Book Read Free

Only in Vegas

Page 4

by Lindsey Brookes

  “I still don’t see what the problem is. You’re single. Angie’s single. You’re both adults. Do the deed, Trey. Maybe those lessons will lead to sex. If so, good for you both. Who knows, it might even end up being a real love affair.”

  “Angel’s like my sister.”

  “No blood there,” she countered.

  Trey dropped down into his chair again and rolled his eyes. “You’re a hell of a lot of help.”

  “Sorry, but I just can’t see why this is such a big deal. It’s not like Angie’s the ugliest woman God ever put on this earth.”

  Far from it. Angel turned heads. His included, though he’d never allowed himself to act on it. “She’s looking for the big ‘O’.”

  Kathy laughed again. “What woman isn’t?”

  “Look, forget I asked.”

  Trey stood and walked over to his desk where he dug through the drawers for the phone book. He had dinner reservations to make.

  “Come on, Trey, you know I would do almost anything for you,” she said, somewhat apologetically. “But I can’t help with this. In case it’s slipped your mind, I don’t exactly have the right equipment for the job.”

  “There isn’t going to be any sex.” Who was he trying to convince? His sister or himself? “The lessons are going to be verbal and nothing more.”

  “So you say.”

  He ground his teeth, feeling both frustrated and irritated. “Angel and her hare-brained schemes. What’s with the sudden urgency to discover her sexual side anyway?”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. Angie’s almost twenty-seven, and this isn’t the dark ages.”

  “Your point is?”

  “I’m getting to it. Geez, since when did you become so impatient?”

  Since Angel had pushed him over the edge mentally. “Kathy…” he grumbled.

  “Fine. My point is that women are allowed to be just as sexual as men. And looking for Mr. Right is like shopping for shoes. You have to try them out to make sure they’re going to be a comfortable fit.”

  “For crying out loud,” Trey exclaimed, effectively cutting his sister off. “Don’t say another word. I prefer to be spared the details of my sister’s sex life if you don’t mind.”

  “You weren’t going to get any. I was merely trying to point out that it’s not just men who are allowed to try out the merchandise before they buy it. You’ve certainly done your share of shopping.”

  Even if he had shopped, he wasn’t about to discuss that with his sister. “Kath—”

  “Ooh, will you look at the time. Gotta run. Have fun in Vegas and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Trey was about to tell her he didn’t plan on doing anything, but didn’t get the chance to before his sister was gone and the line went dead.


  He was really going to do it.

  Angie’s pulse skittered at the thought. Trey had agreed to help her in the sex department and he was a man of his word. There was no doubt in her mind that she could count on him.

  Angie plucked another chocolate kiss from the bag, needing the sugar fix it promised. Peeling away the foil wrapper, she popped it into her mouth and continued leafing through brochures she had picked up the last time she was in Vegas. That trip had been strictly business. This one would include both revenge - showing Rick what he gave up, and pleasure - having fun with her best friend while getting a much needed lesson in seduction.

  Her gaze drifted down the brochure he held in her hand, pausing on an advertisement that read: LAS VEGAS IS FOR LOVERS. She and Trey weren’t lovers, they would just be pretending. But what if…

  The very thought of it sent her stomach into a whirl of anxiety prompted flutters. Rules were made to be broken, right? And that would definitely mean breaking her rule number one, sleeping with her best friend.

  But that wasn’t going to happen. Angie shook the thought from her head. She and Trey were friends. He had no interest in her that way. She wasn’t the type of woman he dated and had long ago given up on her fantasy of him thinking of her as anything other than a good friend. If that was all she could have, she’d take it. His was a friendship she wouldn’t trade for the world.

  Tossing the brochure onto the counter, Angie headed to the bedroom to start packing. Thanks to Cindy, Trey’s travel arrangements had been taken care of. She had booked him on the same outbound and return flight Angel was scheduled on, leaving Pittsburgh at 7:25 the following morning. As for another room, they didn’t need it. Not if they were going to convince Rick they were having a hot fling.

  Angie took a break from packing to change for dinner. All the while her stomach fluttered in anticipation of things to come. It was time to take that next big step in her life. Make the jump. Step into the fire. Open the gate to her femininity. Find out what it takes to be sexy in a man’s eyes. Nothing to it, right?

  Then why was she so nervous?

  Maybe because she was having second thoughts. No, not just second. Try third, fourth and fifth. What if there was no hope of bringing out her sexy side?

  Angie stared at her reflection in the mirror. She didn’t want Trey to think her a failure. Maybe it was a good thing they weren’t really going to have sex. She would never forgive herself if her unsexiness made it impossible for Trey to get turned on. She subscribed to Cosmo. She knew how something like that could affect a man.

  “Stop worrying over nothing,” Angie scolded herself. Trey was safe. They weren’t going to be having sex. Even if they did, men like Trey were far too virile to ever experience limp noodle syndrome.

  She groaned. What was wrong with her? All she’d been able to think about since that kiss in her bedroom was Trey and sex. Sex they wouldn’t even be having.

  She made her way into the bathroom and filled a small quilted make-up bag with the necessities, mascara, lipstick, an eyelash curler and a small compact of powder. Zipping it shut, she deposited it into her matching floral carry-on. Her hairbrush followed along with some other toiletries. Last, but not least, was a bottle of her favorite strawberries and cream bubble bath. She never traveled without it.

  Baths helped her to relax and she had a feeling she would be needing a lot of bubble baths to help her unwind in Vegas with Trey giving her sexual tutoring sessions. Just the anticipation of it had her feeling anxious, but she was determined to come back to Pittsburgh a new woman. How could she not with him helping her?

  Since she had no romantic notions where she and Trey were concerned, their arrangement was perfect. Not to mention it was bound to improve her odds of experiencing the big “O” in this lifetime. She was determined to face her sexual ineptness and take matters into her own hands. If things went the way she hoped, she could become the kind of woman who turned men’s heads. Confident and eluding sex appeal. Just like the women Trey dated.

  Living across from Trey, she had seen her share of what he playfully referred to as ‘hot dates’ coming out of his apartment the morning after. Their thoroughly sated expressions, making Angie ache to know that feeling.

  The bedroom phone rang out, drawing Angie from her thoughts. She raced from the bathroom to answer it.


  “Hey, Ange,” Kathy greeted from the other end of the line. “What’s up? Or maybe that should be who’s going to be up?”

  Angie gasped. “He told you?”

  “I made him.”

  She didn’t have to see Kathy’s face to know she was grinning from ear to ear. Angie settled onto a chair at the breakfast bar. “How? You’re in Chicago.”

  “Simple. I answered my phone.”

  “Come again.”

  “Never mind all that. I’ve got another meeting in five minutes. I just called to say that I’m glad you finally saw what you’ve been overlooking for years.”

  “And that is?”

  “My brother.”

  “It’s not like that,” she attempted to explain, the butterflies returning to her stomach with a vengeance. “Trey and I are just really close

  “And soon to be closer,” her best friend was quick to point out.

  “Your brother’s giving me a few tips from a man’s point of view and pretending to be my lover as a favor to me. Nothing more.”

  “So you say.”

  “Why? What did Trey tell you?”

  “Same thing you did, but one thing can lead to another if you’re not careful.”

  Angie eyed the suitcase on her bed. “Not in this case.”

  Kathy responded with laughter. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Hmm, my brother the red hot lover.”

  “If his going with me is going to be a problem…”

  “Are you kidding? I’m thrilled. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’d always hoped you two would get together.”

  Angie let out a sigh of frustration. Kathy had this all wrong. What on earth had Trey told her? “Your brother and I aren’t getting together. At least, not in the way you mean. He’s—”

  “I know. Performing stud service.”


  “He’s not?”

  “Okay, sort of.”

  “Care to explain how my brother is supposed to ‘sort of’ perform stud service for you?”

  She didn’t have to see Kathy’s face to know she was grinning. Angie heard it in her voice.

  “Basically, I need a stud and your brother is that. And as for the service part, it’s not what you’re thinking. Just a little hot and heavy lip action to make Rick think Trey is my lover. Throw a little sexual instruction into the mix and that’s the deal.”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  “I have to do this, Kathy. I’m tired of living a sexless life.”

  “Can’t say that I blame you there. We’re young and single and living without sex is…well, it’s…”


  Her friend’s laughter reverberated in the receiver. “That’s getting right to the point. I was thinking more along the line of a waste.”

  “Same thing.”

  “Let’s face it, Angie, the older we get the more our bodies change. And I’m not talking good changes. Sagging butts and drooping boobs. Wrinkles. Rolls. You name it. I say use it while you still have it in all the right places.”

  Oh, how she loved Kathy’s blatantly honest, yet humorous, perspective on life. “If I wasn’t convinced I was doing the right thing before, I am now. I certainly don’t want to wait so long to go to bed with a guy again that I’ll be worrying the whole time about him getting tangled up in my sagging breasts.”

  A loud snort erupted from the phone, followed by more laughter. “Angie, you’re killing me here. And I’m not wearing my waterproof mascara, so cut it out.”

  “You started it,” she said with a grin. “I just hope your brother can help rid me of my sexual dysfunction.”

  “You’re too hard on yourself.”

  “You sound like Trey.”

  “Well, he’s right. The problem isn’t in your ability to attract a man. With your dark, sultry looks you could have your choice of eligible men. It’s about finding the right man.”

  Angie rolled her eyes. First Cindy. Now Kathy. “I’m not anything close to sultry.”

  “Tell that to the men who have permanent kinks in their necks from watching you walk past. Trey included.”

  “Trey?” Why wasn’t she aware of this? Probably because it was most likely an exaggeration on her friend’s part. Kathy had a tendency to do that. “I think you’ve had one too many dinner cocktails in between meetings.”

  “Nope. Club sodas with lime. Now go to Vegas, get laid, and have fun.”

  “I’m not getting laid. Just pretending to.” What was it going to take to get that through Kathy’s head? “And I promise it won’t interfere with work. I have it all planned out.”

  “I’m not worried about your touring the hotels. You’ve been to Vegas before. I’m just sorry you got stuck with Rick on this trip. The jerk. Just go and have a good time with my brother - pretending.”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Okay, now despite the fact that you aren’t planning to have sex with my brother in Vegas, I’m still going to give you a quick tip before I shoot back into my meeting. Having grown up sex is like eating chocolate. You can do it slow or fast. Little by little, or all at once. And once you’ve tasted it, you’re hooked. I mean, think about it, have you ever been able to have just one bite of chocolate?”

  “No.” The foil wrappers lying in on the breakfast bar were proof of that.

  “Well, sex is no different. Hang on a sec.” Muffled conversation sounded at the other end of the line. A few moments later, Kathy returned. “Sorry to have to cut out on you, but I just got word my meeting’s about to start. I’ve gotta run. Have fun in Vegas!” The hum of the dial tone replaced Kathy on the line.

  Angie returned the phone to its cradle then dropped back onto the bed with a grin. “Chocolate, huh?”


  The restaurant Trey had made reservations at that evening sat atop Mt. Washington, overlooking Three Rivers and the beautifully lit city of Pittsburgh. It was a vast improvement from the burger joints Rick had always taken her to on their dates.

  Thankfully, the outfit she had chosen to wear that night could go either casual or dressy. Fitted black jeans and matching pumps. A shimmery pink tank top partially hidden beneath the black leather jacket that she’d worn to keep her warm on that slightly cool fall night.

  While her attire was acceptable, Trey looked as though he had stepped right out of the pages of GQ magazine. Pleated charcoal pants and a black cotton dress shirt left open at the collar did more than compliment his lean six foot something frame.

  Her gaze moved upward to his handsome face. His chestnut hair, streaked by the summer sun, was combed back, curling at the base of his open collar.

  She leaned closer to him, taking in his scent. He smelled wonderful. His aftershave of choice, one she knew quite well, Paul Sebastian, was woodsy with a subtle hint of Jasmine. She should know. She’d bought it for him every Christmas since moving into the apartment across from his.

  “Everything okay?”

  Angie’s gaze snapped up to meet his and she was forced to reel in her tongue. While she had always considered Trey good looking, tonight she found herself noticing just how good looking he really was.

  Better than chocolate.


  She smiled. “I’m fine.”

  That is, if one didn’t count being a late bloomer whose sex-drive seemed to finally be kicking into gear.

  “You sure?”

  “I just wish I had known we were coming here,” she said, looking down at her outfit. Trey had called her cell with the change of destination right after she’d left her apartment to meet him. “I would have worn something more appropriate.”

  His gaze did a slow sweep over her. “Stop worrying. You look great.”

  There was no time to change her mind and ask Trey to take her elsewhere as the hostess greeted them. “Smoking or non-smoking?”

  “Non,” Trey replied. “We have reservations for two under Landers. Window seating.”

  The woman checked her book then smiled at them. “I see it right here.” She glanced across the room. “Your table is ready. Follow me.”

  Grabbing two menus, the hostess led them across the candlelit dining room to a table next to the wall of windows that overlooked the city below. After handing them their menus and telling them their waitress would be right with them, she left to seat another couple who had just arrived.

  “See, Angel,” Trey whispered against her ear as he helped her into her chair, “she didn’t say one word about your inappropriate state of dress.”

  A shudder moved through her as his lips brushed against the sensitive lobe of her ear. “Trey,” she said, pushing him away.

  He chuckled. “Just kidding.”

  She knew that. “Face it. The only reason she didn’t notice what I was wearing was because she was too busy check
ing you out.”


  She rolled her eyes as she shrugged out of her jacket, hanging it over the back of her seat. “As if you didn’t notice.”

  He rounded the table then took his place across from her. “Why would I when I’m with the sexiest woman in the place?”

  She shook her head. “I swear you must have been Irish in another life.”

  Trey gave a husky laugh as he reached for his dinner napkin. “Why’s that?”

  “Because you’re so full of blarney.”

  “Call it what you will,” he said as he unfolded the linen dinner napkin and lowered it onto his lap. “A man’s entitled to his opinion.”

  Angie’s gaze moved past him, taking in the view of the city at the foot of Mount Washington. Towering skyscrapers and lines of rushing traffic lit the night. As did the boats that were gliding up and down the three rivers past Point State Park where the city’s famous fountain located at the water’s edge shot a spray of colorful water one hundred and fifty feet up into the air.

  “The view here is breathtaking,” she said with an appreciative sigh. She’d never tire of seeing the city at night.

  “I have to agree,” Trey replied, his voice low and laced with a sexy huskiness that made her pulse race.

  Angie laughed softly. “You haven’t even looked out the window yet.” She watched a slow smile move across his face, one that warmed her from the inside out.

  “I wasn’t referring to the city.”

  It didn’t matter that she had grown up with Trey’s teasing jests most of her life, his compliment tonight had her practically squirming in her chair.

  “Angelina Rossi at a loss for words?” Trey teased. “Now that’s a first.”

  “Me at a loss for words?” She laughed. “Only in your dreams.”

  “Every night.”

  She reached for the tented napkin on the plate in front of her and draped it across her lap. Then she grabbed for the menu, raising it in front of her face in an effort to hide the telltale color in her cheeks. Color brought on not only by Trey’s flattery, but by thought of being a part of his dreams. Dreams that took place in his bed. She’d like to be a part of other things that took place in Trey’s bed.


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