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The Eden Conspiracy

Page 20

by Clayton Carlson

“No,” Isaac groaned in emotional agony. “Jesus is the answer. We can never be good enough by our own efforts. Our hearts are destined to sin, that's why Jesus came to this earth. He lived a sinless life and then shed his blood to wash away our sins.

  You know yourself that you could never live a sinless week, let alone a lifetime, or an eternity. The whole of mankind has yet to produce a sinless person, save Jesus. Our only hope is to trust in Jesus and let him cover our sins through the cleansing of his blood.”

  Isaac is trembling with passion as he speaks of the sacrifice Jesus willingly made for all. “The other religions of the world are hollow; there is only one name by which we can be saved.

  Maybe I am wrong about your family not being able to have an opportunity to accept Jesus. A guy I met recently was telling me about an, after death scenario, that I had never heard before. He seemed to have, some, scriptural backing for his ideas, but I haven't had a chance to look into it all yet. As far as after death beliefs go, it's really out there in left field. I don't know of any popular denomination that would agree with his understanding. His belief would seem to provide some hope for the salvation of your family though. He did use a lot of scriptures for support, but he put them together very differently than I have ever been taught.

  I thought he was an old, odd ball crank, a real eccentric type. I mostly just listened to his ramblings to make the time pass quicker and to give him someone to talk to. I felt sorry for the lonely old guy.”

  “Oh. That sounds interesting,” Said Ting, as Adam scowled at Isaac's comments. “If his doctrines were accurately supported from the Bible, then why wouldn't I want to believe them, especially if those beliefs can show a way for my family to receive salvation? That would give me a firm hope for them and a hope that we will be together again, as the family we always wanted to be.”

  “Well like I said, I haven't had the chance to look into it yet. To be perfectly honest I thought the belief was rather flaky, as it was so far away from what I had always been taught. But I have to admit, it would give your family the opportunity to accept Jesus.

  That's not to say they would be saved, only that they would have the chance to get to know Jesus. They would still have to willingly accept him as their Savior. There are no guaranties what they will decide when the time comes,” Isaac tries to temper Ting's expectations.

  “Ya, but at least they get a chance at salvation. That's more than they had with your beliefs. Tell me about the strange ideas this, odd ball guy, told you. I am curious to hear how my family might learn of Jesus now that they are dead,” Ting's voice was excited with the hopeful prospect of a future reunion.

  Adam hits the brakes hard as the traffic in front of him comes to an unexpected and seemingly unnecessary stop. Quickly checking his left hand mirror Adam bats at the signal light lever. The lights barely have time to flash before he is changing lanes to the left veering around the cars stopped in the curb lane.

  After blowing past fifteen cars or so the reason for their stagnant motion became apparent. A car was waiting for a pedestrian to clear the crosswalk before it could proceed with a right hand turn. The pedestrian seemed to be in no hurry to get out of the way as he sauntered slowly towards the sidewalk. Adam said nothing as he shook his head. Once they were clear of the jam he reluctantly signaled his intentions and changed back into the right lane.

  “Once we get onto the three lane road we will be able to stay in the center lane. That will help keep us out of any potential vehicular conflicts. I don't need any of those headaches today,” Adam said thoughtfully. “Today I just want to get home without any complications.”

  Isaac is so focused on his conversation with Ting, that he doesn’t even notice Adam's comments or the abrupt course change of the truck. “Well like I said, I haven't had time to look into his ideas to find where he has undoubtedly gone wrong. Cause let’s face it, it's been over two thousand years since Jesus walked on the earth, and these ideas of his are not supported by any of the major Christian religions of the world. If his ideas were to be true, then everyone else would have been getting it wrong for a long time. When I think of all the Godly people who have gone before me, it is ludicrous to think that Christendom should be in need of his understandings.”

  “Yes that may be true. But if his ideas are supported by the Bible then they shouldn’t be minimalized either,” Ting countered. “What makes his beliefs so different than everyone else’s?”

  “First off, his whole concept seems to be based on the notion that God created humans fully mortal. He believes that we have no soul that will live on after we die. When we are dead, that's it, we are dead.”

  “So more like an evolutionist,” Ting pondered out loud.

  “Kind of I guess. But he still believes in creation,” Isaac explained. “He insists that God created us mortal at the Garden of Eden. He calls the idea of the, immortal soul, a lie foisted onto Adam and Eve in the beginning by Satan, to keep us blinded to the plans God has for mankind’s salvation.

  He calls the notion of humans having an immortal soul, or spirit, a worldwide satanic conspiracy. He insists that’s why all cultures have the notion of an afterlife. Satan planted the notion that we wouldn't die at the beginning of mankind’s start and it has infected everyone ever since,” Isaac turns to Adam with a look of terror on his face and trembled with mock fear. “It's all so very scary, the mother of all conspiracy theories.”

  Traffic was congested and Adam ignored the insult as he continued to drive past the seemingly endless strip malls heading into Kelowna.

  “Are his beliefs justified? Is that what the Bible tells us?” Ting asks sincerely. “If they are, that would explain why God tells us the only way to have eternal life is by accepting Jesus, it would also support the teaching that Jesus died to save me from my sins and death. Not just becoming, extremely physically handicapped.” Ting pondered his thoughts and then added.

  “It also lines up with the definitions for life and death. Life lets you receive stimulation from the world around us, as well as make signals out to the world. It also enables us to have internal function or thoughts. Death is the opposite of life. There is no internal function, no sending out or receiving stimulation. Death is a complete stop of all functions that we associate with life, no matter how faint or seldom. Someone isn't mostly dead, they are barely alive. You can't be dead, if you are alive in some other state of existence.”

  “I wouldn't say the Bible explicitly tells us that we have an immortal soul, any more than it tells us that we don’t have one,” Isaac says. “It's more in the way you understand what the scriptures are saying.”

  “That doesn't sound very convincing,” Ting broke in. “You were quite clear about the fate of my family ten minutes ago. Now you say it's more in the way the scriptures are understood. I don't know who to believe. I think I need to find out more about this new insight. Maybe it offers more hope than all of the teachings from, Christendom's Godly people that have gone before you.

  The Bible proof is ether there or it isn't. Maybe your idea of the eternal soul is like your idea of Christmas, a nice story, but not completely backed up by the Bible. Some facts may have been altered or amended to fit with tradition,” The tone of Ting's voice was heavy with accusation and disappointment. Adam took quick fleeting glances at Isaac as he maneuvered the big rig in the congested traffic.

  “Like I said,” Isaac reiterated. “His ideas are new to me. They did appear to have some merit, but I am not going to abandon what I have been taught all my life and believe to be true, without serious study. He may have had some compelling scriptures to support his beliefs, but I am in no position to endorse them. You would be best to look into those beliefs yourself.

  There was a host of ideas that are new to me. Being completely mortal was just the start. For example I have always been taught and believe that a person goes to heaven or hell immediately at their death. He has those who accept Jesus, asleep, waiting in the grave until the return of Jesus a
t his second coming. He says this is when they receive their new spirit bodies and eternal life.

  Then they start to rule with Jesus as the kingdom of God takes over the world. The old guy teaches that it is a literal physical kingdom that will rule over all nations of the world. The saints are to be the kings and priests, leading what's left of mankind, as they rebuild the world over a thousand year period. Not only that, but he believes Satan will be bound in chains, during this thousand years of rejuvenation, unable to influence the world into sin.”

  “Wow!” said Ting. “That is different from anything I have ever heard. Are you sure he’s a Christian?”

  “Oh yes, I believe he is. He definitely believes everyone needs to accept Jesus for salvation. That is the basic essential for all Christians. No one can be saved by any other name, we must all go through Jesus,” Isaac nods his agreement with Adam's belief for salvation.

  “Well how does that help my family? They are dead and haven't accepted Jesus. They will still be left out of this Godly Kingdom,” Ting complains in bewilderment.

  “Yes they do miss out on this resurrection. This resurrection, at the second coming of Jesus, is only for those who have accepted Jesus as their Savior now during this life. He believes all other people, including your family, will stay dead until God brings them back to life. He thinks they will be in the safe keeping of their graves for a long time yet,” Isaac tries hard to remember Adam's beliefs and get them in the proper sequence.

  “Your dead family won't be introduced to Jesus until they are resurrected after this thousand year period is over. He thinks there will be a hundred year period, at the close of the thousand years of rejuvenation. That’s when everyone who didn't get the opportunity to learn about Jesus, during this life, will be brought back to physical life in another resurrection.

  They supposedly will have a hundred year, mortal life span, to learn of Jesus and decide if they want to accept him and Gods ways of love. This would give your family time to work out their emotional problems and experience life free from the influence of Satan to make them sin. They could follow Jesus free from outside interference. This will be their time to exercise their free moral agency; the only thing keeping them from salvation would be their own choices.”

  “Wow,” Ting said with delight. “These notions seem to be more fair than yours. At least people who have never had the chance to hear about Jesus during this life, will get the opportunity to hear about salvation and accept it if they want to. They don't go directly to hell because they didn't know about the salvation Jesus offers. To me this plan makes God seem much more loving. What happens to those who refuse to follow Jesus and reject God during this second life? What happens to them?”

  “Well I believe he said that those who reject God, and decide not to choose life will get what they want,” Isaac remembered confidently.

  “What do you mean? They will get what they want?” Ting questioned.

  “Well since they are resurrected, for those hundred years, back into the same mortality they died with, God will let them refuse the eternal life brought by Jesus and they will die, never to be resurrected back to life again. Their punishment for rejecting Jesus will be everlasting, even the memory of them will be forgotten.

  This hundred year life time, will be their time to gain salvation and eternal life, if they refuse it, God will respect their choice and let them die,” Isaac is trying hard to get the time sequencing and facts of the resurrections correct. He pauses at times to replay Adam's rantings in his mind.

  “How do they die?” Ting asks intrigued.

  “I believe the old guy said that Satan is released from his pit at the end of the hundred years for a short time,” Isaac continues, reciting the events Adam had described to him the best he could.

  “Satan goes out and deceives those who don't choose Jesus. He incites them to make war against the saints of God who are living peacefully in undefended cities. This will be the final war mankind will ever fight against God. Needless to say, God wins, everyone who is not on the side of God and Jesus, die in this final battle. You know, he actually has some obscure Bible scriptures that support all this?” Isaac has a slight hint of admiration in his voice.

  Ting blurts out in amazement. “You are right; this is not like anything I have heard from a Christian before. When you said he was way out, in the left field position, you weren’t joking. But his thoughts do give me comfort that my family and all those in their position are not doomed without hope. According to the scriptures he reads, they all will have their chance to freely choose Jesus and receive salvation.

  But what about Hell and the wicked being thrown into the lake of fire? Where does that come in with his scenario? You haven't mentioned it yet. Surely he believes in punishment for the wicked.”

  “Oh yes, he believes in the fires of Hell all right,” Isaac confirms with a laugh. “But he believes that the people who are thrown into the flames are from still yet another resurrection. They too will be resurrected as mortals and shown how they chose not to follow Jesus. A heavenly judge will pass sentence on them. They will be thrown into the lake of fire and die there, never to exist again. There will never be another opportunity for them to have life.

  He says that it is Satan and the demons, the immortal spirit beings; they will be alive to be tormented in the flames forever. The humans that are sent to the flames will die in the fire because they are mortal.”

  “That's logical,” Ting agrees, raising his left eye brow. “But who are they. What time did they come from? If everyone gets to freely choose Jesus in their second life, who are the ones getting thrown into the fires of hell? Is this their second life?

  “Well I only talked with him the one time. I can't remember everything he said perfectly,” Isaac complained defensively. “But I think he said that those who have been called by God, coming to Jesus in this life, but reject Jesus by their actions and decisions have no further opportunity to change their ways.

  They will have used up their chance for eternal life in the kingdom of God. He was quite clear; everyone will get a chance to repent, but only one. Their choice will come either now in this life, if they are called by God to be leaders in the coming kingdom, or they will have an opportunity when they are resurrected back to mortal life before the last battle during the hundred year period.”

  “Which is better? To be called to Jesus now, or get to learn of him without Satan and his influence around?” Ting Questions almost to himself.

  “Beats me,” Isaac retorts. “Without Satan it should be easier. But then again, without gravity to work against, we wouldn't build any muscle. Maybe it will be like that for those who learn about Jesus later, they won't have much spiritual muscle to ward off Satan when he is finally released from his chains.

  And those who are called now and fight Satan during this life get to rule with Jesus as kings and priests from the beginning of God's kingdom. They may have a better position, or receive better rewards for their efforts. It’s all speculation as God doesn't tell us much about what his kingdom, or heaven will be like, only that it will be great. Either way, we will still have eternal life in the kingdom as a son of God, which is pretty awesome no matter what you do there.”

  “I wonder why God would set it up like this, not calling everyone to himself now, like you teach?” Ting asks Isaac, as Adam watched the flow of traffic ahead of him slow to a crawl heading down bridge hill entering Kelowna.

  “I don't know,” Isaac said resolutely. “That old crazy guy I was talking to said it was so that great people wouldn't start to think they were anything special. To keep the mighty humble, God calls the week and broken now. That way the focus stays on Jesus as the only way to salvation. Otherwise people might get the idea they could have salvation through their own power and righteousness. If he was right and only the foolish are called, he was living proof of his own belief, if you get my drift?” Isaac adds with a chuckle.

  “So if I understand these ideas prope
rly, God isn't that concerned with having humanity saved during this life now. He isn't in some kind of a race with the Devil to save the souls of mankind before each one dies. God has the power to bring them back to life again anyway, where they can learn about him in a world of peace, free of Satan's temptations,” Ting was starting to congeal his thoughts, connecting them together.

  “If most people throughout history, like my family, die without having heard the salvation message brought by Jesus. That's alright, as they will have their time for salvation later. The trials and struggles they have with sin during this life will only highlight their utter lack of ability to live a sinless life when they are resurrected. None of them will think they could live perfectly on their own. Their need for Jesus will be clear to them and to those around them.”

  Ting speculates further. “I suppose then, the reason why Christians are to spread the gospel about Jesus, in this life, is so God can draw those who he wants now. The weak and broken people, who know they couldn't make it on their own and are open to him, they are to become the leaders in the coming kingdom of God. They wrestle during this life against sin, building spiritual muscle, denying their own will through the help of the Holy Spirit, following the examples of Jesus. That way God will have strong leaders ready to take charge with Jesus when it is time for his kingdom to start ruling the nations.”

  Chapter 21



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