Page 24
Rosalie, after hearing Michael speak, turned from the stove and looked over at Franco. She just nodded to him, acknowledging Michael’s introduction; wondering, however, what exactly could be going through Franco’s mind right now. She felt sort of sorry for him because Franco was really in the dark about Rosalie’s true relationship with Michael. She planned on telling Franco about Michael, but just not at this moment…Soon Rosalie reentered the living room carrying a tray of four multi-colored, polka-dotted coffee mugs steaming with freshly-brewed coffee. The pretty mugs and the smell of rich coffee just didn’t seem to mix well with the bitterly harsh and unstable atmosphere surrounding all of them; however, everyone reached for their own cup of coffee and their own serving of silence. It was clear by the look on each of their faces that no one knew what to say during this dysfunctional social gathering.
Breaking the silence, of course, was crazy Maria. She placed her hand on Franco’s leg, patting him a few times before she turned around to kiss him on the cheek. Rosalie and Michael looked at each other not knowing what to do at this point, both feeling badly for Franco who, obviously, was just a victim in Maria’s game. Maria then stated to Franco, matter-of-factly, that she loved him so much and she knew he loved her too. She requested that he please profess that love by saying that he loved her out loud, in front of both Rosalie and Michael. Franco, wanting to jump out of his skin, knew he had better say the right thing before Maria fell into another uncontrollable, violent rampage. He eyed Rosalie first, however, realizing that Rosalie had been right about Maria all along. Clearly, Maria was out of her mind. He then, in an attempt to appease Maria, gently removed her hand from his leg, brought it up to his lips, and kissed it. Maria sadistically smiled, ordering Franco to say it! She yelled, “Say you love me Franco! I want to hear it from your mouth! Rosalie and her friend would like to hear it too! Say it Franco! Now! Say it!” Franco, again gazing over at Rosalie, embarrassingly replied in a whisper, “Of course Maria. I love you too.” - - “Say it with meaning!” she exclaimed. “I want to hear you say it with meaning from the heart!” she demanded. Eyeing Rosalie once again, Franco stated in a loud and very clear voice, “I love you too Maria.” Unfortunately, Maria didn’t buy it. After catching Franco eyeing Rosalie, Maria flung her half-empty cup of coffee across the room, hitting the gray pastel wall so hard that the mug shattered into tiny little pieces all over the living room floor. Coffee splattered everywhere, even on Rosalie’s favorite Italian-sculpted lamp. Everyone jumped! Franco yelled out to Maria that he loved her more than anything else in this world and it saddened him to think that she doubted him. He pleaded with her to calm down. He repeated the words “I love you Maria” three times, until it finally sunk in with her. That look of rage that lived in Maria’s eyes a few seconds ago suddenly turned to a blemished sweetness. Maria then turned to Franco and plastered a great big kiss on his lips. She said, “Thank you for saying you love me, Franco. That makes me very happy.” Franco took a deep breath of relief since he was able to convince Maria that he loved her; he then massaged the back of Maria’s neck with both hands until she was visibly calm. Maria turned to Rosalie and apologized for causing such an awful mess in her living room and offered to clean it up. Rosalie, fearful of igniting another psychotic episode from Maria, responded by telling Maria not to worry, accidents happen, that she will clean it up later. Maria just nodded. She sat farther back on the sofa and stared into thin air. She was strangely silent, her eyelids were fluttering and she was biting her lips furiously. This caused Franco, Rosalie and Michael to become more uneasy and more frightened not knowing what to expect next from Maria.
Suddenly, Maria started rocking back and forth, back and forth, rocking faster and more violently each time. She sent fear throughout the living room. Even the walls seemed to be eerily closing in on everyone. Rosalie abruptly excused herself and walked into her bedroom. Franco and Michael looked at each other, but said nothing. They just kept a sharp eye on Maria. Rosalie, however, had a plan of her own. She came out of her bedroom and removed two xanax from her bottle of pills and crushed them in a small drinking glass she took from her kitchen cabinet. She then added some orange juice to the glass, mixed it well, then carried it over to Maria. Rosalie called out Maria’s name twice, trying desperately to bring her out of her little trance, but was unable to distract her. Franco immediately picked up on what Rosalie had done and smiled with a sigh of relief. Michael caught on just as quickly. They all knew that once the xanax took effect, Maria would doze off and they would be able to relax around her until they could figure out what to do with her. Michael winked at Rosalie and gave her a thumbs up.
Maria, still rocking back and forth violently, started rambling on and on repeating her words, stating, “I had to do it. I had to do it. I had to shut that old lady up next door before she ruined things for me and Franco. Rosalie told Franco that Millie saw me hanging around outside the house here. Millie ruined everything. I had to shut her up. I had to shut the old lady up.” Rosalie, Franco and Michael just stared at each other in shock. They couldn’t believe what was coming out of Maria’s mouth. Maria was rambling on as if no one else was around, as if she were talking only to herself. Maria was rambling on about poor Millie next door; and, apparently, had done something terrible to her.
Fear came over Rosalie’s entire body. The hairs on her arms were standing up. She felt her heart sink. Her spine was chilled. “My God,” she thought to herself, “What had Maria done to Millie? This is all my fault!” Rosalie was shaking like a leaf, not knowing whether Millie was dead or alive. Rosalie concluded that she had better calm Maria down immediately in order to be able to question her about Millie. So Rosalie sat next to Maria on the sofa, placing her hands around Maria’s shoulders pretending to care about her, pretending to comfort her. Maria responded calmly to Rosalie’s touch and came back to reality. She turned to Rosalie to apologize for hurting Millie. Rosalie wanted to scream! She wanted to cry! She wanted to literally kill Maria! More importantly, however, she wanted to run next door and check on Millie! Instead, she offered Maria the orange juice and told her to drink up, that it will make her feel better. So that’s exactly what Maria did, finishing every drop of orange juice in that glass. Maria then thanked Rosalie for the juice while patting Rosalie’s hand steadily, adding that she hopes Rosalie can understand why she had to get Millie out of the picture, explaining that she couldn’t have Millie come between herself and Franco. Rosalie caressed Maria’s hair slowly, wanting to vomit with every stroke, telling Maria that she did understand and that Maria should just lay back on the sofa and try to fall asleep. Rosalie convinced Maria that all is well and that she did the right thing. Maria, growing more tranquil by the minute thanks to Rosalie’s xanax, sat herself back and closed her eyes.
Rosalie asked Franco to remain with Maria on the sofa in order to keep an eye on her while she made a call to Millie’s house. Franco nodded, but gazed curiously at Michael, wondering why Michael was following Rosalie into the kitchen; wondering why Michael was the one by Rosalie’s side, and not him. Franco still felt his place should be with Rosalie regardless of all that’s happened lately. He wasn’t ready to step aside for another man, even if Michael is an old college friend - which Franco was having a hard time believing. Franco was jealous and his ego deflated. He and Rosalie had so much to discuss, so much to work out. Having Michael in the picture was not what Franco expected. Having Michael in the picture was not a good sign for his and Rosalie’s relationship. He just shook his head in confusion and annoyance, as Michael stood next to Rosalie in the kitchen while she made her phone call to Millie’s house. Franco’s hands were tied as they were all in crisis now, monitoring Maria. He had no choice but to stay quiet at the moment. It seemed Rosalie was in command of the situation, Michael was there to protect and support her needs, and Franco was the houseguest – the houseguest who was invited into this mess today, the houseguest who was invited into the home he shared with Rosalie, and the houseguest who was as
signed the duty of guarding Maria on the sofa. Franco was not happy, but he kept his cool and did what he could to help the situation. He watched as Rosalie made her phone call. He could see that Rosalie was quite shaken. She was sick inside, so afraid for Millie. Rosalie’s heart was aching and her insides were vibrating. She feared the worst.
…Millie’s phone rang several times before someone answered it. To Rosalie’s astonishment she heard, “Officer Jones here, can I help you?” Rosalie almost fainted. Michael had to support her with both hands in order to safely sit her down at the kitchen table. Franco continued watching from the living room, feeling totally useless and left out…Rosalie then responded to the officer by asking if Millie was available. She identified herself as the neighbor next door and requested to speak with Millie. The officer replied that there had been an emergency at the house and that Millie was being taken to the nearest hospital, she had suffered a heart attack. Rosalie felt her insides melt to nothing while the muscles in her neck tightened. “A heart attack?” she asked. Officer Jones replied, “Yes Ma’am. That’s what it appears to be. Once she gets to the hospital they will be able to provide more information.” Rosalie then asked with a shaky voice, “What hospital Sir?” Officer Jones replied, “St. Catherine’s.” Rosalie knew the hospital. It was a short distance from the house. She then asked if Millie’s family had been notified. The officer responded that they had been notified and that the daughter will be coming up from North Carolina along with her husband and two teenage daughters as soon as possible. Rosalie inquired, “How is she doing, sir?” Officer Jones informed that Millie is stable now, and that the EMTs worked very hard on her…Rosalie felt a sudden rush of relief travel throughout her entire body, bringing her back to life. “She’s alive!” Rosalie screamed to herself. She wanted to kiss the ground, but instead looked up to the heavens with a “Thank you God” upon her lips as Officer Jones continued to speak on the other end of the phone line. He further stated that he couldn’t go into too much detail, that they were getting ready to move Millie out and lock up her house. Rosalie thanked the officer for the information and hung up the phone.
Rosalie was in tears as she explained to Michael and Franco what the officer had said. “Thank God Millie is alive,” Rosalie cried. As Maria fell fast asleep on the sofa, Rosalie, Franco and Michael huddled together to discuss what to do with Maria once she wakes up. They all agreed that the first thing to do is to question her about poor Millie. They needed to get the facts from Maria before making any speculations.
Rosalie glanced over at the six-foot Grandfather clock which stood in the corner of the living room, listening as time ticked away quite loudly; precious time that would determine what the next few hours would bring. She then looked down at Maria, still asleep on the sofa, wondering how long it will be before she wakes up. Worse yet, wondering what state of mind she will be in once she opens her eyes. This frightened Rosalie to the core. Not knowing what to expect from Maria left Rosalie anxious and jittery. She ran into the kitchen to get refills on the coffee. There was something about coffee that seemed to temporarily remedy a situation by offering “calm” with every sip.
As she, Franco and Michael continued to sip coffee in silence, Rosalie couldn’t help notice how intently they were all studying Maria, watching as her chest and stomach rose up and down with every breath. It seemed Maria would be out like a light for longer than they had hoped. She looked like an angel. An angel at rest yet a devil at play.
Franco soon advised that once Maria finally awakens, it will be imperative for all three of them to remain aware and on guard. They must be ready to expect the unexpected. Maria is a time bomb about to explode. They had to be prepared for anything. Michael suggested that he and Franco stay as close to Maria as possible in order to restrain her if she becomes manic. Rosalie agreed, and promised she would try her best to keep Maria calm with light conversation until Maria was ready to answer questions about Millie.
After their discussion, they all sat wondering how the three of them ended up together like this with a false sense of friendship and a large dose of confusion about the strange relationship developing between them. Although silent, they each could see the wheels turning in one another’s mind. All three knew there was much more happening here than the threat of Maria.
As the minutes kept rolling along, Rosalie became distracted by Franco. She noticed him eyeing Michael from head to toe. Rosalie knew that Franco was sorting things out in his own mind about her and Michael. Franco was not stupid. However, this was not the time to discuss her relationship with Michael, so she let Franco think whatever he wanted to think at this moment. Soon everything will “come out in the wash” as they say. Unfortunately, Michael picked up on this as well. He felt intense guilt in Franco’s presence. Quite uncomfortable, Michael periodically stared at Franco too, then back over to Rosalie, wondering if he should say something, anything that would break the ice and clear the air which was weighing heavily on their minds. Michael knew, however, that anything he said right now would just drive a wedge between all of them and they needed to stick together if they were going to get through this evening. So Michael stayed silent. They were all well aware that the unspoken words between them actually spoke mountains, but their main focus remained on Maria and the imminent danger she posed to all of them. Their only hope was that the xanax continued to work in keeping Maria calm when she awakes. So the three of them sat patiently, waiting for Maria to open her eyes, as they sipped more coffee, said little and smiled at each other awkwardly.
…An hour or so later, Maria slowly opened her eyes and began to wake up. Franco and Michael positioned themselves, as planned, on either side of Maria. Rosalie sat across from Maria offering her a friendly smile as she softly asked, “Did you have a nice nap, Maria?” Maria surprisingly responded, “Yes, I did Rosalie. Thank you for the use of your sofa. I feel so much better. I don’t know what came over me, I felt so tired.” It seemed, to everyone’s delight, that Maria was still calm and relaxed from the xanax.
Maria looked around the room, then side to side, fixing her eyes first on Michael and then on Franco. She stretched one arm up and gently placed her hand on Franco’s lips thanking him for sitting by her side. Franco replied, “I wouldn’t have it any other way Maria. This is where I want to be. I love you Maria, I told you that before.” Rosalie noticed the terrible strain in Franco’s voice and on his face, yet she was so impressed at the way Franco was able to play along with Maria. He put his arm around Maria’s shoulders and held her head close.
Rosalie then asked Maria if she remembered what they were talking about before Maria fell asleep. Maria, fighting to keep her eyes wide open, looked straight into Rosalie’s face and firmly stated, “Of course I remember what we were talking about. We were discussing the old lady next door. Millie the troublemaker. How could I forget. She was the one who almost destroyed everything for me. But she didn’t. You see, Franco and I are together now and she got what she deserved.” Maria then kissed the side of Franco’s face.
Rosalie, smartly playing up to Maria so as not to set her off, agreed with her by saying, “Yes Maria, you and Franco are together now. That’s all that matters.” Rosalie then followed up by asking, “Would you like to tell us all about Millie and how she tried to ruin things for you, and what you did to stop her?” Then while patting Maria’s hand, Rosalie said, “We’re all friends now Maria and we would love to hear about it. There are no secrets between us. I always admired how smart you were in every situation. Please tell us what happened with Millie.”
Maria suddenly perked up, proudly sitting back on the sofa, eager to tell her story while Rosalie, Michael and Franco listened with open ears. They listened…and listened…waiting to hear each and every word, each and every detail from Maria’s lips. Maria was thrilled to have such a captive audience sit before her. This encouraged her all the more. With that sick sadistic smile illuminating her face, Maria began to talk freely about poor Millie.
…“I hope you can all understand why I had to do what I had to do. I had to stop Millie from interfering with my plan. She was going to ruin everything for me, for Franco – even for you Rosalie. Franco is with the right person now, he is with me. I am the one Franco was destined to be with…Me! It was always me!” Looking over towards Michael, and after a slight pause, Maria stated, “and it seems you are with the right person too, Rosalie.” Rosalie was amazed that Maria, in her deranged state of mind, was even capable of picking up that she and Michael had something going on between them. Maria was truly sharp in her thinking, never missing a clue, and no one could take that away from her. This is what made her so calculating.
At that moment Rosalie felt Franco’s eyes upon her, as he waited for her reaction to Maria’s statement. However, Rosalie was at a loss for words. She couldn’t even look at Franco. She felt embarrassed for herself, Franco, and Michael as well; but mostly for herself. This was an awkward situation and she was unable to address it right now. Franco will have to wait for an answer, and this breaks Rosalie’s heart, because it just didn’t seem fair to keep Franco hanging and guessing like this; but under the present circumstances, fair is out of the question. No one expected this unlikely turn of events, this evilness that fell upon them - but it happened. Sometimes life hurts and this time love hurts. Unfortunately, everything will have to play out in time, and patience for all concerned is what will move things along.