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Out of My League: Complete Box Set

Page 40

by Sharon Cummin

  I took Parker's hand, and we walked together to the living room.

  “I love the costume,” my mom said, as she got up from where she was sitting and walked over to Parker and held her hands out to Jake.

  What happened next surprised me. Jake didn't lean into her hands. Instead, he pulled in closer and put his head down on Parker's shoulder. Parker looked at my mom with wide eyes like he was in trouble.

  “That tells me something right there,” she said. “I'm glad he feels safe with you.”

  “He better,” Parker said. “I'd do anything for him and for the rest of them too.”

  “That's what I like to hear,” my dad said, as he got up and walked over to say hello to Jake.

  I saw Lance watching the whole thing, but he never said a word. When I looked over at him, he narrowed his eyes at me, and I narrowed mine right back.

  “Don't you give me that look, Cassandra,” he growled out. “These babies won't stop me from kicking your ass.”

  “They might not, but I sure will,” Parker said harshly, as he turned his attention to Lance. “That's my woman you're talking about.”

  “Yeah,” Lance said. “I've known her since she was shitting in her diaper.”

  “Doesn't fucking matter,” Parker snapped out, as he kept his eyes on Lance's.

  Lance let out a laugh and shook his head, but not another word came out of his mouth.

  Lauren and Lance Jr. ordered pizza. They'd also bought tons of drinks, chips, and of course, candy. By the time the kids were ready to trick or treat, they'd already had too much sugar, and I was exhausted.

  “You okay?” Parker asked.

  “I'm just tired,” I answered.

  “You want me to take them out alone?” he asked.

  “All five of them?” I asked.

  “Sure,” he answered. “You can stay back and relax.”

  “As good as that part sounds, there is no way I'm missing my first real Halloween with our kids.”

  Our kids, I thought. Did I seriously say that?

  “Yep,” he said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You totally said it,” he said, with a smile filling his face. “I could see you thinking.”

  Grandma stayed back at the house to hand out candy while the rest of us traveled from house to house with our ten kids. Even the babies went for a few minutes since the weather was surprisingly warm. Before long, Sammie and Lauren headed back with the two babies. Two streets later, Jake was in Parker's arms, and I was exhausted. The rest of the kids were still having a great time.

  “I'm ready to go back,” I said. “If you don't mind taking the kids, I'll take Jake with me.”

  “I'd rather you not go alone,” he said. “It's going to get dark soon, and you're already tired.”

  “I'll go with her,” my mom said. “I'm ready too.”

  “You okay?” Parker asked me.

  “I am,” I answered. “This Halloween thing is harder than it seems.”

  We both burst into laughter, causing Jake to jump, so I quickly took him from Parker's arms.

  “You've got all four of them?” I asked.

  “We're all here, Cassie,” Lance said, as he turned toward me.

  “You promise not to give my man shit?” I asked.

  “Only for tonight,” he answered, with a big cheesy smile on his face.

  I got up on my toes and kissed Parker. Then my mom, Jake, and I headed back to Lance and Lauren's house. We weren't there twenty minutes when the rest of the crew came walking in. The kids had gotten tired and wanted to come back.

  “You want to see my tree house?” was the first thing out of Jackson's mouth.

  Both Lance Jr. and Lauren started laughing.

  “We told him he had to wait until after they collected their candy to show them,” Lance Jr. said. “I guess he couldn't take a second more.”

  “I worked on it with daddy and grandpa,” Jackson said, as he hopped back and forth from one foot to the next. “Who wants to see it?”

  All the kids started jumping around with excitement, so we quickly changed them all out of their costumes and into their play clothes. Then they were gone. I walked outside and looked up at the most awesome tree house. They'd really done a great job.

  “Daddy,” Sam yelled, as he came running toward Parker with Jeff on his heels. “Can you build a tree house like that?”

  “Can you, Daddy?” Jeff asked. “It's so big.”

  Parker looked over at me, and I could tell he was fighting with his emotions just as much as I was. He got down on his knees, and looked between the two boys.

  “Once we get a house, I'll build you a huge one,” he said. “I can't build it at either of the apartments. We need a yard for that, a big one.”

  “Cool,” Sam yelled, as he took off back toward the tree house. “Come on, Jeff.”

  “Get a house,” I said, fighting my emotions more than ever before.

  It was taking all I had not to burst into tears. My boy had just called Parker daddy, and Parker had just said we were moving in together.

  “You heard me,” he said. “Please tell me you're not about to fight me on this. We will have a house, Cassie. Neither apartment is big enough for five kids. Before you say it, yes, they would fit, but it wouldn't be good for any of them. They need room to run and play and yell, all while being outside.”

  “What do you think?” James asked me, as he came over toward us. “You think dad would help me build one for the boys?”

  “I'll tell you what,” Parker said, as he took a step toward James. “I'll help you build one, if you help me build one too.”

  “Where you going to build one?” James asked, with confusion in his tone. “You both have apartments. Wait a second. I'm not going anywhere near that nasty ex of yours. You want to walk on that property, you do it alone.”

  “Apparently, we're getting a house,” I said, without thinking about what I was doing.

  “What?” James snapped. “This fucker asked you to move in with him?”

  “Not exactly,” I said.

  “Didn't need to,” Parker said. “I need my family with me, and neither apartment is going to do that.”

  “Do you want to live with him?” James asked.

  “I do,” I answered, as I looked up at Parker. “I really do.”

  “It's time to come in,” I heard Lauren yell from inside the house. “Let's go kids.”

  We all went in together. The kids began going through the candy, and all of us parents began checking it.

  When we were done, we put a movie on the for the kids in the basement, while all of the adults sat in the living room. Lance had just turned on the television when I walked over to my purse and took an envelope out of it. I walked over and handed it to Sammie. Then I went back to sit with Parker. I watched as Sammie opened the envelope, and her eyes widened.

  “Cassie,” she whispered, as tears began slipping from her eyes immediately.

  “What?” James said, with a worried sound in his tone.

  “What did you do?” Parker whispered in my ear.

  “Something I should have already done,” I whispered back at him.

  Sammie turned and handed James the check I'd written to her place. He looked down at it and then over at me.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “I want it to go to her place,” I said.

  “No,” Sammie said. “There's no way. You should put it into accounts for the kids. Even though you don't want Jeff's money in your life, they should still have it. They could do a lot with this money, Cassie.”

  “I didn't want to, but I started an account for each of them,” I said. “I also gave James back the money he'd given me for the lawyers. That's what's left. You'll put it to good use, Sammie. I know you will.”

  “I can't take this,” she said.

  “You can, and you will,” I said. “I know Parker has donated. I know some of the other players have too. Lots of people have donated. I'm
now one of those people.”

  “This is two million dollars, Cassie,” she said, and the whole room went quiet.

  “When I came here, I didn't know what was going to happen,” I said. “I was a total mess. When my kids went there, they had so much fun, more than I've ever seen them have. They've also learned so much while being there. My little girl can catch and throw, and my little boy isn't far behind, but it's more than that. They feel good when they're there. It's been so damn good for them. It's helped me too. I play with them there. Shit! I can even play a bit myself. Not to mention the fact that I met an amazing man there, even if he is a ballplayer. Your place is amazing.”

  “Hey,” Parker snapped, as he leaned forward and pinched me on the ass.

  “My life is what it is because of you,” I said. “Plus, this way you won't have to auction my man off again.”

  “Thank you,” Sammie said, as she came over and hugged me. “I'm so damn proud of you, and not just because you wrote me a two million dollar check.”

  Everyone laughed at her words.

  “I know you've had kids and moms that have come through there that have nothing,” I said. “I want us to go through all of the boxes Jeff sent. You can give it away to people that you know that need it. Whatever is left, we can sell it, and you can have the money. However you want to do it.”

  “Cassie,” she said. “You have no idea what this money can do there.”

  “I know you're the person to make that happen. Every single one of you were here when I needed you. I know I've been a huge pain in your asses, and I am so damn happy you never gave up on me. Even you,” I said, looking at Lauren. “You're an amazing woman, and I'm sorry for every bit of shit I've given you. I was gone for a long time, and I guess I just never expected anyone could take my place in my brother's life.”

  James was right there pulling me in and hugging me.

  “Nobody can ever take your place,” he said. “You're my little sister, and that will never change. The only difference is that there's two of you now. I love you, Cassie, and I will always be there for you. I will also take care of anyone that ever does you wrong.”

  James looked over at Parker with a glare that had me nervous.

  “Hey,” Parker barked out. “I didn't do a thing.”

  “It's just a warning,” James said.

  “No warning needed, Man,” Parker said. “I love the woman. I'd kill anyone that hurt her too, so you'd better get in line behind me. I'm the one that will be taking care of her from now on, and nobody, not even family, will get in my way.”

  I couldn't believe what he'd just said. Had he wanted the guys to fly up from theirs chairs and come after him? I heard a rumble come from Lance, but he didn't say anything.

  “You'll have her back no matter what?” James asked.

  “Always,” Parker said, and James nodded.

  “I guess there's nothing I can do then,” James said.

  “Not a damn thing,” Parker said.

  “Just so you know, I did care that you might be leaving. Sammie gave me so much shit for saying I didn't,” James said. “I guess you're one of us now. Just watch out if you knock her up. That guy is something else.”

  James pointed at Lance, who was already standing and halfway across the room.

  “Do not say the words knocked up when you're speaking about any of my girls,” Lance snapped. “I'm not afraid to kick either of your asses.”

  “That won't be a problem,” I said, as I looked up at Lance. “There will not be any getting knocked up when it comes to me.”

  “Then welcome to the family, brother,” Lance said, as he reached out to shake Parker's hand.

  Lance turned around and walked back toward his seat when Lance Jr. stood up.

  “Lauren and I have something to tell you,” he said.

  “Shit!” his dad snapped out, as he stopped walking and turned toward his son. “What is wrong with you girls. You know these men have some fast swimmers. Close your damn legs.”

  “You sure you shouldn't be telling your men here to cover up instead?” Sammie blurted out, and her dad turned to her.

  “I'm not pregnant,” Lauren shouted out defensively.

  “Your damn lucky boy,” Lance said.

  Then he walked back over and sat next to his wife.

  “Lay it on us then,” he said. “We're ready.”

  I watched Lauren and Lance Jr. look at each other with a nervous look before looking back at his parents.

  “We're adopting a baby,” Lance Jr. said.

  “What?” his dad asked, with emotion already in his tone.

  “I've always known that one day I would do for a little one what you did for me,” Lance Jr. answered. “I wanted to bring a baby, who would never know love, into this crazy family so they could have more love than they would ever need. That time has come. In less than a month, we're going to become parents to a newborn baby. We've already met the mother, and she's due just before Thanksgiving. The baby will come home with us from the hospital.”

  “Are you serious?” Lucy asked, with tears pouring down her cheeks.

  “We are,” Lauren said. “So, just so you know, Thanksgiving is happening here, and I'd love some help, because I have no idea how I'm going to do it.”

  “I'll be right here with you,” Lucy said, as she stood up and wrapped her arms around both Lance Jr. and Lauren.

  “Me too,” Lance added.

  Once they were done, the rest of us were up on our feet congratulating them and telling them we would all be there for whatever they needed.

  Parker and I gathered the kids, their costumes, and all of their things and headed back to my place.

  “Sounds like Jackson got that tree house just in time,” Parker said, with a laugh, once we were on the road.

  “You're not kidding,” I replied. “I'm so happy for them. I think it's sweet he wants to do what Lance and Lucy did for him.”

  “It is,” he said. “I'd totally forgotten about him being adopted. That explains why he can't throw a ball for shit.”

  “Parker,” I snapped.

  “Your family is a pretty crazy, awesome bunch,” he said.

  “Yeah,” I said, “they sure are, and it seems you've worked your way in there just fine.”

  “Does that bother you?” he asked.

  “Not one bit,” I answered, and that was the truth.

  Chapter 33


  Thanksgiving came, but I wasn't able to get the twins. My parents invited me to go and visit them, but I didn't want to leave Cassie and the kids, so we were hanging out at Lance and Lauren's for the day. The new baby had arrived and was coming home that day, so all of the ladies were getting together to make Thanksgiving dinner as well as a few meals to put in the freezer for the weekend and part of the next week.

  We walked into the house, and I was surprised to see that it was completely decorated for Christmas already. There was a huge tree filled with lights and ornaments, and there were decorations everywhere. When I looked over at Cassie, she had a look of surprise on her face as well. The kids, on the other hand, were more excited than I'd seen them yet, and it made me miss the twins. They would have loved it too.

  I stayed with James, Scott, and the kids in the living room, while the ladies laughed, giggled, and cooked in the kitchen. The place smelled amazing, and I knew Lauren and Lance would appreciate the help. When I'd get up and walk toward the kitchen, I'd hear them talking about their men. I was the only name that wasn't slung through the mud. When Cassie talked about me, it was all out of love. They joked that we were too new yet and that she'd be right there with them the next year, but that wasn't going to happen. I was going to work damn hard every single day so that when she was asked about me, love was the only thing that came into her mind.

  The front door opened, and in walked Lance, Lucy, Lauren, and Lance Jr., who was caring a baby carrier. Lauren walked into the living room and fell onto the couch, and I laughed.

/>   “You look exhausted,” I said. “You sure you weren't the one that gave birth?”

  “I sure feel like it,” she said. “I can't keep my eyes open.”

  “Do you think it has something to do with decorating this place?” I asked her. “It looks amazing.”

  “I knew when the baby came, I wouldn't have a second to do it, and I didn't want Jackson to miss out on decorations for our first Christmas in the new house. I even mailed the Christmas cards already.”

  “I get it,” I said. “Go take a nap. We've all got this. If we could get the ladies to quit talking shit about their men, they might actually get something done in there.”

  Lauren burst into laughter.

  “Oh man,” she said. “I'm missing out on that.”

  Just then, the kitchen door opened, and the ladies emerged, with grandma leading the pack.

  “Where's that precious baby?” she asked, as she headed for the couch and sat down. “Let me see him.”

  Lance took the baby out of the carrier and walked over to grandma, leaning down to put his new son in her arms.

  “Meet the newest Lance,” he said, with a huge smile on his face.

  “He's such a doll,” she said. “Welcome to this crazy gang, little guy. You will never go one second without knowing how loved you are.”

  Everyone took turns passing the baby around, and before I knew it, it was time to eat. I walked into the kitchen to help Cassie get the kids their food, and I was blown away.

  “What?” she asked, as she turned to look at me.

  “I can't believe how much cooking got done in between all the smack talk,” I said.

  “You heard us?” she asked.

  “You know what I heard?” I asked, as I reached out and spun her toward me. “I heard my woman say nothing but great things about her man.”

  “I can't help it,” she said, with a smile. “I'm in love.”

  “So am I, baby,” I said, as I leaned down and took her mouth with mine.

  “Really?” Scott snapped, as he walked into the room. “I think I'm dealing pretty well with you and my daughter being together, but this is not something a dad wants to see. You just wait until your little girl is lip locking with some guy.”

  “That won't happen,” I said, as I stepped away from Cassie. “My girls will not be lip locking with any boys.”


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