The Highlander's Taken Bride (Scottish Highlander Romance)
Page 26
“I know you need help, Mister Gillipsi,” she said with a tease. “Your kind always does. You have a big heart…but don’t have anyone that understands you.”
He smiled. “All I know is, that for the first time since that day when I last saw Karla, I have truly beheld someone beautiful. You’re beautiful, Tonya. You’re tough as nails. You don’t let people talk down to you. And you work hard for all you get, even if you got to do the jobs you don’t like. Maybe like a lot of people, you just need a second chance. Someone who believes in you.”
She stared at him in wonder and with a nervous smile.
“Will you become my mail order bride?”
She smiled, teethy and beautiful, her heart on her sleeve and basking in the glow of love. “Yes, Carl. I will.”
They kissed one last time; it was a grand feeling of true intimacy, empathy and redemption for the man who had everything but needed a soul. In Tonya, he found his greatest opportunity.
Knocked up by the Outlaw
Chapter 1
"Jenna, I understand your need for human companionship. I'm willing to let us have an open marriage for now and see how it goes. I am gone for long periods of time and get that you need more than I can offer when I'm not around. My only rules are no males in our bedroom. You can go to their house, but keep them out of our bed we share." Kyle stared at his wife of three years, and rubbed his chin.
She'd admitted to wanting a divorce because the urge to cheat was overwhelming for her because he was always gone and she was constantly fantasizing about men and sex.
"Are you serious?" She asked, shocked.
"Yes, I love you. I want to see you happy, and I don't want to get a divorce." He told her. He walked over and grabbed Jenna's chocolate hand in his own and brought a firm kiss to her lips. "I married you. I love you, I won't give you up without a fight, or a compromise. I'm not unreasonable."
"Are you planning on having love affairs too?" Jenna hesitated, not sure she wanted the answer.
"I don't know. There are times I have been tempted over the years, but I haven't given in. If I give you permission, I'm guessing it should go both ways." He answered her.
"Okay," Jenna said, blinking at him for a moment while thinking the situation through. It would make their life a lot easier if they both had blanket permission to see other people and still could have their relationship intact.
"I love you Jenna, and I don't want us to ruin our marriage simply because I'm gone for long periods of time. I can share you if you are willing to be open to it, I just need to know that 'us' will always come first even if we have other partners." He told her.
"I can agree to that I think." Jenna said, still reeling from the shock. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, realizing that everything she'd planned on telling him, packing her things, leaving, she didn't have to do.
He'd offered her an alternative that she never thought he'd do.
"I love you Kyle, I hope you know that." Jenna told him.
He nodded at her. "I do know that, which is why I know you wanting a divorce is a significant thing. It's not fair that I'm never home or here for you. I understand you need human connection and I know I promised you I'd always be here for you, but with my job I just can't be here sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time. You deserve more than that."
Kyle walked over to his beautiful curvy wife and gathered her in his arms. He put his arm around her waist and pulled her against him for a moment before pressing a gentle kiss to her temple.
"This is also probably not a good time to tell you that I need to leave again. The construction of the new hospital in South America isn't going well and I need to go down there and make sure they get it up and running on time." He told her.
"I wish you could take a different job sometimes." Jenna said feeling sad.
Kyle rubbed her back gently. "I know you, but you and I both know this job makes me happy, and makes good money. It's not worth leaving and losing the job and financial security we have."
"I know, we have a nice life, I just sometimes think having you around would be giving it up." Jenna told him bluntly.
"I know you do." Kyle said and went to kiss her on the lips.
Jenna turned to him and kissed him back, pressing her large breasts that he loved so much against his chest.
They were just starting to get into the kiss when his cell phone started beeping with text messages.
Kyle pulled it out of his pocket and looked at it. "I need to go. They booked my flight already and I guess it leaves in two hours. I thought I'd have more time but I need to get moving, I might miss it as it is."
"I was thinking of buying new dining room furniture." Jenna told him.
"You should do that. Our old one has some dings in it. Donate it to the local charity, they'll find a family who could use it." He told her.
Jenna nodded, she'd always admired his work for humanity, and that he'd been able to turn his desire to work and help other people into a lucrative career. He was a doctor who worked more of a manager position and he made good money traveling to get hospitals in other countries up and running and training the staff until the hospital was self sufficient. He had a lot of responsibilities, but he really did like his job and Jenna knew it wouldn't be right to ask him to quit.
She sat on her bed alone, wishing her husband hadn't had to rush out of there after just arriving home from a trip.
Sighing, she went and got in the shower, alone. She was tired of using the shower head to pleasure herself when what she really wanted as a man.
He'd given her permission, so now she had to find herself a man.
Chapter 2
Jenna was out shopping for a new dining table set and felt disappointed when she didn't find one she actually liked. Sighing in frustration, she decided to hit up a local biker bar, she knew it was risky, and a black woman in a predominant white-biker bar would turn some heads. But maybe that's what she needed. To step completely out of her comfort zone.
Slipping her wedding ring into her purse in her makeup pouch she got into her Porsche and drove the fifteen minutes to the bar on the edge of town.
Jenna pulled into the parking lot and found a small parking spot between two motorcycles where she could park her car. She parked it, set the alarm and got out, slipping her keys into her purse. She promised herself two drinks, a couple of dances, and she'd leave.
Just test out to see if she could even flirt with another man or if she'd feel too guilty and wouldn't be able to do it. It was a test run. If she couldn't flirt with another man or even think of going home with him, then this agreement for their marriage wouldn't work out even though Kyle suggested it.
Walking inside she got a lung full of smoke and started to cough. Not exactly her ideal joint, but she walked in over to the bar and ordered herself a martini on the rocks.
Sitting back sipping, she watched beefy men playing pool and women in tight leather clothes that barely covered their rear ends. She felt out of place with her Prada high heels and designer purse.
"What's a woman like you doing in a dive like this?" A rough looking man in jeans and a t-shirt sat down next to her at a bar. He was blond with scruff around his mouth and on his chin. He had muscles that made him look like a body builder, but they looked natural, rather than a steroid-induced.
"I'm not sure." She told him sipping her martini.
The bar tender came over and he looked at her drink for a moment then nodded at the bartender.
"Bring her another and I'll have what she's having." The man said, then he turned so he was almost touching her with his knees and introduced himself.
"The name is Rack." The man said.
"Hello, Rack. I'm Jenna." She replied, thinking how unusual his name was. "Why do they call you Rack, is that your real name?"
"I'm a bounty hunter, and I rack 'em up. It's been my nickname for a while." He grinned at her, showing off perfect, white teeth.
"A bou
nty hunter? What do you do?" Jenna said curious.
"I find people who've skipped out on their bail. That's what I'm doing here. See that dark man over in the corner surrounded by all those women? That's the man I'm here to take in tonight, but I don't want to cause a big bar fight, so I'm waiting to get him alone. Sitting by you makes it look more natural." He grinned at her and winked.
Jenna felt disappointed. She could have sworn he seemed interested in her.
"So, the drink is just for appearances?" She asked him, trying not to let her disappointment show.
"Well, now I didn't say that. I always love me some mocha ladies." He grinned at her.
Jenna wasn't sure if she should be offended that he called her skin color mocha, or flattered that he found her attractive and was so blunt about it. He was an enigma she didn't quite understand.
"I can mix pleasure and business, but I'm afraid if you're looking for more than a drink or two, it may have to wait until another night." Rack told her.
"What's your real name Rack?" Jenna asked, debating on if she wanted to pursue him further, or just let it go and chalk it up to an interesting night in a biker bar.
Rack looked at the bartender for a moment and tossed him some dollar bills then took a drink of the martini and made a funny face.
"John." He grinned and then took the martini down like a shot of whiskey instead of sipping it. "I prefer Rack though. All my friends call me Rack."
"Okay... Rack." Jenna said, though she could see how John fit him.
"What are you really here for sunshine?" He asked her while his gaze was behind her on the man he was watching in the back of the bar.
"Honestly? I don't know. My husband gave me permission to have a boyfriend." Jenna admitted. "I'm not sure I can do it. He's gone a lot for work and it was either open our marriage up or get a divorce. He thought this was a better solution. So I came here to think about it and see if I could even handle flirting with a strange man."
"Ahhh. That explains the ring tan on your fingers." Rack said nodding at her hand that was holding her drink. "My first guess was you were freshly divorced, but I suppose wearing a ring in a bar when you want to pick up men might be a turn off for some men."
"You notice everything, don't you?" She said, not feeling surprised that he'd noticed her hands.
"It's my job. If I don't, I can get hurt, or innocent bystanders can be hurt." Rack pulled out his wallet and took one of his cards out of the wallet pocket. He slid it across the bar to her.
"If you want someone to show you a good time, call me. I'm free this weekend." He grinned at her and winked again before getting up. "He's on the move, I need to go. Good luck with everything if I don't see you again Jenna."
Jenna watched him follow the man outside of the bar. A few minutes later she heard women screaming and a fight break out in the parking lot. She didn't bother to get up, but a few moments later she heard sirens. Deciding to take that as her cue to leave, she walked out to the parking lot.
Two hoochie looking women were standing in the parking lot arguing and there was a knife laying in the gravel.
Jenna walked over to her car and got in, realizing that Rack must have gotten his man and one of the women must have called the police not realizing why Rack was taking him away.
Impressed, she fingered the card in her palm realizing that she had taken it from him without thinking about it.
Rack was so different than her husband. He was white, her husband was black. He was a bounty hunter and bad boy to the extreme. Her husband was clean cut and professional, educated and didn't have a rough job where there was risk of someone harming him while he did his job. He was just gone long hours and many long nights.
Driving home she stared at the card she set on the passenger seat next to her purse and debated on taking him up on his offer.
This is what her husband told her to do, get her needs met. Find a companion. Who better than a man who probably didn't want a long term relationship and would be an ideal boy toy on the side?
He was hot, she'd give him that, his scruffy facial hair made her wonder what it would feel like to have him rub it all over her body. He had the kind of mouth she could picture kissing until she was putty in his hands.
Her husband was average, but from the bulge in Rack's jeans, he looked like he was very well endowed. She wondered if her husband would care if she picked a man who was completely opposite of him.
She got home and got in the shower after taking her clothes off. She washed herself off with soap and then pulled her shower head down and turned it onto the massage option.
Jenna stuck it between her legs on her clit, letting the water spray massage her as she thought about Rack. She pictured him naked in her mind, between her legs licking her. In her mind she was grinding her hips against his face until he took her over the edge to an intense orgasm that had her grabbing her shower stall wall to keep herself from falling down.
She turned the water off and got out, realizing that she thought she just might be able to go through with this. Drying herself off with a black fluffy towel, she put her bathrobe on after and went to go make some tea.
She stared at the card while she sipped her tea in the kitchen and picked up her cell phone. It was late, almost midnight, she wasn't sure she should call him this late at night.
Deciding against it, she slipped it in her bathrobe pocket and set her tea cup back in the sink and went to bed.
Tossing and turning she had erotic dreams all night that involved both her husband and Rack. Picturing them double teaming her, and taking their cocks in both holes at the same time.
She woke up more than once sweating and breathing hard, her body aroused and pulsing, leaving her tired and drained the next morning.
Chapter 3
Jenna was wearing a cute blue sundress and strappy sandals with a matching thong underneath. She'd done her hair up in a cute bun and had on dangly earrings that looked good with her dark skin color and drew attention to her long neck and broad shoulders.
Her shoulders tapered down to large breasts and an hourglass figure that drew attention when she went out. She knew she looked good, but she couldn't believe how nervous she was.
She was trying to get the courage up to call Rack. It was Friday night, a few days after she'd met him and she'd put off calling him. She was worried he had plans, but it was now or never.
Picking up the phone she dialed his number. When he answered she almost panicked and hung up, but then stopped herself.
"This is Rack." A curt voice said when the line clicked.
"Hello, I don't know if you remember me, but this is Jenna from the bar the other night." She spoke into the phone and waited for him to answer.
There was a pause for a moment and then he answered her. "Yes, I remember you Jenna. Beautiful mocha lady. I see you decided to call me."
"Are you free tonight, or tomorrow?" Jenna said, nervously.
"I'm free tonight and tomorrow. What would you like to do?" He said.
"Do you have a house?" Jenna asked him. "Or apartment, I was just thinking maybe I could come over and we could have a couple drinks and get to know one another better."
"I do, would you like the address? It's a bachelor pad, but it's clean and it's home." Rack told her.
"Yes. That would be nice." She told him.
He rattled off his address and she wrote it down, realizing he lived closer than she would have thought a bounty hunter could afford. His neighborhood was pricey. She was shocked.
She didn't know why she assumed he didn't have any money, but if he lived in that neighborhood, he made good money or had good money.
Jenna pulled out of the garage and drove over to his house, it was about fifteen minutes away.
She pulled into his driveway and realized he had a motorcycle and a very expensive truck with a canopy on the back. His Harley didn't look cheap either. She felt relatively safe leaving her car in his driveway when she parked behind his bike and got ou
His house was almost as big as hers was, with a four car garage, manicured lawns, and a big arch way over the fancy double doors.
She walked up and rang the doorbell. It had a musical chime and she waited a few minutes for him to come open the door.
Rack opened it and he was barefoot in jeans and a plain white t-shirt that showed off his muscular arms that had Jenna gulping hard when he stepped out of the way to let her inside.
"You have a beautiful home." Jenna said quietly when she entered the house. There was a stair case that spiraled upstairs to a big hallway with numerous doors. Downstairs she could see that the kitchen was back behind the stairs and looked huge.
There was living rooms on both sides of the house with a formal dining room on the left, and a bathroom and the garage entrance on the right.
"It works for me. It's a little big and a little lonely sometimes, but my sister and her kids come to visit sometimes and it's nice to have the room. There's a pool in the back yard they love." Rack said grinning at her.
"You have a sister?" Jenna asked as she followed him as he led her to the kitchen.
It was bigger than she thought when she walked in and saw the gigantic island with six barstools and then a fireplace and another sitting area on the other side. It had a small round table between the sitting area and the couches. It had a big screen TV hung on the wall and the couches looked worn. He also had an over-sized bean bag sitting in the center of the room.
"I didn't know they made bean bag chairs that big." Jenna said fascinated by it.
"It's awesome. What's your poison tonight, I remembered you liked martinis so I grabbed some Vodka this week. It's just straight vodka, I'm not a fancy drink maker. I have a couple different kinds of whiskey, rum and tequila." Rack told her as he walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two shot glasses with Disney emblems on them.
"Are those from Disney Land?" Jenna asked, shocked then remembered to answer his question. "Vodka is fine with me."