The Devastatingly Beautiful Series

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The Devastatingly Beautiful Series Page 12

by M Dauphin

  “God Molly, how are you such a strong woman?” I murmur into her neck, her favorite spot to be nibbled. She sighs and her body melts into mine. I lift her easily and she wraps her legs around me as I carry her up the steps, all the while she’s kissing my neck, nibbling my ear, running her fingers through my hair. So distracting, this woman.

  I lay her on the bed and hover over her, resting on my elbows.

  “I love you Molly. I’m not sure I’ll ever get tired of saying that.”

  She smiles back at me, her green eyes glowing.

  “I love you too, Tatum. Forever and always.” She says, practically in a whisper.

  Forever and always. That sounds perfect to me.



  The morning after Evie’s memorial is rushed. I have a meeting with the Delany client about their wedding next year, and I still have plenty of shoots already lining up for the week and weekend. Things are finally looking up in the business, as well as Tatum and I’s relationship. Coming downstairs Tatum’s already in the kitchen, making me a cup of coffee with a smile on his face. How could I be so lucky? And to think, I could very well be carrying his child. I know I need to tell him, but I really want for it to be official before I get any hopes up…or down.

  He smiles when he sees me and brings me my already perfectly prepared to-go cup of coffee. I thank him and take a drink as he pulls me in and starts kissing my neck and collarbone.

  “I never thought I’d have someone like you. So perfect in every aspect. Even this crazy hair…mmm I love it.” He starts nuzzling my neck. I sigh and gently push him away before this gets out of hand.

  “Whoa there. As much as I would love nothing more than to continue this, I have a meeting in a half an hour, remember?” Of course it’s with the only client that has ever scared the bejesus out of me, therefore I’ll definitely not be canceling due to morning nookie with my assistant. Tatum doesn’t know who the meeting is with this morning, just that it’s last minute and very important. I have a gut feeling he wouldn’t be letting me go alone if he knew it’s with the Delany family.

  “Great, I’ll be waiting in your office when he leaves.” He winks and walks away. He didn’t even care I turned him down! OF COURSE he would leave me like that. Just BOOM, like it didn’t matter that I turned him down. Now I get to go to this last minute meeting with this man who is incredibly intimidating with Tatum’s promise of desk sex on my mind.

  Taking my bag I head outside. The hair that Tatum loves so dearly is quickly wrapped up in a bun to make it less terrifying to onlookers. While I’ve made my home here in Illinois, the Midwest really sucks when it comes to humidity and summers. Ugh, and it’s only April! Shorts, flats, and a nice button down tunic is as professional as it’s going to get in today’s weather. If ‘Mr.oldmanbigshot’ can’t handle it then he doesn’t need my business.

  Trying my hardest to think positive about this meeting, I can’t wrap my head around the sinking feeling in my gut that something bad is about to happen. Why this man needed a last minute meeting for a wedding that isn’t even until next year is beyond me, but the $25,000 payday that will be coming after this day is over will be well worth it. I’ll finally be able to buy the property next to the studio that’s been sitting empty for years now and create a unique outdoor studio.

  I park, grab the necessities, and head into the studio to unlock the door. It’s then that I notice the man waiting out front of the studio. Sitting on the bench to the right of the door, staring at his phone but not moving anything on the screen, he hears me clear my throat and looks up. Holy dark eyes. Jesus why do the hot men land on my doorstep lately? Oh hello hormones.

  “Hi, can I help you?” I try to sound as unaffected as possible by the beauty that’s radiating from this man. I should not be feeling this way when I have the most perfect male specimen waiting for me at home.

  “I’m Robert Delany.” He reaches out to shake my hand and smiles. Those eyes. The warmth of his hand.

  Oh fuck.


  Before his death, my older brother, Dave, gave me one piece of advice that’s stuck with me throughout all the years: ‘Don’t let them see how much they affect you.” That being said, when Molly turned me down this morning I had to make myself seem unaffected, even though the raging hard on in my boxers was screaming at me for being such a asshole to it.

  Now she’s in a meeting with one of the most powerful men in the Midwest and I’m sitting here at her house with jack shit to do. Apparently I’m her assistant, but she doesn’t really need anything from me unless there’s a shoot happening or she need’s advice on edits, so needless to say she didn’t even ask me to sit in on the meeting. I have all the free time I could want right now, but I’m just not satisfied. If I really put thought to it I’d know exactly what’s wrong with me. My dad’s business is an ugly one, but it was the only thing that helped me square my mind when it started to run wild. We spoke before he left to go back to Texas about possibly heading off some of the technical sides of the business from Illinois, then he could have more manpower in Texas when need be. It’s not beating the shit out of criminals, but I guess it’s better than nothing.

  First thing is first, though. Molly is currently in a meeting with a very high profile Midwest man. A meeting she was trying to keep from me, not telling me who it was with. I, however, was able to find her date book and see for myself who she was with today. Anyone with the last name of Delany in this part of the country is a walking disaster, and she got herself wrapped up in the deal of the century. The woman has no true photography package that costs $25,000, but he managed to get everything out of her for that much. Every type of print, every angle, every shot, and three days’ worth of shooting plus engagement prints and ‘thank you’ prints. It was an insane package, but the Delany’s are very convincing people. I need to do some inside work to find out just how dangerous these men are.

  The first article that blows my mind mentions murder charges being filed against one of the youngest Delany sons. I know my dad’s business, and yes people have died, but there’s never any evidence when we’re done. For the cops to have enough to suspect one of them for murder makes me shake my head in disgust. I can’t believe Molly is wrapped up with this family. How can she be so blind to the things that are staring her right in her face? The next thing that I notice is the picture of the man that is suspected in the murders. Talk about not looking the part of a criminal. This dude is decked out in his suit, tie, and insanely dark eyes…are there even pupils in there? He’s never been convicted, though, because no one would testify against a Delany, just like no one would testify against a Savage. Good lord I hope this isn’t the one getting married. Actually, I hope this isn’t the one Molly has to deal with at all. It’s a big family, though, so odds are slim they will ever come in contact. All other articles on this man post him as a ladies man, sexual predator, and fighter. Partier, that’s more like it. Kid with money who doesn’t know how to use it wisely, wasting it on booze, drugs, and sex. I can hope for now that Molly is not currently in a meeting with him. After today, though, I’ll be sure to be in on those meetings. I’m not taking any chances, I feel like trouble follows the woman around.

  After minutes of staring at the picture of this ladies’ man, a very powerful man, I resolve to head into the studio early. What’s it going to hurt?



  Robert Delany. The last name alone is enough to make me cringe, but of all the Delany’s this is the one they sent? Jesus this man. Playboy deluxe, no women lasts in his world longer than a couple of days. Every photo ever is him with a different woman at his side. Not that I follow the family, but it’s hard not to when they are everywhere. Why is he here, though?

  “How can I help you Mr. Delany?”

  “Sorry for the sudden change. Please, call me Rob.” He smiles and his eyes gleam darker than before. “My Uncle is the man you were speaking with before. He is having…health…problems
, if you will, and I have volunteered to step up in aiding with the wedding details. My cousin is the groom. He is very wrapped up with business and his bride doesn’t need to be stressed out with wedding planning. Especially something as simple as the pictures.”

  Interesting. Most brides love being able to plan and organize. Especially when it comes to detailing their photo shots for the big day. I’ll never understand the dynamics of families.

  “Well, Rob, let’s head inside and you can tell me why we needed this sudden meeting.”

  I’m only a little put off. Not only does this family scare the daylights out of me, but this man is so beautiful it’s intimidating. I can only hope Tatum isn’t the jealous type because it seems as if Rob is now my go to contact for the biggest and most prestigious wedding I’ve ever shot. And boy oh boy is he beautiful. I can’t screw this up, I need this money.

  We walk into the conference room and sit down. Directly across from me he goes to remove his jacket before he sits. Placing it on the back of his chair like a true businessman, he then glances at me.

  “I hope it’s ok, I hate feeling cooped up in those stuffy things. Unfortunately it’s a requirement of the job.”

  I nod and he smiles, twinkly eyes and all. Oh baby those eyes. A girl could get lost in those.

  “So Rob. I’m sure this sudden meeting isn’t just to introduce yourself as the new contact for the wedding that’s still a year away.”

  “No. It’s not. There have been some developments that have made us push up the date of the wedding. My cousin will be marrying the woman of his dreams in two weeks, not next year.” The statement comes out of him so nonchalantly, one wouldn’t think that he just destroyed my schedule I’ve been building for the next few weeks.


  “Oh.” It’s the only words I have at this moment. While I fight to keep my jaw from dropping and a few choice words coming out of my mouth, he goes on.

  “I know it’s short notice, but with the package we have bought I’m sure you will be able to fit it in. I plan on staying in town, so if you need anything I will be close by and there will be no need to bother the rest of the family. As you can assume, things are a little hectic right now. I’d hate to have to find another photographer so soon.”

  “Okay. Well, uh… yes. No problem. We’ll work it out, and I’ll be in contact with you.”

  He stands to leave and shakes my hand, the jolt of cold surprises me. He looks me straight in the eyes and grins. As he holds on to the handshake a moment too long, Tatum walks through the door and his eyes immediately find us. Holy hotness can my office take this much masculinity? Oh fuck he looks pissed as his eyes glare at Rob’s hand encircling mine. I pull away too fast and now I feel guilty. I shouldn’t feel guilty. I have nothing to feel guilty for. Right?

  “Molly,” he manages to speak through his gritted teeth.

  “Tatum. Oh. Rob, this is my assistant Tatum. Tatum, this is Robert Delany. He is the new contact for the Delany wedding. He just stopped by to let me know of a slight change in plans with the wedding date.” Please don’t murder him, please don’t make me lose this client. I really need this money.


  Fire. I’ll just set him on fire. That should be enough payback for touching her like that right? That was no fucking ‘business’ handshake. The look I see between the two of them when I walk through the door is enough to make me want to punch a hole in the newly repaired glass wall. Delany nods in my direction, then tells Molly he’ll be in touch, walking towards the door. Then to top it off, the man has the balls to grin at me as he passes. Fucking grins! And introducing me as her ‘assistant’? Yes, I guess technically I am, but aren’t I more to her than that? Living in her house should earn me a bigger title than assistant.

  “What the fuck Molly?” I’m trying, but the anger is seeping out. No way this asswipe is getting near her again.

  “Excuse me?” she looks shocked. God this woman is infuriating. Rein it in Nate. Tatum. Good lord my mind isn’t even working right at this point.

  “Sorry. I mean ‘Why did that fucktard have his hands on you, undressing your body with his creepy ass eyes’?” I don’t see how I could have phrased that any better.

  “Would you like to re-phrase that?” She glares at me. Daggers. That’s what that look means. She’s mentally shooting me with daggers.

  “That man, Robert Delany, do you know him? Other than from this one ‘meeting’ he claimed to need?” I try to calm down. I really do, but it’s pretty infuriating seeing another man, someone like him, with his hands on your girl.

  “I know of him. If you are asking if I know the type of man he is, yes. Who in the country doesn’t? The meeting you are referring to was to inform me that the wedding they are paying out the ass for has been moved from next year to two weeks from now. So, if you are done playing the macho boyfriend card, I have a lot of scheduling changes to make to be able to put all of my efforts into this wedding.” She huffs and tries to pass, but I stop her.

  “Wait, what did you say? Two weeks? To prepare for the largest wedding shoot of your career?”

  “That’s what I said. Now excuse me, I have work to do.”

  She walks off towards her office and I follow her. She’s not getting off that easy. Hell, at this rate neither of us will be getting off.

  “Molly stop. You can’t shut me out like that if we’re supposed to be a team. Look at it from my perspective. I walk in expecting to have a wonderful day with my girlfriend at work, to being introduced as the mere assistant after some man has his hands and eyes all over my girl! Sorry if you think I overreacted, but you are mine. Haven’t we established that?”

  Ah, there are those daggers again. What the hell is wrong with her, can’t she see the way he was looking at her was all kinds of wrong? Why is she so fucking moody all of a sudden. Shouldn’t she have been just as angry as I was at the asshole?


  Maybe if I stare at him long enough he will leave. One minute I’m thinking about telling him that his child is possibly growing inside of me, the next I want to throw him out of an upstairs window.

  “Let’s get this straight, Tatum. I belong to me. ME! I have spent the last five years taking care of myself with no one to help me, and I did a damn good job. Just because you waltz in here, save the day, take up space in my house doesn’t mean that I belong to you. As far as this wedding goes, you will not give me any trouble about the contacts that I have to keep to do my job. I need the money from this contract more than you know, so back the fuck off, put the green monster currently raging inside of you away, and let’s get to work.”

  Why is fighting with him making him more and more attractive. Like it’s even possible, the meaner I get the hotter he gets. Shit now he’s walking towards me. Or stalking. Something like animals do to their prey before they pounce. I feel like I should be scared of him, but my body is strung so tight right now this whole show is turning me on more than it should.

  “Sweetheart” he begins, face to face. So close I can feel the heat radiating off of him “Money is a non-issue with me, therefore it needs to be a non-issue with you. What is an issue, however, is a possible murderer, definite playboy, undressing you with his eyes right in front of me. NO ONE will do that again.” He takes a wild piece of hair and tucks it behind my ear, leaning in to kiss my neck right below my jaw. Shivers lace through my body as I feel the all too familiar pull between my legs. He continues little pecks all around my neck and on to the other side. His hands roam down my side, gripping my hips and pulling me into him. The anger inside of him from earlier is replaced by pure desire. He looks me square in the eyes and repeats the phrase I hate the most, yet love hearing out of his beautiful mouth.

  “You are mine Molly, get used to it.”

  His lips crush into mine as he backs me against the wall. Hands on my hips, he lifts me and I wrap my legs around him. All while I’m trying my hardest not to grind against him, he’s trying his hardest to make me.
br />   “Ahem…” a voice cut through the fog. That voice. Once you hear it once you can’t mistake it. Shit shit shit!

  I push Tatum away, fixing my outfit as best as I can. Tatum just stands there just staring at me. Not smiling, not frowning. Is he even breathing?

  “What do you need Mr. Delany?” he speaks as I catch my breath, never taking his eyes off of mine.

  “I forgot my jacket earlier, just coming back to grab it before I check in to the motel. Sorry for interrupting…that.” I hear him chuckle and roll my eyes. Thank the Lord Tatum hasn’t turned around yet, because the whole time Rob is speaking he’s looking at me like he could eat me alive. Unsure how I feel about this (though it should creep me out) I speed out of the room to grab his jacket.

  Tatum has turned to look at Rob by the time I return to the room. Just staring at each other. The tension is insane, this is ridiculous.

  “Here you go, Rob. Let me walk you out.” Tatum looks at me like I have three heads so I don’t look his way.

  As we make it out the front door of the studio, Rob turns to smile at me.

  “I’ll be at the motel down the street if you need… anything… Molly.” His eyes sweep down, then up, and my whole body tenses. He pauses when his stare makes it back to my eyes, smiles, and walks away. Those eyes are definitely something to stare at. So dark, so intense, yet so vulnerable. What’s behind the mystery? Why am I thinking this!? I most definitely should not care about this man.

  Why is my body betraying me lately!? Oh, wait. I remember. Pregnancy hormones are a bitch. My mind does not want to feel the way my body did when Rob looked at me that way, but seems it don’t have much of a choice. I sigh and walk back inside to a seething Tatum.

  “Anything... my ass,” he mutters, then leaves me standing alone in my studio. What the hell is happening today?


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