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Dare Me (A MFM Ménage Romance)

Page 17

by Vivian Ward

  Chapter 8


  Sitting around the campfire, the four of us are deciding who should go first when I finally say that I will. At this point, what does it matter? I just want to have fun.

  “Okay,” Hunter says to me. “Truth or dare?”

  I think about it for a moment, and I’m not sure I’m brave enough for any dares.

  “Truth,” I choose.

  “Truth, huh?” Shawn pipes up. “I knew you’d take the easy way out.”

  When I start to smile, I notice that he winks at me. I look over at Tom who’s watching Shawn, and he has a smile plastered on his face.

  He totally saw Shawn wink at me and is smiling? What the hell?

  “Be quiet,” Hunter says to him. “Okay, Beth, you chose Truth. Tell us the last thing you lied to Tom about.”

  “Ohhhhh,” Tom says. “Yes, Beth. Tell us the last thing you lied to me about.”


  “All right,” I clear my throat and turn to Hunter. “I see you like to play dirty.”

  “Just a little,” he laughs and winks at me.

  I look at Tom. Surely, this time he’ll say something about both of them flirting with me—not that I mind, but he does, right?

  Tom says and does nothing. He just keeps grinning away, and I can’t believe it. Part of me is shocked, and part of me is excited. I kind of like these bronze gods hitting on me.

  “The last thing I lied to Tom about was how much money we have in the bank,” I turn to him. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to lie, but I had to lend Kelly some money.”

  I can tell that he’s surprised. We’re always honest about our finances and never hide anything from each other, so I know he’s a little shocked by this.

  “Money for what?” Tom asks.

  “She just needs a little help this month. She’ll repay us, don’t worry.”

  I will him not to ask anymore and plead with my eyes. I don’t want to see his reaction when I tell him that Kelly’s little boyfriend, Kenny, has developed a heroin addiction and that he pawned all of her deceased mother’s jewelry.

  Or that right before he pawned all of her mom’s jewelry, he stole checks from the back of her checkbook so that she wouldn’t notice the missing checks and wrote them out to himself and cashed them at her bank. So by the time she found her mom’s jewelry, her checking account had already been cleaned out and she couldn’t pay to get any of it back or even put gas in her car.

  I got it all out for her, put gas in her car, and bought groceries for the week for her. I’m always the one saving her ass, and she’s always the one ditching me. If I didn’t love her like a sister, I wouldn’t do any of this shit for her, but I do because she doesn’t have anyone else she can turn to and our 20-year friendship should count for something. Right?

  “Okay, you’re up next,” Hunter breaks up the silence by grabbing Tom’s attention. “What do you say, Tom? Truth or dare?”

  He studies me for a second longer and finally chooses a dare. I knew he would, though. Tom would rather you dare him to do stupid stuff than choose truth. He’s never been one to admit things—not that he keeps secrets from me. At least, none that I know of.

  “Dare, huh?” Hunter strokes his chin as he thinks of a good dare for my husband. Snapping his fingers, he says, “I’ve got it! I dare you to kiss your favorite body part on Beth.”

  Does he not realize that we’re exhibitionists and that’s why we were so loud in the tent last night?

  “Oh, big dare,” I snort and start laughing.

  But I stop laughing when Tom’s knees hit the sandy dirt in front of me and his finger slides inside my already too small bikini bottoms and pulls them to the side.

  Hunter and Shawn are staring at my exposed pussy and being the exhibitionist Tom and I are, he puts me on full display for them. Freshly shaved for our camping trip, they can see everything.

  I look down between my legs and I can see myself glistening in the moonlight. I only thought I felt wet when I was sitting there playing cards with them.

  I guess these guys—all of them—turn me on a little more than I’d care to admit.

  The small button that is my clitoris is peeking out under the hood of my clit and it’s just aching to be touched. With the amount of blood flowing to it, I can almost feel it throbbing.

  Looking at my husband, I silently plead with him to make me come just seconds before his head dips between my legs and he intimately kisses the lips of my pussy.

  As quickly as he pulled my bikini bottoms to the side, he pushes them back into place but I wish for him to still be between my legs, eating my pussy.

  I look up at Shawn and Hunter, and I can see the shock and delight written across both of their faces. They’re just as turned on as I am.

  Before any of us has a chance to speak, Tom wraps my hair around his hand and grabs the back of my head. Pulling my face close to his, his teeth crash against mine as he kisses my lips and our tongues begin to dance.

  Tasting my sweetness on his lips, I inhale deeply and kiss him passionately as I’m unable to get enough of my taste. I’ve always loved how I taste on Tom’s lips but tonight, everything tastes better and I can’t stop craving it.

  Like a starved woman, I’m eager for more and frantically return his kiss, cupping his face with my hands. I can tell that it’s been two days since he shaved by the amount of stubble beneath my fingertips.

  Every time Tom shaves, I sit beside the bathroom counter and watch him. He often laughs at me and asks why I like to stare at him while he shaves, but I never have an answer. It’s just something that I like to do. For some odd reason, it makes me feel like I connect with him and somehow brings us closer together.

  Breaking our kiss, he sits back down and straightens his shirt.

  “Real hard dare,” he tells Hunter.

  He might act all calm and cool but I know what that kiss just did for him because it did the same thing for me. It makes both of us want more—and not just because of how the kiss was but because it was in front of people. That’s the part that makes it even more exciting.

  I don’t know how the hell he’s acting so nonchalant. I’m ready for more—a whole let of a lot more. While Hunter asks Shawn if he wants to choose truth or dare, I look down at Tom’s crotch and I can see the bulge.

  I knew it!

  “I’ll be like Beth and choose truth.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief when he chooses truth because I don’t know if any of us could handle another dare right now.

  “All right, truth,” Hunter says, folding his arms across his chest. “Do you think Beth is hot?”

  Shoot me now.

  Shawn looks over at me and a huge grin appears on his face as he arches his eyebrows.

  “Oh yeah,” he nods. “Tom’s a very lucky man.”

  “Thank you,” Tom says, taking a shot.

  “That looks good,” I say. “Let’s all do a shot before we do another round of Truth or Dare.”

  Tom doles out a shot of tequila for each of us and the four of us pound them down.

  “Okay,” my husband says once the tequila’s gone and there’s a mound of lime wedges on the center of the picnic table. “Since Hunter did the asking last time, it’s my turn to do it next.”

  I watch my husband get up and stir the fire that’s slowly burning and I can’t get over how sexy he looks with the bright flames flickering against his skin.

  “Beth, are you still going first or do you want someone else to go first?” he asks.

  “It doesn’t matter to me. I can go first or someone else can, I don’t care either way.”

  Nobody is volunteering, so my husband asks me to pick a truth or a dare.

  “Umm…,” I can’t decide which to choose.

  “Stop stalling. Truth or dare?” he blurts out.

  “Okay, dare,” I say.

  I know the instant that I choose dare it’s a mistake by the gleam in his eyes.

  Chapter 9

/>   Beth

  The look in his eyes tells me that I’m in trouble. This isn’t just the regular, “You’re going to get it.” He looks at me in the same manner as when an animal hunts its prey, and I know what this means.

  Big trouble.

  “I dare you,” he pauses, taking a drink of his beer before he continues. “To take off your top—and stay that way for the rest of the night.”

  What the hell?

  The expression on my face must read the same thought that just flashed through my mind because he laughs and says, “Yes, really.”

  My mouth has gone dry, and I’m trying to pick my jaw up off the ground, but I can’t get over what he just dared me to do.

  “That’s a pretty crazy dare,” I say to my husband who’s really pushing his limits with this one.

  This has to be the craziest dare or stunt that he’s ever come up with but the look on his face tells me that he’s dead serious.

  “What if I don’t want to do that dare? Then what?” I ask.

  “Nope,” Tom shakes his head. “No take backs. You chose dare.”

  I look over at our new friends and they’re watching in awe, waiting for me to go on with the dare.

  He’s so going to pay for this one.

  “Okay, here goes,” I say.

  My voice sounds calm and confident but I’m nervous as hell on the inside, and I can’t believe I’m going through with this.

  I slip my hand behind my back and find the string to my bikini top, giving it a good tug to undo it. The top instantly loosens, and I lift it off over my head.

  The cool night air contrasts against the warm fire, making my nipples instantly harden. I fold my arms across my chest, trying to cover myself but my breasts are so large that my forearms don’t offer much coverage.

  “Let us see you,” he says.

  My husband reaches out for my arms and pulls them away from my body, exposing my breasts for all to see. Slowly, he rubs the peaks of my nipples with the pad of his thumb, teasing them and causing them to become more erect.

  If I thought I was wet before, I must be drenched by now.

  “Who’s next?” he says, keeping his gaze locked on me.

  “I am,” Hunter says.

  My husband’s eyes dance with excitement as a slow grin creeps across his face. He finally looks away from me and turns his attention to Hunter.

  “Truth or dare?” he asks him.

  “Dare,” Hunter chooses.

  Without even looking at me or giving it a second thought, my husband doesn’t miss a beat.

  “I dare you to kiss Beth,” my husband says to him.

  I don’t think any of us were prepared to hear that dare come out of my husband’s mouth because even Hunter looks surprised.

  As he walks over to me, I can feel the excitement brewing in the air. It’s a mixture of nervousness, giddiness, and fear.

  If I weren’t married, I could see myself dating a guy like him, like either one of them really, and I think that’s what scares me the most. If he were just the average Joe, none of this would be a big deal, but there’s been a chemistry and attraction with him since we introduced ourselves.

  For some reason, I think Tom’s picked up on this. It’s almost like he can sense it or feel it. I can’t put my finger on what it is between us or what my husband’s picking up on, but there’s something to this.

  Looking into Hunter’s soft baby blues that contrast so well against his tan skin, I can see the nervousness twinkling within them. My vision focuses on his lips, and I watch him lick them, moistening them before he kisses me.

  Smiling, he leans down in front of me and places his hand on the table. Following his movement with my eyes, I can’t help but stare at his muscles as I bring my eyes back to meet his gaze.

  “Well, seems like your husband has dared me to kiss you,” his deep voice rolls off the tip of his tongue.

  “Seems like,” I smile.

  I am so glad we’ve been drinking.

  Puckering my lips, I lean forward and close my eyes to kiss him. As he leans closer to me, our bare chests press against one another as his full lips lock with mine.

  He pulls away only seconds after his lips land on mine, and I instinctively place my fingertips where his lips were just pressed against mine. Wishing they were still locked together and wanting more of him.

  Holy shit! I can’t believe how much he can effect me with just a quick peck!

  The wetness starting to pool between my legs is evidence that the chemistry between this man and me really does exist. There’s nothing imaginary about it at all.

  If it were Shawn kissing me, I have no doubt that the kiss would be electrifying with the way he’s been flirting with me and how attracted I am to him, but Hunter? I had no clue how much I liked him.

  “No, I mean a real kiss,” my husband says.

  The campfire pops, startling me for a moment. It brings me back to reality that this is really happening and that’s when it becomes undeniable that my husband also wants more.

  I never thought I’d say this before, but I’m ready to give it to him.

  Hunter leans back down to me, pressing his bare chest against my naked breasts and now I know why my husband’s dare to me was to remain topless.

  He’s setting this up.

  None of this has been an accident, and I’m more than okay with it. I’m ready for it.

  As I realize that this game of truth or dare is about to reach a point of no return, I begin to mentally prepare myself for whatever my husband’s plans are for the four of us because I know Hunter is next and the night is just getting started.

  Hunter’s lips come crashing down on mine hard and fast, his hands wrapping around the back of my head as he pulls me into him. There’s no doubt he felt what I felt and wants more, too.

  After a few minutes, he slowly pulls his tongue out of my mouth and softly bites my bottom lip, making me quiver.

  I am putty in this man’s hands.

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” my husband says.

  He and Shawn both start clapping and yelling, “Wooo!”

  A small part of me is embarrassed, but I’m also very excited and eager to see what else my husband has up his sleeve. Shaking my head, I grab my beer and take a drink.

  “Here, have a shot,” one of them says as a shot glass filled with amber liquid magically appears before me.

  When I look up, it’s Hunter, and he also has a shot and two lime wedges.

  “Come on,” he says. “Do a shot with me?”

  I lick the salt from the back of my hand and take my shot. The warm tequila burns as it goes down, but I love the warm fuzzy feeling it gives me. I quickly chase it down with the lime.

  “Shawn,” my husband says, “truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” he proudly announces.

  Of course, why wouldn’t he choose dare after seeing his friend getting to kiss me?

  My husband looks at me and stares at my naked breasts as he comes up with Shawn’s dare. When I first took my top off for my dare, I felt vulnerable and a little embarrassed but not now.

  It doesn’t bother me one bit. Actually, it feels empowering. I feel free, and I like it, so I sit up a little straighter, giving my husband—and the guys—a better view of my rack.

  “Shawn, I dare you to go down on my wife for as long as you can without making her cum.”


  I can’t believe he just dared him to do that. This is way bigger than a kiss.

  Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he finishes the last of his beer, he smashes the can and tosses it into the fire while he makes his way over to me.

  “With pleasure,” he grins.

  Just like my husband did earlier, Shawn drops to his knees in the sandy dirt between my legs.

  “I’m going to need to remove these,” he looks up at Tom. “Unlike your husband earlier, I’m going to be a while because this won’t be just a kiss.”

  His fin
gers hook around the thin fabric of my bikini bottoms, and he begins sliding them down my body. I lift my ass off the seat of the bench, allowing him to remove them completely as he finishes pulling them off around my ankles.

  “Open up, beautiful,” he says, pulling my knees apart.

  He doesn’t have to pull very hard because I let them drop to the sides and open right up for him. Looking over at my husband, I can see that he’s watching intently.

  “I’ll try not to make her come, but no promises,” he smiles, then his face disappears into my wetness.

  I can’t believe my husband is going to let another man touch me, become intimate with me. Watching was always one thing but actually acting on it? That’s entirely different.

  But at the same time, I can’t help but want it. I mean, I’ve been practically naked in front of them all night, and all of them have been staring at me.

  I’d be a liar if I said I hadn’t already had a few dirty thoughts myself.

  “Ohhh,” I moan out as his tongue slowly circles my button.

  This is a man who knows exactly what he’s doing. As hot as he is, it shouldn’t surprise me that he’d be an expert at eating pussy, but damn he’s good!

  Dare I say, maybe even as good as my husband?

  I feel guilty for thinking that, but I can’t help it. This man could melt steel with his tongue as hot as he is at eating pussy. For some reason—maybe because I have my husband’s approval—I don’t feel guilty at all.

  Enjoying the sensation of another man’s mouth, I go with it and let him do whatever he wants to me. Maybe Tom’s just in a mood, maybe it’ll never happen again. Whatever the reason for tonight, I’m not complaining one bit.

  I let my head drop back and bathe in the moonlight and warm glow of the fire as he continues lapping up my juices. I’m almost ashamed of how wet I am for this man, but I’m not. I know that I should be because this man isn’t my husband.

  In fact, he’s a perfect stranger. Other than knowing his name is Shawn—if that’s his real name—I don’t have a clue what his last name is or where he’s from or anything.


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