. If I was pouring my heart out, I wanted a sexy outfit to go with it, and not one thing I owned said sexy. I hadn't spent money on anything that wasn't a necessity in so many months, and with everything I'd gone through, I figured one outfit to make me feel sexy was well deserved.

  I drove to the mall and hurried to find the store I was looking for. It felt like I was in there forever before I finally found the perfect outfit, paid, and walked toward the exit, feeling like I was on top of the world. I was free of Jeff. My kids were in a good place, and we were all happy. On top of that, I was about to take a chance on something I never thought I'd want again.

  In just a short time, Parker would be at my apartment, and I had no idea how things were going to go, but I also couldn't wait. Sure, I'd waited for Jeff to get home many times, but not once had it ever felt the way it was feeling waiting for Parker.

  I stepped out of the store, with my phone in my hand, looking to see if he'd sent a message that he was home yet. I was hurrying through the mall to get back outside when I turned the corner and stopped frozen. Standing in front of me, walking into a coffee shop, was Parker, but he wasn't alone. He was wearing a suit, and the woman he was holding the door for was a very beautiful, tall, slim blonde, and she was definitely dressed for a night on the town. Before I could stop myself, I snapped a picture of the two of them. Then they were gone.

  I shoved my phone in my purse and hurried to get by the coffee shop as quickly as I could, without ever looking their way. There was so much hurt bubbling up inside of me that I didn't even make it to my Escalade before bursting into tears. I looked over my vehicle and shook my head.

  “I'm trading you in,” I whispered, as I tore open the door, threw the bag in, climbed in, and slammed the door behind me.

  I thought Parker was different. Grandma was wrong. There wasn't a fifth one at all. He was exactly who I'd thought he was.

  It didn't take long before my hurt turned to anger. Fuck him, I thought. Fuck them all!

  I needed my kids with me. They were the only ones that mattered in my life. They were my everything. I dug my phone out of my purse. Then I called my brother and let him know I was on my way to get the kids.

  “Are you sure?” he asked. “We can keep them. They're having a blast.”

  “I need them with me,” I said.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “You sound like you're crying.”

  “I'm fine,” I said. “I just need my kids and some rest. Everything is fine, I promise.”

  When I got to their house, I hurried in to get the kids, and Sammie pulled me off to the side.

  “What's going on?” She asked.

  “Nothing,” I answered. “I'm just a bit overwhelmed.”

  “You don't regret divorcing him, do you?” she asked.

  “What?” I asked, before I realized what she'd said. “No. Not at all. I'll be fine, Sammie.”

  “You're sure?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  On the way home, I thought about the kids. I should have let them stay. It wasn't fair to them. I didn't want to be home alone, but that wasn't their problem. It was mine. I told myself that I would never again put my own crazy feelings before theirs.

  I heard the ding of my phone, as we were walking up the walk to our apartment, but I didn't check to see who it was. Maybe it was Parker finally deciding he was ready to see me, or maybe it wasn't. I honestly didn't care. The woman I'd seen him with could have been the whole reason he'd wanted to talk in the first place. Again, I didn't care. I got the kids ready and tucked them into their beds. I heard my phone ring, but I didn't answer it. Instead, I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a container of ice cream and a spoon, and plopped down onto the couch. My phone rang again. It was definitely him, so I sent him to my message. The tears had just started making their way down my cheeks when I heard my phone ding. I picked it up with my free hand, and sure enough, it was him, and there were three messages.

  Parker: Are you okay?

  Parker: Did you make it home?

  Parker: I'm on my way.

  A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door, but I didn't get up to get it. He'd sure had plenty of time to meet with her and then come to see me. How could he? Who did he think he was? Did he honestly think he was special enough that he could play me the way he was? The answer was no.

  “Cassie,” I heard him call my name.

  Then I heard the ding of my phone.

  Parker: Open the door. I know you're in there. We need to talk.

  I didn't move, and the tears began coming faster. He's cutting me off, I thought. Then I heard another ding and looked down.

  Parker: Let me in. I'm standing out here with pizza in my arms.

  Why would he bring pizza if he was just going to turn around and leave, I wondered? Wait! Was he with her and not even planning to tell me? We were just friends as far as he was concerned.

  Then I heard his voice booming in from outside, and the next knock was much louder.

  “Open the door, Cassie.”

  I didn't want him to wake the kids up. The last thing I needed was them seeing him, jumping out of bed, and trying to spend time with him. So, I got up off of the couch, walked over to the door, opened it with my free hand, and then turned and walked away. He walked by me, set the pizza down, and then turned toward me. He was still wearing that same suit, the one he'd gone to see her in. Was her smell still on him, I wondered? Just thinking about them together made me sick, and the tears came even faster. The second our eyes connected, his gorgeous smile left his face.

  “Cassie,” he growled out, as he came toward me and that smile was replaced with worry. “Are you okay? What happened?”

  Tears were sliding down my face faster than I could wipe them away, and his look of worry turned to one of anger.

  “Shit!” he snapped out, in an angry tone, one like I'd not heard before. “Was it him? Did he do something?”

  “Him who?” I pushed out through a sob.

  “Your ex,” he said through clenched teeth, as his hand went up and ran through his hair, and the look on his face became even angrier. “Did he touch you? What did he do, Cassie? I'm telling you, if he put his hands on you, it'll be more than just his nose this time. I'm going to kill that fucker with my bare hands.”

  “This time,” I whispered.

  Then it hit me. My eyes went wide, my hand went over my mouth, and I took a step back.

  “Cassie,” he said sternly, but I could hear a little wobble in his tone.

  I shook my head no.

  “Your hand,” I said. “The day you all left and didn't come back until much later. Oh shit! His nose.”

  “Let me explain,” he said.

  He'd gone to Michigan, I thought. They all had. Wait! Was that what made the difference? Were they the reason Jeff backed off and didn't fight me? Jeff asked about him, and I had no idea what he meant. It was Parker he was talking about. Of course it was him. Damn! Part of me wanted to kick his ass and the rest of them too. Another part of me wanted to hug him so tight and thank him for being there. They were the reason I had my kids with me.

  I moved to say something, and then I stopped. He was with another woman just hours before he knocked on my door. I didn't get it. He put his career in jeopardy when he hit Jeff. Why would he do that for me? It just didn't make sense. None of it did. How could he have done something so big and meaningful for me and still be the man he was? My confusion quickly turned to hurt and then to anger as I pictured him opening the door for his woman.

  “What the fuck do you even care?” I snapped out at him.

  “What?” he asked, as confusion took over his features, and his anger was gone.

  “You're no better than he is,” I said roughly.

  “I would never fucking put my hands on you in a hurtful way,” he snapped. “How dare you say that to me. I'm nothing like that piece of shit.”

  “Oh really,” I snapped.

  “Really,” he snapped back, as he took a step toward me.

  I turned, walked over to pick up phone, and walked back over to him.

  “If you're nothing like him, then who the fuck is this?” I hissed through clenched teeth. “Look at you two. You're wearing the exact same suit you are right now. She was dressed like that in a mall, and you had the nerve to make fun of me before. I'll be there right after the plane lands my ass. That damn plane landed long before you showed up here. How could you? Did you at least shower her off before coming over here, of course not. I trusted you, Parker. I fucking knew better than to fall in love with a ballplayer. You're all the same.”

  “Oh yeah,” he said roughly.

  “Yeah,” I said, as I took one more step forward and stood tall so I could get in his face. “You think you're something special. You think you can just act however you want and it's okay. Being a Pirate isn't that damn special, Parker. I'm a person too. You can't just go around being a giant dick because you think you're better than everyone else.”

  Out of nowhere, I felt his hand grab the back of my neck as his mouth crashed down on mine. Without even thinking, I grabbed his arms, with my phone still in my hand, and melted into his kiss. His tongue pushed against my lips, and I let out a gasp. There was nothing sweet about his actions. That kiss was aggressive. His tongue moved around mine, and mine fought to keep control, but I was quickly losing. The second I realized what I was doing, I pushed off of him. He gave me a little space, but he didn't take his hand from the back of my neck. Parker was trying to keep the control he wanted, but I wasn't having that shit. My one hand gripped his arm tighter, but before I could do anything, the look on his face softened.

  “I love you too,” he said.

  “Did you fucking hear me, Pete,” I hissed out, as I shoved my phone in his face.

  “I couldn't wait to get home to you,” he said, and I truly thought my head was going to explode.

  I let go of his other arm, took the phone between both of my hands, and shoved it up at him again.

  “What the fuck is this?” I snapped out much louder than I should have.

  “That would be my ex wife,” he said.

  “What?” I gasped, as I took a step back and turned the phone back toward me. “Seriously?”

  “Don't even say it,” he said. “I am not fucking my ex wife. I'm actually not fucking anyone at the moment. I haven't been for months and months, but I do plan to change that within the hour.”

  I opened my mouth to speak, but he put a finger up to stop me.

  “Slow down, princess,” he said. “I was at a meeting with management. It was a last minute thing, and that is why I'm dressed like this. Where she was going, I couldn't tell you, probably out with friends or something. I didn't really care enough to ask. The reason your stalking ass saw us at the mall, going into the coffee shop, was because I needed to give her my monthly check. If I didn't, I wouldn't be able to get the kids while I'm home. That bitch gets me for everything she can. I fight like crazy and pay out my ass when it comes to her.”

  “I wasn't stalking you. I was shopping for something sexy to wear,” I said, as I looked at the picture again. “She's beautiful.”

  “No,” he said, with a shake of his head. “She is the ugliest person I've ever met. As long as I pay for her to look like that, I get to see my kids, but only when she lets me. It's actually pretty sad. Add in the fact that she was cheating on me when I was on the road and my kids were in the house, and that makes her just plain evil.”

  “Oh, Parker,” I said. “Is that why you made comments about me and money before?”

  “It's not easy for me to trust, Cassie,” he answered. “You're the first woman I've even wanted to try to let in.”

  He'd had a meeting with management. It hit me just as I was trying to process the words he'd just said.

  “How was your meeting?” I asked, needing to know.

  “Fine,” he said. “It was nothing. So, you're in love with

  “What?” I asked, as I shook my head. “You were the one that said you loved me.”

  “No,” he said. “You said it first.”

  “I did not,” I said.

  “Did too,” he said, mocking my tone. “You said that you knew better than to fall in love with a ballplayer.”

  My eyes widened, and I knew my cheeks were turning a serious shade of red. He took a step forward and leaned his forehead against mine.

  “You love me?” he asked, and I nodded, as I dropped my phone onto the table next to us and wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love you too.”

  His hands grabbed hold of my ass and lifted me like I weighed nothing at all. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he headed for the hallway.

  “The pizza and ice cream,” I said, as I looked down at him.

  “Don't care,” he said, as he looked up, and our eyes connected.

  The shiver that ran through me when he looked at me was like nothing I'd ever felt before.

  “My sexy outfit,” I said, as he turned the corner into my room.

  “This is all the sexy I need,” he said, as he walked to the end of bed, and dropped me onto it.

  Then his eyes moved up my bed, and a smile covered his face. When I looked back and saw his jersey on the bed, the one I'd kept, embarrassment ran through me.

  “I sleep with it,” I whispered.

  “With it, or in it?” he asked.

  “With it,” I said.

  “Isn't that sweet,” he said in a sexy tone.

  Parker came toward me, and I thought about the open door behind him.

  “The kids are here,” I whispered, and he gave me a confused look. “I didn't want to be alone.”

  “I'll be right back,” he said. “Do not move from that spot.”

  He took off out the door, and I could hear him in the living room. I fell back onto the bed, and my head hit the jersey. I wanted to look sexy for him, but I'd forgotten to bring the outfit I bought in with me. It was bad enough my face was a mess from my tears. I had to do something. Then it hit me. I hurried off the bed and pulled my pajama top and bottoms off. Then I grabbed his jersey and pulled it down over my head. I got back on the bed, leaning back on my elbows, with my legs spread just enough. The only things standing between him and me were his jersey and a tiny, white piece of fabric.


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