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Only in Vegas

Page 13

by Lindsey Brookes

  Another trip to the casino wasn’t likely to happen. She had other plans for them that evening. Angel nestled closer, whispering in his ear, “You know, you can always show me how grateful you are for my wonderful suggestion when we get back to the hotel.”

  He gave a husky chuckle. “Count on it, Angel.”

  She smiled as a shudder of anticipation moved through her. “I am.”

  “Of course, that’s just as long as all this excitement hasn’t worn me out.”

  “As if anything wears you out,” she replied with a playful nibble at his ear.

  “Careful, Angel,” came his husky warning. “Or this helicopter won’t be the only thing that’s up in the air.”

  Warmth rushed to her cheeks, but the majority of the heat pooled between her legs. She shifted restlessly in her seat.

  “Don’t say things like that?”

  He grinned. “What’s wrong, Angel? Getting turned on?”

  He had no idea. She looked around, thankful that where she and Trey had opted to forego the supplied headsets and just enjoy the view, the other passengers had chosen to wear theirs and hadn’t heard Trey’s last comment. They were too preoccupied with the aerial tour being given of the famed canyon.

  “You know,” she said, despite the headphones, keeping her voice low, “if all men were like you, the makers of Viagra would go out of business.”

  He tipped his head to nuzzle her neck. “Keep it up, Angel. Flattery will get you everywhere.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know.” It was a good thing the helicopter was air-conditioned. Her temperature was another thing that was rising.

  Trey nodded in the direction of the pilot. “You think if we tipped him big enough he’d turn this thing around and fly us straight back to our hotel?”

  Angie laughed softly. “I highly doubt it. Now behave and enjoy the view.”

  “I thought I was.” He winked at her and then turned back toward the window.

  This new relationship they’d formed was so incredible. How would she ever be able give it up once they returned to Pittsburgh and stay sane in the process?

  It was simple. She’d do it because she loved him.


  Trey reached for the bottle of wine room service had just delivered. He and Angel had decided to spend their last night alone in their suite. Fine by him. He welcomed any time he could spend alone with Angel.

  This trip to Vegas had changed everything. His thoughts. His wants. His needs. And he’d discovered that what he needed was Angel.

  He would find a way to make things work between them. All he had to do was be patient. Once they returned to Pittsburgh, he fully intended to prove to Angel that he was definitely the right man at the right time.

  “How about another walk on the wild side?” he suggested with a grin as he filled their glasses.

  Angel turned away from the window, her expression one of surprise. “You must be kidding. After what happened to you my last walk on the wild side?”

  He chuckled as he set the wine bottle back into the ice filled cooler. “I’m only slightly traumatized from that encounter. Besides, what I have in mind really isn’t all that wild. So what do you say?”

  “I’m game as long as it doesn’t include an angry hotel maid wielding a feather duster.”

  Trey laughed as he carried their wine glasses over to where she stood. “The poor woman will probably need years of therapy to get over that one.”

  Angel’s laughter joined his. “I’m more inclined to believe you’ve merely succeeded in upping the level of her fantasies. I know you’ve raised mine.”

  “Mmm, have I now?” He moved closer.

  “You have no idea.”

  “I assure you, Angel, what I have in mind doesn’t include hotel housekeeping.” He held her glass out to her. “That is, unless I can interest you in dressing up like a French maid and running feathers over my naked body. I’m more than willing to give that a try.”

  “Hmm…” Those beautiful brown eyes of hers studied him over the rim of her glass as Angel sipped at her wine.

  He could almost see the wheels turning. “Hmm, what? What’s going on in that head of yours?”

  Angel stepped up to him, running her finger down the open collar of his navy blue polo shirt. “I’m wondering how hard it would be to swipe a housekeeping outfit in this place.”

  Trey set his glass down on the corner of the Jacuzzi, then began to unbutton her shirt.

  She looked down. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m keeping you out of jail.” Trey removed the wine glass from her hand and set it down next to his. “Stealing housekeeping uniforms is against the law.”

  “Is that so?” She looked up at him in silent invitation and desire shot through him.

  He nodded his reply and continued on to the next button.

  “So taking my clothes off prevents this crime how?”

  The sexy tone of her voice urged him on. As soon as he’d finished unbuttoning her shirt, Trey moved further down to her shorts, deftly working them open.

  “Because,” he explained, “even a wild woman like you isn’t going to walk the halls of the Luxor naked.”

  “Wanna bet?” she said as she unhooked the front clasp of her bra, smiling as it followed her shirt to the floor. “I’d do it if it meant getting one of those little housekeeping uniforms you’re so fond of.”

  And she would, too. For him. He knew that. But his desire had nothing to do with the clothes and everything to do with the person who would be wearing them.

  Trey reached past her to turn the water on in the Jacuzzi, his mouth moving over her bare flesh as he did so. “Give it up, Angel. I’m going to be keeping you way too busy to even think about a uniform heist.”

  “It’s already forgotten,” she said in a breathy whisper as she stepped out of her shorts.


  Trey lowered his head to a rosy peak, eagerly taking the extended nub into his awaiting mouth as his hands moved down her bare back to the sheer lace panties she still wore. He suckled just hard enough to elicit a moan from Angel and then shifted his attention to the other.

  Her head dropped back with a surrendering sigh. Her fingers threaded through his hair, urging him on.

  He continued pleasuring her with his mouth while his thumbs slipped beneath the elastic of her panties to drag them down over her shapely hips.

  “Mmm…nice,” he murmured against her flesh as he ran his hands over the sexy curve of her bottom.

  “Glad you approve,” she said, closing her eyes.

  He brought her up against him, her hips cradling his erection. “Oh, I approve all right.”

  Catching her face between his hands, he lowered his mouth to hers. She tasted faintly of peppermint, her favorite sweet. One that was quickly becoming his as well. His tongue swept the inner recess of her mouth, hungrily twining with hers.

  Angel tunneled her fingers through his hair, eagerly deepening the kiss. Her body molded to his, writhed against his, adding even more fuel to the sexual fire that had ignited between them.

  He groaned as he reached between them to stroke her, finding her body damp with desire.

  She whimpered softly and bucked against his hand.

  “God, Angel.”

  Her dark lashes fluttered open and she looked up at him, her eyes glazed over with unrestrained passion. “I need to touch you. Now.”

  He pulled his hand away and reached for hers, placing it over the tented front of his pants. “Then touch me. I’m all yours.”

  Her slender fingers worked feverishly to undo his fly, succeeding rather quickly.

  “You’re becoming a pro at undressing me,” he said huskily.

  She looked up at him with that sexy smile of hers he’d come to know so well. “Practice makes perfect.”

  And they’d had a whole hell of a lot of that this week, Trey thought with a smile as she rid him of the rest of his clothes. His groan filled the room as Ange
l sank to her knees and took his straining cock in her mouth.

  They hadn’t practiced this.

  Angel had offered to take him in her mouth the first night they’d made love, but his need to be inside her had been too great. And that urgency hadn’t lessened any no matter how many times they’d made love since.

  This time it was his fingers that were tunneling into and fisting in her hair, her name no more than a hoarse whisper on his lips.

  Her mouth worked him the way her body had when he’d made love to her. Hot and damp. Pushing him toward the brink of sanity. The pleasure she offered was like nothing he’d ever experienced. Not even in his wildest dreams.

  Trey had no choice but to pull away. “Angel, you have to stop.”

  She looked up at him, her brown eyes questioning. “If you tell me how−”

  “I don’t have to tell you anything, Angel. You’re already driving me mad.”

  “Then why did you stop me?”

  “A man can only take so much before he’s pushed over the edge,” he explained, helping her to her feet. “I’m clinging to that edge right now.”

  A slow smile moved across her face.

  “Come on,” he said, guiding her into the oversized tub.

  “Should we close the curtains?” Angel asked as she sank into the steaming water.

  “No one can see in here,” he assured her as he stepped into the tub behind her. The view from the window of their suite at night was nearly as breathtaking as the woman he was about to make love to.

  He turned off the water and then turned on the jets before lowering himself into the water. He drew Angel back between his parted thighs, wrapping his arms around her narrow waist as she reclined against him. Her mahogany curls floated in the water around them and clung to his shoulders.

  “I love the way you feel in my arms,” he said, running his lips along her neck.

  Angel tipped her head back, giving him access to the tender flesh he sought. “And I love being in your arms.”

  His mouth covered hers while his hands cupped her breasts, loving them as he would love all her body before the night was through.



  Her bare bottom wriggled against his pressing erection, torturing him unmercifully.

  “I can’t believe this is our last night together,” Angel said between heated kisses.

  “It won’t be our last,” Trey assured her as his hand eased down the smooth, wet flesh of her stomach.

  Her reply was no more than a whimper as his fingers found their way to the center of her need. She was lost to Trey’s touch. Her legs parted to press against his muscular thighs and her hips lifted.

  “Trey…” she gasped. The pulsing water of the whirlpool only served to heighten her body’s sensitivity to his every stroke.

  “Don’t fight it, Angel,” he said hoarsely. “I want to take you over the edge.”

  His words had her body trembling. She grasped the tops of his thighs, her nails digging into his flesh. There was no edge left for her to cling to. Trey had seen to that.

  Another leisurely stroke and then he thrust his finger deep inside her. She cried out, shuddering wildly as her body gave in to the pleasure.

  “Oh,” she said with a sigh as her bottom settled back into place. “Wow.”

  He chuckled softly. “Must have been the bubbles.”

  “Must have,” Angie replied with a grin as she regained her composure. Then she turned to straddle his lap, needing more. Needing Trey inside her.

  “Can you reach my pants?” he asked, inclining his head toward the side of the tub where they lay.

  “I think so.” She reached for them, dragging them up the side of the Jacuzzi. She knew what he wanted. Pulling the foil packet from the back pocket of his pants, protection they had finally seen to, she tossed them back onto the floor.

  Even though timing-wise they should have been safe enough, they had decided that it was better to be safe than sorry. Not that she’d ever be sorry if she found herself pregnant with Trey’s child.

  She held the packet up for him to see. “I hope these things are bubble proof.”

  He reached for the packet and eased up onto the back ledge of the tub. “Only one way to find out.”

  “Need any help?”

  “I think I’ve got it covered,” he replied with a wink, then slid back into the rippling water. Catching her by the waist, he turned her toward him.

  Their eyes met as she moved to straddle him. Her heart skipped a beat as he looked up at her, because it wasn’t just heat and hunger she saw in his eyes. There was something more. Something deeper.

  But there was no more time to decipher what it was she might have seen there as Trey clasped her hips and thrust into her, joining them with a drawn out groan.

  She clutched at his broad shoulders as she moved against him, growing mindless with need.

  “I love you, Angel.”

  It took a moment for the words of that husky whisper to penetrate her passion dazed mind. He loved her. She’d heard those words before, exchanged between them as friends. This was different.

  Or was it? Was she only wishful thinking? Was great sex and her growing feelings for Trey causing her to imagine emotions that weren’t really there for him? Another look in those incredible blue eyes and her doubts fled.

  “I love you, too,” she said. More than she ever thought was possible to love another person. Now it was up to Trey to decide where ‘they’ fit into his future.


  Trey walked back to where she sat waiting for him at the gate. “Apparently it’s mechanical problems. It’s going to be at least an hour delay.”

  “An hour,” Angie groaned and closed her eyes. She’d never make it. “I need a bed.”

  He laughed. “Sorry, Angel, I can’t help you there. I can, however, offer you my shoulder or some coffee. Either of those work for you?”

  She forced her tired eyes open. “Can I have both?”

  Trey chuckled. “Give me that little pout you always make and I’ll give you anything you want.”

  She wanted him. Did that count?

  “I’m too tired to pout. I think I’d better go with the coffee.”

  “Want me to carry you to the coffee shop?” he teased, giving her curls a playful tug.

  How he was able to function at all was beyond her. They had barely slept a wink the night before. In fact, sleep was something neither of them had gotten a whole lot of since coming to Vegas. Not that she was complaining. Making love with Trey had been well worth the sacrifice.

  She smiled up at him as she pushed out of the chair she’d been sitting in. “As tempting as your offer is, I think I’ll give my legs a try.”

  He reached for her hand and walked with her out to the concourse. “I saw a little coffee shop on our way to the gate. We can grab a cup there.”

  “How can you be so wide awake?” she asked as they stepped into the flow of the scurrying travelers.

  “I’m like the Energizer Bunny, remember?” he replied with a quick wink.

  Oh, he didn’t have to remind her of that. The man kept on going and going and going. Her cheeks warmed at the memory of Trey’s extensive lovemaking abilities. She hadn’t been exaggerating when she’d told him he that had ruined her for any other man.

  The coffee shop appeared to be filled to capacity when they arrived. She looked around the crowded room. “See any empty tables?” It wasn’t Starbucks, but at this point she didn’t care. She needed caffeine.

  Trey frowned as he scanned the sitting area. “Not a one.” He turned to Angie. “What do you say we get our coffee ‘to go’ and take it back to the gate waiting area with us? That way you can have both your wishes granted, coffee to drink and my shoulder to rest your head on.”

  “An offer I can’t refuse.”

  “I’ll go order,” Trey said. “What’ll you have?”

  She glanced toward the menu that hung over the distant counter. “A
nything with caffeine. Large preferably.”


  A few minutes later, Trey returned with their order, handing Angie hers. “One large coffee, leaded.”

  “My hero.”

  Coffee in hand, they made their way back to their gate where other passengers were milling about; several of them checking their watches impatiently as they awaited the announcement to begin boarding.

  Angie settled into a chair, refusing to check her watch. She was nowhere near ready to leave Las Vegas and return to Pittsburgh.

  Trey had no sooner taken the seat next to hers when his cell phone went off. He glanced down at it, then back to her with an apologetic smile. “I’ve got to take this. It’s the office.”

  Angie laughed softly. “Back to reality.”

  He nodded. “Guess it had to happen sooner or later. I’m going to take this call somewhere a little quieter. Be back in a few.”

  She watched him go, her smile fading. Back to reality… What exactly would that bring for her? For them? Angie eased back in the seat and brought the steaming cup of coffee to her mouth, blowing on it lightly as she reached for a discarded newspaper on the seat next to her.

  Current events had been the last thing on her and Trey’s minds that week. She had no idea what was going on out in the real world. Angie shook the paper open and skimmed the front page.


  She looked up, glancing over top the newspaper to find her ex watching her from the other side of the half-wall that separated the gate waiting area from the concourse.


  “Hey.” He flashed her that toothy smile she used to find irresistible. Used to being the key phrase here. That smile did nothing for her now.

  Returning the paper to the empty seat beside her, she set her cup of coffee on the floor by her feet and stood.

  “Don’t get up,” he said. “I’ll come around.”

  The last thing she wanted was for Rick to come sit with her. She preferred to head him off at the pass. “It’s all right,” she assured him as she made her way around the dividing wall to talk to him. “I need to stretch my legs anyway. What are you doing here?”


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